imesHOLMES COUNTY T Holmes County Homecoming dvertiser B1 Wednesday,A NOVEMBER 14, 2012 www.bonifaynow.com Volume 122, Number 31 50¢ For the latest breaking news, visit BONIFAYNOW.COM Kiwanis Club holds annual banquet night at the annual Apprecia- Stan Peacock, District IN BRIEF Event honors tion Banquet, held at the Hol- 2 lieutenant governor ‘GO FURTHER’ FOR TOYS mes County Ag Center. for the Kiwanis Club, FOR TOTS rodeo workers The rodeo is the Kiwanis recognizes the Kiwanis Club’s annual fundraiser, and MARIANNA — Chipola it takes a lot of volunteers, past Club Board of Directors Ford presents “Go By RANDAL SEYLER President Bill Bullington said. during Thursday night’s Further with Ford Night” 638-0212 | @WCN_HCT “Old presidents don’t fade annual Bonifay Kiwanis on Thursday, a free [email protected] away, they get to man a gate at Club Appreciation fundraising event that the rodeo,” Bullington said. Dinner. will benefi t Toys for Tots BONIFAY — The Bonifay Ki- Division 2 Lt. Gov. Stan Pea- and engage consumers wanis Club honored Northwest cock was on hand to install the in the fi nal “Random Acts Florida Championship Rodeo of Fusion,” a multimedia helpers and presented their presentation hosted by new club offi cers Thursday See KIWANIS A2 SPECIAL TO THE TIMES-ADVERTISER Ryan Seacrest. For each person who attends the event, Chipola Ford will donate $10 — up to a total of ROOKS NAMED THERIDGE $500 — to Toys for Tots. B E Holmes Participants in the event also will be entered for a chance to win tickets to a live taping of American GOOD WILL AMBASSADOR County Idol, and they will be By RANDAL SEYLER of customer service shortly Class of 2010-11. entered into a prize 638-0212 | @WCN_HCT after. The 2012 J. Harvey Etheridge drawing to win an all-new [email protected] Brooks said during his time Goodwill Ambassador award is Ford Fusion. as supervisor he had the privi- named in honor of the famous election BONIFAY — Roger Brooks was lege to work in many post offi ces radio personality and tireless HOLIDAY GIFT AND BAKE named the 2012 J. Harvey Ether- in the panhandle of Florida, in- ambassador for Holmes County, SALE SLATED idge Good Will Ambassador cluding Blountstown, Caryville, J. Harvey Etheridge. BONIFAY — Bonifay Thursday night at the Bonifay Graceville, Panama City and Mr. Etheridge was a friend First Assembly of God results in Kiwanis Club Appreciation Ban- included many offi ces in both of Holmes County and of the will hold a Holiday Gift quet, held at the Holmes County North and South Florida and Times-Advertiser for many and Bake Sale from 9 Ag Center. South Georgia. years, and in 1995 the J. Harvey Tim Brown a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday “I consider this a tremendous Brooks also served as on the Etheridge Goodwill Ambassa- at the church, 1009 S. honor,” Brooks said, and told of Kiwanis Club Board of Directors dor award was begun, with Mr. re-elected sheriff Waukesha St. Proceeds how a cassette recording made Kelly Swindle receiving the fi rst from the event go to for him by Mr. Etheridge was honor. By CECILIA SPEARS missions. one of his prized possessions. Mr. Etheridge is well known 547-9414 | @WCN_HCT The recording was made when for his saying, “Give a Holmes [email protected] HEALTH CLINIC OPEN Brooks was fi rst named post- Countian half a chance and he or SATURDAY master in 1985. she will do well.” BONIFAY — The long-anticipat- BONIFAY — The Holmes After 43 years of service, Bon- Mr. Etheridge loved to brag ed day has arrived as the fi nal re- County Community Health ifay Postmaster Roger Brooks on good people, and the goal of sults of one of the most anticipat- Clinic, 203 W. Iowa St. retired on July 31. this award is to continue his leg- ed races, not only for the nation in Bonifay, will be open Brooks said he began his ca- acy of spreading goodwill. but for Holmes County as well. from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. reer as a custodian at the Boni- The award was presented In local races, Tim Brown won Saturday. The clinic serves fay offi ce during the summer at the Holmes County All Night the polls with a vote of 4,518 to clients with no medical shortly after he graduated high Singing, but this year it was 3,648 against John Braxton Jr. for insurance at little or no school. moved to the Kiwanis Banquet. sheriff of Holmes County; Kyle cost and is open to the Two years later he was ap- This was the 17th J. Harvey Hudson overcame Don Hersman public. pointed as a letter carrier, Etheridge Good Will Am- for clerk of court with 2,625 votes and he then was bassador Award to 2,497; and Otis Corbin Jr. was TURKEY SHOOT SET FOR promoted to be pre- elected property appraiser over Felecia Fisanick with a vote of SATURDAY to super- sented. 