COWBOY FAST DRAW ASSOCIATION S JUNE/JULY ’ ISSUE 2016 GUNSLIN ER’S Official Journal of the Cowboy fast Draw assoCiation AZETTE the RomanceG and Legend of th ~ Honoring e Old West ~ OKLAHOMA STATE CHAMPIONSHIP 2016 article on page 8 west North Territo eat ria Gr Championship l article on page 10 Showdown in Cowtown 2016 Texas State 2016 Southern Championship & Territorial Championship article on page 16 article on page 18 Cover Photo Courtesy Angie McCormick Page 2 June/July 2016 Gunslinger’s Gazette Shaniko HolstersTM Congratulations to the 2015 World Champions Oregon Ranger & Miss Kitty! Visit Our Website tO see Our Variety Of HOlsters including: Mexican Loop Rig 1800 Slim Jim Mexican Drop Loop Rig 1870 Mexican Loop Rig Hollywood Drop Loop Shaniko Buckles Hollywood High Ride Accesories Mexican Loop Rig Shaniko Holsters, Inc. 21111 S. Springwater Rd, Estacada, Or 97023 (503) 631-7459 www.shanikoholsters.com The Choice of Champions HIGHLY REGARDED AS THE MOST DEPENDABLE SIX-GUN IN THE WORLD Gunslinger’s Gazette June/July 2016 Page 3 GUNSLINGER”S GAZETTE Publisher EditOrial ATTENTION Cowboy Fast Draw Association, LLC ting to create the Gunslinger’s Gazette for Deadline to submit articles Director many reasons. It lets me be creative, and it for next Gazette is: Cal Eilrich “Quick Cal” #L9 lets me stay in the loop with whats going on Editor in CFDA around the nation since I don’t get Erika Frisk ,“Hannah Calder” #L46 to travel to contests much. Though I have August 5th Contributing Editors a feeling that will soon change as my old- Please submit all articles and Alotta Lead #L37 est daughter, Kaelynn aka “Little Miss Sun- pictures to: Mongo #L57 shine” will be celebrating her 8th birthday [email protected] in August and cannot wait to start compet- Copy Editor ing and traveling to contests with her older Erika Frisk, “Hannah Calder” Life #46 cousin “Sheriff Rango”. So it looks like this momma will soon be dusting off my hol- # Marketing and Sales ster (hopefully it still fits! haha) So fingers Erika Frisk, “Hannah Calder” #L46 oly Heck! We have an issue cram crossed I will be able to sneak away from packed with shoot articles! We have Memberships/Product Orders: H my office from time to time and make it to not 1, not 2, not 3, BUT FOUR! That just Alotta Lead #L37 some competitions in the near future. Contents (775)575-1802 makes me oh so happy. And I know it also But in the meantime, keep up the www.cowboyfastdraw. com makes all the participants of these contests great job of submitting articles and pictures. happy happy happy also! So I would like to Articles Regulator Posse Administrator As always, we are always looking for con- start by giving a big thank you to everyone Inside CFDA ...............................................4 Mongo #L57 tributors, and who knows, maybe your pic- who was so diligent about getting your arti- (970)731-9140 ture will end up on the front cover! Membership News .....................................5 cles to me so quickly. You have no idea how CFDA Shoot For the Stars Scholarship Fund Regulator Report........................................6 Windmill Kid #L1748 & Miss Betty #L2457 much I appreciate it. I know the summer months can Shoot for the Stars......................................7 [email protected] Best Wishes! or 432-664-1913 be super busy for so many people with trav- 2016 Oklahoma State Championship......8 Hannah Calder Advertising eling around to various contests while also 2016 GNTC................................................10 working. For me personally, summer is (775)980-6373 Be sure to “LIKE” us on Facebook! Cowboy Poetry Corner..............................14 [email protected] peak season for our family business (lawn Follow us on Twitter! care and landscaping). So in between help- 2016 Texas State Championship...............16 Please send Letters to the Editor to: @cowboyfastdraw ing run my husband’s office, I get to also put 2016 Southern Territorial.........................18 [email protected] together the Gunslinger’s Gazette. Which I Please send all articles and advertising to: Why? 17 3/4” & Balloon Disk Targets..............20 Copyright 2016 by Cowboy Fast Draw Association, definitely consider my fun job. I love get- [email protected] LLC. All rights reserved under international and CFDA Bracket Shoot (Updated)..............21 Pan American Copyright Conventions. Reproduci- ton in whole or in part without written permission Words of the West Crossword..................24 of the publisher is strictly prohibited. New Member List.....................................25 Printed in the U.S.A. PO Box 5 - Fernley, NV 89408 (775)575-1802 Information Office Hours: CFDA General Store................................26 Monday - Thursday 8:30am-4:30pm (pst) www.cowboyfastdraw. com Shooting Schedule....................................28 e-mail: info@cowboyfastdraw. com Affiliated Clubs.........................................29 Membership