I*»:rtly Sunny- Becoming partly sunny this THEDAILY afternoon, high in mid-60s. KrdBank, Freehold Cooler, chance of rain tonight and tomorrow. BraiM-h Monmouth bounty's OntstandinK ••«• VOL. £<* TVO. 213 RED BANK, N.J. MONDAY, APRIL 24, 1972 HllllltiniHUlHIllHHlllUllllllttilHIlUltUitlltlUIIIIIIUIUIiUII iniuiiiiiniiiiiiuiiiiiitiiiiidiuiuuiniuiiuiiiiHuiiiuiiiiiiiiuiniiiuuiiaiaHiiuiiunitnHiiuiifuu Howard o - ASBURY PARK — As the withhold your services," the gain teacliBrs fair play at the cheers of New Jersey teach- Monmouth Democrat told al- ' bargaining table. ers swelled through Con- most 5,000 applauding, foot- The attendance was just vention Hall, Rep. James J. stamping teachers and their about one-half what the NJ.EA Howard, a former Wall Town- families. had hoped for. ship school instructor and The teachers were rallying The freehold Regional High principal, yesterday declared here to dramatize their pro- School Education Association his support of proposed state itest against the jailings of delegation, waving placards legislation which would give striking .teachers and their proclaiming "Freehold Re- them the right to strike. campaign for passage of two gional Strike for Fair Play,"! •"Just as you have the right bills the N.J. Education Asso- sent the chant of "Applegate, to work, you have the right to ciation avers are necessary to Applegate" resounding SPACE CENTER, Houston significant samples yet col- down is scheduled Thursda (AP) — Apollo 16*s explorers lected on the lunar surface. " in the Pacific Ocean. fire out of lunar- orbit-tonight Locked inside arc secrets of The three astronauts wer< to start the long, journey home -now the moon was born more reunited last night afte with a treasure ship of rocks than four billion years ago. Young and Duke blasted off ii that scientists believe will the cabin section of the luna prove the moon long ago was Geologists are certain that ship Orion and skillfull; wracked by volcanoes. John W. Young, Charles M. maneuvered^it-tp a linkup tw The major finds came yes- Duke Jr. and Thomas K. Mat- hours later, with Maltingly i terday, on the third moon tingly got everything they Casper. y drive that almost was can- sought during man's fifth "What a ride!" Duk celed because Mission Control moon landing mission, prima- shouted as Orion blasted awa felt the astronauts might be rily the volcanic evidence. from the mountainous De; .. ' ' - . • R*ollt«r Sftrtf tired and pressed for time as, cartes plateau at 8:36 p.m SIGNS OF THE TIMES The teachers carried a result of their late landing The astronauts trigger the EST ending a 71-hour surfac signs demanding "fair play" and their youngsters Thursday night.. commandship Casper's big : expedition during .which th Trailed balloons with the same message as almost They return with 245 pounds engine at 9:16 tonight to begin moonmen set records for th 5,000 teachers and their families rallied in Asbury. of materials which represent the 66-hour, 240,000-mile voy- amount of rocks collectet Park Convention Hall yesterday. perhaps the oldest and most age back to earth. Splash- time on the surface and spee Reds Cut ICoxitum Lifeline Roac * SAIGON CAP) — North Viet- near Dong Hon. above the speed until it overran Tan' regiments at the Dak To air- ese blew up three sections namese tanks and troops demilitarized zone, and the Canh, the forward headquar- field, to the west of Tan Canh, Highway 14 along a seve crushed the northern defenses two crewmen were pulled ters of the South Vietnamese and the South Vietnamese mile stretch from Tan Cai of Kontum Province, in the from the Tonkin Gulf by a 22nd Infantry Division. abandoned two bases south of southward to Vo_. Bihh. ; central highlands today. Navy helicopter. There was no report on the Dak To, Dien Binh and Zulu. Other South Vietname; Spearheaded by a column of The Saigon command an- dozen U. S. advisers with the" The South Vietnamese tried bases along the highway ar more than 20 tanks, the Com- nounced that a South Viet- division. Half a dozen tanks to rush reinforcements to Tan to the south of Tan Canh wej munist troops knocked out namese destroyer sank a 185 also attacked the command: Canh from the north and heavily shelled* by long-rant three more South Vietnamese ton boat carrying ammunition post of one of the division's south, but the North Vietnam- 130mm guns. bases, seized a seven-mile off Phu Quoc Island in the stretch of the highlands* high- Gulf of Thailand. Spokesmen way lifeline, cut Kontum said 16 of the 22 crewmen Province in two and isolated were captured, and all were thousands of people. North Vietnamese. Among the bases was the Two U. S. 7th Fleet destroy- first division headquarters ers were hit by shore