i t. fiG B i*tom r TUESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 19S4 ' »iI. ■ V>'^ mmtlftfAtr lEwning Average DaUy N^t P t c im R ub Far tha.l|’«ric JM mI Dae. 11, 1664 Shea uaad uauaually beautiful HEM M BA 1 Will meet at the home of 3(ra. John Circle Observes About Town •cbeibenpflug, 361 School 8t, to­ December Barbecue deeoratlona throughout her home. night at 6 o’ddck. Membera ere re­ In the library was a large white , , 11,543 TSm Fellowtinft Club, at tU minded to bring gifts for the 17th Anniversary CKHetmea tree with blue oma- Member at the Audit tfaneWinaatiiif Monday , av e n ^ Christmas grab bag. - mente, blue and whita being the ■■reM ef areuiatieu ' tlM Roaomount restaurant, The Immaculate Conception colors of ”Our' Lady." aloctad tbs tallowing otflccrs for Oirla in tba business office and Motbera Circle, the first in Man.* A delicious supper was aervad by tbs ytar ItSd; William Muldoon. composing room of Tba Herald the boatese and her eaalstants, nrsaldsnl:; F lam TaaU, vies praai- held their annual Cbiiatmaa party cheater, was organised Dec. 8, Mrs, John J. Allison, Mrs. Arlene VOL, LXXIV, NO. 64 dant and A|bart OotUon, aacratary last evening at “Clarka”,. North 1637, celebrated its 17th birthday Murphy and Mrs. Rosamond Too- 1 Christmas Cards (THIfitY-TW O PAGES IN TWO SECTIONS) MANCHES’TER. CONN^ WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 15,1954 tnadurar: St., Willlmentlf^ Dollar glfta were Wednesday, Dec. 8, at the home of mey. After the meal the gifts 2 FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY exchanged aad all report a jolly the first president, Mrs. William J. wera tmwrapped and admired. St. K atya Oirla Friendly Spon- time. Shea, of Boulder Road. ' Humorous games were played and ' aoin will bbva a CtMatiaas dinner The members arrived imbued carols sung, with Mrs. Murphy at s DEWEY-RICHMAN Chases M a n Who Stabbed H i m at tba ManAastar Country Club ’The Study Group’ of the South with the aplrlt of Christmas, each the piano. Ihreryone exprasaed 767 MAIN STREET Ike to Ask m day at 6:30 p. arrangements Methodist WSCS will hold iU an­ bringing a gaily tlad'Chriatmaa gratituda to Mrs. Shea for a most MRIMH HRlMH II for wblcb ara in charge ,ot Kiss. nual Christmas party tomorrow at package to be exchanged. Mrs. anjoyable party. M liK 1 Haaal Oraaaawsy and Mias Bdna 3 p.m. In the ISdibB' imrlor. Mem­ Kannady. Tba program committaa bera are requeeted to provide gifts Deferment Includaa Mrs. Rbal Rollaaoh, Mias for persona in the mental Institu­ U .S.to Kfnnady and Miaa Hannah Jensan. tions at Middletown and Norwich. Kambara are aakad to bring a 50 On Tax Cut cant gift for tba grab bag. The Friendly Circle - will meet tomorrow evening at the home of M-. and Mrs. Walter R. Hobby, Mrs. Elliott B. Steele, 40 Foxcroft Ws6hington, Dec. 15 (/P)— 66 Hennr 8t.;‘ will hasp “ o p en Dr. All members are urged to .be President Eisenhower said bouse’* Nturday, Dae. 16, from 2 present end ere reminded to bring YOU CAN Fll,L IT todhjr he will ask the new to 6 and T to • p. m.. in lecogni Chrietmaa gifts for exchange. Mrs. Congress 4o postpone the tioa (k. tbair 461b wadding anniver­ Steele. Mra David Starrett and sary. Dec, 32, and cordially invite scheduled April 1 cuts—esti­ China Reds for Ainericans M nl Robert Qay will be in charge their friends and neif^bors to call of refreshments. mated at three billion dollars at tbair eoav^anca during altber TO EVERYONE^ period. X , —on corporation and excise St. Mary's Guild wriu have s taxes. No Serpent, Expert Claims Chrlatmaa party Thursday, weath­ The Preaident told hie news con­ Pope Gains, Ihmt CbJef Daugbtari of Helen er permitting, at the home of Mrs. Davidson lodge No. N , Daughters Wyvllle Peabody in Vernon. SATISFACTION ference the budget deficit makes 6f Beotia, will meat at the boms it necessary for him to makt auch Will leave the church at 11:60 aad a request. No Offer Seen a ( Mrs. liavid Preston. 