Aluminum Leg Bands Introduction PROMPT SERVICE. HIGH QUALITY ORDER 1985 BANDS to the Coded Parakeet Closed Bands. Regular Initial Type Bands, not coded, in choice of colors, open or closed. Psittacula Family Plastic Family Identification Bands for keets or canary, choice of colors. (Asian parakeets) .. Leg Band Cutters. Bird Claw Scissors. SEND SELF-ADDRESSED STAMPED ENVELOPE FOR COMPLETE PRICE LIST. by Fred & Lyrae Perry RED BIRD Corona, California PRODUCTS, INC. 2786 Fruitridge Road P.O. Box 20004 (Dept. A.F.A.) Sacramento, CA. 95820 The Psittacula family is commonly The courtship displays are all quite referred to as the Asian parakeets, and similar and are very interesting to comprise some of the most elegantly watch. Having a "headache" most of dressed birds of the psittacines. Their the year, the hens rule the roost, with range is throughout India, Southern the males showing goodsense andstay­ Asia, Indonesia, parts of Africa, and ing out of the way, for the hens are not c.L.O. nestling and conditioning Malaysia. They are forest dwellers as a to be trifled with and have on occasion food for budgies. canaries, finches. rule, but some do prefer the semi-open been known to kill. With the advent of CANARY FORTIFIER WITH EGG countryat theedges offorests. They are the breeding season, and consequent BUDGIE FORTIFIER WITH EGG known to eat various fruits, seeds, change in attitude on the part of the GREENSTUFF - dried greens legumes, berries, blossoms and "bugs" females, the males work up the courage BEFKIN - with insects UNIVERSAL FOOD - rich in fruits endemic to their areas. They are to approach, display, feed, and finally however, opportunistic, andsoonlearn mate with the hens. to take advantage of cultivated crops Inourbreeding operationweuse two FEED & SEED CENTER and orchards. They all have the long sizes of nest boxes. They are both the 4549-151. Augustine Rd. Jacksonville. Fla. 32207 gradated tail, characteristic of "grandfather clock" style. For the ma­ Telephone (904) 731-4422 parakeets. jorityofAsianparakeets, a9" x9" x24" These birds make very pleasant deep box is used. For larger parakeets, Persons living outside the aviary subjects, and are generally very suchad Derbyans andAlexandrines, we southeast or not near our dealers prolific breeders as well. The breeding use a 12" x 12" x 24", or 30" deep box. can call or write for more informa­ and maintenance of these birds is not tion. send self-addressed stamped The sizes may seemsmall to some, but it envelope. much different from one family has beenourexperiencethat thesmaller member to the next. The care needed is boxis morereadilyaccepted, andis ade­ basically the same as for other tropical quate to hold even a large clutch of andsub-tropical birds. Almost everyone babies. Walnut Acres who has everhadbirds has encountered Inapproximately twotothreeweeks, or kept at least one member of this two to six eggs are laid (depending on Aviaries beautiful family. Very few aviculturists, species) at intervals of one about every breeding though, are aware that the Psittacula otherday. Incubationis startedwith the family comprises so many members. laying of the second egg. If the parents .. Toucans, Toucanettes, There is a fair amount ofdiversity in the are given an adequate supply of soft Cockatoos, Macaws, color patterns, which canbe somewhat foods, they are all excellentparents, and Eclectus, African greys, misleading, but closer examination will generally raise the whole clutch Australian Parakeets, reveals only slight differences, and af­ without difficulty. There are those who PaTTots, andFinches firms taxonomic classifications. Inaddi­ successfully raise babies on a diet tion, the personality traits, courtship limited to seed, but a greater success Call or write for price list. displays, etc., of each are only slightly and consistency can be obtained with a Jerry Jennings different. more varied diet. (818) The Asian parakeets are spring breeders, and the breeding season 884-5476 usually starts with the ringnecks and Indian Ringnecked Parakeet P.O. Box 6393 Alexandrines in late January and early The most familiar and prolific Woodland Hills February. The rest ofthe family follows CA 91365 member of the Psittacula family is the Visitors by suit through the spring, culminating Indianringneck. Theyareinhabitants of Appointment On,l withtheMalabars inlateMarch orApril. India, the Middle East and Singapore, BIRD Hanes Tee-Shirts SHIRT 50% Cotton, 50% Polyester Small, Medium, Large & Extra-Large. Children's sizes also available. COLORS: Beige or Light Blue "Silk-Screened" for long life. and are somewhat larger than a PRICE: cockatiel. The body color is a beautiful $7.50 plus $1.50 for shipping. shade ofgreen. Males have a black chin Florida residents please add 5 % sales tax. and neck ring below which is a rose­ pink collar. They are sometimes refer­ Retailers - Wholesale inquiries welcome. red to as the "rose-ringed parakeet." Hens lack the neck rings altogether. EDWARD F. PALMER The bird we commonly refer toas the Telephone (305) 565-0249 Indian ringneck is really one of two subspecies: P.k. borealis, which occurs P.o. Box 14754, Dept. 84-1, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33302 throughout Northern India along the Himalayan foothills, andparts ofNepal, Burma, and West Pakistan, or P.k. manillensis, which has a slightly more restricted range through the Indian We cater to breeders peninsula, Sri Lanka (formerly Ceylon), New birds arrive weekly. and was introduced in Singapore many Now: tame and talking Yellow Napes, and years ago. Bothofthese subspecies have been introduced to various other islands as well. f~p.djr~S·lllIII·""" .