![United States Patent [191 [11] Patent Number: 4,839,192 Sagi Et A1](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
United States Patent [191 [11] Patent Number: 4,839,192 Sagi et a1. [45] Date of Patent: Jun. 13, 1989 [54] HARD BU'I'I‘ER COMPOSITION , [56] References Cited CONTAINING TRIGLYCERIDES, AND PROCESS FOR PRODUCTION THEREOF U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 3,492,130 1/1970 Harwood .......................... .. 426/607 [75] Inventors: Nobuo Sagi, Izumisano; Tsugio 3,494,944 2/1970 Seiden ....... .. 426/607 3,949,105 4/ 1976 Wieske et a1. 426/607 Izumi; Haruyasu Kida, both of 4,485,172 11/1984 Gierhart ........ .. 435/134 Sennan; Hirokazu Maeda, Sakai, all 4,590,087 5/1986 Pronk et a1. 426/607 of Japan 4,719,178 l/1988 Macrae et al. .................... .. 435/134 Primary Examiner-Barry S. Richman . [73] Assignee: Fuji Oil Company, Limited, Osaka, Assistant Examiner-Timothy M. McMahon Japan Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Wenderoth, Lind & Ponack [21] Appl. N0.: 939,709 [57] ABSTRACT A hard butter composition suitable for a cocoa butter [22] Filed: Dec, 5, 1986 substitute which comprises as a main ingredient a tri glyceride SUS, constituent saturated fatty acids of [30] Foreign Application Priority Data which contain at least 4% by weight of one or a plural ity of fatty acids selected from the group consisting of Dec. 7, 1985 [JP] Japan .............................. .. 60-275804 behenic acid, lignoceric acid, cerotic acid and arachidic acid, provided that the amount of arachidic acid is less [51] Int. Cl.4 ............................................. .. A23D 3/00 than 4% by weight based on the total weight of the 426/607; 426/601 constituent saturated fatty acids. [58] Field of Search ..................... .. 426/601, 607, 608; 435/134, 135 5 Claims, N0 Drawings 4,839,192 1 2 acid type hard butter has inferior miscibility with cocoa HARD BUTTER COMPOSITION CONTAINING butter (i.e., difficulty of uniform crystallization during a TRIGLYCERIDES, AND PROCESS FOR tempering step) and, therefore, has drawbacks, for ex PRODUCTION THEREOF ample, poor taste of fatty confectionery such as choco late produced by using the hard butter due to signi?cant FIELD OF THE INVENTION limitation to the amount of coca-liquor. The present invention relates to a hard butter compo By the way, recently, preference for food has tended sition. More particularly, the hard butter composition of to be for soft food. On the other hand, in this field, it has the present invention imparts soft mouth feel at a low been requested to develop a hard butter which main temperature as well as improved high-temperature re tains a certain degree of hardness even at a high temper sistance and improved anti-blooming property to fatty ature, and does not produce or is hard to produce "fat confectionery such as chocolate produced by using the blooming”. However, both of these requested proper composition instead of a part or all of cocoa butter. ties are quite inconsistent with each other and it is very BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION difficult to impart both properties to a hard butter, si multaneously. In addition, a hard butter to be used as a U.K. Patent No. 827172 (1960) teaches that a mixture (hard butter) obtained by mixing a palm mid-fraction, cocoa butter substitute should have such a property that and Borneo tallow or a Borneo tallow type fat such as it should melt rapidly and sharply at about body tem Shorea robusta, etc. in a ratio of 25:75 to 75:25 is good perature. Further, workability of tempering thereof is for a cocoa butter substitute. According to the speci? also an important factor. In this regard, even if the cation of this U.K. Patent, Borneo tallow or the Borneo difference in compositions of hard butters is only a very tallow type fat used contains not less than 50%, prefera little, the above property and factor are signi?cantly bly, not less than 60% of triglycerides composed of one varied, and it is very difficult to ?nd a relation between unsaturated fatty acid residue (U) substantially derived properties and compositions of hard butters even for from oleic acid (0) and two saturated fatty acid residues those skilled in the art. For example, although a fat or (S) rich in those derived from palmitic acid (P) and oil containing a large amount of diglycerides and/or stearic acid (St). Almost all the remaining triglycerides dihydroxy fatty acid glycerides advantageously effects are those composed of two unsaturated fatty acid resi improvement of antiblooming property, tempering is dues (U) and one saturated fatty acid residue (S). Fur inhibited because formation of crystal nucleus and crys ther, according to the speci?cation, it is desirable to tal growth in a tempering step are slow and, in general, minimize the amount of triglycerides composed of three excess cooling is required, which results in inconve saturated fatty acid residues (SSS) and/or three unsatu niences during working such as slow solidi?cation