LOCAL EDITION—12 PAGES. MAINE WOODS, PHILLIPS, MAINE, AUGUST 18, 1910. 3 MOOSELOOKMEGUNTIC When you talk about Perfection in HOUSE. Ammunition you are talking about (Special to Maine Woods.) Haines Landing, Atig. 15, 1910. Peters Shells First! A heavy thunder shower at seven o’clock this morning woke everyone up in. good season, and cool days In Southern Handicap are expected. PETERS AMMUNITION is justly famed for the old RECORDS it CARTRIDGE The guests gave a delightful pro­ has broken, and the new RECORDS it has established, in Rifle, gressive euchre party on Tuesday ev­ ening. Eight tables were arranged Revolver and Shotgun Shooting PETERS goods have time and in the reception and dining rooms, again distanced all previous scores, and the 1910 Southern Handi­ and lit was a jolly, merry company cap, at Columbus, Ga., May 3-5, is the latest instance. In the ALL DEALERS HAVE IT that played for several hours for the big Handicap Race, Mr. H. D, Freeman, shooting PETERS FAC­ handsome prizes that were won by Mrs1. W. H. Scott of Brooklyn, first TORY LOADED PREMIER SHELLS, made the wonderful—in ladies’ prize, Mrs. John Robert Todd fact, sensational score of UNITED STATES CARTRIDGE CO. ot Philadelphia, second ladies’ prize, Mr. Ohas. N. Trump of Philadelphia, first gentlemen’s prize, and Mr. W. Lowell, Mass. 1!. Scott of Brooklyn, second gentle­ 99 out of 100 from 21 vds. men’s prize. Messrs. Geo. O. Coon and Mira- No such 21-yard score has ever before been made, and it is W eld Outing Notes* Schofield; vice presidents, R. E. bt an Towns/ have the past week been given especial importance ¡because it was made in one of the '^cammani, E. J. Osier, 2nd, Harry entertaining their friend, Capt. M. J. big trap shooting events of the year, in “fast company” and V B. Austin, Don Gates, John Harlow; Lahey, of the New York police. He under regulation conditions. All credit to Mr. Freeman and to was a handsome fellow, six-foot-two, (Special to Maine Woods.) sicretary, H. G. Swett; treasurer, H. his ammunition. Such a score could only he made with loads M. Barrett. and everybody stopped and looked at f Weld, Me., Aug. 15, 1910. ii im as he passed by. The captain having HIGH VELOCITY (without excessive recoil) QUICK IG­ The Lewiston “Pilgrims” journeyed More Trout and Salmon for Lake v.as “off duty,” and the vacation NITION and PERFECT PATTERN. I ^ays were far too short. He was t to Weld on Wednesday last. Three Webb. •hall games .were played on Aug. 10, more than delighted with this, his I A few facts for the cottagers and first visit to the Rangeleys, and after THE PETERS CARTRIDGE COMPANY, - CINCINNATI, OHIO 11 and 12. The first was a 14 inning ? ■citizens of Weld, which show at a casting the fly and landing a num­ feame, resulting in a tie, 4 to 4, be­ ber of trout and salmon, he said: NEW YORK; 93 Chambers St T. H. Keller, Mgr. ? ing called off on account of dark­ glance iw'hat the Fish., Game and “No more salt water fishing for me, f ness. The second game was won by Guides’ association has done in the this is the greatest sport I ever had Weld. 11 to 13. On Friday, the “ Pil­ past year and what it proposes to do fishing.” grims” squared themselves, taking ip. the coming year to improve the Mrs. Alfred M. Morrell and son, the game in good style, 5 to 1. Sel­ fishing in Lake Webb. Wm. Morrell, of Plainfield, N. J., friends, but did not remain to cast As we pulled up the river at sunset dom has better ball playing been At a meeting of this association, have joined Mrs. Morrell’s parents, the. fiy over the pool. From a trip to Matalluck brook, sten on these grounds. Pratt, Weld’s August 23, 1909, it was voted to build jMr. and Mrs. Warnecks, in one of Hon. H. Bisbee of Jacksonville, There stood my nocturnal vision, premier, pitcher, threatens to break and operate a hatchery. On Septem­ tLt camps for the remainder of the Fla., has returned, and with his oM And I said to Tom, “ O. look!” into fast company if he keeps up the ber 20, 1909, the work was begun. A guide, Elmer Woodbury, is at Rioh- present pace. hatchery, 24x16, a pond and the nec­ season. Their friend, Miss Elizabeth A stork with flowing plumage, ¡Richards of Hempstead, N. Y., is lard/son pond for a few days’ camp­ The kind that’s very rare, essary water connections were com­ ¡with them for her first visit to the ing trip. It is