After nine days on the line, CICS We have an historic chance to elect Election night shows our union and educators won their strike gaining a mayor who will bargain with us our allies are changing the political smaller class sizes, equal pay and on class size and school resources. landscape as Chicagoans demand classroom resources PAGE 2 Let’s make history April 2 PAGE 3 progressive change PAGE 7 CHICAGOUNIONTEACHER February 2019 ⁄ Volume 82 ⁄ Number 5 Also in this issue... Proud CTU member thanks her field rep for victory on back pay after years of Another victory! CPS stonewalling PAGE 2 CTU Special Election: Your union, your voice. Everything you need to know about the rules governing the upcoming officer elections PAGES 4 AND 5 CHICAGO UNION TEACHER CARROLL W. / 1901 AVENUE / CHICAGO, IL 60612 (Photo: Erica Clark) Union educators in the Chicago International Charter School network won their strike after nine bone-chilling days on the picket line, gaining smaller class sizes, equal pay for equal work and more resources for their schools. When we fight, we win! PAGE 2 CICS educators win historic nine-day strike Signature achievements of the new contract include smaller class sizes, guaranteed staffing, and equal pay for equal work. BY CTU COMMUNICATIONS the February strike the longest charter strike in U.S. history, a fter nine days on the pick- designation the charter operator et lines, striking Chicago should be ashamed of. The nine- ATeachers Union (CTU) day strike saw CICS bosses calling The agreement also ensures families. And the new contract business,” Jen Conant, CICS bar- educators and paraprofessionals the police to bust up the picket that future increases in public includes sanctuary language to gaining co-chair, said. “We want reached a tentative agreement line at a southside school, sending school funding are invested di- protect the school’s immigrant to thank our parents and stu- on a new contract that protects false information to parents and rectly in the schools, rather than students and families. dents for their patience and sup- counselors and social work- the press and refusing to send its being captured by corporate As a result of CTU’s public port and our members for their ers, limits class sizes and raises CEO to the bargaining table. management fees, a victory with pressure, the charter also has steadfast dedication fighting for teacher and paraprofessional CTU responded with strong far-reaching implications for the announced it will “revise” its fee the schools we all deserve.” pay up to Chicago Public Schools pickets at all four schools every entire charter industry. Strikers structure for schools, which until A long list of public officials, (CPS) standards. day. Members then hit the streets also beat back management’s this agreement had drained up to including Cook County Board CTU CICS members braved of Chicago’s Loop, taking over attempt to cut family leave for 30 percent of the public dollars President and mayoral candidate the cold, rain, sleet and snow CICS headquarters, rallying at paraprofessionals and won paid it receives away from the class- Toni Preckwinkle, supported fighting for a fair contract that the Thompson Center and stag- parental leave for teachers for the room. Both CICS and Civitas Ed- CICS educators during the strike. protects their students and pro- ing a two-hour occupation in the first time ever. ucation Partners (CEP), the char- During the first week, Preck- vides stability and respect for Loop lobby of Price Waterhouse Educators won reductions in ter’s management company, will winkle joined a downtown rally educators. The agreement, ap- Cooper, where the CICS Board class sizes—a key sticking point be forced to return a combined declaring, “Teachers’ working proved at the end of February president and treasurer works. in negotiations—setting class size $4 million back to the schools. conditions are students’ learn- by a resounding 96 percent of “It took nine days, but our goals at 28 and barring any class- “After a historic strike, we’ve ing conditions—and both need members, would immediately members’ solidarity and unity room from holding more than 30 won a historic contract that not to improve at CICS.” raise paraprofessional pay to the won out,” CTU Vice President students. Plus, all kindergarten only improves the working and CTU CICS leaders are proud CPS salary schedule. Stacy Davis Gates said. “We through second grade classes learning conditions in our schools to say the new contract accom- Teachers also won pay lanes have achieved a contract that are now guaranteed to have a but changes the way CICS does plishes both those goals. for advanced degrees and an im- provides fair compensation to full-time teaching assistant. mediate raise averaging 8 per- educators and more resources for