~4i"'''' For the beginner, looking for his first pin pair of''realbirds" , the Indianringneck is hard tobeat. Itis easilybred, andis ex­ Subsidiary of Birds & Research tremely hardy. Itis the perfect 'step-up' BUY SELL TRADE from cockatiels and budgies. For the more adventuresome (andsol­ AMAZONS MACAWS COCKATOOS Blue fronted Severe Moluccan vent), there are color varieties and new Red head Yellow collared Citron mutations on the horizon enough to Yellow headed Blue & gold Umbrella satisfy anyone. At the present, some of Red lored "Scarlet Lesser sulfur-crested the color mutations (in approximate Yellow napes "Hyacinth Green wings LORIES order of availability) are, first, lutinos, FINCHES Blue streaked which are a gorgeous yellow; powder Many varieties, COCKATIELS Black blue, true albinos (all white), olive or call for information Pied Red Moluccan grey-greens, cinnamons, and various and quantity price. Normal Rainbow Chattering and many more types of pieds. There are also "splits" 'SPECIALTIES Call for our monthly specials. available, which are not usually as ex­ Write or call for up-to-date price list. pensive as the birds which display the color mutation. A "split" is a bird that Breeding age adults and babies available. Consultations on breeding, and building aviaries. carries a gene coded to produce a color mutationinits offspringbut whichdoes JOE EMGE not display that particular color itself. 1552 E. CONCORD, ORANGE, CA 92667 Splits offer those with limited pocket­ (714) 998·1445 books an opportunityto acquire a color CALL FOR APPOINTMENT. mutation at a fairly reasonable cost. Continues on page 26 23 AVIAN EXPRESS MEMBERS Harold Macaw 7953278 007 Amazon Way Expires Finch, California 00/00/00 010048 © Avian Express, Corp., 1984 (membership card) Savings to 90% Quality Brand Name • Seed & Mixes • Vitamins • Medicines • Crocks • Cages • Toys • Books • Art • Aviary Supplies • Accessories Wholesale Prices to the Public!! Delivered Right to Your Door!! Friendly - FAST - Efficient Avian Express sells at wholesale prices by banding together thousands of .. singular purchasers (like yourself) into one powerful group; giving each of you Wholesale Purchasing POWER. Some others will give you a "special sale price" or a discount after marking up 100% ...or worse yet will mark up even more, knowing they are going to have a "sale." We Don't Try to Trick You With So Called "Sales" or "Discounts" We sell everything at wholesale prices...sometimes less than a store must pay for the exact same item. NEVER PAY FULL RETAIL PRICE!! ONE Full Year Membership ONLY - $25 $25 Worth of Merchandise* (for a limited time only) THAT'S RIGHT! FREEIII *When you join for $25 we will send you spray millet and cuttlebone worth a suggested retail value of $25 ... Risk Free!!. .. and that's only the beginning... the list of savings in our catalog goes on and on and ONI Whether you own a Finch or a Macaw, one bird or 100 birds... We can SAVE YO U $$$$$$$$. Sound too good to be true? We'll take it one step farther...when we send you your catalog and membership card, we will also send you information on how you can get Valuable Coupons worth FREE MERCHANDISE for each friend you sign up to join our purchasing group. You could literally cover your member­ ship fee and CARE FOR YOUR BIRD(S} YEAR ROUND...FREE!!!. ..START SAVING MONEY TODAY. o Please sign me up right away for $27.95 ($25.00 annual membership fee and $2.95 postage and handling fee) and send my catalog, free gift and membership card. Name Address Apt # City/State Zip, Daytime Phone (_ Paying with 0 Check 0 Visa 0 MasterCard # Expiration Date Signature x Mail $27.95 to Avian Express Corporation-New Member offer, P.O. Box 3037, Rohnert Park, CA 94928-6561. OR to speed things up call (707) 795-FAST (3278) (These phones are for joining members only - NO COLLECT CALLS) Because our phones are very busy please address any questions to the above address. If you don't get through right away please try again. Welcome to the A VIAN EXPRESS. It works because we work together. ©Avian Express Corporation, 1984 However, splits can be tricky to work Blossom-headed Parakeet with, so some study of genetics regar­ The blossomhead Parakeet, P. ding the mutations of interest is most roseata, is very seldom correctly iden­ important.
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