th NOTRE DAME Published Weekly — Founded 1867 . Through the cold, gray mists came a faint cry. Three thousand red-faced, sleepy- eyed students took up the strains of . "The Victory March." into their midst came a slow-moving convoy of taxicabs, bringing back the Irish from a scoreless tie with Army . VOLUMP 75 NUMBER 7 NOVEMBER 14, 1941 THE RELEASE NOVEMBER THE 16th, OF ''Notre Dame in Portrait An unique and exfraordinarily beautiful publieafion for the enjoyment of Notre Dame men, their families, and friends... MEMORIES of lasting appeal to all undergraduates, prospective students, alumni, and friends of the University are given substance in a collection of twelve exceptional photographic portraits of the campus, selected to echo the seasons of the year and to present with new freshness old familiar scenes of Notre Dame. THE FIRST EDITION of its kind. '"Notre Dame In Portrait," for 1942 will be presented in a refillable, richly bound, hand-made case designed for either wall or desk use. WITH THE PORTRAIT for each month there has been provided a separate corresponding appointment page on which all events of importance for the coming year have been noted and space provided for the notation of daily engagements. At the year's end the Portraits may be framed and the appointment sheets will comprise a condensed form of diary for the user. ONLY THE FINEST workmanship and artistry available have been used to produce the forthcoming Publication which, to the extent that is pictorially possible, captures something of the spirit of Notre Dame. COMBINING USEFULNESS WITH RARE BEAUTY and dignity. "Notre Dame In Portrait" Is the result of the sincere effort on the part of its editors to offer the campus, by way of holiday greet­ ing, a publication which will be considered by all the finest of its kind ever produced. It is the wish of the Editor to thank all members of the University Administration as well as those of the Faculty for the invaluable help given him in the preparation of this Publication. Inadequate though such thanks must be, without the wholehearted help so freely given, "Notre Dame In Portrait" could not have made its coming appearance! stamped in French: Retour a L'Envoy- eur, Acheviinement Suspendu; below this the stamp was in English: "Return to COLLEGE PARADE Sender, Service Suspended." We will let you write your own story. BY ROBERT LEMENSE Our critique of last issue has caused 1. "DON'T be in a hurry at the beginning Will Duel for Honor no Adolent repercussions to date, so more of the semester about bujang a book boldly we venture forth with another for the course." . In the St. Thomas Aqiiin a proud 'look' at a 'dope sheet' of another uni­ English major flings a challenge to any 2. "PUT OFF writing that report." . versity. in the school who are scornful of the 3. "IF YOU'RE AN UPPERCLASSMAN, remem­ prowess of English majors. Creampuffs The Daily Califomian keeps Universi­ ber your rights. You don't have to go at three paces are the weapons he ty of California students informed as to chooses. what is going on for five days of the to class if you don't feel like it." .. Reason for this sudden angry outburst week. Subscription price is not listed in 4. "NEVER let your work interfere vnth is the fact that the challenger was mis- the masthead. Another 'too big' job, the movies." . listed in the school bulletin. Says Mr. clumsy to maneuver, modestly motto- Wasko: tagged "Monarch of the College Dailies." 5. "DON'T WORK TOO HARD the first part "Now I'm mad, good and mad. After Good makeup, with much variety in of the semester." . working for two years to make the posi­ headlines. Pictures well spotted here and 6. "ABOVE ALL, DON'T GO IN AND CONFER tion of an English major respectable, there. Outside news sometimes overem­ ^vith the instructor about the possibili­ some secret saboteur has struck at me phasized. Good sports coverage, but too ty of obtaining a yellow slip." . in a very underhanded way. scattered and often too much of it. Edi­ They're Guaranteed Folks! torial policy: 'wide open' probably best "The current College bulletin has this . "Perhaps you'll succeed like the expresses it. Features and columns fair. line of type on page 24: Wasko, Theo­ fellow we knew last year. He received so Letters to editor column much used by dore Edward—Liberal Arts (Pre-Medic). many yellow slips one day that he had to Me a doctor. That's too much." students. Overall blow: JUST SHORT OF wear sun glasses for a week." VERY GOOD. —Purdue Exponent Let Leif Alone Ravings of Prom and The Boston University Netvs for some Bali Connnnitteemen The Story Behind It