College of William & Mary Law School William & Mary Law School Scholarship Repository Student Newspaper (Amicus, Advocate...) Archives and Law School History 1996 Amicus Curiae (Vol. 7, Issue 5) Repository Citation "Amicus Curiae (Vol. 7, Issue 5)" (1996). Student Newspaper (Amicus, Advocate...). 340. https://scholarship.law.wm.edu/newspapers/340 Copyright c 1996 by the authors. This article is brought to you by the William & Mary Law School Scholarship Repository. https://scholarship.law.wm.edu/newspapers Honor Code Commentary, page 9 ~micug ((uriae MARSHALL-WYTHE SCHOOL OF LAW Ame.l-iea's Fi.l-st LaJv Sehool VOLUME V II. ISSUE FIVE MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11 , 1996 TWENT Y PAGES Phi Delta Phi Initiation: Fifty--four Metnbers Inducted, One Officer Steps Do'Wn By: Melissa A. Augusti class. "Membership is up significantly. cess this year, the officers took special go as well as expected. The actual initia­ On Friday, Novem ber I, the Ph i Delta We have thirty five third-year members, effort in planning what they wanted to be tion process was simple. A ll were gath­ Phi Legal Fraternity (PDP) inducted its fifty two second-year members, and fifty a more fun and enjoyable initiation. Chris­ ered around the large block of ice with the 1996-97 members. The initiation cer­ four were initiated on Friday." Christian tian commented that PDP's officer team pathway, or slide, carved into it. Each emony was held at the University Center. also felt positive about a campaign prom­ started organizing early so that the event new member was introduced, given a At 8 p.m., the fifty-four pledges, dressed ise that has been kept this year. "Last year would run on time, and that they also tried nickname, and were then supposed to in semi-formal attire, arrived at the Uni­ when I ran for President, I promised mem­ to be innovative in how they carried on take a shot of tequila via ice slide. There versity Center where alcohol and hors bers that they were going to stop getting the tradition of each new member taking was absolutely no pressure to drink the d'oeuvres were served. The new mem­ nickeled and dimed for every function a tequila shot. -'This year we arranged for shot, and an actual benefit of serving bers socialized among themselves for PDP held. That's why we have dues. So a huge block of ice to be made with a luge shots down a block of ice is that some find about an hour and a half, pleasantly await­ far we' ve held al l the same functions as carved into it and the pledges took the it easier to drin k. A shot smoothly sli ding ing the affair before them. last year, but at no cost to the members. shot off the ice. It was different and kind off a block of ice is colder, numbing the David Christian, President of PDP, Plus we've done this on a tighter budget." of added a little pizazz to the trad it ion." taste. However, delivering the new mem- was enthusiastic about this year's pledge Trying to continue PDP's initial suc- Unfortunately, initiation night did not See INITIATION on 4 COU'l't'l'Oom 21 : "To Infinity and Beyond! " By Paul Walker courtroom, including scheduling classes, Buzz Lightyear might not benefit from trials, demonstrations, and anything and the planned upgrades of the McGlothlin everything concemingthe courtroom. She Moot Court Room Courtroom 2 1 Project, was recently spotted working the control but future generations of lawyers cer­ board for the high-profile Institute of Bill tainly will. This year promises to be a of Rights Supreme Court Preview Moot landmark year for the project, with the Court argument. addition of new staff members and tech­ April is also the courtroom's Records nological upgrades which will be installed Manager. which gives her primary re­ during a ten-day period in December. sponsibility for all forms of "'making th e As the 1996-97 school year opened, record" - audio, video, and transcript. the biggest news for the courtroom was As part of this responsibility, April is the addition of a new Courtroom 2 1 Ad­ involved in coordinating student couri ministrator to the law school faculty - reporters to be used during Trial Advo­ April Artegian. Artegian is a court re­ cacy trials in the fall and spring. She also porter who has previously done her is becoming involved in the Legal Skills freelance C0urt reporter work in the South curriculum, conducting classes on how to Hampton Roads area. She comes to the properly "make the record" at trial. As COlJrtr oom 21 project on a two-year grant April puts it, "My goal is to teach students " from tht' National Court Reporter' s Foun­ how to use the court reporter to your .' 