Lectures: Max Kade. [Madison, Wisconsin]: [s.n.], [s.d.] https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.dl/OO6G7LOU6BGZL8S This material may be protected by copyright law (e.g., Title 17, US Code). For information on re-use, see http://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.dl/Copyright The libraries provide public access to a wide range of material, including online exhibits, digitized collections, archival finding aids, our catalog, online articles, and a growing range of materials in many media. When possible, we provide rights information in catalog records, finding aids, and other metadata that accompanies collections or items. However, it is always the user's obligation to evaluate copyright and rights issues in light of their own use. 728 State Street | Madison, Wisconsin 53706 | library.wisc.edu bs xX “— CAMPUS N-E Wes Alay pe EBR@e & MILESTONES GOVERNING Discipline language changed ‘Oo ee bee | x: Douthitt named interim dean Senate resets tenure clock pes ae Se ee pole Soe of School of Human Ecology Campus departments will have more Aexibilcy ie ee oh idence neerety i : he a BI Robin Douthite, professor to determine the length of tenure clocks under a aces This Wisconsin is the Week lactate until Wednesday, ee < REN a oi sncnrr 4 ecnce , car) Pp propon oe PP" spprored ty the ea cy Senge Procedures Se reads, “A finding of cause Ee for the Aug. 25. During the summer, look for eae Nittecs and Geane the ability to cvalune imPOsition of discipline or cause for dismissal updates at the campus news Web site - j of the School of Human — comminees and deans the abiliry to evaluate use be based on a clear preponderance of the www.news.wiscedu, and for PP: Ecology. Bee Nice ie acc vicca Ot ices nes) EES SS aience aie acerca = Douthicc has been _ hired from other institutions is equivalent to he ee Ce ee updates Wire e-mail through newsletter. the Wisconsin Not signed Week up? _ BOSAL = — IN on the UW-Madison UW-Madison service. Nadicne Pe RE wirefabouttrtm) "Go to: wwrw.newswisceduf << | | r4 Ah since consumer 1986. science In faculty 1989 Committee, The change, is designed recommended to help by the UW-Madison University "yn he phrase with “a “cleat clear end preponderance convincing” Beck ofthe” in wei the "STAFF DIRECTORY UPDATES Manat she founded the Women remain competitive in recruiting new faculty. tains the higher standard is ore Gilinaews __ if you need to-change individual ~*~ Faculty Mentoring program and continues to Stephen M. Robinson, chair of the University incibles SF acaksnk Rese. tht « ihfon att serve on 5 its advisory commitree. : Committee, told the Faculty , Senate Monday, Pun The senate defeated a motion 3 to refer the boon In its firse decade of existence, the program May 3, that the new policy would not be scendment w the University Commitee emai 3 has improved the university’ retention rare for retroactive, although departments may seek rile ich is examining other dis ine: polldies: eae Employes = §— female faculty in all departments and has waivers for probationary faculty hired under the The LpW System Board of Rages eee ad Se become a model for other institutions. previous policy. approve the new lanj SAS ere eceere t e Douthite’s research ranges from child support “There will be some requests for adjustments =e | secon ofthe staffdiectonwittbe. Policy analysis to consumer attitudes toward of tenure clocks,” Robinson, professor of indus- ee peen@ —'BGH dairy products and to methods of asign-_tvialengineering and computer science, woldthe EARNING aes Fe yeat inst suction wil larive via ing value to unpaid labor. Last year, the YWCA senate. “The University Committee will evalu- Students show the way | secretaries e-mail to information: department administrators! Barbara = ——==Distinction. named Douthice In February, one of she its became Women the of ate Under such requests.” the old policy, UW-Madison automat- with campus : green = projects | Ziemer, 100BascomHall, 263-2467; «Vaughn Bascom Professor of Women in ically subtracted up to three years of previous AP environmental studies course follows the that litle vicrores are the route to oe peewee Phianchropy, service at another institution from its seven-year Philosophy ae a Douthitt’s appointment follows Hamilton tenure clock. The policy mirrored the guidelines ig - changes. The Environmental Studies | professor Edvmrdiackrav ofan McCubbin’s decision to step down as dean July established in 1940 by the American Certificate Seminar uses the campus as a test University wil Suss*Fightiig © =. Douthitr will begin her new duties immedi-_Association of University Professors. bed for small-scale student projects to improve | Lobsters: From GenestoBehavion” © = © = ately to insure a smooth. transition. McCubbin Bur many universities routinely turn the ‘he environment. | Friday, Mey 14-84 pimin 61918 plans co rejoin the Department of Child and tenure clock back to zero when chey'hire anew Evelyn Howell landscape architecture pro- | Biochemistyespartofthe = = Family