Information........................30 Warning: Readers: Be advised that there may be products represented in this magazine as to which the sale, Current CFDA World Record Holders possession, or interstate transporation thereof may Men’s Record -Master Gunfighter .295 be restricted, prohibited, or subject to licensing requirements. Nothing herein is intended to Ladies Record- Honey Badger .350 constitute a manual for the use of any product or the carrying out of any procedure or process. The CFDA, its publications, officers, authors, consultants and employees accept no responsiblity for any liability, Advertise in The Gunslinger’s Gazette! Articles Wanted! injuries, or damages arising out of any person’s attempt to rely upon information contained herein. One Issue Ad Pricing We are always looking for articles Full 2/3 1/2 1/3 1/4 Column Inch to be submitted in regards to clubs, Inside L/F Cover $350 $240 $190 $130 $110 N/A Inside R/F Cover $350 $240 $190 $130 $110 $8.50 contests, historical, aliases, or Inside Back Cover $325 $230 $180 $120 $100 $7.75 anything else that pertains to our Back Cover $240 sport. All Other Pages $275 $200 $160 $160 $85 $6.50 Business Cards $35 If You Are Interested, Telegraph Current Global Passwords: 3 Issue Contract Deduct 10% / 5 Issue Contract Deduct 20% - (From Above Prices) Please Contact: safetyfirst To view our full pricing and sizing guidelines, Hannah Calder at hitemfast (All lower case, no spaces) visit www.cowboyfastdraw.com [email protected] Page 4 June/July 2016 Gunslinger’s Gazette insiDe the CfDa By: Quick Cal, Executive Director still need to work out design and management non-political business entity by Brad Hemmah, into a self-sustaining organization. We know details for our website. It needs to be permanent but I can assure anyone that it was far more that many share the vision of our Legacy. You and secure, which leaves anything out that is than just a business to him. After recognizing know who you are, you dedicate your time, controlled by others, like Facebook the potential that CFDA had, Shoot Magazine talents and money building clubs, recruit and This memorial should be available to and I originally offered a partnership to Brad, train new members, host contests, generously anyone who was an active member of CFDA which he turned it down. But, he countered support CFDA Shoot for the Stars, etc. There is regardless of whether they were a life member with an offer to sell, because of other career magic in what we do! Just like our Credo: The or not. If anyone has suggestions, or would and business opportunities that he had to pursue Cowboy Way, it requires no further explanation, like to volunteer their administrative time and in the casino industry. The day he called to tell you either get that or you don’t. owdy! Cowboy Fast Draw Enthusiasts talents, please contact Alotta Lead at the CFDA me, he said something to me that I will always I’m always willing to talk directly Hall over the world! What a whirlwind Office. remember. He said, “Because of your business with any member, sometimes I get a little busy start of our busiest season ever! Starting with background, your lifelong commitment to due to my other businesses, you may have to the 4 Corners Territorial (Phoenix, AZ), Texas Clubs Are Still the Foundation of CFDA shooting sports, especially Fast Draw, and your leave a message, and I will call you back. State and Southern Territorial (Fort Worth, Forming and building memberships in extensive contacts in the shooting industry, but TX), Oklahoma State (Sapulpa, OK), Great CFDA Affiliated Clubs is still the foundation of mainly because, you get it. I’m only selling Announcement! Northwestern Territorial (Caldwell, ID), Kansas our sport. This is true not only in the immediate CFDA because you’re personally involved, I The 2016 CFDA Legacy Conference State (Phillipsburg, KS), Oregon State (Canyon area of the club, but when multiple clubs are would never turn it over to anyone else. Please This year also marks our 10th Annual City, OR), South Dakota State & High Plains in the same region, that’s when the magic of take care of my baby.” Marshal’s Muster, we hosted the first one in Territorial (Mitchell, SD), and another 7 CFDA regional activity happens. When there are Brad knew some of my history in Deadwood, SD in 2006. We look forward each Titled Championship by the end of July! We several active clubs or entire active regions with shooting sports, but not all of it, I doubt many year to conference and hear from our club sure pack a lot of shooting in the matter of just in a day’s drive of CFDA Titled Championships people do. Frankly, purely from a business leaders. Even though we have always wanted a few months! then those championships become successful standpoint, this is not the wisest investment of to discuss some of the things mentioned above, for the Host Clubs.
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