33 Horton transportation will be provide. In Gets X-rays RdL, tonight at 7:46. They are re caae of unfavorable weather, the He amid that when you have the Btfiidad to b t ^ 80 cent gifts foiH party will be at St. M Siys Epis­ WHEN Y O U government going into the red dkebanga. copal Church at the same hour. federal income must be kept up. RockvlUe legionnaire Jerry Remkiewlca proved hinMelf be Under present law corporation Tom orrow Hie membera will bring thair own the Cnan cf the hour last night when the members of the American ltd. pi sandwiches and dessert and coffee fax rates are scheduled to go down From Peiping Legion gathered at their home for a chicken dinner, only to And that from 52 per cent to 47 per cent dn tbs Manchester Federation of will be provided by the hoateeaea. April 1. Vatican City, Dec. 16 (/P) Democratic Woman’s Club, an the birds had not been cooked. A misunderstanding between a local SHOP AT HALE'S Mrs. WiUlem Brennan, Mrs. Wil­ bakery ahddhe Legion reaultcd in the neiar catastrophe. ■The Vatican press office asuncea there will be a meeting of liam Greenhalg, and Mrs. Fred Twe BUIIona Lost tbs Hartford County Federation of Beat. Taking ntqtters into his own hands. Remkiewlca built a barbecue That would mean an eatimated said today Pope Pius XII is Washin^n, Dec. 16 (ffV-A SUte Dept, spokegmsit in- pit outatde theXhome end prepared 50 birds for tba dinner. Datnoentle Women’s Clubs Thurs­ Beat i i i lose of about two billion dollara again on the upgrade. Though consider an offer— chicken I ’ve evtU^ tasted,' was the most often heard after dinner in revenue. day at I pJh. in the Hartford A daughter, Janie Carolyn, was remark. internal bleeding is reported If Red China makes one—for an exchange of the Americana Oinirant auditorium, Broad Street, bom in Anchorage, Alsaka, Sun­ Excise taxes on. liquor, tobacco, to have cojnplicafed his gas­ held^by the Chinese Communists and the Chineae studento Bartford.' All members iof the lo­ day to Mr. and Mn. Ernest laicia. automobiles and some other items now denied permission to ieave ths^ - cal dub are cordially invited to Mra Lucia is the former Carolyn are slated to return to me-Korean tric ailment, his condition United Btatea __ attend. For further information Scott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lucig and her attendants and the war levels on April 1. 'That would was described as improving. Present Pageant Press Omcer Uncoln White ' U m 1 f 3 ^ I * Urn. Vennard nuy be contacted. WilUam H. Scott, 31 Welleeley Rd. Swedish mother serving traditional nuse an eatimated loaa of one bil­ Quoting ja dlqwtch set up. for modifled the line h« had taken yce- ^ -i-P A 1 L 1 9 1 1 S S l l i i l l Swedish buna, cookies and coffes. lion dollars in revenue. publication late today by the Vati­ terday in discussing a possible ex- — _ _ _ iakota Council N a 61, Degree In Luther Hall The second performance .will be The Preaident also dealt with can newspaper L'Oaaervatore Ro­ change. He eeid et that Ume that: IM Ta w s these other matters: of Pocahontas, will hold a short presented this evening at 8 o’clock. - - , ^ b t^ etlcw a g I . hi. hmde. I. unriuted by mano, the press office said; e swap was ruled out, and that *’no i •• “ E l l C S C l l C i f 16 1 1 PailOQa] Notice« buaineu meatlu and Christmu The public la cordially invited. Bi-partissn Cooperation—Elsen­ “ The Holy Father has overcome deal ia Involved." Luther Hail of the Emanuel Lu- P M ^ b y after eaitapaed Street, Toreato, Canada, while hower expressed conSdence he will his stationary situation and his party at 6 o’clodc tomorrow night phmgstf **• ikmting Imlfe into hie back. Flnd- Today he told newamen that lii Odd FeUewa'Hall. Neighboring thetwn ChuVeh was Ailed to capac­ bavk very real cooperation from condition now has again started to ‘ our concern la to get our people '■ ootidltten. teM poHee the man eUbbed improve.’’ Caught in Sub lo Memoriam councils have been invited to at­ ity last night for an outstanding him after buying clethea at findwineki*. ntere. (A P Wimplmto) the Democrats as well as the Re­ safely home." hi lorins memon of John 8rM»l>*l, tend the party end win put on perfonhance of the Saint Lucia publicans on ! foreign policy, na­ No Pessimism Basis White also said that he was try­ who paaM. away Dcermter 11, IHO. tional defense and mutual aecurity ing yesterday to ma’^e a disttne- aome of the entertaihinent. Re- Festival which opened the Christ­ The newspaper came out with the Chatham, Englsnd, Dec. IS leer aeenwry, is as deer today. freahmenta will be, served. Mem- matters. additional word the Pontiff showed tlon between the st(itua of Chinese mas season. HALE'S (/P) — Collapsing floodgatta As lo loo iMor you passed away. bere are reminded to,lwing SO cent The President said that by and a slight improvement this morning. atudeuts in this country and tha unleashed a wall of water Wife, son and danfMer. gifts for Santa’s pack. Following a narration by Mrs. large he would expect maximum It said there was no basis for pes­ of the I I American airmen ■ Headquartet^ Adenauer in Battle cooperation from the Republicans simism in the consultations y e ^ r- Vivho have■ l^ n imprisoned by "the' the British Subnui- Elsa.
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