E1616 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 28, 2006 supplement science and chemistry curriculum. BANNING CARBON MONOXIDE IN tion drugs, let’s ensure that consumers do not The competition is open to 6th, 7th, and 8th MEAT have similar concerns about the food they grade students throughout the country. Rachel buy. and six other competitors earned the right to HON. ROSA L. DeLAURO f represent their schools in Philadelphia after OF CONNECTICUT RECOGNIZING THE 35TH ANNIVER- passing initial qualifying tests and winning IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES SARY OF THE JOHN HARLAND local competitions. Friday, July 28, 2006 CO. BOLINGBROOK PLANT The YBTCC competition was divided into Ms. DELAURO. Mr. Speaker, today, I am in- rounds where each student was asked a se- troducing legislation that would ban the prac- HON. JUDY BIGGERT ries of multiple choice questions. Rachel made tice of injecting packages of meat with doses OF ILLINOIS it to the final round with a perfect score, an- of carbon monoxide to give it an artificially IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES swering difficult questions covering general fresh appearance. The sole purpose of this chemistry, scientific history, biochemistry, nu- practice is to deceive consumers into pur- Friday, July 28, 2006 clear chemistry, physics and math. chasing and potentially eating meat that looks Mrs. BIGGERT. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Rachel demonstrated great academic prow- fresh, but could be spoiled. recognize the John H. Harland Company on ess and sportsmanship before a national audi- This week, the American Meat Institute an- the 35th anniversary of its production facility in ence, representing competitive values that nounced the results of two studies claiming Bolingbrook, Illinois. make Kentucky proud. that carbon monoxide is safe to use in meat In 1971, Harland’s corporate leaders made packages and urged opponents to concede a decision to locate a plant near Chicago. The I ask my colleagues in the U.S. House of their position and end the debate. Indeed, the suburbs were booming, and the workforce was Representatives to join me in congratulating carbon monoxide gas itself may be safe and skilled. Not unlike today, the area had so Rachel Sutterley for her achievement and in would not cause harm to consumers. How- much to offer in terms of its quality of life and wishing her continued success in her prom- ever, when the gas is injected to deceive cus- great business climate. That decision proved ising future years. tomers into purchasing meat that could be to be a wise one indeed. This year, the com- months past its freshness date, then there is pany celebrates 35 prosperous years in f no doubt that it would be harmful to con- Bolingbrook, Illinois. sumers. Today, I would like to recognize the men TRIBUTE TO BILL SELLERS OF These studies released by AMI are an in- and women of Harland and celebrate with BROOKSVILLE, FLORIDA triguing contribution to the debate. One of them 35 successful years in Bolingbrook, Illi- them was funded by the beef industry. The nois. other study was conducted by an AMI ‘‘expert The John H. Harland Company was found- HON. GINNY BROWN-WAITE consultant’’ who has received numerous ed in 1923. Over the next 83 years it grew OF FLORIDA grants from AMI, and also received an AMI and evolved into one of the premier financial scientific achievement award. Therefore, the services providers, doing business with more IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES results of these studies should not calm con- than two-thirds of all financial institutions in the Friday, July 28, 2006 sumer fears and definitely should not cause United States. Its facility in Bolingbrook has opponents of this practice to end the debate. played—and continues to play—a crucial part Ms. GINNY BROWN-WAITE of Florida. Mr. In 2004, the USDA and FDA approved the in Harland’s success. Speaker, I rise today to recognize the accom- use of carbon monoxide through an informal With approximately 200 employees, the plishments of a distinguished constituent, Bill process without a full public comment process Bolingbrook facility each year processes more Sellers of Brooksville, Florida. Bill has recently and without regulations specifying conditions than 11 million orders for checks for con- been named the 2006 Outstanding of use. As a result, meat labels do not indicate sumers in 13 states, including most of the Agriculturalist of the Year by the Extension whether meat has been treated with carbon Midwest, from Wisconsin to Kentucky and Professionals Association of Florida. Bill will monoxide—leaving no way for the consumer Pennsylvania to Minnesota and everywhere in receive the award at the Association’s annual to know whether they are purchasing fresh between. In the true spirit of its founder, the banquet this