' Tha Waathar / k m a t f Daily Nat > S « l Fiiaiaat a O. a Weathw ■awaw F ar VfrnUk 1 14, la w deady, windy and wxd tontcht wMh eluHiee of ndn. High io dOo. 13,630 Tnoedey ft* aad wanner. Blgii aoCttwAiidlt near T. i « f < Mmtd imitr — A Cky ofVmagrn Chmnm on P ago M ) PRICE SEVEN CENTS VOIa U tu m , IfO. M5 (HOHTBIN PAGES) MANCHESTER, GONN., MONDAY, SHPTSMBER 18, 1888 Fischer Quintuplets ’ U.S. Grand Jurors Probe Prospects Favorable Fischer rested in ABERDEEN, 8. D. (AP)— Df- ■«**>• «* her third-floor room and tried to The Fiecher quintuplets, Tary j,j, charge tham mitik of names fori fhe four girls. Other Incidents tiny but extremely viv<n<OttS, anything,” Barboa aald. Ha in- They an were named Mary but reunded out their first 48 dlcated that St Luke’s hosplUl, have ao second names. The boy hours of life early today with where the infanta were bom, also was named James Andrew. would forget about a blU. Roman Catholic Bishop Lambert good prospects for survival. Dr. Berbos told a news ccofer- A. HOch chartered a plane from 13 Opposed, 76 in Favor The babies bom to Mr. and Mrs. enoe that he hadn’t deUvered any Sioux Falls Saturday to baptise Death of 4 Andrew Fischer early Saturday more babies ^ ce the birth of the and oonfirm the qidnts as they were reported doing fine. quintuplets. lay in thrtr Isolettes, kept com­ Dr. James Berbos, who deUverad Looking at^a soore of newsmen fortable by controUed heat, hu­ Negro Girls the Infants, said they were going midity and oocygen. J I in Senate Still strong on a diet of s«]gar water crowded into the honttal lounge, Berbos smiled and said: "They’ve The baptism was common for and may be switched to some­ prem ature Infamts, but die con- thing' heavier today, like a inllk aU been scared o ff.” firmatlon of newborn children is Jars Nation formula. Fischer and three ot Us other rare in the Latte rite of the Catho­ Undecided on Ban «Late Sunday, Dr. Berbos rapcni- five children attended Maas Sun­ lic Church. ed that the four girls and a bo/ day at Sacred Heart Roman Fischer retained two Aberdeen BIRMINGHAM. Ala. (AP) were being fed about four oubie catholic church, escorted fat and attorneys, Joe Barnett and Stan — Against a background of centimeters of sugar water every out by a platoon of reporters and Siegel, to guard his Interests. The WASHINGTON (A P)—Sen. A. Willis Robertson, D-Va, two hours. photographers. lawyers reportedly were negotia­ violence and death, a special said today that ratification of the limited nuclear test ban federal grand jury was order­ Berbos, who has dellvared S,WT It wasn’t'far away from birth­ t e with two major magaxines treaty could confront the United States with “ terrifying children in his IS yaars as a- day tim e tar any ot the three for exclusive rights to the story ed today to investigate racial physlclan, aald both mother and youngsters. Julie was 4 Sunday, of the quintuplets. blackmail” by the Soviet Union. outbreaks that continue to children were doing extremely Chwotte wUl be 7 Wednesday Quintuplets occur only about Robertson, in a prepar^ Senate speech, said that he would plague this city. well. The first 7S hours wet^ con­ and Danny will be 8 Oct. 8. TOe once in 42 million births. Of the violate the dictates of his conscience to support the pact. other Fiswer children are Bvelyn, U.8. Dist. Judge Clarence W. sidered to be the moat dangerous three previous quintuple births In On the other side of the debate,^---------------------------------------------— " Allgood In his charge to the grand for the newborn quinta, but there 4, and Denise, S. the United States, none of the Sen. John J. Sparkman, DAla., y-v - - - m j WhUe the father and Dr. Berboe Jury emphasized the dynamite was no sign of trouble. children survived infancy. declared that "if this treaty explosion at a Negro church Sun­ outs of money and merchandise were busy with periodic news con­ The hospital switchboard report­ doesn’t work, then a future nu­ State ISews day which killed four children and continued to pour hi for the family. ferences in the hospital cafeteria ed a barrage of telephone calls clear war -will in all probability injured 23 other person.s. about the conditimi of the five ba­ ‘solve’ our problems.” In Washington, President Ken­ bies. Congratulatory telegrams ar­ Support (or the treaty also nedy expressed “outr^e and rived from President Kennedy came from Sens. Maurine B. Roundup CTlef” over the bom bing. The and other officials. Neuberger, D-Ore., and George Fh-esident said that he hoped the The births came in c<»nparative- McGovern, D-S.D. tragedy would awaken the nation Goldwater to Rocky: ly rapid fashion, die first