alleged that Mr. E. M. Osier pleted in time to he of use in caring Rangeleys. Loomed up in the dry tie stump age of Philadelphia has partially shot! sev­ for the trout spawn taken, from na- Mr. L. Arthur Reese of Philadel­ Aud Tom fairly went in the air. eral pole cats. He will not return t.ve fish. Mr. Erwin Schmuch of Boston is phia was joined by his wife on Sat­ to Philadelphia until late in the fall. In order to do this work, money ei.joying a ten days’ sojourn here. urday, accompanied by her sister, ‘ Well, ’aint we having a party?” It might be added that skunks are was obtained from two 'sources. The The flag is again flying at Camp Mrs. S. O. Graham of Louisville, Said Tom as he rushed for his gun; most plentiful. Abe Tainter killed sum of $319.67 was raised among the Houghton, and it is pleasant to meet Kv., and they have taken one of the “ I hat bird is yours, if you want it,” one the other night with an axe. Abe citizens of Weld who are members of tL t Ashton party, who have been an­ cottages for the remainder of 1 the And then he quickened his run. nual guests here for many seasons. season. had his nerve with him. He came this association, /while the cottagers The party this season includes Mrs. V. e sneaked down behind the alders, off victorious—not a smell. contributed $89.00. It may be well Mr. Harry Taylor of Los Angeles, '15 H. Ashton, Mrs. E. R. Ashton Cal., is here for his second season, But it seemed too far for a shot; The Pine Point camp of John R. to state here that if the hatchery rod Messrs. C. F. and Henry C. Ash­ “ Say Doc, pull me out in the rowboat Duke has just been occupied by sev­ bac’ been constructed under ordinary and his account of the “ land of flow­ ton of Boston. ers” is a beautiful wood picture. And land me right on the spot. eral members of the Metropolitan conditions the cost would have ex­ Moonlight sails are now the fad, Opera company. It is reported that ceeded $1,000. This saving of about “But I do so enjoy coming here and “ Well, Doc, won’t Van be crazy and eight or ten motor boats with just looking at the green of your Anna Held has rented it for next $500 imay properly be credited to the happy families whose merry laugh or Wbe<n we show him that bird and the isiimmer. public spirit manifested by the wonderful forest,” said Mr. Taylor, trout; the echo of a soing is heard, are of­ and I could hut ask the question, Mr. E. G. Marble of the Osier & townspeople in supplying materials ten out for au evening on the lake. I tell you .wie’re record breakers, Marble camp has* 1 a trice d from Prov­ at cost and in giving lalbor. The to­ “ what would the grand old statp of When you and I go out. idence in his 90 horse-power Merci- nd cost of the hatchery was $499.45 Mr. C. Zinniman and friend, Mr. Maine be if there were no evergreen W. P. Hogan, of Cleveland, Ohio, are trees?” and may our laws be ©o wise “ Pull hard on the right, now/ on the ltss. Please keep all small children and the amount collected was $408.- for another season passing a few off the street. 67. This leaves/ a deficit of $90.78. that for centuries to come our lum­ left, . days here. ber mills! will run as they now do, Go easy and pull straight ahead; Miss Ethel Russell is visiting at Since the hatchery was cosntruct- For a month’s sojourn, Messrs. Augusta. ec\ it has cared for the following and our forests he the same green I’ll fire in just a minute, Gerald and John A. Towi© of An­ e.vpanse of wilderness. We hear that Miss Madge Hough- amount of spawn and young fish: dover, Mass., and friend, Arthur And then Mr. Stork will he dead.” Ion is soon to corner the paper mar­ 10.000 salmon received from the state Mrs. E. M. Mulligan and son, Wil­ Cole, of Haverhill, Mass., are enjoy­ Bang! Bang! went the hammerles© ket. hatchery at Auburn, Me.; 100,00/0 ing life in one of the log camps. liam, of Washington, D. C., who are With three dances, four mountain trout spawn from the same source; here for their first season, are ©o Parker, Mr*. G. A. Spain e of New York Both (barrels went pell mell, climbing parties, numerous hall '15,000 trout spawn, from the U. S. came Tuesday, and this week will be delighted with the place that they games and chowder parties, we have hatchery at Green Lake, Me.; and v ill remain until autumn days.
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