September. meat. John H. Harland Company’s allegiance to its Meat producers explain that the carbon customers and employees remains strong 35 Growing up on a farm, Bill took a keen inter- monoxide process is safe and that it helps cut years later. est in agriculture and the land. An avid mem- costs that result from discarding meat that has Harland also is committed to strengthening ber of the Future Farmers of America, Bill begun to turn brown, but still is safe to eat. our community through service. In recognition went on to study agriculture in college, eventu- That certainly is an understandable position. of the spirit of service demonstrated by Dr. ally helping to manage his mother’s cattle farm However, ground beef treated with carbon Martin Luther King, Jr., Harland employees near Brooksville. Today, Bill earns a living as monoxide still could have the appearance of celebrate the MLK holiday as a day of service, an agricultural mortgage lender. being fresh months after its ‘sell-by’ date. volunteering at local organizations such as In addition to his lifelong passion for agri- There also have been instances in the past Meadowbrook Manor, Lambs Fold Women’s culture, Bill has been involved in giving back where stores have misrepresented the Shelter, and the Shepherd Food Pantry. to the local farming community through his freshness of their food long before the carbon I want to commend all of the Bolingbrook service on the area extension board. Bill has monoxide process was introduced. employees for their commitment to quality, also played a key role in the partnership be- Supporters of the carbon monoxide process customers, and community. It is their hard tween Hernando County and the University of explain that smell is a better indicator of spoil- work and dedication that has made the Florida in the area of agriculture and farming. age than color and consumers should base Harland Company what it is today—a 35-year their purchases on the ‘use or freeze by’ date One of Bill’s greatest challenges as a pro- success story. as the best guide. This is true; however, it ponent of the farming lifestyle is the reticence f should be noted that this date on meat pack- of today’s youth to enter into an agriculture ca- ages is not based on any scientific or regu- WELLS VS. WILLARD BY RACHEL reer. With the challenges famers face from latory guidelines, but is determined by the in- KARRER global competition, the increased use of tech- dustry. Also, why should consumers be sub- nology and unpredictable weather conditions, jected to the hassle of bringing meat home fewer and fewer young people are entering HON. RON LEWIS from the grocery store, opening the package the profession. OF KENTUCKY to determine if it still is fresh, and returning it IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. Speaker, men like Bill Sellers provide if it is spoiled? the lifeblood of this great Nation. Tilling the Canada, Japan, and the European Union al- Friday, July 28, 2006 land, raising the livestock, and ensuring that ready ban the use of carbon monoxide in Mr. LEWIS of Kentucky. Mr. Speaker, I America’s food needs are met is an honorable meat packages. I look forward to working with commend my colleagues to the attached calling. I commend Bill for his service and con- you to also protect American consumers from essay, Wells vs. Willard, by Rachel Karrer. gratulate him on being named the Outstanding this deceitful practice. During a time when we Miss Karrer was a finalist in the National His- Agriculturalist of the Year. have begun to question the safety of prescrip- tory Day Competition in Kentucky and recently July 28, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1617 represented her state at the national competi- 1891. (Lavender) After this, she joined the But, the truth of the matter is that the tion. Memphis Star newspaper. Women’s Christian Temperance Union was a I had the privilege of meeting Miss Karrer Through her articles, Wells fought for the well-known and influential organization. As rights of African-Americans, but in 1892, she president of that organization, Willard’s and her family during their visit to Washington, began fighting for something even more im- voice and opinion carried a substantial DC. portant; she began fighting for their lives. In amount of weight, she being a leading figure [National History Day Paper] March of that year, three African-American in deciding which causes the organization WELLS VS. WILLARD men were lynched on false charges. These would back. Ida Wells was well aware of how (By Rachel C. Karrer) men were Wells’s friends, and the rage inside the Women’s Christian Temperance Union’s her began to grow. (Lavender) She attacked support could benefit the anti-lynching Wells and Willard, who were they? The lynching, and challenged the actions of movement.
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