:::-i/x-X ' iUX/:£$ - r- '«,-• g lf fJ r : M ^it "ir frist'} GMYK J r all '.i . ':l L !>'-'::rr 53-< 7-» :• i.:; JSifca ifll Si!? r;«0o?;nJ.-G . =;;v.; T:.;'-V £'# YZ>-;T JE. • n ;t •«<# ::h";'>t!it/!~.!-'i,i taT. • K .» !y'..'^i.;iV '.. •„ _«r t r i . C J". Kr^;/ :£\W& WHOLE NUMBER 1062. JS'ORWALK, CONNECTICTJT, TUESDAY, MAY 19,1868. VOLUME LI.—NUMBER 20. Fruit Treei! Frnit Tree*! GOOD MEWS t iiifotji: i a: For the Gazette. These last horses were only in part of of clumsiness generally prevailed in New How BILL GOT SHOT.—"Say, Bill, don't KORWALK GAZETTE. "Home Jfcaiii." REAL ESTATE. 'l n; THE MOUNTAIN ROSE. 3 AT THE the original Norman stock; but they had England; whence it has gradually spread you know dad don't allow you to buy shot?" NEW CANAAN NtBSEIY. Good Itfewji for tile Ladies, Under the snow I found it, " enough of the blood to show it in their form, The teeond OUMt Paper In the Stat*. COAL! COAL!! COAL!!! TO RENT. over the country, displacing the use of the asked a young urchin of a brother somewtiftt A DWELLING HOUSE, including a store, The subscribers take pleasure in announcing to the Bhoming so bcautifly there; in the toughness of their constitution, and pnblic that their stock of With winter's garment aronnd it, horse under the saddle, and furnishing his senior who was making a pnrchase of OMEN IN GAZETTE BUILDING. pleasantly situated on M:iin Street, near the GBAND MILLINER? OPENING. in their bold trotting action. South Norwalk Depot. Rent $500. Address Sheltered away from the air. ; r . another evidence of the complete predomi­ that article. J. FERRIS, Fruit & Ornamental Trees,Vines, &c. AT THE is unnsnBlly large and of unsurpassed excellence. We Tnn'J*"'i -i From the horses that have been here enu­ nance of Puritan influence in the country. "Yoji just never mind me. Fll thank you A. B. BI1NOION & CO., 2tl9 Tolles & Ely's Drug Store. No warm sun nourishes its verdure, ; • feel confident in saving that we believe that onr stock merated all and most of the road horses in The habit of driving led naturally to the cul­ to mind your own business, Mister Bob; A. H. BYINGTON, J. B. ELLS, G. N. ELLS. Offlefe to Let. of APPLE TREES particularly, to be the Largest and NEW YORK No summer wind trembled its leaf, Steamboat Dock, South Norwalk; Best in thi9 Country. We are also positive that we il! But the cold arm of winter hugged it, • the United States have come. In the case tivation of trotting ; that gait being the eas­ don't care what dad allows; Til buy what I N ground lloor, HxlS, in new building. Apiily to can fnrnlsh Trees in Detter quality, batter order, and for less money than they can be obtained from distant ! ^ And hid It away from reliefs ; .' of many trotting horses a pedigree cannot iest for the horse in harness, and the most please." "-:- Subscription $2,00 per y<ear in advaaice. HE subscriber having resumed his old business as O 19tf . E. P. WEED. Millinery and Taney Goods Store, T above, is prepared to furnish the public with a Nurseries. be made out; but whenever one is fully as­ unobtrusive aud agreeable to the driver. Little boy, slightly agitated. "I'm going stw Single copies 5 cents. better article of COAL, than has ever before been of­ Those wishing to purchase Trees and Vines will do Mitchell's Building, corner of Wall and Water Street, The mighty pines grew above it, certained, it invariably establishes a con­ fered, and at the lowest possible rates. Also HOUSE TO RENT. well to send their orders early—or still better, visit our Norwalk, Conn. And shrieked in the gales as they blew; There exists but a scanty record of the to tell dad," he said, rushing out and home Advertising T SOUTH NOKWALK, containing 8 rooms, with Nursery and make their own selections. nection with one or the other of them. An Tour lines or less, 1 insertion 50 ct».; 3 times, ii.oo WOOD OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. a large assortment of choice fruit on the premises. STEPHEN HOYT & SONS. Attention ie called to our MILLINERY DBPART- Grim sentinels, watching the prison early trotting horses and their achieve­ to where the old man was quietly reading One square, one insertion, 1.00 IsA within two minutes walk of the Depot or Steam­ P. S.—We take pleasure in showing persona through MENT. We shall make every effort to take the lead And guards of the centuries too. 7 excellent authority claims that no great (rot­ ments. The first sporting-paper published in the morning paper. .» 