2 THE M. A. C. RECORD. Northeastern Michigan. President—A. MacVittie, '11, Caro. THE M.A.C. RECORD Vice-President—Morrice Courtright, w'13 Entered as second-class matter October 30, 1820 Centre Ave., Bay City. 1916, at the post office at East Lansing-, Lenawee County. Michigan, under the Act of March 3, 1879. President—C. L. Coffeen, '12, Adrian. Secretary—Jessie Illenden, '19, Adrian. Published every Friday during the College St. Joseph County. Year by the Michigan Agricultural President—W. T. Langiey, '82, Constan- College Association- tine, R. F. D. W. K. Prudden, '78, Lansing - President Secy.—Sam Hagenbuck, '10, Three Rivers. E. W. Ranney, '00, Greenville, Vice President Berrien County. H. H. Musselman, '08, East Lansing, Treas. President—Charles Richards, Benton Har­ C. W. McKibbin, '11, East Lansing, bor, R. R. Fair Plains. Secretary and Editor Vice-President—Beatrice Jakway, '17. May E. Foley, '18 - Assistant Secretary Secretary—Kittie Handy, '16, Court House, Members of Executive Committee, St. Joseph. Elected at Large, Treasurer—Willard Sanborn, '13. A. C. McKinnon, '95, Bay City, Livingston County. Anna Cowles, '15, East Lansing, President, G. P. Burkhart, '10, Fowlerville. E. N. Pagelson, '89, Detroit. Secretary, F. S. Dunks, '05, Court House, MEMBERSHIP IN THE M. A. C. ASSOCIA­ Howell. TION which includes subscription to Northwest Michigan. the Record, $2.00 PER YEAR. President—H. A. Danville, '83, Manistee. Make Remittances payable to the M. A. C. Vice-President—L. W. Reed, '14, Copemish. Association. Secretary—Alice Kuenzli, '16, Manistee. Unless members request a discontinuance it Chicago, III. will be assumed that a renewal of President—Wm. D. Hurd, '99, 820 Lumber membership is desired. Exchange Bldg. Secretary—H. P. Henry, *15, 192 N. Clark. New York City. M. A. C. ASSOCIATIONS. President—John J. Bush, '84, 616 W. 137th St., New York City, N. Y. Secretary—O. S. Shields, '16, 719 Hancock Central Michigan. St., Brooklyn, N. Y. President—S. F. Edwards, '99, Lansing. Cleveland, Ohio. Vice President—Elizabeth Palm, '11, Li­ Secretary—L. C. Milburn, '14, 1451 E. 134th brary, East Lansing. St., Cleveland. Secretary-Treasurer—E. E. Hotchin, '12, Milwaukee, Wis. East Lansing. President—"Wm. L. Davidson, '13, Scout Detroit Club. Executive, 84 Mason St. Secretary—Geo. B. Wells, '00, Schrader President—L. T. Clark, '04, 108 Charlotte Lumber Co. Vice-President—B. H. Anibal, '09, 185 Rich- Portland, Oregon. ton Ave. President—C. W. Bale, '00, 718 E. Ash St.. Secretary-Treasurer—G. V. Branch, '12, Portland, Ore. 1934 Livernois Ave. Secretary-Treasurer—R. G. Scofield, '07, Grand Rapids. 106114 East Sixth St., Portland, Ore. President—Mrs. L. B. Littell, '03, 554 Gid- Minneapolis Club. dings Ave. President—J. Allen Miller, '12, 2938 Tay­ Vice-President—Mrs. Caspar Baarman, 636 lor St., N. E. Parkwood St. Vice-President—I. J. Westerveld, '12, care Secretary-Treasurer—Miss Luie H. Ball, '13. Universal Portland Cement Co. Secretary—C. C. Cavanagh, '09, 836 Secur­ Flint Club. ity Bldg. President—I. E. Parsons, '07, Grand Blanc. Washington, D. C Vice-President—Mrs. O. G. Anderson, '13, President—-John W. Rittinger, '94, Room Grand Blanc. 