This Weekend Holiday Calendar FRIDAY Party Cloudy 70/47 SATURDAY 50% Chance of Rain 54/40 Page 9 SUNDAY 50% Chance of Rain 54/32 carrborocitizen.com DECEMBER 18, 2008 u OL CALLY OWNed AND OPerATed u VOLUme II NO. XL FREE Underwear uncovered in Carrboro BY MARGot C. LEstER ed mother would say, this reporter Staff Writer scoured the town for evidence of in- timate apparel. The result? Don’t get CarrbORO — You read it on mes- your briefs in a bunch, because, to our sage boards or overhear it being dis- relief, there’s plenty of underwear in cussed at Weaver Street or the Open Carrboro, y’all. You can consider this Eye. It’s a virulent meme that spread myth busted. faster than the Andromeda Strain. In fact, Carrboro Board of Aldermen Technical underwear candidate Katrina Ryan mentioned Downtown is home to two pur- it in this very paper: “The same resi- veyors of high-end skivvies: Fleet Feet dents in Carrboro that need affordable and Townsend Bertram & Company housing need affordable socks and un- at Carr Mill (200 N. Greensboro St.). derwear.” (Nov. 1, 2007). (Yes, Performance Bicycle sells the Variations on that theme have been stuff too; but since they’re decamping repeated since then, including at a re- to Eastgate later this winter, we didn’t cent chamber of commerce economic include them in the survey.) But don’t PHoto BY Kirk ross briefing, where Orange County Plan- go in asking for underpants. What Photographic proof you can find underwear in Carrboro: Adam Van Slyke andN ancy ning director Craig Benedict ex- these stores sell goes by the fancy term Armstrong restock the briefs and boxers rack at Townsend Bertram at Carr Mill Mall. panded the territory a bit. Benedict “base layers.” said the new retail center proposed at When my spouse asked if they sold Townsend Bertram has the most says Audrey Townsend, the store’s PHoto BY KEN MoorE Buckhorn Road should alleviate con- underwear at Fleet Feet, Santa’s little Red-berried American holly is a time-honored robust selection for men and women, owner. “But it’s available by special sacred tree. cerns some people have that there is helper responded: “We don’t really sell ranging from $15 (Patagonia ladies’ order.” The store also sells silk long nowhere to buy underwear in Orange underwear, we sell ‘run’derwear. But bikini) through $25 (ExOfficio box- johns and sports bras. “So, yeah, we County. I bet we could order it for you from er briefs) to $40 (Icebreaker Body Fit have a lot of underwear – that’s the Wondering if it were indeed true somewhere.” They did have a nice men’s briefs). long and the short of it.” Flora BY KEN MOORE that there’s no place to buy “founda- Champion sports bra in stock for $15 “We used to stock a Patago- tion garments,” as my dear, depart- though. nia thong, but it didn’t sell well,” SEE UNDERS PAGE 8 Bringing holly indoors for more Thorp offers than beauty Holiday Hoedown! assurances hen I was a youngster, bring- on airport ing holly branches OraNGE COUNTY — UNC- indoors for its Chapel Hill Chancellor Holden seasonal beauty Thorp has sent a letter to Orange Wjust seemed like the thing to do. County Board of Commissioners Now, because of protective chair Valerie Foushee in response land owners and deer hunters, to concerns raised by the county it is difficult, if not downright over a possible new airport to re- place Horace Williams. dangerous, to attempt, like in the Barry Jacobs, Foushee’s predeces- old days, to collect a few holly sor as chair, sent a letter on behalf of branches from the local woods. the board to Thorp last month. Heavily red-berried branches of In his response, Thorp reiterates American holly, Ilex opaca, bring his previous statement that no site for premium prices at local markets. an airport has been chosen. He also Some folks are fortunate to have suggests that moving the Law School will result in the closing of Horace specimens of this common forest Williams, triggering a temporary tree growing on their property, move of UNC Health Care’s MedAir in which case the season is just to Raleigh-Durham International, right for a little judicious pruning to adding, “If and when a new airport is share with friends and neighbors available, we will relocate MedAir.” for indoor decoration. The letter, sent Dec. 9, also ac- How well I remember one knowledges that legislation setting special Christmas when my Dad up an airport authority “is clear that any zoning and/or land use plans for and I cut a little holly tree from my any potential airport are subordinate aunt’s farm, thinking it would be PHoto BY Kirk ross to Orange County’s