y A 16— MANCHESTER HERALD. Thursday, April 5, 1990 WE DELIVER I CARS For Home Delivery, Call FOR SALE 647-9946 Reversal Sizzle Dominating Monday to Friday, 9 to 6 SCRANTON CHRYSLER-PIXMOUm A Sp cclolis^ 55 WlndMT Aw. (Rto. 63), Ifemon Coventry board East Catholic bats Weicker leads [ ^ C A R S 85 Dodge 600ES $3,495 FOR SALE Loaded, Tfad^lO(taUon S p e d tl ___ 8 5 Toyota Pickup $4,665 reinstates grant/3 hot in 1990 opener/11 rivals in poll/4 Automatic, Extra Clean PONTIAC-1979 Sunbird. S7 Mazda B-2000P.U. $4,885 Body good condition. 5 Speed. Low rWaa, Heady to Go BOOK/INCOME TAX CARPENTRY/ No rust. Engine needs 87 D o ^ Dakota P.U. $6,785 ELDERLY CARE LAWN CARE HEATING/PLUMBING CONCRETE REMODELING work. $100. Call 646-3620 Long Bad, Low mlaa. Sharp track ALAN W. GATES after 4. 8 7 Chrysler New \bi'r<er $6,875 4 Door. Loaded, LaWher M eitor, Extra &CO. WET YARDMASl'klOy M & M O IL d M fi NURSE'S AIDE All phases of CUstoM CARPENTRY 87 Mercury Cougar $7,865 BASEMENTS? SPRING CLEANUP PLUMBING & HEATING Lipman VW 2 Door, Many axtrat. Need* to be tcM •Trees & Lawns Cut tax preparation and UNLIMITED 87 Chrysler Lebaron $8,245 Free estimates & written guaran­ Years of Experience. financial planning. -on Burner Service & Sales Rte. 83, Vamon tee. Hatchways, bundation craclts, •Yards & Garages Qeaned Licenced & Insured Automatic, 2S.000 m ilw Hospital Trained. ■Automatic Oil Delivery 1989VWGo»a gravity feeds, tile lines, dry wells, •Brush Piles Removed ■Inc^viduals -Partnerships Amo./vc 88 Chrys Lebaron Convert $SAVE Decks, Kitchens & Bath­ -Well Pumps Sales & Service 1988VWJenaGL Automatic, Top Down Spedal sump pumps, wndow wels & drain­ Excellent References. •Truck & Backhoe Wodt •Corporations -Estates rooms designed & remod­ Auto/JVC age lines. Over 40 years experi­ ■Water Heaters (EiMiria a Ou) V W J^ Carat 89 Plymoutti Sundance $8,845 •&terior Housepainting •Fiduciaries -Trusts eled. Ceramic tile, all phases Automatic, AA1. Only 9,000 rrilaa ence. References. 742-6402 •Driveways S^ed •Bathroom & Kitchen Loaded H a n rlfp a lp r ALBERT ZUCCARO •Electronic Filing of carpentry & repair. 1988 VW Quantum 89 Dodge Grand Caraven $14,995 •Landscaping Installations Remodeling SCvl.Auk>.IOK)<d 7 paaa.. 6 cyl., 6 year wwranty WATER PROORNG • Corrputerized Tax C al Now For Spring Spedalt •Senior Citizen Discouni’-- ig87VWJettaGL HARTFORD •Complete Building & 5u..ArC FYoperty Maintaii^ Returns •Electric Work 19B6VwGol 8 7 5 -3 3 1 1 563-3006 d e 5 k a d d it io n s " " 528-5502 A n y tim e Auto./VC • TTD-TTY For the Deaf FREE ESTIMATES MANCHESTER •tViyJobCcraiiM 1986 VW Got FUWfBISUKED FSEEBSttUAJES Alan W. Gates Phone: 5»pd..Mnroo( 1978 Camaro type L-T 350 cm . YARDMASTERS 1985 VW Jena GL V8, new paint, power, Also, d a m p ^ s p m ^n g concrete Enrolled Agent PAINTING/PAPERING 649-2871 Sud.,AX: Manchester, Conn, — A City of Village Charm Newsstand Price: 35 Cents walls & floors DECKS 643-9996 Registered Rnandal Planner I^VWScrjocc runs good. $2500/best Friday, April 6,1990 Pressure Treated Siod../VC offer, 649-5034.