----------------------------------~--~~~TT~~~ . ~_,,~.,-,-------------------------- Monday, September 4, 1995• Vol. XXVII No. 11 THE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER SERVING NOTRE DAME AND SAINT MARY'S Notre Dame: Not the place for bargain hunters Technology, fifth; University of North list are public schools, including New University fails Carolina, sixth; and the University of College, thus allowing it to keep its Top Ten College Illinois, ninth. tuition costs low while providing "an to crack Money The primary reason Notre Dame excellent education," according to Values in The Nation did not place in the top 100 is that Money. 88111!1kedbyMon&ymag~Wne magazines top 100 the University was compared to In a separate listing, Notre Dame 1 New College of the University "'i' By BRAD PRENDERGAST schools both public and private, an was named a best buy among the 93 advantage for schools that can keep schools that charge more than Associate News Editor of South Florida tuition costs low by receiving govern­ $17,7 50 in tuition and fees. The cat­ It," It was not a good week for Notre ment funding. egory, titled "Costly But Worth 2 Rice University (Texas) As a result, schools such as Trenton placed Notre Dame 18th, ahead of Dame at the polls. 3 Northeast Missouri State University Besides plummeting to 25th in the (N.J.) State (4th) finished ahead of Georgetown and Cornell but behind Associated Press college football poll Harvard (43rd). Money addressed Harvard, Yale and Stanford. 4 Trenton State College (NJ) after Saturday's loss to Tuition and fees at Harvard, Yale Northwestern, Notre Dame also failed • SEE TUESDAYS EDITION FOR and Cornell average $25,365 for 5 California Institute of Technology 1995-96. Total fees at Notre Dame to crack the top 100 in Money maga­ NOTRE DAME'S REACTION 6 University of N.C. (Chapel Hill) zine's Jist of the top college buys. are $22,680 this year. ·The listing, released in a special This year's incoming freshmen at 7 State University of New York this anomaly in its methodology New College have an average SAT edition that hit the newsstands at Binghamton Wednesday, ranks New College (Fla.) report: score of 1256, compared to 1239 for number one. The liberal arts honors "We aren't suggesting the schools Notre Dame. Tuition and fees for 8 Spellman College (GA) college of the University of South are in the same league academically out-of-state students at New College Florida, located in Sarasota, topped - they most certainly are not - but total $7,950 for the 1995-96 school 9 University of Illinois at the education [that Trenton State] year. the charl<> for the third year in a row. Urbana-Champaign Other schools highlighting the top offers is well worth the cost," the Coursework at New College is han­ ten include Hice University, in sec­ magazine said. dled in a manner found in only a few Seven of the top ten schools on the 10 State University of NY at Albany ond; California Institute of see MONEY I page 4 Pope calls for equality, yet still denies ordination AJSociated Press and sterilization as violence against women. CASTELGANDOLFO, Italy "I make an appeal today to Women deserve equality in the entire ecclesiastical com­ the Homan Catholic Church, al­ munity ... to favor in every way, though they still can't be in its entire being, feminine priests, Pope John Paul II said participation," the pope told a Sunday. crowd at his summer residence The pope's outside Rome. remarks The pontiff urged "concrete were his J·ast gestures" by the church to in­ public state­ clude women, citing changes ments on the over the past decades like role of allowing Jay women to partici­ w o m e n pate in Mass and assuming before the higher posts in diocese and Fourth U.N. John Paul II Vatican offices. W o r I d Conference on Women, which "This is the path to follow The Observer/David Murphy starts Monday in Beijing. with courage," he said. Go Irish, Go! The pope has spent months But the pontiff made clear Jenn Bonita and Matt Lhapman get into the football spirit with blue and gold face-paint. trying to portray the Vatican as there was no room in the a champion of women's rights. church for female priests. A A Vatican team, led by Ameri­ papal document last year said can law professor Mary Ann only male priests are possible Glendon, will seek a conference because Christ selected only First Lady supports conference statement denouncing abortion men as apostles. "misguided" and a "genuine Chinese security guards shad­ Right-wing says waste of the taxpayers' owing and photographing dele­ money." gates, harassing Tibetan and women s forum Mrs. Clinton issued her de­ human rights campaigners, fense as she prepared to fly