JANUARY 2021. NO 1 (32). NATO'S PRESENCE THE FRENCH LYNX IN LITHUANIAN WOODS AND SANDS IN SHORT TRADITIONAL TADAS DAMBRAUSKAS PHOTOGRAPHY CONTEST "LITHUANIAN ARMED FORCES IN PHOTOGRAPHY 2020" The defence of the Alliance starts in the East DURING HIS LAST VISIT TO LITHUANIA COMMANDER JFCBS GENERAL JÖRG VOLLMER STRESSED OUT THE VITAL CHANGES OF THE SECURITY ASSESSMENT OF NATO AND ONE MORE TIME ENSURED THE READINESS OF THE ALLIANCE TO DETER ALL POSSIBLE THREATS AND DEFEND ITS NATIONS FROM ANY OF THEM. SPECIAL What are the key aspects of NATO de- thing essential and to ensure the security of fence agenda in order to strengthen de- NATO states lying on its Eastern side. So as LITHUANIAN MARKED terrence and defence in the region near you know there were a lot of troops deploy- MILITARY WEAPONS. PART III the Eastern border of the Alliance? ments to the Baltic States and Poland in 2014 I think we have seen the key changes in 2014 and 2015. One more decision which was when Russia made the annexation of Crimea made in Wales was to reform the Multinatio- and started war in Eastern Ukraine. Those nal Corps Northeast (MNC NE) in Szczecin events made us clear that the real danger from low-readiness to high-readiness Head- exists near the Eastern border of the Alliance. quarters. This one was implemented during At the same time we have still faced conflicts half a year when Denmark, Germany and Po- in Syria and Iraq, terrorist attacks in France. land decided to change the structure of MNS But I have to admit that NATO reacted to the NE and it was done immediately. In 2015 we actions of Russia in the September 2014 in realized that NATO has to have small Head- Wales when the decision to take the empha- quarters in all three Baltic States and Poland sis of collective defence again was taken. and later in Slovakia and Hungary as well The first task at that time was to do every- See page 2 NATO's presence The defence of the Content NEWSNATO'S PRESENCE Alliance starts in the East THE DEFENCE OF THE ALLIANCE STARTS IN THE EAST.....................................1,2,3-7 THE FRENCH LYNX IN LITHUANIAN WOODS AND SANDS.........................................................8 IN SHORT TRADITIONAL TADAS DAMBRAUSKAS PHOTOGRAPHY CONTEST "LITHUANIAN ARMED FORCES IN PHOTOGRAPHY 2020"..............14 From page 1 in Estonia we don’t only have the for the Alliance to deploy troops Great Britain, but also Denmark. to these regions when needed. There are 10 nations, including So, that’s how NATO Integration Spain and Italy, participating in the SPECIAL Force Units (NFIU) were estab- eFP in Latvia under the command lished. of Canada. Side by side with Ger- LITHUANIAN MARKED th On the 8 of July, 2016 NATO many there are the Netherlands MILITARY WEAPONS. made one more step forward when and Norway in Lithuania and Slo- the decision to form four En- vakia and the Great Britain in the PART III...................................................20 hanced Forward Presence (eFP) support for the USA in Poland. Groups was taken. As you know, So the main message is that it the Great Britain took responsi- is not a one nation who defends bility for Estonia, Canada — for another, but all NATO nations to Latvia, Germany — for Lithuania protect each one of them which is and the United States of America or might be in danger. (USA) — for Poland. And since During the exercise "Brilliant then NATO rotates its forces in Jump 20-II" here in Lithuania we these countries on the continuous saw the deployment of the Very basis. High Readiness Joint Task Force Military Press Office of Lithuanian Armed Forces Totorių str. 25, LT-01121, Vilnius; It was a strong signal and that (VJTF), which was also a very Phone (370 5) 210 3897, GSM (370 6) 86 94458; fax (370 5) 273 5550; is why I have mentioned not only strong signal because it was not Email [email protected] Eastern border of the Alliance, but only Polish battalion who was de- Publisher — Lithuanian Armed Forces. The opinion of editorial office does not necessarily coin- also such a "hot spots" as Syria, ployed to Lithuania. There were cide with the opinion of the authors. Pictures, manuscripts are not returned and reviewed. Cir- culation is 300 copies. Printed by the Cartography Center of Lithuanian Military, Muitinės str.4, Iraq or some conflicts in Africa. also troops from Czech Repub- Domeikava, LT-54359 Kaunas dist. Order GL-48. As you know, all nations in NATO lic and Spain the participation provide their troops for the de- of whom has showed our will fence of our Eastern borders. So, See page 3 2 Lithuanian Military Digest NATO's presence From page 2 General, you have mentioned Russia’s to remember that the main