1I__ . 96oOktcm . m.6o6 JLutheran Generai , Art and CraftFair,, FleaMarket . at Golf Mill Park GolfMillPock, tocaledat therapy. Teeatwent foe SenIl had A huge to day fIes market dedicated to community oorvice, Churob und Cumberland ave. in benughtmedicaleupensen Lo sponsoed by the Lutheran nd working together with oit Nues wit! be Ihe aile nf au Arts & uharly. S250,000.ÙtI Ibas foe, All Generot Hospitot Men's blospitat LutheronGeserol Ceoflu Fair nc Suluedsy, July 28 heoceeds fenw lhio'eveul willgd Associotion witt be held Saturdoy groups for this purpose. loom tú n.,s,. le 5 p.m. The Fuie is le the Scull itniningee Teunl'Fund. - und Suodoy, August 25 and tu, in hub Budler, Executive being upsenneed by feieudn nf the hospital parhtng tot at 1800 W. Secretary :of the Men's Scott ttiasinger, na lt your std Ptonn toe the Fuie include 84 . Demputer ut., in Park Ridge trum Association, urges ait Chicago Nileu resident subo was slruak by bsnlhs siwhich ceufteeswill 8 aipo. to 4 p.m. area und northwest suburban au sutewobite in Seplemboe nf display and peli a variety of hand The Men's Association is s residents tu gather up those utiti 1583. ScolI soutal und seveee neubert itoms. Also, coffins have phttanthropic volunteerusable but no tonger needed Pages 17-23 injurieswhichboceçeqaieed beau plonned -and eefrenfsenents- organization of teca! residentsitems that ure gathering dust in euleusive medical Ireolment and wilt be available. andbusinessmen 'whoare Cnnttnued sn Page 38 - Appliaisce store to build - . Village of NHe facilityon Golf Road h Edition r OK Fretters; 8746 N. Shernser Road Nibs, Illinois 60648 iilnj1p 966-3900-14 veto Dunkin' VOL. 28, NO. 7,THE BUGLE, THURSDAY, JULY 26pi884 258 per copy Donuts From the Kohlerman honored At Tuesday sight's village creased by adding a new store tu- board meeting Dunhin' Dooslo Ihr orda. ftc said the traffic wo was turned down in its requestfor already on the otreet and the by village for service a stare at 7123 Dempsler andmajarit' of the traffic would ha £eL Frettera Appliance store cuminS al the peak morning Father Chartes Kohiermanmore deserving uf this received approval to build a stare hours headiag east no Dempoter byhndßesser received a plaque from therecognition. at 2531 Golf rd., across from SI. St. He said tO tu 55% ut the traffic viltage board Tuesday night for loacceptingtheplaque Isaac Joguen. The R-1 Is B-1 already cuisis un the street. Ñtteswas listed as one of the his 13 yedrs.nf service toNites.Knhlerman said il was a great zoning fur Fretlers overturned a Villatetrustee Abe Setmas, a - . Ito "safe places" tn live in the Nitcs ouning board declamo resident in the Cheslertield area, UnitedStáteu. Eshlermas rccentty returned topleasure to serve Wiles. Nc said ' Nutre Dame High School duhe appreciated cverymoment uf which denied the znnisg. The said Ihn Dempster-Wauhegan- . assistant priocipdl. it-and "I tearued as much us I Frcttcrs' approval was part of a Harlem Iraffic lanes are solid in a new bosh, "Safe Ptuces pre-anneoutino agreemenl which during Ihn peuh hsurs aed the For -The tu's", authors David Village President Blase saidgave". He added he gained Inns . wuld anses Ihe Iscatinu into Shermer-Dempsler intersection and Hotly Franke chose Nites, Kobterman served -the cnm- at knowledge and esperience and nonnity in- many different f us-he would be tubing it bach to Wiles. - is a high-accident rate area. He : .atong wtth Fitnsdate, Lake The Dunkin' Donuts turadown said the additional facility would Foras! and Patos Heights, as bItons. He poneercd Ihe basNutre Dame High Schoal where system; he brought the village in-the young oued would benefit by Wiles came oiler the corn-.result in restricliog the tree flow . - inhv crime rate towns to to the Ptth century in upgradingfrom it. puny's traffic engineer cnntended of Iraftir aod would be a borden . 'Illinois whose communities truffic would not be greatly in- Cnstisord us Page 35 : atss utabte and pteasunt its waler facilities; he was . piakestn tine. Thanks te Nites responsible fur creating Nifes niomber nne tdibttr relations computer system Which Blase booster, Curt Hackett, Ntleo said is the most active and modero is all thesuburbs; he wan Worm Race winners . Chamber si Commerce esecutive director, we were Niles first full time finascial chairman. ;. fsrnishedwiththebssh. The village president said ---. Kohlerman worked fur 13 years The kook, pubtished by The Didi Frets, Doubcday & but gave 30 years nf work ta' Cnmpany, chose Ut enm Wiles. Kohterman spent as much : time in village facitilies as he did : .fl5unjtjen from 2,613-towns nf , .oìnethan 10,000 popotattnn, outside, often wurking tate into wiotch reported 1980 crime the evéning hsioru. Blase said there was no way Kobterman ...sãttsttcs to the FBI. could ever be repaid for his effor- ts au heal his heart and soul into .. -io choosing the tif suie towns they Oephrated the his work from lt7t tu 1904. Blase "Dumpy" (ugh) tswnd from said lhcre han never beco anyone 'the"-.. Nice" towns, a charac- lertstic whicheaves the Village of Niles - -- . reader wilk a conclusion the . bosh tu ssmnwhot pretentious summer hrnns - : -und saperficiut. Neverthetess, The VitlagenfPillesad- . the authors toured part of the mioislralive offices at 7t01 . - country for three or four moo- Milwaukee ave. will be ctosed no . ths and concluded Nites was Saturday mornings during the among the 11f safe places !hey monlbs of August and Septem- would recommend fur good - ber. The doposilory al the frost . tivtng entrance of the Administration Building- wilt be available tar . Nibs crime ratas were those who wish to make a deposit. 