THE WIN6POR CLAN VOL. 16 Al,:RON, OHIO, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1927 No. 45 Ninth Assembly Elects Its Lr. 3 rs WORK OF ASSEMBLY C. T. MARRIOTT ELECTE[ PRESIDENT OF REI;EIVES PLAUDITS SENATE; W.11. RICKETTS, SPEAKER Of HOUSE AT ANNUAL BANQUET . Ninth Industrial Assembly Chooses Leaders At Opening f Session Last Monday Night In Goodyear Hall; Year Just Completed Stands . Eighth Assembly Dissolves Out In Co-Operation, Fair Dealing Senator C. T. Marriott was elected president of the sen- ate, and Representative JV. H. Ricketts, speaker of the ..k President Litehfield comes - house, at the opening session of the Ninth Industrial As- of a long line of sea eaptains, sembly, AIonday night. skippers of the famous old Other officers elected were, in the senate : 1Vm. Cash, . New England clipper ships, vice-president ; C. F. Libby, secretary (re-elected) ; A. E. which in their day were the Haverty, sergeant-at-arms (re-elected) ; in the house: G. E. Bgp. 1/k Y/e 9» finest in the world. Shumaker, vice speaker; R. J. Whiting, secretary; ser- So it was natural that in Left to right: C. T. Marriott, president of the senate and W. H. geant-at-arms, J. G. Shirley. Ricketts, speaker of the House. his reminiseenees at the As- The new president of the senate has been a member of sembly banquet last week the assembly from the third assembly to the present and LOOK OVER OUR WONDERFUL TIRE STOCK he should use the metaphor was recently elected from District 3 for the fourth sueees- of the seas. Tliat's the invitation that Chet tire. Now is the time to get a sive term. Tlie new speaker of 6 6 For many years." he Brewer, manager of the Goodyear tire at prices exceptionally low. tlie house was elected from Pre- CRACK FLIERS LIKE cinct 32 for tile third successive said, "I was what might be called Tire Repair School makes to all •'We have a very good stock of RIDES ON PILGRIM term. the chief engineer of the ship of Goodyear employees. Drive 30x342 tires in standard and over- through the winter months know- A nominating committee to se- Goodyear. It was our job to keep size and also n dandy supply of The • Goodyear airship Pilgrim ing that you won't have to stop lect assembly members for the up steam. to supply the power that all the other sizes. (:arried some distinguished heavier- • joint general committees was drove the ship ahead. Now I am in the cold and snow to change a '•I never saw a better stock of than-air fliers recently during the eleeteil tls follows : Senators W. up on the bridge. It is my task tires. Come and look them over," airport bond issue campaign. Lt. C. Claus, R. J. Walters and JI. A. to pilot the ship, to direct its says Chet. .Timmy Doolittle of Wright Field Pitman, and Representatives R. .T. course, to study tlie weather FRIARS' CLUB 1•ILL probably tlie best flier in the serv- Whiting, Jack I. Wills and G. E. ahead. At times the going is dif- ice, Lt. Hegenberger, who made Shumaker. A special meeting of ficult, there is fog, we must travel DANCE SATURDAY SCOUTS AND PARENTS the flight from San Francisco to the assembly will be held in a few eautiously, at reduced speed. At HAVE FUN TOGETHER Hawaii and Lt. Frank T. MeKee, days to vote on the nominees they other times we call for full speed Friars' dances are continuing to comniander of Norton Field, Co- have selected. ahead. be among the popular Saturday It was hard to tell whether luinbils. were among tliem. The Eighth Assembly opened the "We have lots of competition. night events of Goodyear Hall. The scouts or their parents hnd the Lt. MeKee, formerly stationed session JIonday night in the usual Other craft are making every ef- uext of these pleasant affairs will most fun at the Parent's Party of at Scott Field, St. Louis, is a manner. Reports of the various fort to take the lead away from be lield in the sixth floor ball room, the Goodyear Boy Scout Troops qualified airship pilot so was per- standing comniittees were heard. us, to put us out of the running. Goodyear Hall, Saturday night, held in Goodyear Il:111 last week. feetly at home in the little Good- The election committee gave a To hold our advantage takes the November 12. At least 250 were present alto- ye,r ship, but it was the first time summary of the happening of the fullest effort on the part of all of All friends of the Friars' Club gether and all lind a gbod titne. for Doolittle and Hegenberger, year ; the sales conimittee gave us. If there should be differences with invitations are invited to these Coacb Ed Conner put the each of whom got a big kick out