SINDH Education Managment Information System (SEMIS) District Education Profile Kashmore 2014 - 15 REFORM SUPPORT UNIT Education and Literacy Department Government of Sindh, Karachi TABLE OF CONTENTS District Kashmore TOPICS Page No Graph - Basic Education Summary 1 Summary - Schools, Enrolment and Teachers by Gender and 2 level wise. Schools - Gender, Level and Status wise. 3 - Medium and Shift wise. 4 Enrolment - Gender, Level and Classes stage wise. 5 Teachers - Gender, Level and Type of Post wise 6 - Gender, Level and Professional Training wise. 7 Buildings - School Buildings Status Gender and Level wise. 8 Facilities - Schools having Basic Facilities. 9 - Schools having Advance Facilities. 10 - Classroom Facilities Gender and level wise. 11 Taluka - Number of Schools, Enrolment , Teachers and 12 Summary School status Graphical Representation of Schools Enrolment ( Census 2014 - 2015 ) District : Ghotki 1 Total Schools : 1,495 Total Teachers 3,432 Number of Schools - By Level Teachers - By Gender 1,393 1,400 1,200 1,000 800 2,916 600 400 No. of Schools 516 200 51 1 38 12 - Primary Middle Elementary Secondary Higher Secondary Male Level of Schools Female Total Enrollment : 124,618 Enrolment - By Class 19548 20000 17848 15724 15560 15597 15000 11836 10000 5286 4987 5094 4837 4488 Enrollment 5000 2014 1799 0 Classes Basic Ratio ---- Students per Teachers : 36 Students per School : 83 Students per Classroom : 54 Teachers per School : 2 Source : SEMIS Census 2014 - 2015 Sindh Education Management Information System (SEMIS) Summary: School Census 2014 - 15 2 District : Ghotki No. of Schools Enrolment Teachers Student per School Gender School Level Total Boys Girls Total Male Female Total Teacher Ratio Boys Primary 424 16,491 4,374 20,865 484 6 490 43 Middle 13 965 350 1,315 79 79 17 Elementary - - - Secondary 7 2,050 704 2,754 113 4 117 24 Higher Secondary 2 2,287 19 2,306 104 104 - Total 446 21,793 5,447 27,240 780 10 790 34 Girls Primary 195 22 8,415 8,437 3 245 248 34 Middle 13 - 967 967 2 46 48 20 Elementary - - - Secondary 7 191 1,815 2,006 15 69 84 24 Higher Secondary 2 - 2,732 2,732 4 61 65 42 Total 217 213 13,929 14,142 24 421 445 120 Mixed Primary 774 41,170 13,871 55,041 1,271 28 1,299 42 Middle 25 2,351 811 3,162 128 10 138 23 Elementary 1 31 - 31 3 3 10 Secondary 24 10,149 2,639 12,788 409 27 436 29 Higher Secondary 8 9,858 2,356 12,214 301 20 321 38 Total 832 63,559 19,677 83,236 2,112 85 2,197 143 Total Primary 1,393 57,683 26,660 84,343 1,758 279 2,037 41 Middle 51 3,316 2,128 5,444 209 56 265 21 Elementary 1 31 - 31 3 - 3 10 Secondary 38 12,390 5,158 17,548 537 100 637 28 Higher Secondary 12 12,145 5,107 17,252 409 81 490 35 Grand Total 1,495 85,565 39,053 124,618 2,916 516 3,432 36 Source: SEMIS Census 2014 - 2015 Sindh Education Management Information System (SEMIS) Schools : Gender, Level, Location and Status wise 3 District : Ghotki Urban Area Rural Area Total Schools School Gender School Level Functional Closed Total Functional Closed Total Functional Closed Total Boys Primary 12 245 257 167 167 179 245 424 Middle 1 11 12 1 1 2 11 13 Elementary - - - - - Secondary 7 7 - - 7 7 Higher Secondary 1 1 2 - 1 1 2 Total 14 264 278 168 - 168 182 264 