infant Robertson said he believes that to "the folly of racial injustice arrlv^ at 1:58 a.m. Saturday as a result of the treaty "the Governor Wires and hatred and violence,.” and the last at 8:01 a.m. The boy Soviet Union will first gain equal­ A calm prevailed in Birming­ was the fourth one bom. ity with us in atomic weapons.” ham this morning, especially Officials of the Maah-Flnch whole­ JFK on Bombing Let‘s Not Squabble "’Then, he said, "if it develops around the church and the three sale grocery warehouse, where before we do a satisfactory and recently integrated schools. There Fischer works as an |80 a week operational antimissile missile,we were no reports of violence. billing clerk, said it was all right HARTFORd T a P)—In the and the tree nations of the world wake of the Birmingham FBI agents and bomb experts By FAMBS MABLOW < >tion neat sum m er, m ay be enough if the proud papa didn’t show up will then be confronted with ter­ conducted an exhaustive search Associated Press News AnalyM to split the Republican party with­ for work for a few days. rifying blackmail.” . bombing Gov. Dempsey today for clues at the church. Three The Rev.'-William Neuroth took WABUnfCKTON (A P i — Art- out any help from Kwinedy. In McGovern told the Senate the wired President Kennedy urg hundred state troopers and 500 Sen. Barry Ckildwater tried fact. If he went after either man birth of the Fischer quintuplets in ing him to take “ whatever im National Guardsmen remained on Sana’s It m M t heto his chances rather (OowMiwed ea Page Four) to lay down ground rules for South Dakota furnished him an mediate action is necessary to alert, ready to back up Birming­ Wmsetf and Mow Toifc’a Qov. Nel- than liu rt Coem. additional reason for support of ham police if fresh violence son A. Rockefeller in their longing Beridee, as a president sure the treaty. end this sorrowful blight on erupted. for the Republican presidential of the Democratic nomination in 'Perhaps there is no greater our nation.” The bomb blast was described nominabcn: no tooth' marks. 1964, Kennetfy is still champ while Malaysia Born; gift that I can offer,” he said, Hie Goiremor dispatched th* by Allgood, a naUve of Birming­ ‘^ e Democratic strategy,” Rockefeller and Ckildwater are not 'than to work in every possible telegram to the White House after ham, as a "mockery of our laws GMdwator aald, after Rockefeller oven challengers now since at this way for a world in which these meeting in his office this morning a mockery by those who would seamed to pick, on him, '‘is to moment neither con be sure of Big Neighbors children, aU the children of South with lo ^ leaders of the civil rights cut the very roots of our Ameri- have R^Hibllcans eat Republicans his pwrty's nomination. Dakota,, indeed all the children of movement. Bomlb hJart in Biriwinghsm, Ate.. 6tli Avwiuo Baptist rimreh ean system of JusUce.” y d PD be damned K I’ll follow But Ooldwater and Rockefeller, the earth, can breathe clean air The Governor read to' the leaders The bombing, brought swift eon- while skipping aroimd each other brake and bwtetod tMs iteiined gtaas wtodow. (AP Ptnotofiax). I t ” Show Hostility and Uve free from the blight of the telegram that he was sending demnatlon from naUonSt Negro Whether It’s Democratic strate­ rather gingerly, have been snap- hatred and war.” to the Ptesident which said in full: leaders and state local officials. at Kennedy who so far has Sen Neuberger said in a pre­ gy or not. President Kennedy KUALA U i m h f k M alaysia "All Connecticut is shocked and It was deplored in the <>U.S. been content to treat them with pared speech that the "mothers’ Senate as a tragic blow to race aaems inclined at tUa point to (AP)—The wMid’s/lurwort nation, sickened by the Krmtegham bomb­ mia at the two rivala as u hoping kind of fart bnudi. vote” supports the treaty and a relattans. A plea was founded for His forebearance may not last the Federation of 'Malaysia, was curb on nuclear fallout. But she ing. On behaK of the people of this mey’n do axactly adiat Ooldwatw state who believe in equal rights Racial W ar Threat quicker action on civil rights he hopes they won’t indefinitely. Indeed, he Indicated bom today te alternately gay and denied this support is based on le^^atkm . last week that he will go after either sentimentality or a lack of foE iaU citizens and the solution of maneuvers, as they get somber teangural - ceremonies prohlems through legal and order­ Senate Majorify Leader Mike to 1t» iUpuUlcaii ene -or- both cC tbess bw ehi darkened by &• hostility of its ooneem (or national security.
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