tlieir report of Raids and apI)roxi- in our own ranks, lack of har- dances. These invitations may be grownups through some games of the experience. mate savings secured for employ- mony, Iack of co-operation, our obtained from any member of the wliich exercised unaccustonied Clarence Cliamberlin, Trans- ees, and tlle Special Welfare Fund rivals would be quick to take ad- Friars' Club. Jack Daley and his muscles. but tliey were a gilme lot. Atl:intir tlyer took the air in the committee gave their report anci vantage of it. orchestra will provide the musical F. 0. IT'ashain superintendecl the shil, Tuesduy during his visit to submitted an audit of their bookF accompaniment. distribution of eats. Akron. showitig that everything was bari- PRESENT THE "BULL" For the • dance November 26 the dled in a straightforward and busi- K. & B. Merry •fakers will fur- 7 17 nesslike manner. In the house, Vice President C. C. Slusser nisli the music. The Days That Used To Be a- ..036.1VOU' Rep. R. J. Whiting submitted n expressed surprise at the as- inotion that the committee be sembly banquet that the "Bar- ever made a decision by hearing given n vote of tlianks for the good becue Bull," whlch was won by one side only. Assembly and 5:•.* work they had done in the Eighth the management from the as. *fl/&, ...,, 0 management try hard to solve ..9 .5 Assembly. sembly In a baseball game last operative problems through co- After that the Eighth Assembly summer, had never been of- operation and confidence in each adjourned sine die and the new •cially handed over to the assembly was sworn in by . H. S. management. other. "Goodyear's le•dership is Kreighbaum of the Iegal depart- Early Friday morning Toast- largely due to the mutual under- ment. master Wm. Blouer, Senator standing of each other's problems .J. H. H. Cook, Speaker R. E. nncl their solution through fair Perrott, and other members of SPROWLS NOW HEADS treatinent and mutual considera- the assembly with company of- 1 HIGHWAYS DIVISION tion." flcials, called at the vice-presi- Representative Wm. Blouer was .. dent's omce and presented him G. M. Sprowls .has been ap- toastmaster at the annual affair :. with the *' Bull." pointed manager of the HighwayH which was attended by 350 assem- .> * . Tran•portation Division, effective blymen, foremen and omcials. '::. 4« 1.. 4036November 1. He was technical *'The Goodyear ship is a good Retiring president of the senate, '.'.h , 4... 6:A engineer of the department. ship. I have seen .it perform in Howord H. Cook told of what the 4¥ '. * = ..4- J. M. Linforth, formerly min- fair weather and foul. And when experience of belonging to the as- '1:f ager of Highways Transportation, stormy times were on uM, the fu- sembly had meant to him. He ,: is. now in charize of pneumatie ture dark ahead, I have found my- gave n word of advice to the new truck tire sales ·for the Goodyear self going back into the engine assemblymen and si)oke on the Export Compnny. room. going out into the factory, airport as did retiring speaker. 1 Sprowls came to Goodyear in seeing familiar faces. seeint the R. E. Perrdtt, who also advised 1912 to test tires on electric great machinery of production the old assemblymen to give the trucks. In 1917 he joined the moving forward smoothly, swiftly. bene6t of tlieir experience to the ) army and returned in January, without friction. And . I've found new members that the Ninth As- Alice Miner 1919 in chnrge of road testing. new inspiration and encourage- sembly might be as successful as In . August. 1921, he became ment each time in those visits, to the Eighth. Yes, both are pictures of Alice down by the customs of thousands foreifin trade investigator in go ahead with my own work, feel- Talks were also made by Rep- Mini,r, Oflce Servide. There's a of yenrs which permitted them to foreign fields, tranmferred to the ing that I had a good ship, fully resentative J. W. DeShane, for little difference as one was taken dress their hair in any number of tire design departmpnt in 1923 powered. behind me." the retiring assemblymen, and by attractive ways-but cut it off, and in October. 1924, wam ap- Mr. Litchfield and .Vice Presi- Representative I•. E. Ratchford, two years ago and the. other only neverl pointed technical engineer of the dent Cliff Slusser both praised the for the newly elected Assembly- last week. But times have changed and Highways Tranitportation Divi- work of the Eighth Assembly men. On one picture Alice had beau- women have stepped out of the Rion.
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