2,474.5 per titIle poputatton - - The regular business hours, -. tn.198t. It comparable to Monday through Friday, wit! The Wiles Park Dislricl recenity sponsored the Cummiosinnér Elaine Heisen are Il-r) Erich Fad . - remais the sume (t3t año. to 5 - . Coolinnrd na Page 33 firs! annual Worm Race, Pictured with Park 2nd Place, Jennifer Gabriele Ist Place, Tnoy pm) Board President Mry Marusek (far left) and Gubriete Heal Winser and Ken Kiehn lcd Place, '-i Page 2 The Bugle, Thursday, Joly 26, 1984 l-s'lL-nl,''i' ,l.,s,kt _ti',S .Des Plaines resident Fall Emerit- TheBagle,Thsrsday,JalyS6,l984 joins Daley's office classesfor ' - - - s . P persons over 50 1983 Member A SeiuoCitizens IlIuMs Press Association Ip ¡tingLe I G E ThreeEmeritusprogram NEWS-ÄÑD-VIEWS psychology courses will he af- An Independeni Communify.Newspaper Eoiablioltedin 1)57 David Seony - Edjtor & Publisher fered thin fall at Oalaton Cam- Dise, Millyr - Mavagiog EAton mmtity College for persono 5f and RobeW B nouer. City Editan aver. These coarten are designed 8746 N. Shermer Road, Niles, Illinois 60648 966-3900-1-4 far individuals aver 50 years of News fór all Niles Seniors ( age 62 and over) age who wont the challenge and . from the Niles Senior Center intellectual stimulation of a . uniquelearning - enperience 80GO Oakton, Wiles 967-6100 ext. 76 Search for Orchard Center Supervisor Ilalverson to conduct ceremonies withinu college environment. - The husbandond wife team of director intensifies Dorothy and Dominic Doherty t . ST, CHABLES 'tRIP Wilh the naming of s comenil-Prenidenl, serve on the cctnmil- will teach three nectiona of Ap- The Nibs Senior Centeriooponsoringatriptn St. Charles fur a tee of former OMIIC presidents lee, - plied Psychnlogy The ride on theSt, Charlen Belteduwn the FoxRiver, a stop ut the St, -and community teodoro, Orchard According lo Chairman Kane, New Maine Township hail Psychology of Peronnal Growth Charles Hiolurical Society Manesm andFabyan Wooda as well Mental Health Center of NUes "Wehaveodnertiond in (PSY 107) at OCC/Skobie, 7701 N. as 1ko Danlsam fOunt Club, The trip will take place on Friday, Uncath ave.Io these classes, Township has net io motion the asnociatice publications and in- July 27 at 9 am. Tickets for thiu trip are currently all told, process nf replacing reliring formed graduate schools nf social students wiil be auked to assess Pleosecall 867-6150 eut, 376 tobe placed on the waitiangliut. Des Plaines resident (1) Edward V. Edens, was sworn Inas an the values, motivation and con- - Esecutive Director Met Green-work andpsychology of nur need, - stein. - Orchard Center proniden essen- dedication Sunday assistant states attorney by Cook County State's Attorney Richard flictu inherent in anderstandisag ART OF000D LISTENING M. Daley during a recentceremony atibe Daley Center. oneself. Search Committee Memberslist nerviben with strong support Mr, Rnbert Martin will present a short and informative lee- include former prenidento Jamenfrom the State Drportmenl nf A graduate of Kent Law School, Edens was one of 14 new attor- Dolores Orlavo will teach tIgre es the topic the "Art of Good Liuteoing" on Monday, July neyo sworn in as new county prooccatoro. Payclsolngy of Personal Growth Richter,, sow ai Lake Fores); Mental Health and local gaver- 3gallt3lip.m. Aliare 'mvitedtoaltendatnn charge. Ctnalotte Goodstein and Reggie muent, Osr fine otaff deoervcs Cubs Tickets. All Moine Township residents trum cramped hcadquortern at (PSY 108) at OCC/Shohie. In this - are invited In attend an open 2bifDempster st., Den Plaines, clans, which is a follow-np to PSY Kane of Skakie; Vivion Medals of the best ilt STOP SMOKINGCLINIC . - Lincoluwood; and Ran l4esrici of Miniaooum requirements fon the house celebrating the dedication flalveroon said, "The new Senior Center proclaims 107, studenlu will be aoked to Staff nurse Chriotine Friooni, M,S.N. will present a stop for library nl the new Matan Township Town Town Hall incentrally located learn effective communication MarIon Grove.In addition,position Include a Mosler's smahing clinic on Wedateoday, Aagunt 1 and August 15 at lt3f Judith Bloch of Skokie, currentDegree is a related field and five Hoilfrom2 lo 5p.m.
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