4,384 to 3,733. POPLAR SPRINGS — visor For superintendent of schools, Poplar Springs High Eddie Dixon surpassed Terry School’s Atomic Pride will Mears with a vote of 4,319 to have its annual Turkey 3,775, and the new school board Shoot at 2 p.m. Saturday, member for District 2 is Debbie across the road from the Kolmetz, winning against Wil- PSHS in the McIntosh burn G. Baker with a vote of 3,733 fi eld. Prices are $3 a shot. to 3,422. “I’m very appreciative of the people who believed in me,” Dix- INDEX on said. Opinion ................................A4 Holmes County has two new commissioners to swear in on Arrests ................................. A6 Nov. 20: Bobby Sasnett for Dis- Sports .................................. A7 trict 1, overcoming Jim King with Extra ....................................B1 a vote of 4,488 to 3,563, and David Faith .................................... B4 Whitaker for District 3, who sur- Obituaries ............................ B5 passed Phillip Music with a vote Classifi eds ............................ B6 of 4,561 to 3,563. As for the local referendum of allowing businesses with licens- es to sell alcoholic beverages to sell beer on Sunday, 56 percent of Holmes County voted “no” with a vote of 4,395 to 3,410. Phone: 850-547-9414 “This election was no more Web site: bonifaynow.com important than any other elec- Fax: 850-547-9418 tion,” Holmes County Supervisor of Elections Debbie Wilcox Mor- ris said. “They are all equally important. If you don’t vote, you allow other people to decide the governing bodies of your life.” See ELECTION A2 Be a FRIEND and Time for a Turkey Hunt! FOLLOW us on You don’t have to have a gun but you will have to @WCN_HCT hunt – and you could WIN A PRIZE!! www.chipleypaper.com www.bonifaynow.com Hunt turkeys in today’s paper. Entry form inside. and MOBILE too! A2 | Holmes County Times-Advertiser Local Wednesday, November 14, 2012 KIWANIS from page A1 new offi cers and to recognize the The 2012-13 club offi cers are Pres- ian of the Year by the club. Also Stan Peacock, District board of directors. ident Carlton Treadwell, President during the program, the J. Harvey 2 lieutenant governor, The Kiwanis Club Board of Direc- Elect Sandy Spear, Treasurer Celena Etheridge Good Will Ambassador left, looks on as past tors include: 2010-11 — Gene Miller, Medley, Secretary Gene Miller and award was presented to Kiwanian President Bill Bullington, Jimmy Helms, Roger Brooks; 2011- past President Bill Bullington. Roger Brooks by Holmes County right, presents an award 12 — Melissa Bruner, Herb Peel, Bullington was recognized for his Times-Advertiser Editor Randal to Katrina Casey. Brandon Young; 2012-13 — Sharon years of service to the Kiwanis Club. Seyler. Curry, Don Hersman, Bettie Slay. Larry Bailey was named Kiwan- SPECIAL TO THE TIMES-ADVERTISER ELECTION from page A1 Morris said even though ing in this election than in workers. People don’t think “Being an involved voter this year gave less time to 2008,” Wilcox said. about them and how dedi- has become more and more vote early, more people vot- She said this year also cated they are, working important in today’s world. ed this year than in 2008. ran very smoothly. from 6 a.m. till the polls It is important for today’s “The early voting was “We were able to ac- close at 7:30-8 p.m. or some voters to be well informed shortened from two weeks commodate to everyone’s times even later.” in order to participate ef- to eight days, and we still needs,” Wilcox said. “We “Every vote does count,” fectively in the elections had well over 100 more vot- want to recognize the poll Morris said. process.” HOLMES COUNTY Calen Fretts (LBT), 105. Felecia Fisanick (REP), 3,733 AMENDMENT NO. 4 REP. CONGRESS Otis Corbin Jr. (DEM), 4,384 Yes, 3,591 RESULTS FOR DISTRICT 2 SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS No, 4,036 PRESIDENTIAL Steve Southerland (REP), Terry Mears (REP), 3,775 AMENDMENT NO. 5 Mitt Romney (REP), 6,891 2,356 Eddie Dixon (DEM), 4,319 Yes, 3,201 Barack Obama (DEM), 1,262 Al Lawson (DEM), 609 SCHOOL BOARD MEMBER No, 4,334 Thomas Robert Stevens (OBJ), STATE SENATOR DISTRICT 2 AMENDMENT NO. 6 Criminal Defense 8 FOR DISTRICT 1 Wilburn G. Baker, 3,422 Yes, 5,160 Gary Johnson (LBT), 34 Don Gaetz (REP), 5,795 Debbie Kolmetz, 3,733 No, 2,670 Virgil H. Goode Jr. (CPF), 6 Richard Lawson (DEM), COUNTY COMMISSIONER AMENDMENT NO. 8 Jill Stein (GRE), 6 2,021 DISTRICT 1 Yes, 3,534 Social Security Andre Barnett (REF), 5 STATE REP.
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