Studies and the School of Social Work assistant professor from another institution, fessor and IES 600 instructor, says the clas had __ Distinguished Neuroscience Lectures; = following a year of independent research. which puts UW-Madison at a disadvantage ‘htee solid projects under way this semester. - ____ Kravitz’ sesearch interests have cen- ihcrcrilting teow cil, One group looked at at “natural landscape | tered onneurotansmites andrew acutty elect members design” as oe to manicured lawns on a eee vam eisand. _ of University Committee Library report gets attention eee SS __ on the action o nes (serotonin ¢ . sae ing a grassy area near Muir ee is Saute i | ectopamife) in sagressive havior, 22 Faculty have cleced three new members tothe The 1998-99 report of the University Library perennial ower gardens ; using behavioral, physiological and 7 University Committee, the panel that sets the Committee is attracting national attention for A second project explored ways for the UW- | melecalat am imine the FF = agenda for the Faculty Senate. its focus on scholarly communication, says — Madison Housing Food Service to buy more "mation and main r Of dominance Joining the committee Tuesday, June 1, will Kenneth Frazier, director of the General Library dairy products and produce from local farmers. aes Ceo ee be Linda S. Greene, professor of law; Thomas System. 2 And a third project studied a proposal to pave | MAX KADE LECTURE SET D. Sharkey, professor of botany; and Patricia L. Among its recommendations, the report calls the lakeshore path to determine its impact on _ The Max Kade tnstitiite @ sponsoring Wolleat, professor of counseling psychology. for support from faculty and university adminis. path users. There are concerns that pavement, | lecture; “German-American Collections © = Greene and Wolleat will serve three-year terms; __tTation to maintain the concepts of fair use and while helping bicyclists, would hurt the solitude [of the Milwaukee County Historical © Sharkey will serve a two-year term. public domain in the current age of electronic of che path. Sairciensss Litnatbeser oe 2 Spine se The new members succeed Christopher communication. The report also encourages Since the early 1990s, Howell says IES 600 " Milwaukestount Hidencstsodenf.. .-Kicimhenz, professor of French and Italian; professors who are editors of journals to “chal- seudents have produced dozens of small | The free lecure ie Thursday May43. «Brent H. McCown, professor of horticulrure; lenge” the escalating subscription costs of these improvements that have endured on campus. | atSpm.inthe Alumnitounge, «2d Stephen M. Robinson, chair of the publications. | t pyle srareee Center, JO2langdonst. eral © «=== =———S(Universiry engincesing Committee and computer and professor science. of indus- TIE In Madisan addition, ibearice-consinne/wodingpwich. the report recommends that oe ee ea i. eae aS © Continuing on the committee are Mary other libraries ro license electronic databases. Faculty salaries still lag | Sag ea hee tape tie mee a SS Behan, professor of veterinary ; medicine; Bane’ and ju journals, which ich will wil counteract the rising si 1, the past year, salaries for full and associate Richard R. Burgess, professor of oncology; and subscription costs charged by commercial — ofessore rose slightly compared to UW- Bernice Durand, professor of physics. Durand publishers. = Madison's peer institutions, while the pay level < will chair the committee. Frazier ‘told the Faculey “Senase that! the 5, assiseant professors maintained ics same posi ese Assosation of Research Libraries would distsb~ on among the 11 peer universities, according Wisconsin i y oo : to the Faculty Senate's Commission on Faculty Week Compensation and Economic Benefits. The Vol. XIV, No. 9, May 12, 1999 is ‘Wisconsin ean de oa ‘newspaper of record for the - * senate discussed the report Monday, May 3. University of Wisconsin-Madison, carries legally required © Overall, UW-Madison faculty salaries still lag sons Sly cs aioman behind the median of their peers by 6 percent, cpuuaty tases eck ere compared to 7.2 percent last year, the report Public Affairs, biweekly when classes are in session says. Merman oe ce Bascom Hall, To reach the median of their peers by 2001, phone: (608) 262-3846. E-mail-wisweek@macc-wiscedu. oe : e the report adds, UW-Madison faculty must Posters fo non cer aa > 4 receive 5.2 percent raises in each of the next two foe master Send Se adress changes to Wisconsin eee e Pe) % years — the level recommended by the UW , ‘Subscriptions for U.S. mail delivery are $18 a year or $9 pA Pe os System Board of Regents as part of the 1999- fr siz months, Send cbc, payable ro Waconn Werk, _ — a state budget. The Joint Committee on es 4 Ai mployment Relations is scheduled to take Address prvgrtineen cl a e2 2 ; : i action e on state pay plans this summer. UW-Madison Employee Compensation and Benefits Office. ae Concerning health insurance, the report at ee Loe .
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