18 . DAVID n. WEBB. in assortment and stylea in that branch, and trader the Per week, for continuance, boat Landing. Possession given immediately. Apply our Nurwnea, whether desirous of purchasing tree* / '3 • • ter has been produced whose pedigree,, One square, six months, 7.00 to JOHN L. BURBANK. or not; and would cordially invite all interested to supervision of Mrs. Bernhard A Littman, late from Dark rocks, from which hung fry7.au water?, America,"TlieTurf Register," was first issued "Dad, dad, Bill's went and got shot I" " •' one year—with paper, 18.00 Opposite the premises, near the N. Y. & N. II. R. R. visit the Nursery. New York City, with -8 years Broadway experience, when traced for four generations, does not September 1,1820. This monthly journal "Good'heavens 1" cried the old man, drop­ Two " " " " " 50.00 HOTT & RAYMOND, Depot. Wtf we shall try to give satisfaction. Give us an early Frowned down on its humble bed, Three " " " 30.00 call aud see the new styles, of Jockey Hats and Feath­ And the lichens that grew aronnd it i show a connection with imported Mcssen- was almost entirely devoted to the thorough­ ping the paper in consternation, and bolting One quarter Column, one year. 50.00 Manufacturers of NEW GOODS! ers, Bonnets and Frames, Flowers. Ribbons, and ev­ 80.00 To Rent. Billowed Its beautiful liead. ger. bred running horse and racing ; and during for the door. "Where is he ?" One half " " " Sadt, Blinds, Doors, Mouldings, Juet received, a good assortment of erything that you can expect to find at a first-class Full Column, one year, 180.00 HE whole or part of a good house; pleasantly lo­ Millinery Establishment This record proves the immense influence BACKETS, Ac., ScrolL and Fancy Sawing, Turn­ Nursed by the kings of the mountains, the first two or three years of its existence, " Down to Tompson's store," responds Special Notices 25 per cent advance on the above. ing, and Matching; Siding made to order. Win­ cated, having a lino view of Long Island Sound, Yearly advertisers restricted to the business con­ B TNorwalk, and surrounding country, will be rented for Cag§imcres and Coatings, FANCY DRY GOODS. Far cradled above the sea ' of a few good horses upon the stock of a na­ trotting was barely mentioned in its pages. Bob. templated at the time of contract, bat are permitted dow Frames, Packing Boxes, Ac., of every description made promptly ana warranted to give satisfaction. the summer or until April next. Apply at tlie GA­ HICH will be made into garments In the most Alone in the crevace'twas growing, ' tion, and attests also the superior qualities As has been stated the first public trotting In his excitement the old man forgot to to make monthly changes of their advertisements. Please give us a call at the Steam Mill, west of the De­ ZETTE OFFICE. "If improved style and best manner. Also, a large Our Great Fashionable Bazaar, is now filled with a W complete I saw It and took it to me. One inch space constitutes a square. pot near the Nursery, South Norwalk. lot of Paper Collars, of the best make; will be sold stock in every department in our line; and of the English racer. All the horses here race took place in 1818. In that year the remove his reading cap, and going down the Advance payment required for all transient adver­ B. N. HOYT, («m*3) J. R. RAYMOND very cheap—cheaper than can be bonght elsewhere in consists of: . .v J. H. T. tisements. • FOR SALE. this vicinity, together with a general assortment of Department I. Dress and Cloak Trimmings the mentioned are of the Arabian and English horse Boston Blue trotted at Boston, in a steps misjudged the distance to the pave­ u vter of a Column, one time, | 5.00 4 VERY valuable place, situated in the most cer- latest Novelties. the Galaxy.] thorough-bred stock, excepting the French Sair " " " " 10.08 SAM. PASULSKI'S J\^ tral part ot the Town of Norwalk, about two A ' Gents' FurnMblng Goods, jjept 2. Laces, Embroidery and White Goods, a full ' (horn match against time, a' mile within three ment, stepped off too soon and came sprawl­ Full Column, one time 80.00 minutes walk from the Horse Railway Depot. The at very low prices. assortment. .... Tlie Trumpet Smith. horses, and even they are known to have had minutes (the cxact time is unknown), which ing on all fours. It arrlagea anddeaths inserted gratuitously. Obitua­ Hair Dressing Saloon, So. Norwalk. house is large and commodions. The place comprises Shirts made to order at short notice. Dept. 3. Hosiery and Gloves all sizes and kinds. ry, Funeral and all other special notices 15 cents per about two acres of land, and is abundantly provided Dept.
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