364 House Office. Secretarv—Howard R. Estes, '17, Y. M. C. Secretary—Mrs. D. A. Gurney, '04, 1217 A., Flint. Gallatin St., N. W. Owosso. Western New York. President—R. S. Linton, '16, 329 W. Oli­ President—Prof. G. H. Collingwood, '11, ver St. 408 Dryden Rd., Ithaca. Secretary—H. E. Dennison, '11, 305 Miner Secretary—Prof. W. J. Wright, '04, Cor­ Bldg. nell Univ., Ithaca. Jackson County. Southern California. President—L. Whitney Watkins, '03, Man­ President—Harry A. Schuyler, '13, of chester. Whittier. Vice-President—W. K. Sagindorph, '04, 415 Secretary-Treasurer—Ralph E. Caryl, '14, W. Franklin St., Jackson. Riverside. Secretary—W. B. Allen, '07, 129 S. Hill St., Northern California. Jackson. Vice-President—E. C. Bank, '84, Jeffery Hotel, Salinas, Calif. Kalamazoo Club. Secretary—G. H. Freear, 120 Jessie St., President—Jason Woodman, '81, Federal San Francisco. Bldg. Seattle. Vice President—Fred L Chappell, '85, President—J.osephine Hart, '12, 4001 Whit­ Chase Block. man Ave. Secretary—Fred "W. Temple, '14, 209 W. Vice-President—Capt Wm. D. Frazer, '09, Frank St. 5012, 20 Ave. N. E. Upper Peninsula Association. Secretary-Treasurer—Emma B. Barrett, '03, President—L. R. Walker, '15, Court House, 4001 Whitman Ave. Marquette, Mich. New England. Secretary—Aurelia B. Potts, '12, Court Secretary—Glenn C. Sevey, '03, Russell, House, Marquette, Mich. Mass. THE M. A. O. RECORD. 3 LIi F YOU WOULD HAVE REAL SERVICE—LET M. A. G. MEN SERVE YOU EDWARD N, PAGELSON, '89 WALDO ROHNERT, '89 Patents, Patent Law, Trademarks Wholesale Seed Grower, 1107-10 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Gilroy, Calif. Detroit, Michigan. Formerly Examiner U. S. Patent Office. NORTHVILLE MILLING COMPANY Northville, Michigan A. M. EMERY, '83 D. P. YERKES, '89, Proprietor 223 Washington Ave. N. "Gold Lace," "Crystal Patent," Fancy H. C. Pratt, '09, in Charge of Office Supply Pastry," Wholesale and Retail, Department. Flour, Feed and Grain. Books, Pine Stationery, Engraved Calling Cards, Fountain Pens, Pictures, Frames, VIRGIL T. BOGUE, '11 Filing Cabinets and General Landscape Architect and Nurseryman Office Supplies. Your grounds planted with our extra grown shrubs and specimen trees and evergreens SMITH POULTRY & EGG CO. will give you immediate results. Commission Merchants Geneva, Ashtabula Co., Ohio. Solicit consignments in Poultry Veal Eggs CHARLES E. SUMNER, '79 Guy H. Smith, '11 Attorney at Law Western Market, Detroit. Southern Title Bldg., San Diego, Cal. DR. E, D. BROOKS, '76 "MAPLEHOME SHORTHORNS" Diseases of the Herd Sire, Wedding Goods 742959, A Scotch- EYE, EAR, NOSE, AND THROAT topped Whitehall descendant; herd of 20 Glasses Fitted females, established 1899; young sires for Suite, 704 Hanselman Building, sale, terms reasonable; one white, one red, Kalamazoo, Mich. and one roan on hand now. Office hours 9 to 12, 1 to 5. J. H. READ & SON, L. W. READ, '14. Proprietors, Copemish, Mich. THORN SMITH, "1895" In complete charge of the laboratory of VALENTINE, MAYER & HOUSMAN DIACK AND SMITH, Consulting, Heating, Ventilating, Electrical 49 West Lamed St., Detroit, Mich. and Power Plant Engineers. Designs, Chemical Analyses and Research Worl^» Specifications and Supervision. F. H. VALENTINE, '09 THE CORYELL NURSERY 622 Bangor Bldg. Cleveland, Ohio. R. J. Coryell, '84; Ralph I. Coryell, '14 Growers and Planters of Shade and Fruit LOUIS BECK CO. Trees, Shrubs, Evergreens and Vines. 