, God s RUL 5 ~For=== A Happy . -life First Baptist Church ASHEBORO, N. C~ '~Where You Are A Stronger Bnt Once" , Dr. Price Friend: Are you happy? Is-there real peace in your heart? Do you feel that your life is being spent in a way that pleases God? If not, chances are you may be violating one of God's rules of living. These eternal rules of God for a happy. useful life are found in the Ten Command• ments. If you will understand them; and live by them, they will change your life. I plan for the next ten Sunday mornings to preach from these "commandments". It will be a genuine pleasure to have you join us in the study of these unchangeable laws for a blessed life. E. W. Price, Jr. Minister GOD'S RULE FOR A HAPPY LIFE 1 Make God Supreme (Sun. January 2) 2 Keep Your Eyes Upon The Lord (Sun. January 9) 3 Have Correct Thoughts About God (Sun. January 16) 4 Remember God's Day (Sun. January 23) 5 Build a Happy Home (Sun. January 30) 6 Reverence Human Personality (Sun. February 6) 7 Tie Lasting Marriage Bonds (Sun. February 13) 8 Respect Another's Rights (Sun. February 20) 9 Hold Your Tongue (Sun. February 27) 10 Overcome Greed (Sun. March 6) Dr. Price Elected By Baptist Board By JANE HALL. a degree in civil engineering. He taught at State for three Dr. E. W. Price Jr. of High years before entering the min• Point was elected president of istry. the Baptist State Convention's He received his BD and ThD general board Tuesday. degrees from Southwestern Bap• In balloting by the 90-me:nber tist Theological Seminary in board, he won the presidency in Texas. a contest with the Rev. F. Stan• ley Hardee Jr. of Thomasville. 2nd Board Term. The vote totals were not an• Since 1957, he has been pastor nounced. of the 2,450-member Green Dr. Price, 43, was born in Street Baptist Church in High Tennessee but moved to Raleigh Point. He is now in his second as a youngster. He attend-d the year of a four-year term on the public schools here and was Baptists' general board which graduated from N. C. State with acts for the Baptist State Con• vention in the interim between rlotte co~~~n~~~~ succeeds the. Rev. ha J. Dewey Hobbs Jr. of Wingate as general board president. opublt.CQfl Hobbs' term on the board ex- "' pired Dec. 31. Hardee won th~ vice· vr "'"i" ' R.. dency in a four-way contest with 00 t un Prof. English Jones, president\ W of Pembroke State College; the CHARLO'.,I'TE (UPI)-John L. R~v. Jerry Niswonger of Mount Stickley, Charlotte, businessman. ~1lead and the R~v. T. E. Rob• announced 1\uesday he will not mett of Waynesville. k the Republican gubernato- Mrs. Denms Hockaday ~f:1 nomination, and indications Durh~m was. reelected the are the partY,I is pr~pared to board s rec~r ding secretary throw its support behind .w. A. without opposition. (Nab) Armfield of Wmston· Members at Large. Salem. Shortly aier Stickley's ~n- Those elected to serve as nouncement State GOP Chaff· members at large on the ex• man J. Hev:nan Saxon of Char- scutive committee were the Rev. lotte said /he "sincerely hope Thurman W. Allred of Edenton, that Mr. /Armfield will I?ake Rt. 1; English Jones of Pem• his decis~· n to be a candidate broke; the Rev. John Sykes of at an ear date." . Statesville; Carl Perry, Ashe- Arm~.i d, who was en _route ville; and the Rev. Mr. Robinett. to Flor da and . not available The general board, meeting for co. ment, switched ~is par- at Baptist State Convention ty aff' iation last week and ai:· headquarters here, was told nounc d he would make his that Tar Heel Baptists gave services available to. the GOP $7,346,751 for all causes in 1963. on whatever level it wished. This was an increase of $170,880 Since then, he h;:s been·~the over total gifts in 1962. object of much praise from ev- The board voted to authorize eral leading Republicans, in· borrowing up to $102,080 for the eluding Rep. Charles Jonas, purchase of a lot in Chapel Hill R-N.C. as the sire for a Baptist student Saxon described Armfield, a retired Winston-Salem stock· See PRICE, Page Two l-.