rate, rated fatty acid residues (UUU). difficulty in release from a mold in a molding step, etc. An analogous technique is disclosed in Japanese Pa The present inventors have intensively studied to tent Laid Open Publication No. 115863/ 1978. This pub obtain a hard butter which has mouth feel suitable for lication teaches a hard butter containing triglycerides imparting soft biting property, and also has a certain composed of saturated fatty acid residues substantially degree of hardness at a high temperature with good derived from fatty acids selected from P, St and arachic antiblooming property as well as good workability dur acid and unsaturated fatty acid residues substantially ing production such as in a tempering step and, in addi derived from fatty acids selected from O and linoleic 40 tion, can rapidly and sharply melt at about body temper acid, wherein the amount of the residue derived from arachidic acid is 4 to 15% based on total of S, and the ature. As the result, it has been found that triglycerides amount of the residue derived from linoleic acid is not containing saturated fatty acids having carbon chains more than 20% based on total of U. The constituent which are longer than or the same as that of arachic acid as the constituent saturated fatty acids at (1 and/or triglycerides of this hard butter contain 50 to 80%, 45 preferably, 55 to 75% of SUS (B-unsaturated- ma’ a’ make it possible to obtain a hard butter having both disaturated triglyceride); 15 to 50%, preferably, 25 to suitable anti-blooming property and good miscibility 45% of SUU ( aor a’-saturated diunsaturated triglycer with cocoa butter without diglycerides or dihydroxy ide); l to 5 , preferably, 1 to 3% of SSS: not more than fatty acid glycerides which inhibit tempering, and to 5%, preferably, not more than 3% of USU ( aora’-diun 50 produce fatty confectionery such as chocolate having saturated triglyceride): and not more than 6%, prefera softer mouth feel. bly, not more than 4% of UUU. OBJECTS AND SUMMARY OF THE The constituent triglycerides of Shorea robusta dis INVENTION closed in the above U.K. Patent Speci?cation contain a relatively large amount of arachic acid residue in addi The main object of the present invention is to provide tion to the residues derived from P and St. However, a hard butter composition having improved high-tem they scarcely contain fatty acid residues derived from perature resistance and improved anti-blooming prop fatty acids having longer carbon chains. Further, al erty which is suitable for a cocoa butter substitute. though the amount of arachic acid is de?ned in the This object as well as other objects and advantages of above Japanese Patent Laid Open Publication, it does 60 the present invention will become apparent to those not teach the effect of fatty acids having longer carbon skilled in the art from the following description. chains as constituent fatty acids of triglycerides. According to the present invention, there is provided On the other hand, Japanese Patent Publication No. a hard butter composition which comprises as a main 27497/1985 discloses a process for producing a trans ingredient a triglyceride SUS, constituent saturated acid type hard butter having a speci?c fatty acid com 65 fatty acids of which contain at least 4% by weight of position consisting of elaidic acid, palmitic acid, behenic one or a plurality of fatty acids selected from the group acid and other fatty acids, wherein the fatty acid resi consisting of behenic acid, lignoceric acid, cerotic acid dues are randomly distributed. However, such a trans and arachidic acid, provided that the amount of ara 4,839,192 3 4 chidic acid is less than 4% by weight based on the total Fats and oils containing unsaturated fatty acids hav weight of the constituent saturated fatty acids. ing not less than 20 carbon atoms such as rapeseed oil, black mustard oil, white mustard oil, radish seed oil, ?sh DETAILED EXPLANATION OF THE oils such as herring oil and sardine oil, whale oil, liver INVENTION oil such as that from shark, plant wax such as rice bran The main ingredient of the composition of the present wax and the like can be used as sources for fatty acids to invention is the triglyceride SUS. The constituent satu be introduced into fats and oils by subjecting them to rated fatty acids thereof contain at least 4% by weight suitable known means such as hydrogenation, hydroly of one or a plurality of fatty acids selected from the sis and the like. The fat having desired triglyceride group consisting of behenic acid, lignoceric acid, cero composition can be produced by selectively introducing tic acid and arachidic acid, provided that the amount of the fatty acids in the above source or fatty esters ob arachidic acid, if any, is always less than 4% by weight tained by conventional esteri?cation of the fatty acids based on the total weight of all constituent saturated with monovalent alcohol into a and at’ positions of a fat fatty acids of the glyceride.
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