fire. One lost in the enemy's offensive, shell caused minor damage to- now in its 26th day. the port bow of the Benjamin A U. S. helicopter was shot Stoddert while it was bomb- down near Dak To, north of arding the North Vietnamese Kontum, and the four crew- coastline, and light shrapnel men were killed. It was the fell on the deck of the Parsons -22nd American helicopter lost as it was on a mission be- since the offensive began, the tween the Cua Viet River and U. S. Command said. Sev- the demilitarized zone. No enteen planes also have been casualties were reported. -lost, and total air crew casu- Nine Americans were' alties are 25 Americans killed, wounded and three -buildings eight -wounded and 35 missing, were damaged by a 13-round the command said. rocket barrage against the Da The United States sent its Nang Air Base, the biggest in big B52 bombers to within 80 South Vietnam from which miles of Hanoi.to attack sup- raids are flown against North ply depots, railroads and high- Vietnam. ways and marshalling yards The North Vietnamese at- at the big coastal city of tack in the highlands devel- Thanh lloa. oped shortly after midnight For the first time in the when the tank column rolled war, one of the giant bombers down Highway 14, which con- was reported hit over the nects Pleiku, Kontum, Dak To North, by fragments from a and Tan Canh. -- - surface-to-air missile, but it At least nine of the tanks returned safely to Da IMang were reported knocked out by with 30 holes in its fuselage the cannon of a four-engine •POLICE ROUNDUP — AAiddletown Police stand aside as 19 antl war derr and a ruptured fuel tank. AC130 Spectre, the U. S. Air they scaled a fence at the Earle Ammunition Depot, leave a police bus and I There were no casualties Force's biggest gunship, and lice headquarters. among the six crewmen. by South Vietnamese forces Another American plane, an on the ground. But U. S. pilots Air Force F4 Phantom fight- reported the rest of the col- er-bomber, was shot down umn rolled ahead at high X9 Arrested in Earle MIDDLETOWN — Nineteen threw himself at the moving was in violation of a inuni< anatituuiimiHniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiitiiiiiiii antiwar demonstrators were vehicle. He was pulled from pal ordinance. taken into custody yesterday under the engine t»y Detective They then- traveled tlir afternoon when they scaled a Robert Olson. miles along the coast to f The Inside Story fence at the Karle Naval Am- The others were taken from Atlantic Highlands niiirin Rangers and Knlcks fly Into finals Page 20 munition Depot pier and tried the area by p o1 i c e a n d where the flotilla was plac< Mets sweep Cubs; Phillies triumph Page 21 to halt a train. charged with trespassing * on a in the water. Coach's dream: That clutch hit Page 22 Police received a request military reservation. Last week a dozen . sailo Latest of the spring bridals Page 14 for assistance from the U.S. Meanwhile a flotilla of 17 on board the Nitro asked t Brookdale Women plan a scholarship benefit f«ge 15 Navy shortly after 1 p.m.canoes, chained together, re- Secretary of the Navy to st DAILY RKC1STKR when the group came over the mained 700 yards from the the ship from sailing be can Bridge Advice 31 PHONE: NUMBERS fence and started to Ho along end of the pier where the conditions aboard are all Classified! 24-29 Main Office 741-9019 the tracks that lend between U.S.S. Nitro has been berthed gedty unsafe. Comics - 31 Classified Ads 741 CM* the depot and the pier. since last Wednesday. The men -said they want Crossword Puzzle ..31 Legal Adv. 741-9919 A train carrying water was The demonstrators original- official investigation into h; IMsplay Adv. 741-OOIO moving from the pier at the ly tried to launch the canoes nrrious conditions which : Editorials « Circulation Kept. 741-3339 time and one demonstrator from the beach near the base, elude Inoperative firefightl Entertainment 39 Sports Dept. 741-9017 Inter identified as Itcictiiifd but I he police would not letequipment and blocked fi Financial !• Women's News 741-9019 K. Taylor, 39, of Philadelphia, (heiii, saying such u launching veins in the stowage area. Horoscope 31 Accounts Payable 741-9919 While «o persons picket Movies 39 Acct's Receivable 741-9919 Mlddletown Bureau C71-22S9 Keantiburg Building In- Prime 1Mb Dinner $3.95 Obituaries 4,5 spector's Office will be closed Sports • 20-22 Freehold Bureau 4C2-2121 TUCK., Thurs. eve. Peterson's .Kn joy a groat lunch at Ste, Television 3« Long Branch Bureau 222-9919 Muri. Will be open Tucs. from Hiversido Inn, Uwy 35, lied & Brew from $1.25. MiUtll Women'iiimiiimiiHimiutiimMtiimiis News u 14,15 7 to 8 p.m.
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