The Pickering 48 PAGES ✦ Metroland Durham Region Media Group ✦ WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 2007 ✦ Optional delivery charge $6 / Newsstand charge $1 Preparing for a pandemic Page A8 Securing CELEBRATING DIWALI IN PICKERING Seaton’s employment Councillors want jobs before houses PICKERING — Two Pickering re- gional councillors want to ensure Eugene ‘Dwayne’ Moses was killed dur- Seaton’s employment lands are se- ing a pub night at Durham College in cured by the time homes are built on April, 2004. The trial of the man charged with his murder began this week. the land. “We can’t maintain or exist creat- ing more housing stock inventory in Pickering and not create some jobs,” Ward 3 Regional Councillor Rick John- son said in an interview. Witness Coun. Johnson and Ward 1 Regional Councillor Bonnie Littley recently put forward a motion to Pickering City Council that advises: that no residen- tearfully tial building permits be issued north of Taunton Road in Seaton until the Province disposes of at least 50 per cent of its employment lands along recounts Hwy. 407 for purposes of employment; and that residential permits in Seaton on the lands only be released on the moments basis of one dwelling unit for every 45 square metres of industrial or com- mercial floor area developed. “The benefits of Seaton coming on before stream is the fact that there are em- ployment lands available, they are along the 407 corridor and we feel we have a really good opportunity not to shooting build houses there, but to create jobs,” Coun. Johnson said. Trial in Durham College “We need a community we can work and live in, not one you have to com- Ron Pietroniro/ News Advertiser photo shooting begins mute to.” PICKERING— Ravin Dyal and Dylan Sayroo rehearse on their tablas prior to the start of the Diwali celebration at Devi Mandir. Diwali is a special event to all Hindus with celebrations and prayers to Mother Lakshmi. Council approved the motion, which By Jeff Mitchell was then forwarded to the Province. [email protected] DURHAM — A Crown witness has tearfully recounted a confrontation in a college pub moments before her friend was gunned down. Jody Schmidt said she was with Eugene “Dwayne” Moses and several other friends at the Durham College Shelter will serve homeless bar early on April 3, 2004, when the group was intruded upon by two men who walked up and appeared to inten- tionally bump them. Within moments, she testified Tuesday, Mr. Moses was face to face with one of the men and as she turned away, shots rang out. teens from across Durham “I just had this feeling something bad was going to happen,” Ms. Schmidt By Keith Gilligan said, beginning to cry as she answered [email protected] questions posed by prosecutor John Scott. AJAX — The operators of an emer- “I thought, ‘Is he going for a gun?’ gency shelter for youths want to be “As I was turning I saw a flash and “good neighbours.” that’s when I heard the first shot go Durham Youth Housing and Sup- ports Services is opening the 10-bed ✦ See Police, Page A2 facility at 82 Kings Cres. in Ajax, to provide shelter for youths ages 16 to 24 from across Durham Region. “We really want to be good neigh- bours. I understand neighbours have concerns, but we want to be good neighbours, to be part of the commu- nity. They’re not our children, they’re everybody’s children,” says DYHSS ex- ecutive director Mary Dunlop. “Nobody is mandated to stay here. Kids will come here by choice because they have no other place to live,” she says. The Ajax property was selected be- cause of its “proximity to other youth AJ Groen/ News Advertiser photo serving agencies in the community, Ian Dalglish uses a chalk line and level to make sure the fence is level and straight. He, along with other IBM employees, used an IBM Day of Caring to help remodel a Durham Youth Housing and Service youth shelter. like The Youth Centre, the John How- FALL MAINTENANCE PACKAGE ard Society, Pinewood (Centre), DO’C (Archbishop Denis O’Connor Catholic ner with the Town, says the shelter An open house for people living near The group wants the shelter open by • Oil & filter change • Tire rotation High School) and Ajax High School. “is a permitted use within the zoning the site was held last week and that December, Ms. Dunlop states. • Coolant check • Brake Inspection There’s a bus stop in front of the door,” bylaw” and council approval isn’t re- was done to “keep the neighbourhood Youths 16 and 