fi,. 0 I anarchist fortnightly 11~---/isVol 39 N022 F 20,, WE WELCOME News, reviews, articles, Mike, Groundswell Farm, Upper Stratton, Swindon, Wilts. letters. cartoons. etc. Copy deadline 7 j for next issue, Monday “.0 No<rember. FEDRATIONS v u ‘send toEditors, FREEDOM," 84b"White'- LONDON. Friends of Astrid Proll chapel High Street (Angel Alley), LONDON Anarchist Communist Assn,. c/o I82 Upper St, are organising a Benefit Concert in London El. A o ' lslington NJ. support of her defence at Acklam Hall, NEXT DESPATCHING DATE: Anarchy Collective, 37a Grosvenor Av. Acklam Road, London Wll (off Porto- 'Thursda ~ ‘£3 vember. A Tel: before 7 pm. _ _, __ bello Rd) from 8 pm. to midnight on of this statement. Suffice it that the Tuesda. 14 November. Groups include- magistrate himself, in his own dry way, Freedom Collective, 84b Whitechapel High St The Passion, Clapperclaw and The NW5- (Angel Alley), El (tel: 247-9249) has the wit to appreciate it a little. ' 'I‘ickets on the door are £1. 50. vi -Iris‘ release or transfer from Brix- Hackney Anrchistss Con fact Dave on 249-7042 _ Kingston An archists, l3 Den mark Road, King- ton had become the priority demand of ston upon Thames (tel: 549-2564) SHREWSBURY. A meeting aimed at the Persons Unknown campaign. Only ABERYSTWYTH; Mike Sheehan, 2 South St. founding a Shrewsbury Anarchist Group a short time before the London support ‘fibemstwyth l.on don Workers‘ Group, Box W. I82 Upper St. Nsl. (Tel: 249-7042) i is to be held in the Unicorn pub, Wyle group had drawn up and circulated a BRISTOL City. 4 British Road, Bristol Love v, Power, Box 779, Peace N.ews (London Cop, Shrewsbury, on Tuesday, l4 = AS many will already have been over- a month after Trevor's, must inevitably " five -page leaflet detailing the conditions BS3 3BW November, commencing a 8. Dm- joyed to hear, Iris Mills was released on weaken the credibility of the image which of detention of Irisland the other two, -BRISTOL Students. Libertarian Society, I °m¢°: 5 c°led°n-inn R°°d bail of £10, 000 from Brixton prison on women held there, Astrid Proll and West London Anarchists 7 Pennard Road Wl2 the ATS, with the collusion of the Home Students Union, Queen's Road, Bristol 8. _ _ I _ v '. Friday, 2'7 October, at approximately Office, have done their best to convey. Khloud al Mugrabi. Added weight was i It/BR DGE.*RaTphae_l Sall<ie,fiueenTs 7" KENT LEEDS. Benefit for ‘Persons Unknown‘. 6 pm. With a fervour equal only to their ignor given to this by a letter from her solicit- Ramsgate: Peter Ford, 22 Royal Road Colle e. Cambridge p V H g _ M l _ 1'? November in the Music Room, the Friends and relatives at Lambeth ance and singular lack of humour, the ors to the Home Office (not yet replied Se ks: Jim Endesb 70 Bradbournc Road iifoodpecker pub (bottom of York Rd). court that Thursday watched in suspense ATS have set out to show that our com- to), and which refers to the ‘astonishing‘ Cardiff Anarchist Group: Write c/o l08 ~' venloa ' Y’ MIDLANDS Irish folk and other traditional music while the arguments for and against bail circumstances of their detention in Bookshop, Salisbury Road, Cardiff. rades were about to overthrow society. Secretariat: c/o Andrew Huckersby, 49 West- all night. were put before the magistrate by de- And the Home Office have told ‘Persons Brixton "particularly as a new women's prison has only recently been built in COREY"' Te ‘TY PhilliPs, 7Cresswell Walk I le'I9 hAv I DerbY DE3 3BY I tel : 0332-3686 678 1 fence counsel and police. The latter, in Unknown‘ that no women's prison in the the form of Sergeant Tony Wait of the south east of England is safe enough to Holloway". col?/E'N:-Jsslhqgna Eng and 48 Spence, V Groups in the Federation include Corby, Cov- PUBLICATIONS Anti -Terrorist Squad, uneasily reiterat- hold women as dangerous as Iris. Only A couple of days before her release ' ' ' entry, Derby, Leammgton/Warwic' ' k , Notti ng ham_ _Earlsdon, Coventry V L ed their set piece about the serious nat- those who know her have been able to Peter Cadogan of South Place Ethical Oxford, Sheffield (all separately listed), Birm- ure of the (alleged) offence, and said Society, who was to stand surety for Iris ' DERBY (and environs) Anarchists/Libertarians. ingham. Also: Latest bulletin of the North-Eastern - appreciate to thefull the exquisite idiocy Anarchist Federation is now available. that witnesses could be intimidated and and act as character referee before the All two of us welcome collaborators. Contact LEICESTER. Contact: Lyn Hurst, 4| Briarfield court, held a public meeting on her case Andrew Huckerby, 49 Westleigh Av, Derby SAE for a copy to Secretariat: Leeds further ‘crimes’ committed. They ment- Drive, Leicester, tel: 0533—2l250 (days) or ioned a threatening phone call from a which aroused some interest, indignat- DE3 3BY, tel: 368678 0533-4l4060 (nights). Anarchists, Box 101, 30 Blenheim '\- . - Terrace, Leeds 2. man with an Australian accent, but were ion and surprise among liberals. And QSl ANGLIAN Li$Eians,' Martyn Everett, New formed forced to agree with the magistrate that further public meetings are to be organ- ll Gibson Gardens, Saffron Walden, Essex NOR-|-H__ STERN AN ARCH|5-|- |:EDERA'|'|ON this could hardly have been Iris! They ised by ‘Persons Unknown‘. The release QETEZ Anarchist Society, Univ. of _Exei-er, Sec,e,_m,iu,, Leeds Anarchists, Box |()| I /IPOLoGIES FORMATE-'£/Ab onrrrs-1 ! also admitted that the original police of Iris does not lessen the "significance Devon hire House, Stocker Road, Exeter ~ 30 Blenheim Terrace, Leeds 2, p,_,b|;5he5 m-|-hly _ I _J_°3_o0a.£M$'.',' visit to the flat where Iris and Ronan of the new method of treating ‘Category HASTINGS‘9 Steve I lg %f-laick Terrace I bulletin~ .. ' l lived in Kensington Square Gardens was A‘ women on remand, or the attitude of St Leonards-on-sea, Sussex NORTH-WEST ANARCHIST FEDERATION to do with a national insurance card and the government and police which is be- HIGH BEE lFlA'M. El?-or lhe Dragonfly on c/o Grass Roots, I09 Oxford Rd, Manchester Ml p not with conspiracy, and that all identif- hind it. The campaign to put an end to Market Day (Wednesday) this sudden change in penal policy (so Newsletter 8. quarterly meetings. Contacts in ication parades so far carried out in HUDDERSFIELD anarchist group: meetings every connection with their/references to arm- far virtually ignored by the left and lib- two weeks. For details phone 0484-38l56 (Poly- otherM». ' Demolish a Prison ed robbery have been ‘totally negative‘. eral press) will run parallel with the tec_hn_ic students‘ union). 7 7: 1 MANCHESTER SOLIDARITY group has also E £5 . d . Peter Thornton, the barrister repres- groups‘ continuing efforts to secure the recently reformed and now holds regular moOl'l'IlY ‘ dovzgziong-:3 m release'of the rest of our comrades in LEAM|_'N(_;TON V 8. Warwick, c/o 42 Bath enting Iris, asked for details about the meetings. Our members are Involved in a num- Persons Unknown removes , one brick evidence on which the police have based Brixton. And this means raising sureties St; Leamington ‘Spa ber of local groups and activities which takes and finding places where they can live LEEDS. Box 0 Leeds Ot er Paper , 30 their allegations of conspiracy, and up much of our tirne but we intend to arrange wanted to know exactly what they found and work while ‘Justice’ creeps on at T Blenheim Terrace, Leeds 2 some occasional ‘readers meetings‘ to discuss snail‘s pace. WLVEZN & Worcester area, Jock Spence, during their raid. The answer is already specific 'Solidarity' politics. For further infor- a familiar one. It lies in the form of a And like a snail on crutches, at that. Birchwood Hall, Storridge, Nalvern, Worcs. mation write to: SOLIDARITY (Manchester), WNCHESTER. See NW Federation couple of bags of sugar and one and a \ c/o l09 Oxford Rd, Manchester l3. NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE. Black Jake, half of flour which, we are now at liberty (:40 |l5 Wes-agate Road, Newcastle NEI 4AG SCOTTISH LIBERTARIAN FEDERATION to reveal, have been restored to Iris NORWICH narc ist Group, c o Mus room, Secretary: Nina Woodcock, l7 Cheviot Cresn wrapped in cellophane and which at this l—I moment are sitting demurely on her " l0 Heathcote St (tel: 582506) or l5 Scotholme Flintry, Dundee. lllfl IIII I-innn,lII—IIII nun l::.~._I-!I I'lI'IlIN-.5IIu II'I shelf. - SS f Tl IIES Av H son Green (tel: 708302) Aberdeen: c/o A.P.P.. l63 Kl"?! Sheet III-!!'f.llil!', I'I===III II""lIII To onlookers the pause before the FOLLOWING Iris Mills‘ release on bail, What is certain, however, is that when OHFORD - su ended duri vacation Glasgow: c/o Box Gi.P.'.P., l4-6 l'l0ll¢"'\d Sifeeir IIIIIIIIIII !['ll"I::i.Iml|iii1iFI|II5-5:."I|""1.II="I"II III.III the Anti-Terrorist Squad are once again he returned to his vehicle 40 minutes r PORTSMOUTH - ch; e of address emi I Glasgow G2 4NG magistrate's pronouncement was almost unbearable. Then some realised that he acting against ‘Persons Unknown‘. later, it had been broken into and the REDING University anarchists I c7o Students II""II Iris Mills attended a meeting of the address pages of his diary torn out and lullIlllllIl"I'Iii?—|;I'I IIl_—__ was actually writing down the conditions Union, Univ.
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