~nln>r ll<: :l COTISPrv:JtiVP with ~-- PRICE-Baptist Choice <continued from Page One.) ods of reaching their objectives. "enter This must be approved The committee will make _its by the Baptist state Conven- report to the N?vember session tion which meets next Novem- of the. convention. _The _study brr also will mclude the question of · . federal aid to education and fi- The two-acre lot is located on nancial problems confronting Battle Lane and adjoins the denominational schools. campus of .the University 0! The board also approved the North Carolina. It is part oz allocation of $41,800 to local the Battle e~tate and old Bat· churches to aid in the purchase tle home still stands on the of church lots; $84,724 to aid in property. pastors' salaries; and $65,400 to Dr. W. Perry Crouch, general- help various associations. secretary of the convention, Fruitland was named as the said the present Baptist · stu- site of the next general board dent center m downtown Chapel meeting and July 13-14 was set j Hill could be sold and the sale as the date. funds applied to the lot pur- --'--~-- chase on Battle Lane. Committees of the general board elected the following chairmen: The Rev. R. M. Cassity of Spruce Pine, missions; the Rev. Mr. Niswonger, social service; Aubrey Tomlinson, Louisburg, Christian higher education; the Rev. Clarence Godwin, Rocky Mount, church programs; ·the Rev. Travis Styles, Burlington, evangelism; and the Rev. Wil• liam A. Snyder, Asheville, stew• ardship promotion. It was announced that the Committee on Higher Educa• tion will make a study of the denomination's colleges, their objectives, structure and meth- the Green Street IB'aiptistChurch • of High Point .\lnd President of the General Board of the Bapt• isit State Convention of North Carolina, will 'be the speaker for ithe morning worship hour at th.e 'Weldon Baptist Church Sunday. iDr. Price· is a tforrner pastor of the church in !Weldon. The theme for the !Sunday service is, "Our Church Look• ing Outward," with an emphasis on the missionary and benevol- ~• ent outreach or the. church. The morning prayee will be 'led by Robert 'Bell, a rneenber of 1!he church now a student at Southeastern 'Baptist Seminary at iw;ake Forest. This is 1Jhe third in a series of £our special services during the month of July as the church l observes its one-hundredth an. niver a. -~ - ·9ftieJ... --· -··~--~--··.,._- Weldon: ..J3,Q.g.~e News *Wendell: Gold Leaf Farmer West Jefferson: Skyland Post Whiteville: News-Reporter Wilmington: Journal Williamston: Enterprise Windsor: Ledger-Advance Yadkinville: Yadkin Ripple Yanceyville: Cas 11 Messen Zebulon Record Dr. E. W. Price Jr., pastor of Green Street Baptist Church, took the occasion of his release from High Point Memorial Hos• pital, where he recently underwent treatment, to express appre• ciation for his treatment. "I could never expect to be treated more kindly and courteously than I was by members of your staff," he wrote Administrator W. R. Peters. "The nurses and the aides were all so friendly and helpful and responsive to my every need. Everything was kept clean and neat. I had the feeling at every moment I was receiving the most competent sort of medical treatment. The meals were superb, well-prepared and tasty. The idea of being able to make selections is first class, indeed. Personally, I do not see how you can give such service at the price of the room. You could hardly get a motel room and three meals a day for the price you are charging, not counting all the personal nursing that is involved. You are to be commended on operating such an efficient hospital. Please express to your staff my appreciation for all they did for me personally and for all I see they are doing for others day by day as I make my rounds of the hospital. Our hospital is a true asset to our com• munity. If you ever need anyone to make a speech for the hospital do not hesitate to call on me." Lenoir News-Topic Lexington Dispatch Lumberton Robesonian Morganton News-Herald New Bern Sun- Jou.rnal Raleigh News & Observer Raleigh Times Reidsville Review Rockingham: Richmond Co. Journal *~~~~~~~~~~ AUG 6 1965 High Point minister to be guest preacher Dr. E. W. Price Jr. will preach at 7:30 p.m. Sunday at Rich Fork Baptist Church and also will p~ach night next week. Price, pastor of Green Street Baptist Church in High Point, will be guest evangelist for the fall revival services. Music will be directed by Roger Cole, also of High Point. Carson Stout, mayor of High Point and a member of Green Street Bap• tist Church, will speak Monday night, Oct. 18. Members of the Rich Fork church have been v i s i t Ing friends in the Pilot School com• munity this week inviting them to the services and will carry door to door announcementsof the meeting this Sunday after• noon to about 500 homes in the community. vide a nursery each evening for Ladies of the church will pro- children.
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