APPENDIX VIII .NEW CASTLE COUNTY STOREKEEPERS' INVENTORIES, 1791-1801 384 John Linn, store Keeper, 1798 - Inventory Inventory of goods and Chattels of John Linn Deceased as appraised by us the subscribers this 24 of ? 2 mo. 1798 9-3/4 yds Mode 7/6 9.75 12 yds Printed Muslinett 3/ 8.-­ 4 Tamboured Muslin Handkerchiefs 4/6 2.40 5-3/4 yds 6/? Muslin 6/ 4.60 2 Muslin Handkf Striped Border 5/ 1. 33 2 yds English? Book 3/9 1.-­ 14 yd LaGround Callico 2/9 5.13 7-3/4 yd Yellow stripe Callico 2/9 2.84 4-1/2 yd Purple stripe do 2/6 1. 50 2-1/4 yd 1 yd wide do 2/9 -.82 4 yd Callico 2/10 1. 51 5-3/4 yd Red Stripe 2/8 2.06 2-1/2 yd Green Stripe 1/8 -.56 . 4 yd Purple Callico 2/6 1. 33 1-1/2 yd India do 2/ -.40 5 yd ? wide Persian 5/ 3.33 3-3/4 yd Brimley Jean 2/6 1. 25 1 pc. Gingham 5-3/4 yds 2/ 1. 62 9 yds Gingham 3/4 4.-­ 8 yds clouded Nankin 2/ 1.14 3-1/2 yds Forrest Cloth 5/ 2.33 2 yd cloth 15/ 4.-­ 7 yd Yellow Honel at 2:/3 2.10 16-1/2 yd Linen 2/9 5.94 13 yds do 2/3 3.90 2 Scarlet clocks 11/3 3.00 2 whips 3/9 1. 00 2 Hat covers .10 2 pair Worsted Hose 1.-­ 2 pair thread 1 pair silk and cotton Hose 1 pair Cotton Hose 2.50 2 pair Ribed Cotton Hose 5/7 1.50 10 purple Shawls at 3/ 1 Do at 3/9 4.36 2 Silk Hnadkf 1.00 14 Small Pocket Handkf 1/3 2.33 6 pc. Ribbon 57-1/2 yds at o 3.83 94.04 Amount Brought Forward 94.04 4 oz thread Each No. 12 No. 18 at 10/ 16/ .86 8 oz Do 1.47 1 Lot of Twist 1.-­ 2 pc. Harlem Lace .50 1 Lot of Bindings 4/ .50 2 pc Torte .28 1 Lot of Needle .40 7 Doz. Shirt Buttons .25 A Lot of Coat and vest Buttons .40 5 pair Scissors .50 3 Razor, 1 Doz. knife & 2 Watch chains .40 385 John Linn Inventory continued 6 pair .87 1 Trunk 1. 20 1 do 1.00 2 Mens Hats at 10/ 2 BoyS, do 5/ 4.00 wearing Apparel 12.00 1 watch Single Case 9.00 1 cart and gears 7.50 1 Bushel Wheat and Bag 1. 25 1 Tin Tea Chest .50 3 Crocks of Butter 8-1/2 14.44-1/2 4 Necklaces 1/6 .80 153.10-1/2 Samuel Nichols Eli Mendenhall 386 John Taylor, Trader, 1791-1793 - Inventory A Just Inventory of the Goods and Chattels of John Taylor Late of New Castle County Dec. made this 14th day of March 1791. t s P To his wearing Apparrell 7:10 To his sons cloaths 3 10 10 To dish and case of drawers 4:10 1 Cubbert 30/ 1 Large Looking Glass 20/ 7 To 1 small Looking Glass 5/- 5 pieters 10/- 5 winsor Chairs 15/- 2 Rush Chairs 3/- 1 13 To 1 Table 7/6 1 Table 17/6 To 1 small bed and close 45/- 1 small bed and close and Bedstead 45/ 5 15 To 1 bedsted of curtains 20/- To a parcel of books 40/~ 6 Teaspoons 7/6 3 7 6 To Teaware and decanters 8/4 2 guns 30/- 1 old wheel and check reel 10/- 2 8 4 To 6 sheets 45/- 5-1/2 y. stripe cotton 13/9 3-3/4 y. cotton 9/4-1/2 3/4 Y linnen 9/ 3 17 1-1/2 To 6 pillow cases 6/- 3 table cloaths 1 towel 5/­ 3 whips 10/- 1 1 To money weights and Scales 7/6 Red Leather 2/6 13-1/2 doz two thread 13/6 1 3 6 To 28-3/4 y. Tow and Tare 67/1. 1 chest of drawers 90/- 1 chest 11/3. 1 watch 60/- 11 8 4 To 1 pro Silver Buckels 35/- hand Irons and belloes 5/- 2 flasks and Oil 2/- 2 2 To wire 2/- 1 Bed and Beding 60/- To 1 Bed and Beding 45/- 1 Table and chairs 5/ 1 bed and pillers 45/ 7 17 To leather 22/6. Old Iron in cloasset 2/6. 1 Table 3/9. a Bedsted and cord 15/- 2. 3 9 To half of 1 Sane 25/- Shew makers tools and carts 22/6. Sole leather 15/- 1 Bedsted 10/- 3 12 6 To 6 barrels 6/- old leather 2/6. 