446 Girls Primary 7 135 142 53 53 60 135 195 Middle 13 13 - - 13 13 Elementary - - - - - Secondary 2 5 7 - 2 5 7 Higher Secondary 1 1 2 - 1 1 2 Total 10 154 164 53 - 53 63 154 217 Mixed Primary 24 658 682 92 92 116 658 774 Middle 25 25 - - 25 25 Elementary 1 1 - 1 - 1 Secondary 3 21 24 - 3 21 24 Higher Secondary 8 8 - - 8 8 Total 28 712 740 92 - 92 120 712 832 Total Primary 43 1,038 1,081 312 - 312 355 1,038 1,393 Middle 1 49 50 1 - 1 2 49 51 Elementary 1 - 1 - - - 1 - 1 Secondary 5 33 38 - - - 5 33 38 Higher Secondary 2 10 12 - - - 2 10 12 Grand Total 52 1,130 1,182 313 - 313 365 1,130 1,495 Note : Closed = Both Temporary (295 ) and Permenant ( 18 ) Closed Schools included Source: SEMIS Census 2014 - 2015 Sindh Education Management Information System (SEMIS) Schools : Medium and Shift wise 4 Number of District : Ghotki Schools by Medium Schools by Shift Branch School Gender School Level Urdu Sindhi English Mixed Total Morning Afternoon Both Total Schools Boys Primary 424 424 424 - - 424 - Middle 13 13 13 - - 13 - Elementary - - - Secondary 6 1 7 7 - - 7 - Higher Secondary 2 2 2 - - 2 Total - 445 - 1 446 446 - - 446 - Girls Primary 195 195 195 - - 195 - Middle 13 13 13 - - 13 - Elementary - - - Secondary 5 2 7 7 - - 7 - Higher Secondary 2 2 2 - - 2 - Total - 215 - 2 217 217 - - 217 - Mixed Primary 770 4 774 774 - - 774 - Middle 25 25 25 - - 25 - Elementary 1 1 1 - - 1 - Secondary 24 24 24 - - 24 - Higher Secondary 7 1 8 8 - - 8 - Total - 827 - 5 832 832 - - 832 - Total Primary - 1,389 - 4 1,393 1,393 - - 1,393 - Middle - 51 - - 51 51 - - 51 - Elementary - 1 - - 1 1 - - 1 - Secondary - 35 - 3 38 38 - - 38 - Higher Secondary - 11 - 1 12 12 - - 12 - Grand Total - 1,487 - 8 1,495 1,495 - - 1,495 - Source: SEMIS Census 2014 - 2015 Sindh Education Management Information System (SEMIS) Enrolment : Gender, Level and Class Stage wise 5 District : Boys Enrolment Class Stages wise Girls Enrolment Class Stages wise Ghotki Grand Total School Level Kachi I to V VI to VIII IX to X XI to XII Total Kachi I to V VI to VIII IX to X XI to XII Total Primary 10,293 47,380 10 57,683 5,411 21,231 18 26,660 84,343 Middle 275 1,161 1,880 3,316 229 851 1,048 2,128 5,444 Elementary 31 31 031 Secondary 785 3,187 4,830 3,588 12,390 256 1,434 2,195 1,273 5,158 17,548 Higher Secondary 367 1,759 3,753 3,245 3,021 12,145 232 1,262 1,602 1,219 792 5,107 17,252 Grand Total 11,720 53,487 10,504 6,833 3,021 85,565 6,128 24,778 4,863 2,492 792 39,053 124,618 Source: SEMIS Census 2014 - 2015 Sindh Education Management Information System (SEMIS) Teachers : Level and Type of Post wise 6 District : Ghotki Teaching Staff by Type of Post Grand Teacher Govt. Govt. ESRA / US Local Bodi Not School Level SMC NCHD UNICEF Other Donor Volunteer Total Gender Regular Contract Aid (Reg/Con) Provided Male Primary 1,716 16 9 17 1,758 Middle 196 12 1 209 Elementary 3 3 Secondary 507 21 9 537 Higher Secondary 407 2 409 Total - 2,829 51 - 10 - - - - 2,9169 Female Primary 266 3 2 8 279 Middle 54 2 56 Elementary - Secondary 95 5 100 Higher Secondary 81 81 Total - 496 10 - 2 - - - 8 - 516 Total Primary - 1,982 19 - 11 - - - 25 - 2,037 Middle - 250 14 - 1 - - - - - 265 Elementary - 3 - - - - - - - - 3 Secondary - 602 26 - - - - - - 9 637 Higher Secondary - 488 2- - - - - - - 490 Grand Total - 3,325 61 - 12 - - - 25 3,4329 Source: SEMIS Census 2014 - 2015 Sindh Education Management Information System (SEMIS) Teachers : Gender and Professional Training wise 7 District : Ghotki Teaching Staff by Professional Training wise Grand Teacher School Level PTC C.T B. Ed M. Ed Other Untrained Not Provided Total Gender Male Primary 607 112 827 183 16 13 1,758 Middle 13 27 52 76 33 8 209 Elementary 1 1 1 3 Secondary 37 26 131 194 139 10 537 Higher Secondary 12 13 119 201 58 6 409 Total 669 178 1,129 655 247 38 - 2,916 Female Primary 135 20 96 20 5 3 279 Middle 5 7 26 6 10 2 56 Elementary - Secondary 3 13 16 39 29 100 Higher Secondary 1 6 33 25 16 81 Total 144 46 171 90 60 5 - 516 Total Primary 742 132 923 203 21 16 - 2,037 Middle 18 34 78 82 43 10 - 265 Elementary - - - 1 1 1 - 3 Secondary 40 39 147 233 168 10 - 637 Higher Secondary 13 19 152 226 74 6 - 490 Grand Total 813 224 1,300 745 307 43 - 3,432 Source: SEMIS Census 2014 - 2015 Sindh Education Management Information System (SEMIS) Schools Building Facilities : Gender and Level wise Total District : Ghotki Other Shelterless Schools School Gender School Level Schools with Basic Facilities : Gender and Level wise District : Ghotki School Gender School Level Schools Electricity Toilets Drinking Water Boundary Wall Play Ground Library Lab / Sci. Lab Boys Primary 424 32 68 153 115 48 - - Middle 13 3 9 7 9 7 - - Elementary Secondary 7 4 6 7 6 6 1 2 Higher Secondary 2 2 2 2 1 1 - 2 Total 446 41 85 169 131 62 1 4 Girls Primary 195 28 43 63 76 23 - - Middle 13 5 5 6 8 1 - - Elementary Secondary 7 6 6 7 7 4 1 2 Higher Secondary 2 1 1 1 1 1 - 1 Total 217 40 55 77 92 29 1 3 Mixed Primary 774 81 230 459 286 121 - - Middle Schools with Advance Facilities : Gender and Level wise 10 District : Ghotki Schools having / Received Facilities of School Gender School Level Schools Functional SMC Free Text Books Construction Works Campus Schools Boys Primary 424 227 239 3 - Middle 13 10 12 1 - Elementary Secondary 7 6 6 - 2 Higher Secondary 2 2 2 1 - Total 446 245 259 5 2 Girls Primary 195 104 128 2 - Middle 13 5 12 - - Elementary Secondary 7 6 7 1 3 Higher Secondary 2 1 2 - 1 Total 217 116 149 3 4 Mixed Primary 774 594 649 18 2 Middle 25 18 22 - 2 Elementary 1 1 - - - Secondary 24 23 24 1 10 Higher Secondary 8 8 8 1 5 Total 832 644 703 20 19 Total Primary 1,393 925 1,016 23 2 Middle 51 33 46 1 2 Elementary 1 1 - - - Secondary 38 35 37 2 15 Higher Secondary 12 11 12 2 6 Grand Total 1,495 1,005 1,111 28 25 Without Facilities / No Info 490 384 1,467 1,470 SMC = School Management Committee Note : Closed Schools Included Source: SEMIS Census 2014 - 2015 Sindh Education Management Information System (SEMIS) Classroom Facilities : Gender and Level wise 11 District : Ghotki School Gender School Level Student Chairs Student Desks Black Boards Teachers Tables Teachers Chairs Fans Computers Boys Primary 774 1,913 334 273 480 249 1 Middle 64 305 59 52 100 52 - Elementary Secondary 204 433 43 60 165 100 11 Higher Secondary 300 460 52 95 370 235 40 Total 1,342 3,111 488 480 1,115 636 52 Girls Primary 296 1,072 178 119 290
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