focus of NATO at to deter and defend the Eastern flank of the actions in 2014. What about 2008 when that time was still Afghanistan and we also had Alliance. To my mind "Brilliant Jump 20-II" Kremlin’s regime encroached the sove- a lot of troops in Kosovo as well. At the same as many other exercises which take place in reignty of Georgia (Sakartvelo) which time the USA and other allies were involved Lithuanian, Latvia, Estonia or Poland mark a was taken as a serious alarm here, in in the actions in Iraq. So at that time the main real change in the attitude of NATO towards Lithuania. attention was payed to the missions abroad. a new challenges here, in Eastern Europe, be- Those actions of Russia immediately took But the events of 2014 have really made a vital cause 10 or 15 years ago nobody could really place on the assessment of the Alliance and we change to the security assessment of the Al- image such might happen. thought about that situation. However we have liance and now six years later we do see how things have changed here in Baltic States and Poland as well. During the last visit to Lithuania there was a note that the defence of Europe starts here. What are the most important measures to make it effective and keep Russia’s ambitions way from Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Poland? We all understood that the defence of the Alliance starts in the East. But this does not mean that other global security challenges such as illegal migration flows or terror at- tacks in our countries should be left some- where beside. The important thing is to keep the cohesion of NATO as well as European Union together. And this is the main factor to demonstrate our will to provide eFP bat- talions, VJTF, additional forces on a regular basis, etc. This is the signal that the policy of NATO here is implemented with succession January 2021. No 1. 3 NATO's presence since 2004 when the Baltic States became and Sweden faces the same border at the Baltic that NATO allies take the commitments the members of the Alliance. Of course, Sea. seriously. But are those Groups quan- there are lots of things ongoing, but the Again we have to understand that deter- titative enough to deter the potential commitment of the NATO’s nations is very rence works only if we are able to move and de- enemy who still acts aggressive in such strong to continue keeping security in this ploy our troops fast enough. So there is a new countries as Ukraine? area despite the fact that this is a great chal- unit in NATO’s Command structure, provided We might agree that quantity is always some- lenge for us all. by Germany and located in Ulm — Joint Sup- thing that we want to have as there is no mili- Another point is that we have to look at a port and Enabling Command (JSEC). This tary leader who does not want to have more more wide definition of a region, not only underlines that all the nations of the Alliance forces. But we have to live with that what is Eastern Europe, but I would say North East, understand that we have to stay commited and available and we have to use it the best possible including Norway, who faces challenges in Arc- unite to be ready to deploy our forces anytime way. tic and also somehow is on our Eastern border and anywhere. The presence of the eFP battalions in with Russia. We also have to mention our non- Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Poland is a member partners Finland and Sweden as Fin- NATO eFP Battalion Battle Groups have strong political signal first of all as all the na- land has 1 300 kilometers border with Russia been and still remain a very strong signal tions of the Alliance are involved here and will 4 Lithuanian Military Digest NATO's presence provide their input if any sight of aggression knows when it will happen or what kind of it as such to detect and overcome cyber attacks. from the East will appear. will be. So we must have a combat ready forces There is something going all the time and I always compare it with the times of Cold available to be deployed anytime. That includes we need to have the right instruments to de- War. 30 years ago the Berlin Wall broke down not only Army, but our Navy, Air force, Cyber monstrate and to ensure our nations that we are and the gains between East and West reunite force and we also looking forwards into space. clever enough to identify from where the threat not only because of the people’s will and de- Of course, there are some place left for the comes from and to deter it in a most effective monstrations, but also because at that time better coordination of our exercises, which are way.
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