17 “are required to be $150 Value Ms. Dunlop notes. “We looked for a quired. appraised,” he notes. “They’ve gone in school. If they’re older, they have to For Only $$5599..9955 very long time before we actually set- DYHSS needed site plan approval above and beyond the requirements to be in some kind of a pre-employment 905-831-5400 tled on this house.” and building permit, which was issued ensure they’re doing everything by the 575 KINGSTON RD Geoff Romanowski, a senior plan- on Thursday, he adds. book.” ✦ See No, Page A2 www.pickeringhonda.com ® Medium Large Medium Pizza EXTRA LARGE Bigfoot Classic 8 slice (Walk in only) 2x8 slice 2x10 slice 20 slice 3 Toppings on each 3 Toppings on each only $ 99 Square Pizza 2 toppings only only FREE Dipping Sauce 5 + tax 18”x18”, 25 slice pizza with only Personal Lasagna 3 toppings of your choice & 4 pop $ 99 $ 49 $ 49 with Garlic Bread only FREE Dipping Sauce + tax + tax + tax $ 99 15 18 22 only$ 99 + tax FREE Dipping Sauce 6 + tax FREE Dipping Sauce 24 0)::!35"37).'3 WE DELIVER 713 Krosno Blvd. Pickering 905-839-4411 P PAGE A2 ◆ N EWS ADVERTISER ◆ November 7, 2007 No ‘maximum’ time for youth to stay at shelter ✦ No from page A1 says. spoken to many of the neigh- questions.” “If they’re not doing the needed extra support.” Ms. Dunlop is aware of the bours and the Town held an She notes one rumour going things expected of them, On- The idea, she says, is to “start program. They won’t be al- apprehension of having such a open house. People came to around was the facility would tario Works or the social ser- small and gain a track record lowed to just hang about. They facility in the neighbourhood. ask questions. After that, peo- be a “halfway house for 22 men vices of the Region will say they of excellence, so when we go have to be doing something to “Absolutely. That’s why I’ve ple who had concerns weren’t who had burned down the last have a couple of days to get fundraising, people won’t say move themselves forward,” she been around personally and as concerned after they asked home they lived at.” out of there because they’re not ‘Oh, who are you?’” That, she notes, is not the doing what they need to do to The need for the 10-bed fa- case. move forward. The decision cility is “desperate. There’s There will be staff on site at will be made by our funders,” no youth shelter anywhere in Police claim accused ran from all times. “A young person could Ms. Dunlop says. Durham Region. There’s been show up at any hour of the day The Ministry of Community a need for a very long time. or night. That’s the nature of an and Social Services provides 80 We’ll be serving all of Durham emergency shelter, they come per cent of the facility’s fund- Region, not just particularly scene and jumped into limousine when they need.” ing, with the Region the re- Ajax. Ajax is where we located There’s no maximum time a maining 20 per cent. She adds a property,” Ms. Dunlop notes. youth could stay there, but “we, the “money will flow through The shelter will only have 10 ✦ Police from page A1 two men were toe-to-toe when the Durham Youth Housing the Region.” youths at a time. If more show Ms. Schmidt said the man in and Support Services, aren’t DYHSS hopes to eventually up, other spaces elsewhere will off.” the jersey reached toward his the decision makers. We oper- open a 50-bed transitional fa- have to be found, she says. “We Ms. Schmidt was testifying waist. Moments later, she heard ate under the Regional hostel cility, in which tenants would won’t have the facilities for at the trial of Neven Belic, who “three or four” gunshots and services standards.” pay rent. There would also be them. We’ll assist them and di- is charged with second-de- the pub erupted in “chaos.” Youth will also have to com- the 10-bed emergency shelter rect them. We won’t say ‘sorry, gree murder in the death of Ms. Schmidt acknowledged ply with Ontario Works regula- and a 10-bed long-term sup- we’re full.’ We’ll assist with the 21-year-old Mr. Moses. The under cross examination that tions. portive home for “youth who transportation.” Toronto man is also charged she didn’t see a gun. with aggravated assault in the The Crown alleges Mr. Belic wounding of two other men. was the shooter and that he Mr. Moses, a graduate of ran from the pub with friends, Call today for information Durham College, died after jumping into a limousine they’d being shot in the chest at E.P.
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