'or ··,ra(t I"m/a dation. As Administrator. Artegian has benefit." primary operational responsibility for the See COURTROOM on 4 April Artegian joins the Courtroom 21 staff as Administrator. SBA Board Takes Larger Role in Honor Code Revisions By Sutton Snook Representative Gurbir Grewal. making decisions rather than ap­ violation of the honor code be- of expul sion is very rarely en­ The Board of the Student Bar The two representatives will now pointed representatives. Rose cause the undergraduate campus forced. With the input of stu­ Association announced last week report back to the fu II Board so noted that the committee was an remains opposed to its inclusion dents and faculty. the Board th at it wi ll tah.e a larger role in the that all elected representatives extension of the president and and the other graduate schools See HONOR CODE on 15 fo rmulation of the ne\\! unified will have input on the decisions. th at now the Board wishes to have yet to take a firm position. honor code. The Board \ oted to Rose stated the reason forthis tah. e a larger role. Second. th e Board remained --Inside-- remove th e authority of th e ap­ change \~as that the process has The Board raised two impor­ concerned about the presump­ Letter from SBAPresident 2 pointed represe nt at iv ~s currently now gone beyond technical de­ tant substantive concerns regard­ tion of expulsion. In the past. Legal Skills Hires New Aide 3 representing th e 13\\ school at cisions and that they are now ing the proposed unified honor in fractions of th e Honor Code at Leymore Visits M -W 5 the un ifi ed honor cod~ tash. force negotiating main provisions of code. First. th e dut y to report the law school have been minor. California Referenda 10 and replaced them \\ ith repre­ th e new code. The Board felt it re mains a high prio rity. Rose \\ ' h~ r ~ a presumption of expul­ First-Year Helium Hands I I sent ati\'es from the Board. Presi­ was necessary to have th e el ected noted that it may become neces­ sion \," ould b~ in appr o priat~ . Inside the Rockin' Ro bin 17 dent S haun R os~ and I L representatives of the sch ool sal') to elim inate it as a technical Consequ ent ly. the presum ption 2 Monday, November II , 1996 THE AMIcus CURIAE From the Editor's Desk • • • I watched the election cover­ Senator Warner win s reelection. this news could have changed as the nenvorks flashed on the have elected. This does nottrans­ age last Tuesday. 6:3 0 p.m. - President Clinton has 49 percent their votes. screen that both Warners were late to the results of exit polls Senator Bob Smith has been de­ of the popular vote and 31 states. The nenvorks can have a di­ tied at 50 percent. interpreted as the official results. feated in Nev,'H am pshire: Presi­ The election is over. 9 a.m. - rect impact on the results of the One obvious solu tion is to What, then, is the solution') dent Clinton has almost 200 The Washington Post incOlTectly election and. when the face of limit the role of the nen\'orks and Perhaps better communication electoral votes. 8:30 - Senator repol1s that Senator Sm ith has government relies so heayily restrict them from covering the benveen the state electoral bod­ Warner h3s easily defeated Mark lost the election. upon a small group of reporters, election until the polls close. ies and the networks. This would Warner for his fourth term. 9 This year's election coverage then we are in a very precariolls This, however, is unrealistic. eliminate the obvious mistakes p.m. - President Clinton has made me feel somewhat remi­ position. It becomes vitally im ­ First. to mandate this would ef­ of this election and would pre­ 1\'011 reelection: there are no offi­ niscent of th e Dewey victory­ portant for the media to have fectively end network coverage, vent rumors "from being reported cial electoral votes cast yet. The and I wasn't even born then. The access to all information so that as they would be forced to wait as fact. It is unrealistic for the Republicans will maintain COI1- netll·orks. in theirrush to beatthe their reports are wholl y accurate, until the polls in Hawaii and government to expect the media trol of both Houses of Congress. other stations, miscalled several rather than accurate with the lim­ Guam close. Election coverage to limit coverage. The only solu­ picki ng up at least ten seats in the elections and called others too ited amount of facts available to would begin well past midnight.
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