________ 210 Main Street 1980 Rabbi Custom Designs BUNKER LANDSCAPING REPAIR OISMt 1980 Grand PrIx, Good Manchester C ollege Pro & DESIGN 1987Samari condition, $875. or best TREE SERVICE/PRUNING •Full lam cams -Hand Raking 5 spd.. cenv. 649-7470 •$1,000,000 LiabiHy Ins. ^ ASK A SPECIALIST! 1^6 Audi 'OOOS offer. 646-3070 after THE DECK SPECIALISTS landscaping service •Oelhalching Auto, loaded Fax 649-3^ •Fu« Wofkmanis Compensa6oo All electric, small, portable appli­ 5:30pm. HAWKES TREE SERVICE 646-0032 •Spring CtearHJp -Fertiliang 4 Lime 1966 RX-7 Visa/Mastercard •2 Year Witten Guarantee ances can be repaired by our Sspd.,jportpad( Businessman BuckeL truck 4 chipper. MOWING ■Free Estimates liS s^R e g a l Fully Insured/Free Estimates experts. 10 yrs. in the Vernon loadad.buckats Workers bid Stump removal. Free CPA TAX PREPARATION MANCHESTER area. A fine selection of new and 1984Pbntiac Sunbird OUTTOBECOME GEORGE 633-1716 CaU 1-B00-346-4C49 24 Hours estimates. Special LIQUIDATION For Individuals & Business. rebuilt vacs. Panasonic, Eu- consideration for elderly and LAWN MAINTENANCE MANCHESTER'S Your home or mine. Eve­ .roka, Miele. We are here foryoul 649-2638 handicapped •Spring Clean-up Ask your neighbors. Small ap­ nings or W eekends. found dead 647-:7 - 7 ^ ESTATE LIQUIDATION ■S eas^ Mowing WEIGLE'S PAINTING CQ. pliances repaired. #1 •PlanUng/kriulch Beds Reasonably Rates Quality work at a CARDINAL Commercial & Residential •Shrubs Trimmed Can 528-1947 reasonable price! APPLIANCE & VACUUM to buy UAL By Dianna M. Talbot SEWING/ALTERATTONS Cash or Sell on Residential & Commeiclal Accounts Interior & Exterior SERVICE CENTER BUICK, INC. USED CAR FreeEetknalee Expert Sendee Free Estimates Post Rd. Plaza Manchester Herald Consignment 643-2884/644-6712 1985 Olds Calais Sed $8395 fight to oust UAL’s board at the CARPENTRY/ Call Brian Weigle RL 30 Vernon 1989 Chevrolel Cavalier $8,495 SEAMSTRESS DEALER By Sarah Nordgren company’s April 26 shareholder T + A LAWN & 645-8912 872-1280 1989 Bulck Regal Coupe $10380 Aaron Cook, 51, of 64 Wyllis St„ was found dead • Dressmaking • Alterations 645-1174 REMODELING 1988 98 Reg Brougham $13,490 85Pontiac6000 $4,995 The Associated Press LANDSCAPING INC. Thursday in an antique car he apparently was working on meeting. • Replace Zippers • Coat 1988 Rintiac Hrelwd Coupe $8395 85 Pontiac Rero $3,395 Linings • Custom Curtains Personal Care LAWN MOWERS 1988 Chevy Z-24 Cavalier $0300 in the garage of a building he owns at 560 East Middle “We think it’s a fair deal,” said CLEANING SERVICES •Mowing KITCHEN & BATH Wall Papering and Painting 1968 Ranliac Sunbird Coupe $7395 87Ponliac6000 $6,995 Turnpike, said police and a member of the family. CHICAGO — Directors of UAL Coniston general partner Paul Tier­ •Slipcovers REPAIRED 1987 Buick Cent LTD Sedan $6380 •Planting & Design 20 years Experience 87 Pontiac Grand Am $6,995 Although police listed an initial investigaUon into the Corp. announced today they had ney. ★ 30 Years Experience ★ Free Pickup & Delivery 1987 Buick Park A/e Coupe $11,490 Call Aaron Allbrio REMODELING agreed to sell the company, the CALL647-8730 _ Insurance, References and in Manchester 1987 Buick Centu7 LTD Wbg $8,660 86 Ponliac Firebird $6,995 cause of the businessman’s death as a possible suicide, The agreement marks the end of a House Cleaning 1987 Buick Somerset Cpe $7,480 parent of United Airlines, to its 646-0511 ______ From the smallest Free Estimates ★ Prompt, Courteous, 84 Toyota Cam^ $4;995 the official cause remains to be determined, a family takeover saga that began in Auguat at reasonable rates. 