to confiscating video tapes and too radical Beijing to address the confer­ breaking up meetings. ence Tuesday. McCurry said U.S. officials By TERENCE HUNT Meanwhile, the White House have been talking to the Chi­ Associated Press sternly rebuked China for its nese and U.N. officials about harassment of delegates to a the problems. "And the first HONOLULU parallel meeting of women's lady, especially, hopes that Hillary Rodham Clinton de­ advocacy groups. those matters will be cleared fended an international wom­ "We very much regret the up prior to her arrival." en's conference in China, say­ restrictions on free expressions McCurry has said that the ing conservative critics were and association which have first lady would not directly unfairly portraying it as a gath­ been occurring in Beijing," said challenge China about its hu­ ering of "radicals and atheists White House press secretary man rights abuses because bent on destroying our fami­ Mike McCurry. "We believe there are other countries at the lies." those are wrong and they are conference with a record just "The composition of our del­ counterproductive to the work as bad- if not worse. egation refutes that charge," of a very important interna­ The first lady is expected to the first lady said Sunday in her tional conference." argue on women's behalf for weekly newspaper column. "It McCurry said it was the re­ adequate health care, political is a broad-based, family-ori­ sponsibility of the United Na­ rights and economic opportu­ ented group committed to the tions, the sponsor of the wom­ nity. mainstream agenda of the con­ en's conference, and China to "It saddens me that a historic ference." clear up the problem. event like this is being miscon­ Conservatives have portrayed "We've been making clear to strued by a small but vocal the conference as a radical, Chinese officials for some time band of critics trying to spread anti-family event that will en­ that there should not be limits the notion that the U.N. gather­ The Observer/David Murphy dorse liberal stands on issues on freedom of expression and ing is really the work of radi­ Rub Me Tender! such as abortion. Senate Major­ association during the course of cals and atheists bent on Student receives a free five-minute massage at Lafortune ity Leader Bob Dole, R-Kan., the international women's con­ destroying our families," Mrs. Open House '95. seeking the GOP presidential ference," McCurry said. Clinton said in her newspaper nomination, has deemed it Women have complained of column. page2 The Observer • INSIDE Monday, September 4, 1995 • INSIDE COLUMN • WORLD AT A GLANCE Americans, Clinton remember the war Quality, not HONOLULU Remembering, someone once said, is a battle between forgetfulness and quantity but... memory. If so, here's the battle report from V-J Day weekend: The troops jitterbugged to '40s Maybe I'm just caught------­ tunes and wept at the sound of in that Grafiti Dance "Taps." They paraded up the boule­ Mentality. I'm still vard and swapped snapshots and searching for new peo­ stories and addresses. They even ple to sign my T -shirt. I wheeled in Bob "The Big Gun" Hope. still want to introduce - And still they lost ground. myself to everyone by It became clear in Bill Clinton's name, hometown, and keynote commemorative address major. I still want to Saturday, the anniversary of the make new friends (and signing of Japan's surrender on the keep the old, as that old Krista Nannery battleship USS Missouri. Brownie Troop song Accent Editor "Fifty years ago today, on the deck goes). of the aircraft carrier Missouri in The dining hall depresses me. Every day, Tokyo Bay, freedom finally pre­ twice a day, I take a seat in the hallowed vailed," declared the first president halls of North Dining Hall with my vegetarian born after World War II. chili con carne and look around me. I can Pri$0Mr$or Ex-crewmen from the famous- or missing count on two hands the number of people I once-famous - battlewagon had to 607,846 139,709 know, but this is understandable as a large cringe and wonder, and not just at 247,229 unavailable portion of seniors move off campus every slips of the presidential tongue. year. Polls show that most Americans But when I enter Senior Bar, or any other don't know that the Russians fought For the record, what Grandpa did, Honolulu's inspiring hilltop national bar around, I feel like one big wall flower. I on their side in the war, or what along with 15 million other service­ cemetery. make the rounds. I mingle. But I feel like an Dwight D. Eisenhower's role was in men and women, and tens of mil­ "We honor the extraordinary gen­ alien, really I do.
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