DOCUMENT RESUME EF 002 627 ED 028 602 New Joint Sealants. Criteria,Design and Materials. Budding kesearch Inst., inc.,Washington. D.C. Report No- BR I PUB -1006 Pub Date 62 Note-252p.; Report of a program held as partof the BRI SpringConference, 1962 Institute,1725 De SalesStreet, N. Available from-ExecutiveVice-President,Building Research Washington, D. C. (S12.00). EDRS Price MF-S1.00 HC-S12.70 Construction (Process),Criteria. Design. Descriptors -*Adhesives, ArchitecturalElements, *Building Materials, Glass, *Glossaries, *Sealers,*Specifications (2) sealing glassand metal joints, Contents include--(1) sealingconcrete joints, (4) a theory of (3) metal and glass jointsealants from afabricator's viewpoint, (5) geometry ofsimple joint sealsunder strain, (6) joint adhesion for joint sealants, sealant requirements sealant specificationsfrom a manufacturer'sviewpoint, (7) joint (8) causes of jointsealant failures, (9)polysulfide joint from an applicator's viewpoint, (12) sealants, (10) silicone jointsealants, (11) pdlyethylenesealing compounds, compounds, and(14) epoxy joint polyurethane joint sealants,(13) butyl sealing of terms for sealants. A review ofspecifications for sealants,and a glossary adhesives, cdatings, andsealants are also included.(RH) 1. 5.02, '-w7"N7,,'Invw;1,741r4577-17,7f7.715,71T17777-0,,,,zwr,!,vp , ^ sre. 0', WI' AA,. 41, U 2. 8 6 Crr imareoresibb .140,P4CWHIMAIMMILINOOMMIA Building Research Institute Board of Directors 1962-63 OFFICERS President and Chairman of Executive Committee LEON CHATELAIN, JR. FAIA Chatelain, Gauger & Nolan Vice President and Vice Chairman of Executive Committee OTTO L. NELSON, JR; Vice President for Housing New York Life Insurance Company Vice President Secretary Treasurer PETER B. GORDON MILTON C. COON, JR. GRAYSON GILL Vice President Executive Vice President President Wolff and Munier, Inc. Building Research Institute Grayson Gill, Inc. MEMBERS OF THE BOARD PAUL R. ACHENBACH MICHAEL F. X. GIGLIOTTI Chief, Mechanical Systems Section Asst. Director of Engineering National Bureau of Standards Plastics Division Monsanto Chemical Company GLENN H. BEYER Director, Center for Housing JOHN M. KYLE & Environmental Studies Chief Engineer Cornell University Port of New York Authority ALAN E. BROCKBANK HENRY L. LOGAN President Vice President for Research Community Construction Corporation Holophane Company, Inc. JOHN T. BURWELL, JR. T. F. OLT Director of Research Vice President, Research American Radiator & & Technology Standard Sanitary Corporation Armco Steel Corporation N. S. COLLYER HOWARD E. PHILLIPS President Superintendent, Special Studies F. H. Sparks Company, Inc. Plant Design & Construction ROBERT W. CUTLER Division Partner Western Electric Company Skidmore, Owings & Merrill PERRY I. PRENTICE ALBERT G. H. DIETZ Vice President, TIME, Inc. Professor WALTER SANDERS Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyChairman, Dept. of Architecture University of Michigan GEORGE P. DORRANCE Director of Technical Services R. J. SHORT Turner Construction Company Director, Engineering Exploration Procter & Gamble Company J. E. GASTON Technical Consultant D. KENNETH SARGENT Building Materials Research Dean, School of Architecture Armstrong Cork Company Syracuse University HARRY ROSS YOUNG Market Development Supervisor E. I. duPont de Nemours and Company, Inc. U.S. DEPARTMENT Of HEALTH. EDUCATION & WELFARE OFFICE Of EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HIS SEEN REPRODUCED EXACTLY IS RECEIVED fROMTHE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGINATING IT.POINTS Of VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICE Of EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY. se NEW JOINT SEALANTS © Building Research Institute, Inc.1963 The opinions and conclusionsexpressed in this book are those of the individual contributors andnot necessarily those of the Build- ing Research Institute. Library of Congress Catalog Number: 63-60055 Price: $12,00 FOR YOUR INFORMATION Inquiries concerning New Joint Sealants:Criteria, Design, and Materials or other publications resultingfrom the BRI 1962 Spring Conferences may bedirected to the Building Research Institute, 1725 De Sales Street, N.W.,Washington 6, D. C. The other publications resultingfrom these conferences are: Solar Effects on Building Design New Building Research, 1962 The list of conference registrants appearsin New Joint Sealants, and a complete list of BRI publicationsis included in each book. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The Building Research Institutegratefully acknowledges the con- tributions to building science madeby the participants in the program on New JointSealants: Criteria, Design, and Materials. _ "PERMISSION TOREPRODUCE THIS COPYRIGHTED MATERIALHAS BEEN GRANTED '7 Dwee.ki, By5.14A.ClutvlswealiN, LTON .COON, JR 8 RA15 Executive Vice Pres n TO ERIC ANDORGANIZATIONS OPERATING WITH THE U.S. OFFICEOF UNDER AGREEMENTS EDUCATION. FURTHERREPRODUCTION OUTSIDE Of THE ERIC SYSTEMREQUIRES PERMISSION THE COPYRIGHTOWNER." Contents JOINT CRITERIA BASED ON PERFORMANCE EXPERIENCE Sealing Concrete Joints T. W. Hunt, Portland Cement Association 1 Sealing Glass and Metal Joints James H. Valentine, Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company 5 Metal and Glass Joint Sealants from a Fabricator's Viewpoint Jack M. Roehm, Kawneer Company 14 Open Forum Discussion Moderator: Raymond J. Schutz, Sika Chemical Corporation 22 SEALANT CRITERIA BASED ON RECENT RESEARCH AND PERFORMANCE EXPERIENCE A Theory of Adhesion for Joint Sealants J. J. Bikerman, Massachusetts Institute of Technology .35 Geometry of Simple Joint Seals Under Strain Egons Tons, Massachusetts Institute of Technology 40 Joint Sealant Specifications from a Manufacturer's Viewpoint Joseph S. Amstock, Products Research Company 62 Joint Sealant Requirements from an Applicator's Viewpoint George Grenadier, The Grenadier Corporation 69 Causes of Joint Sealant Failures Julian R. Panek, Thiokol Chemical Corporation 74 Open Forum Discussion Moderator: Francis S. Branin, ASCO Products Corporation 81 IN JOINTSEALANTMATERIALS RECENTDEVELOPMENTS Polysulfide JointSealants One-Part and Frank Y.Hayashi, Robert Gamero, 93 G. M. Le Faye, Company Coast Pro-Seal& Manufacturing Joint Sealants 99 One-Part Silicone Corporation Remo R.Maneri, DowCorning Sealing Compounds ChlorosulfonatedPolyethylene Edward 0.Hilbush, Jr., 107 West ChesterChemical Company Polyurethane JointSealants Charles M.Fosgate, Jr., 115 United ShoeMachineryCorporation Butyl SealingCompounds 122 W. P. FitzGerald, EnjayChemical Company Sealants 131 Epoxy Joint Chemical Company C. V.Wittenwyler, Shell Open ForumDiscussion Moderator: AlexO'Hare, 141 Miracle AdhesivesCorporation APPENDIXES Specifications forSealants A Review of as aSpecial Assigmmentfor the Julian R. Panek, Adhesives and BRI PlanningCommittee on 159 Sealants inBuilding Coatings, andSealants Glossary ofTerms forAdhesives, for the Amstock, as aSpecial Assignment Joseph S. Adhesives and BRI PlanningCommittee on 170 Sealants inBuilding 225 SPRINGCONFERENCES REGISTRANTS,BRI 1962 245 BRIPUBLICATIONS 1961-62 BRI Planning Committee on ADHESIVES AND SEALANTS IN BUILDING Chairman: Raymond J. Schutz, Vice President Research and Development Sika Chemical Corporation Joseph S. Amstock Remo R. Maneri Chief Chemist, Eastern DivisionProject Manager Products Research Company New Products Development Departrpent Dow Corning Corporation Hugh B. Angleton Director Alex O'Hare Research Institute Laboratory Vice President National Association of Research & Development Home Builders Miracle Adhesives Corporation Jerome L. Been Michael A. Bedics Vice President Architectural Sales Division Rubber and Asbestos Pawling Rubber Corporation Corporation Julian R. Panek Francis S. Branin Manager President Technical Seryice Department ASCO Products Corporation Thiokol Chemical Corporation George J. Schulte, Jr. Carl L. Carlson Marketing Supervisor Manager Adhesives, Coatings & Sealers Adhesives Research Division Armstrong Cork Company Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing Company M. E. Conrad Manager Harold F. Wakefield Technical Service Division Consultant E. L. Bruce Company, Inc. John W. Winkler Vice President, Sales Daniel K. Donovan Coast Pro-Seal & Manufacturing Research Engineer Company Larsen Products Corporation Harry Ross Young Werner H. Gumpertz Market Development Supervisor Consulting Engineer Finishes Sales Division Simpson, Gumpertz & Heger, E. I. duPont de Nemours Inc. & Company, Inc. 7,7":7 9r5e:151: p. - Joint Criteria Basedon Performance Experience *at' Sealing Concrete Joints By T. W. Hunt, Portland Cement Association Abstract: Sealants for concrete curtain wall panels are classified as cement mor- tars, oil-base calking compounds, and polysulfide sealants. Several case studies of success and failure of joint sealants are presented, showing that cement mortar is satisfactory for small concrete units, bricks, and stone masonry; that oil-base calking compounds are adequate for precast panels in the smaller units but need maintenance; and that polysulfide sealants are superior for sealing joints and between large concrete panels, with low maintenance. SEALANTS FOR CONCRETE CURTAIN WALL PANELS may be placed in three general classifications: 1. Cement mortars 2. Oil-base calldng compounds 3. Polysulfide sealants. The first sealant ever used was probably a type of cement mor- tar developed during the Roman Empire period. With a number of refinements introduced during the intervening centuries, cement mortar is still used in great quantities for erecting buildings where relatively small units of wall materials are involved, such as con- crete blocks, bricks, or quarried stone shapes.
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