1986 Buick SkyhawkQpa $5300 employees for $201 a share or $4.38 repair to the largest MARTY MATTSSON Expert Service 1986 Chevrolel Corvette $18390 member said today. when Los Angeles investor Marvin SALES/TRADE Weekly, bi-weekly, monthly. No SPRING CLEANUP 85 Toyota P-tpSRS $3,995 billion. renovation, we will do a 649-4431________ ★ Reasonable Prices 1986 Chevy Celebriy Sedan $6,380 Cook, president and owner of General Oil Co. of East Davis made a $5.4 billion offer for job too big or too small. Detliatchlng; edging; hedge and 1966) Ronliac Grand Prix $8350 83k>yotaCorD8a $2,995 Under terms of the agreement, an­ ★ Free Estimates Hartford, was found without a pulse shortly after 7 p.rn., the company. Davis said earlier this For tree estimates bush trimming. Lawn mowing. complete job. 1986 Camaro Coupe $6350 8iNissai2(X)SX $2,995 nounced after an all-night board BOOK RACK ★ 15% Senior Discount 1985 Olds Cutlass Sup. 4 Dr. $5395 slumped in the driver’s seat of the car which he stores in Experienced. Dependable. Start to finish. , interior/Exterior ~ week that he would not make Previously enjoyed paperback please call 742-6419 ECONOMY LAWN 1985 Buick Skylark Sedan $4395 84HondaCRX $3,395 the East Middle "nimpike garage, police said. Police meeting, the employees will ex­ 1985 Ford Tempo $3395 another bid. books from Romance to Hor­ Ray Hardy's Lawn Care FREE ESTIMATES Painting Done MOWER 85 Chevy Celebrity $4,595 listed his probable cause of death as inhalation of carbon change $155 in cash, $35 in U/\L ror! We will trade for yourgood ■light carpentry 1964 Jeep Wagoneer 4X4 $5,995 notes and an estimated $11 worth of But his initial offer sent United’s SWEEP MR. WINTER 646-7973 Complete do-it-yourself 1982 Mercuiy Lynx 4 Dr. $2395 85 Chevy Monte Cario $7;995 monoxide. paperbacks 2 for 1; or we will ■ceilings and walls repaired Call Anytime securities in Covia Corp. for each of pilots and management scrambling sell our books 1/2 price. OUT THE WINDOW! programs available. ■attics and cellars cleaned 81 Adams Street A flashlight by his right side was on, a car key was in Our de«>rg Mrvtoe it 647-5705 85 Century Wagon $8995 UAL’s 21.8 million outstanding to come up with their own bid. In thorough & oeperdaUe. DON'S LAWN SERVICE 643-6386 M a n c h e s te r the ignition and doors leading into the garage were September, U/\L directors accepted 435 J Hartford Tpke. 649-4571 87FordTempo $4995 shares. •Rototilling -Edging Heritage Kitchen & fully insured/fee estimates closed, police said. a $6.75 billion offer from the pilots, “Shops at 30 Plaza” MISCEllANEOUS 86 Ford Escort Wag $4995 Cook was pronounced dead on the scene by Covia is the computerized reser­ V e rn o n , C T 0 6 0 6 6 FrM EMImatM/UnbMrtabla Ptfess •Hedge & Bush Trimming Bath Center management and British Airways Call now for lawn mowing.
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