The strikers also won a short- cent that will meet or exceed the our classroom. And we’ve sent a ened work day, with no cuts to in- CPS salary schedule by the end of message to the entire charter in- structional minutes, a 7 percent the four-year contract. dustry that it’s time to clean up pension pick-up and more af- CICS’ intransigence made their act.” fordable health care coverage for y name is Kristin A. why CPS would not honor my Happy CTU Reid. I am current- M.J., I reached out to the Chi- Mly a second-grade cago Teachers Union (CTU). member teacher at George W. Tilton I spoke with an extreme- Elementary School. I applied ly knowledgeable woman thanks union for a lane change after I com- named Kathy Murray. Kathy pleted a dual Master’s pro- immediately and diligently gram at Loyola University. I went to work on my behalf. for securing received a Masters of Social We filed a grievance in Sep- Work (MSW) and a Masters tember 2018. just wages of Jurisprudence Child and Throughout the process, Family Law (MJ). Kathy and the CTU kept me BY KRISTIN A. REID Upon completion of my abreast. In November 2018, dual Masters, I applied with I received a phone call from Chicago Public Schools (CPS) Kathy informing me that we for a lane adjustment. I was had a win against CPS. I was informed that only my Mas- awarded two years of back ters of Social Work would be pay and placed in my proper accepted for the lane change. lane. Without the support of Over the years, I repeatedly the CTU and the diligence our inquired, reapplied and con- union showed, I would not be tinued to seek answers as to telling my story with this hap- why my second Masters of py ending. I am proud to call Law was not accepted. Over myself a CTU member. five years, I was rejected with- out a plausible explanation. Kristin A. Reid teaches second After years of rejection grade at George W. Tilton Ele- and no concrete reason as to mentary School. 2 February 2019 ∕ Chicago Union Teacher CHICAGO Let’s make UNION TEACHER history April 2 EDITED BY THE CHICAGO TEACHERS UNION COMMUNICATIONS DEPARTMENT Sisters and Brothers, CONTRIBUTING WRITERS ∕ ty to elect a mayor who backs an elected CTU Communications, Kristin A. Reid, I hope you are as energized by the school board. We have an opportunity to Jesse Sharkey February election results as I am and elect a mayor who supports expanding I hope you will carry that energy into healthcare and breaking the school-to- CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS ∕ the April run off. We have an historic prison pipeline. CTU Communications opportunity to elect a mayor whom we And we have an opportunity to elect ADVERTISING MANAGER ∕ Lupe Coyle can work with to win the schools our new, progressive City Council members children deserve and, at the same time, who can begin to change the way Chi- DESIGN AND PRODUCTION ∕ Eric Ruder to change the makeup of City Council. cago government operates. These races This is an opportunity we cannot ignore. have the potential to raise our power Our strikes of the last few months and influence in the council and to push OFFICERS show, once again, that when we fight, we for progressive revenue like massive Tax the Jesse Sharkey ∕ PRESIDENT win. And this election shows that when Increment Financing (TIF) surpluses Stacy Davis Gates ∕ VICE PRESIDENT we vote, we have the power to influence and a corporate head tax to fund afford- president’s Michael Brunson ∕ RECORDING SECRETARY elections and, thus, economic, educa- able housing and a restoration of mental Maria Moreno ∕ FINANCIAL SECRETARY message tion, and employment policy in our city. health clinics that Emanuel closed sev- The Chicago Union Teacher is The municipal election comes on the eral years ago. Clearly, the 2019 Chica- published eight times a year (three heels of the historic victory by striking go municipal election is an important times a year in print). The Chicago Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) mem- opportunity to bring real change to our Union Teacher is the official bers at Chicago International Charter schools and our neighborhoods. publication of the Chicago Teachers Schools (CICS). They braved frigid tem- A CTU campaign endorsement is Union, which is the exclusive peratures for nine days on the picket truly meaningful. Not only do candi- bargaining agent for teachers, line, but their resolve strengthened dates we endorse tend to win, but this counselors, librarians, clinicians and with each passing day and they won a election presents us with a chance to paraprofessional and school-related contract that will pump critical invest- bring our contract campaigns in dis- personnel in the Chicago Public ments into their schools. trict and charter schools to the fore- Schools.
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