112 Wash. Ave. N. Landscape Beautification Service, Sam Beck, with '12, Secy, and Treas. Birmingham, Mich. Best in Clothes for Men, Young Men and Boys. Royal Tailored Garments JOHN F. NELLIST, '96 to order. Publisher of Michigan Touring Maps. 1955 Jefferson Avenue, S. E., FRY BROKERAGE CO., INC. Grand Rapids, Mich. Shipper's Agents Car-lot Distributors of Fruits and Vegetables THE EDWARDS LABORATORIES 192 N. Clark St. Lansing, Michigan M. Fry, President; H. P. Henry, '15, Vice S. F. Edwards, "99 President and Treasurer; V. C. Taggart, Anti-Hog Cholera Serum and Other Biologi­ '16, Secretary. cal Products. Legume Bacteria Cul­ Oldest Brokerage House in Chicago. tures for Seed Inoculation. O. C. Howe, '83, Manager LANDSCAPES WITHOUT WAITING LANSING INVESTMENT CO. Plans by Graduate Landscape Architects Stocks—Bonds F. A. Carlson, '16 Capital National Bank Bldg., Lansing, Mich. 508 Mathews Bldg., Milwaukee, Wisconsin. WM. J. ATCHISON, '16 GOODELL, ZELIN C. Landscape Gardener of (Forestry, M. A. C, '11) FRISSEL & ATCHISON Insurance and Bonds of Every Kind. Flint Lansing Muskegon If you haven't insured your salary, better see or write Goodell about a good H. KOSITCHEK & BROS. proposition. 113 N. Wash. Ave. Lansing Insurance Agency, Inc. The Home of Those Celebrated Ed. V. Price f 208-212 Capital National Bank Bldg. Tailor-Made Suits and Overcoats (Fash­ THE ABBOTT LABORATORIES ion Park Clothes) (Style Plus Suits Chicago and Overcoats). Manufacturing Chemists BLUDEAU, SIEBERT & GATES We make a complete line of human and vet­ Bookbinders erinary medicines and vaccines. Quality File Boxes, Map Mountings, Etc. and accuracy guaranteed. Citizens Phone No. 3019. N. S. Mayo, '88, Manager, Cor. Washington Ave. and Allegan St. Veterinary Department. J. H. LARRABEE AMERICAN EXTENSION UNIVERSITY 325 S. Washington Ave. Correspondent Courses—20,000 Students Sport Shop—Athletic Goods of All Kinds A. C. Burnham, B. S., LL. B. (M. A. C, '93), Pres., 433 Stimson Bldg., Los Angeles; ALLEN & DE KLEINE CO. Suite 507, 30 N. Michigan Printers—Office Outfitters Ave., Chicago. 124-130 West Ionia. Unusual opportunities for M. A. C. Men as Finest equipped plant in Central Michigan. Specialty Salesmen. Bell 1094. Citz. 3436. THE M. A. C. RECORD. DR. C. A. GRIFFIN, '10 THE GRAND RAPIDS SAVINGS BANK, Osteopath Grand Rapids, Michigan. 360 Capital National Bank Building-. "The Bank Where You Feel at Home." Citz. Phone: Office 8341. House 4950. M. A. C. People Given a Glad Hand. SHERIDAN CREAMERY CO. Chas. W. Garfield, '70, Chairman of the Board. Sheridan, Wyoming, Gilbert L. Daane, '09, CHAS. J. OVIATT, '09 Vice President and Cashier. The best butter, ice cream and eg-g-s in this neck of the woods—we admit this freely. KEITH BROS. NURSERY, Barker-Fowler Electric Co. B. W. Keith, '11 Strawberries, Raspberries, Blackberries, Or­ ""We Motor People" 4 namentals, Shrubs, etc. Everyone should have a fruit garden and attractive home grounds. ELECTRICAL SERVANT SERVICE Special Offers to M. A. C. People. Address Box 511, Sawyer, Mich. 117 E. Michigan Ave. Bell 724 Citizens 2102-3303 BREEDER OF HOL.STE1N CATTLE AND HAMPSHIRE SHEEP C. I. Brunger, '02 Grand Ledge, Michigan. CLUNY STOCK FARM LAWRENCE & VAN BUREN 100—Registered Holsteins—100 Exceptional herd representing the best pro­ ducing families of the breed, where health, PRINTING COMPANY quality and production are the standards set. The place to buy your next herd sire. R.
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