1 piggen of peas 1 Sifter 3/6. hackels 51/- - 17 To box of beans 1/6. 1 watering pot and spools 1/6. old Bed 5/- To box 25/- 4 beahives 40/ 3 13 To 1 Grindstone 10/- a carridge 60/- sythe 1/6. 1 ax chain 7/6. waggon 120/- 9 19 To plow Gears 7/6. 1 wheelbarrow 7/6 hay 70/­ 3 hogsheads 3/- Flax 15/- 5 3 To 10 Gumboards 7/6. 1 Black horse 90/- 1 Bay mare 160/- 1 Brown mare t6. 18 17 6 To 1 colt 20/- 1 plough share and colter 22/6. Irish petatoes 40/- 1 brindle cow t4 8 2 6 To 1 pide cow 90/- 1 Brown Cow 80/- 1 battough 22/6 1 conew 5/- parseltools t3 12 17 6 To 1 sythe 2/- 1 pro Stilliards 2/6. 1 pro shoes 9/- 2 yd. white silk 7/ 1-1/2 y. black 8/4 1 8 10 To 8 y. baggin 8/- 22-1/2 y. bedticken 33/9 8-1/2 Y Rusha Sheeting 19/1-1/2 3 - 10-1/2 To 8 hoggs 90/- 21-1/4 Y Ozenbrigs 21/3 4 Brushes 5/- 4 Quart Jacks 6/- 6 2 3 387 John Taylor Inventory continued To 5 tin coffee pots 7/6. 7 tin cups 1/9. 4 pitchers 2/6. 3 muggs 1/3. 1 Jar 8/ - 13 8 To pro scales and weights 7/6. 6 Sifters 13/6/ 2 funnels half gallon and Quart 1/6. 1 2 6 To 18 sythe stones 6/- 2 Barrels 7/6. 1 kag 2/6. 1 kag /9 cross cut saw 2/- - 18 9 To 1 pewter gallon 5/- 1 hogshead and 3 Barrels 8/4. large Rope 2/6. half barrel/9. - 16 7 To 50 Bushels wheat at 7/6. 55 lbs. cotton at 2/­ per pound. 1 half Bushel cotton 2/pr. 24 7 To 15 yrd Tow and Tare linnen 30/- 2 old barrels 1/6. ceder ware? 10/- 3 11 6 To flatware 3/9. 1 Dutch oven and pots 30/­ candlesticks 1/6. 4 baggs 6/- 2 1 3 Carried Over t171 2 5 Brought Over t171 2 5 To 2 Frying pans, 1 Grid Iron 5/- 1 Griddle 5/­ pot racks tongs and shovel IS/- 1 5 To Old coffee pot 3/9. 1 mortar 1/6. ploughshare and Flesh forks 1/6 6 9 To Shovel and Iron fork 3/6. 2 axes 3/9. pewter 45/- Brasses 2/ 2 14 3 To Jars and Fatt pots 3/9. 6 Juggs 5/- 1 Scale beam 1/6. 3 pots with honey 20/- 1 10 3 To corn t7:10. 1 Spear: 1 axe 8/4 nailrods 2/6. 1 Negro Girl tIS - 1 pro shoes 5/- 23 5 10 To Sundry Goods to the Amt. of t86 as pr.? Bill. 29 lbs. tobacco 26/9 87 6 9 To 10 gallons Rum 28/4. Sundries 7/7. 2 hogsheads and some corn 17/- 2 12 11 To 2 dozen mens felt hats t6:15. to 15 boyshats t3:5:7-1/2. 6 furd hats t6:15. 16 15 7-1/2 To 1 peace of white Flanen 45/- 1 pro shoose 10/6 1 peace Rusha Dowlas 29/6 4 5 To 11 lbs. bees wax at 1/6. To meat in the pickle t10: Buckwheat 3/6 11 To Flax Brake 5/- 3 y. Velvet 16/6. 11-7/8 Y of Jane at 2/5. 15 Y Fustin at 2/5 465 To 3/4 y corderoy at 4/- 4 Sythes 24/- old ax 1/6. 2 hides 31/1 397 To wheat in the Ground 13t 13 t343 0 9-1/2 To cart wheels 4t To half of a surveying compass and chain 22/6 5 2 6 To 2-3/4 of Callacoat at 3/9. To 1 box 5/- 15 3-1/2 t348 18 7 Errors Excepted Elias Naudain Gideon Emory 388 Benjamin Mendenhall - 1797 - Inventory Inventory of the goods and chattels of Benjamin Mendenhall late of they Borough of wilmington in they County of Newcastle Deceased as appraised by the subscribers June the 20th 1797. All the Deceased wearing Apparel 26.67 1 Eight Day Clock and Case 20.-­ 1 Desk and Book case 20.-­ 1 Teable 3.-­ 1 Large Open stove 10.-­ 1 small ditto 6.-­ 1 Ten plate ditto 24.-­ 1 Six plate ditto . 4.-­ 1 Sheet Iron ditto 4.-­ 1/2 Dozen Winsor Chairs 3.-­ 1 Rush Bottom Arm Chair .50 1 Couch and Bed 12.-­ 2 Tables 2.-­ Shovel Tongs and Andirons 2.50 1 Painted Table 1.-­ 8 Winsor Chairs 5.0 1 Walnut chest 1.
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