zoning laws.” a nice change from the traditional The Square Heels Square Dance Club held an induction ceremony for graduates of its square dancing classes at its annual holiday Thorp also said that the use of red cedar tree. We felt so proud dance last Friday night at Binkley Baptist Church. The holiday dance, which gives club members a chance to really show off their eminent domain should always be in decorating that little tree that finery, was one of dozens of holiday celebrations throughout the community. Included in the many celebrations, of course, was a last resort. The full text of Thorp’s the annual Chapel Hill-Carrboro Christmas Parade. You can see photos from the parade along with a list of upcoming events letter is reprinted on page 6. sparkled through the holidays, and from the rest of the season on page 9. I still feel sad remembering my Mom, from the holly-barren Mid- west, lamenting that, “It just didn’t seem like Christmas, because we Group to challenge decision on transfer station sites didn’t have a ‘real’ tree.” Way back then, I had no no- BY SUSAN DICKsoN ange Grove Road and a 43-acre par- last month to three sites in southwest- and the adjacent site on the table, the Staff Writer cel located 0.3 miles west of Orange ern Orange County clustered around county hopes to maintain the ability to tion about how special holly is; I Grove Road. Commissioner Pam Orange Grove Road. negotiate with the owners of both prop- didn’t know that throughout the OraNGE COUNTY — Following a de- Hemminger cast the dissenting vote County Manager Laura Blackmon erties. The second property is owned by world evergreen species of holly cision by the Orange County Board of and chair Valerie Foushee was not and the county solid-waste department OWASA. are revered as sacred trees. Holly Commissioners to narrow the search present at the meeting. staff have recommended that commis- However, a group of Bingham legends are legend themselves. for a solid-waste transfer station site The board is under a tight timeline sioners choose the 147-acre site. The site Township residents and businesses Christian symbolism includes to two sites on N.C. 54 West near to site the transfer station, as the Or- is located next to Piedmont Feed and have retained an attorney to help them references to the spiny-leaved Orange Grove Road, a group of busi- ange County Landfill is expected to Seed across from the intersection of oppose the siting of the transfer station holly branches being the “crown nesses and residents of the Bingham reach capacity in spring 2011. The de- N.C. 54 and Morrow Mill Road. at either of the two proposed sites. Township has started raising money cision to narrow the search comes more Dennis Howell, owner of the 147- “We’re going to fight it, because of thorns” of Christ, whose blood for a legal fund to challenge the than a year after the board of commis- acre site, has said he would sell the site it’s unnecessary at this point,” said Te- colored the berries red. One story county on the proposal. sioners opted not to follow through on to the county for $3 million and would resa Smith, owner of Harry’s Market at describes a little shepherd boy The board voted 5-1 last week to a prior decision to build the station at require a number of conditions, includ- White Cross. “They’re not looking at feeling sad that he had only a holly narrow the search for a transfer sta- the Eubanks Road landfill. After re- ing buffers, road-access specifications all the facts.” branch to offer the Christ child. tion to two adjacent sites: a 147-acre opening the search and hiring a con- and more. Commissioner Barry Jacobs When the baby Jesus touched that parcel located 0.7 miles west of Or- sultant, the search was narrowed down said that in keeping both Howell’s site SEE TRANSFER PAGE 7 holly branch, the berries turned a beautiful red. The strong holly-tree wood is credited with being used Carrboro High School coming into its own for the cross of Christ, which adds more complexity to the Christian BY MARY LIDE PARKER “Because there are so many fewer religious heritage. Staff Writer students here, you get an opportunity to interact with more of them.” SEE FLORA PAGE 10 CarrbORO — Only a year and a half Steven Champion, the Carrboro after opening its doors, Carrboro High police officer stationed at Carrboro School is well on its way to forming its High, said he has worked to build a INSIDE own identity. positive relationship with the students In conversation, teachers at Car- over the past year and a half.
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