All... ? weeks conducted a campaign against a statue of Leif Erikson whidi reposed in Name Bands May Herald 'New Deal' Many of you probably read the short Kenmore Square in Boston. Seems they For Large University Social Functions. story that appeared a couple of years didn't like the non-Jim Brutzlike phy­ —Minnesota Daily ago based on a letter from the U. S. sique of the statue. In the latest issue, to Germany which was returned stamped however, other space filling items have "Address Unkno\\Ti" this being the title eliminated this campaign. of the story. Paging "The Tree" From a column "Bored with Rumor" The other day there was a SCHOLASTIC by one Mr. Greene w^e lifted this sar­ Every night at bed I kneel, and say envelope among the stack of exchanges; castic observation: "And the government please God a man. inside it was a SCHOLASTIC dated Oct. 25, is requisitioning the gold in the goldfish, Let him be a Grecian god Avith skin of 1940. It was addressed to NOTRE DAME meaning you can't eat large numbers of glowing tan. DU SAINTE CROIX, 6 RUE NOTRE DAME, LE something that's on the priorities basis— Let him be a man so bold. MANS, FRANCE. Across the address was unless you're a British Ambassador." Let him have a heart of gold. Let him be a man so tall With shoulders strong just like a wall. I care not whether he is wealthy— Just so long as he is healthy. —The Varsity Neios Pink Afterglow Is Yellow on Other Horizons You, Too, Can Be a Lucky Winner— University Now Offering Yellow Slips As Prizes in Big Semi-Annual Contest. "We are now at a familiar milestone on our rocky road through this semester. The time is fast approaching when the University will flood the mails with pieces of carefully-folded golden-hued paper. Half of this bulk ... to a select group of students, the other half ... to parents to herald his success." Just A Few Simple Rules: "Remember now, keep charging." THE WEEK NEXT WEEK By John A. Lynch By J. Q. O'Connell SATURDAY. Nov. 15: As King Boris of the Bog would say: Top of the Week: And from our own capital on the Po­ tomac: "H. V. Krivitski, connected in an "Hey dere stinky; get. your pinky?" Irish Terrier vs. Wildcat! tmofficial capacity with Home Defense, Northwestern vs. Notre Dame, at Ev­ announced from.his position in a picket anston, broadcast over WSBT, 1:30 p.m. line today that all loyal Americans dis­ Miller Speaking: regarded Armistice Day. Mr. Krivitski Movie, "Missing Ten Days," Mad Hat­ Cy Miller, of the Chicago Club, com­ 'further pointed out that references to ter short and news, 6:40 and 8:00 p.m. mented today on our long and friendly peace w^ere the result of a wave of relationship with that great school up in vicious propaganda coming out of Hel­ Evanston. "I don't care how much we sinki, and would be stamped out. 'Some beat them by," said Cy, "just so long people in this country,' said Mr. Krivit­ SUNDAY. Nov. 16: as it's at least 50 points." ski, 'think we can stay out of this war, Freedom Day, no classes, no home­ • but we will fool them.'" work, no. Peace, It's Wonderful! 3,190,000 turkeys begin sprint from This past week saw the timid arrival Quick, Watson, the Needle! Texas to points north. and hastj'- flight of a quaint and little Sources close to the front door of known holiday called "Armistice Daj'^' Aluimii Hall have asked us to find out (armistice: from the Sanskrit, meaning why Jack Bergen, the Jersey Jilter, MONDAY, Nov. 17: a brief period of peace between two avoids the O.C.S. so diligently every Sat­ Interhall debates, Freshmen and Soph­ wars). Because we feel there is some urday night. Our guess is that he's just omores, Law Building auditorium, 7:15 interest, particularly among the Phy. bashful. What do you Zinc? p.m. Ed. men, in these historical oddities, we Two trips to the East have come off herewith present, verbatim, unbiased re­ since last we went to press, and returns • ports from the various major capitals from the out-ljmag districts are now in. of the world received Nov. 11 at our For a full and accurate report of what TUESDAY. Nov. 18: powerful listening station atop Science the boys did while out in the open, we Interhall track meet, 2% miles cross Hall. refer you to an issue of the SCHOLASTIC country, prizes to first five men to finish, Berlin, Germany (capital of a country published at this same time last year. 4:15 p.m. in central, northern, southern, eastern, • and western Europe): "Our sacred Interhall debates, Juniors and Seniors, Fuehrer, speaking today before an audi­ It's Blinding, Steve! Law Building auditorium, 7:15 p.m.
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