Complete Catalogue 2007 Jessica Kingsley Publishers Van Tulleken Independent Publisher of the Year 2007 Taylor Wessing Academic and Professional Publisher of the Year 2007 LONDON . PHILADELPHIA . SYDNEY . VANCOUVER Contents New Titles 1 Jessica Kingsley Publishers is a wholly independent com- Autism Spectrum 29 pany, committed to publishing books that make a dif- ference. The company was founded in 1987 by Jessica Education 37 Kingsley and now publishes 150 books a year, which Social Work 39 are available throughout the world. In 2004 we opened Arts Therapies 52 our US office, in Philadelphia. In 2007, Jessica Counselling and Psychotherapy 57 Kingsley Publishers was named the van Tulleken Inde- Psychology 62 pendent Publisher of the Year at the inaugural Inde- Health 63 pendent Publishing Awards. Higher Education 64 Index 65 Order Form 75 Book Proposal Guidelines We welcome your proposals and suggestions for books in the areas in which we publish. If you have a project you think we may be interested in, please get in touch with us. Rather than submitting a complete manuscript, please send a proposed outline and table of contents, information about the length and com- pletion date of the manuscript and some information about your background and specialist knowledge in the area in which you are proposing to write. Further information can be found at: http://www.jkp.com/jkp/forauthors.php Please contact us by post, at 116 Pentonville Road, London. N1 9JB or via email at [email protected] NewTitles DifferentDads Fathers’StoriesofParentingDisabledChildren EditedbyJillHarrison,MatthewHendersonandRobLeonard ForewordbyTheRightHonourableDavidCameronMP March2007176ppISBN9781843104544pb£12.99/US$19.95BIC:VFPD,VFH ‘It is a great idea to draw together stories of fathers’ experiences in bringing up disabled chil- dren. One of the ways parents manage to cope is to know that others have been through the same experiences. Then you learn that it isn’t just about coping – there are positive stories to tell.’ –DavidCameronMP Fathers of disabled children can feel overlooked when the focus of much parenting support is aimed at mothers. Different Dads is a collection of inspiring personal testimonies written by fathers of children with a disability who reflect on their own experiences and offer advice to otherfathersandfamiliesonthechallengesofraisingachildwithadisability. Offering direct and thoughtful perspectives on being a father of a child with a disability, this book will be a valuable source of support and information for families with disabled children,andalsoforhealthandsocialcareprofessionalswhoworkwiththesefamilies. Jill Harrison is Director of External Affairs at Contact a Family, a UK-wide charity that provides support, advice and information for families with disabled children. She previously managed a Citizens Advice Bureau and a Carers Helpline and is the author of Teach Yourself Caring for Someone at Home. Matthew Henderson has been a Senior Parent Advisor at Contact a Family and has several years experience working with families affected by disability. He currently works with offenders at Holloway prison. Rob Leonard is aPEteacherandfatherofadisabledchild.Heisalsotheauthorofseveraljournalarticlesregardingdrugeducationinschools. MakingBabiestheHardWay LivingwithInfertilityandTreatment CarolineGallup April2007240ppISBN9781843104636pb£12.99/$19.95BIC:VFKB,VFP,VFHP,MQU How far would you go to have a baby? Making Babies the Hard Way is a frank account of one couple’s discovery that they cannot have children of their own, and their ensuing struggle throughfouryearsoffertilitytreatment. One in six couples worldwide seek assistance to conceive and 80 per cent of couples undergoing fertility treatment are currently unsuccessful. Writing with humour and honesty, Caroline Gallup describes the social, emotional, spiritual and physical impact of infertility on her and her husband, Bruce, including feelings of bereavement for the absent child, the unavoidable sense of inadequacy and the day-to-day difficulties of financial pressure. As well as telling her own moving story, she also offers information and guidance for others who are infertile, or who are considering or undergoing treatment. This courageous and poignant book will be of interest to couples who cannot conceive and those who are under- goingtreatment,aswellastheirfamiliesandfriends. Caroline Gallup is a freelance writer who lives in London, UK, with her husband. She has written newspaper articles on fertility that havebeenprintedinTheIndependentandtheDailyMail. www.jkp.com 1 NewTitles nowinpaperback ShatteredLives ChildrenWhoLivewithCourageandDignity CamilaBatmanghelidjh August2007176ppISBN9781843106036pb£11.99/US$17.95BIC:JBQH,JCD,MBPK,JBS Alsoavailableinhardback2006176ppISBN9781843104346hb£13.99/US$19.95 ‘Camila’s work with children who have suffered abuse, trauma and emotional deprivation is outstanding. To hear her reflect on their experience is always to have mind and heart expanded, and it is wonderful that we now have such reflection available in this book for a wider public – so that the urgency of what she is talking about just might at last make an impactonthepublicandongovernment.’ –DrRowanWilliams,ArchbishopofCanterbury ‘Camila Batmanghelidjh is a remarkable woman, a child who grew up to fight for children and childhood. This is a truly remarkable book. We must all ensure that it becomes life changing. Politicians should read it with a view to examining why and how we let children fall between the cracks of societal aspiration, legislation and protection, to be damaged and then do damage to others. Public servants should read it to remember why they exist. As ‘Camila Batmanghelidjh, founder off Kids parents we should read it and then love and understand our children a little better in the Company, argues forcefully that every adult future. Read it and weep. Read it and resolve that we must do better. If it was hard to write is responsible for protecting children and andattimeshardtoread,imaginewhatitwastolive.’ honouring childhood. The case studies are –ShamiChakrabarti,DirectorofLiberty(theNationalCouncilforCivilLiberties) interspersed with psychological theory that explains the behaviour of the children and ‘Shattered Lives is about a conviction and passion for children and young people subjected to young people, again demonstrating the im- portance of nurturing and parenting. the worst forms of suffering and an attempt to set their record straight. It both challenges Anyone working with children in any capac- and charges us as individuals and as a society with the collective responsibility of failing to ityshouldreadthisbook.’ protectandnurturethesechildren... –NursingStandard This book is a must for everyone who is serious about understanding the plight of abused and neglected children. It is a clarion call to challenge the malaise in policy and prac- ticeandtodobetterforourchildren.’ –ChildrenNow Shattered Lives bears witness to the lives of children who have experienced abuse and neglect, and highlights the effects of early traumatic episodes. Chapters take the form of letters to a child capturing their life experiences, hugely impacted by sexual abuse, parental substance misuse and loss, leading to feelings of shame, rejection and worthlessness. Batmanghelidjh offers understanding for those baffled by these hard-to-reach children and warns against stigmatizing them for their problem behaviour. Society’s failure to acknowledge the truth of their experiences and act to change the environment in which such mistreatment can flour- ish is, she strongly argues, leading to the death of childhood. The book is a clarion call for change. Camila Batmanghelidjh trained as a psychotherapist and for more than twenty years has worked with exceptionally disturbed chil- dren and young people in the two charities she has founded, The Place2Be and Kids Company. Focusing on the inner city, these have concentrated on giving vulnerable children greater resilience in the face of traumatic life experiences. Kids Company has been the sub- jectofseveraldocumentaries,andin2005CamilawasnamedSocialEntrepreneuroftheYear. 2 www.jkp.com NewTitles nowinpaperback KidsintheSyndromeMixofADHD,LD, Asperger’s,Tourette’s,Bipolar,andMore! Theonestopguideforparents,teachers,andother professionals MartinL.KutscherMD, withcontributionsfromTonyAttwoodPhDandRobertR.WolffMD March2007244ppISBN9781843108115pb£12.99/US$18.95BIC:JC;YXRX;JDGL;VFPD Alsoavailableinhardback2005244ppISBN9781843108108hb£14.99/US$19.95 ‘This is a book that sets out to fulfil all that is promised in its subtitle ‘The one stop guide for parents, teachers, and other professionals’, covering a range of neurodevelopmental condi- tions. It is a concise, credibly structured and admirably tailored to suit its audience. A single ‘stress busting’ book which is not a tome is likely to appeal to any parent, teacher or profes- sional whose time is at a premium… The book deftly acknowledges the strengths without glamourizingorminimizingdisabilities.’ -JournalofIntellectualDisabilityResearch fromthesameauthor Kids in the Syndrome Mix is a concise, scientifically up-to-date, all-in-one guide to the whole range of often co-existing neuro-behavioral disorders in children—from attention deficit ChildrenwithSeizures hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), obsessive-compulsive disorder, and bipolar disorder, to AGuideforParents,Teachers, autistic spectrum disorders, nonverbal learning disabilities, sensory integration problems, andOtherProfessionals MartinL.Kutscher,MD
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