A Complete Bibliography of the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series a Family: 1880–1889

A Complete Bibliography of the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series a Family: 1880–1889

A Complete Bibliography of the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A family: 1880{1889 Nelson H. F. Beebe University of Utah Department of Mathematics, 110 LCB 155 S 1400 E RM 233 Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090 USA Tel: +1 801 581 5254 FAX: +1 801 581 4148 E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] (Internet) WWW URL: http://www.math.utah.edu/~beebe/ 13 October 2017 Version 1.01 Title word cross-reference [74, 120, 156, 196, 236, 423, 327, 382, 284, 27]. 6th [337, 336]. &c [393, 432, 159, 177]. 9 [423, 327, 382, 284]. 15th [89, 90, 260]. 16th [37]. 17th Aberdeen [248]. Abroad [306, 208]. [247, 246]. 1870 [149, 273]. 1879 [27]. 1880 Abuse [345, 364]. Accident [75]. [27]. 1882 [131]. 1883 [162]. 1884 Accomodation [299]. Acquisitions [78]. [196, 206, 198]. 1885 [236, 246]. 1886 [284]. Act [149]. Additions 1887 [338, 336]. 1889 [432, 434]. 18th [206]. [14, 26, 35, 50, 13, 25, 34, 49, 62, 73, 87, 99, 19th [433, 432]. 1st [298]. 61, 86, 111, 119, 125, 134, 110, 145, 155, 160, 172, 186, 195, 204, 213, 227, 235, 244, 257, 20th [163, 394, 393, 162]. 21st [128, 127]. 271, 283, 293, 301, 282, 318, 326, 334, 350, 23rd [236, 236]. 24th [196, 196]. 26th 370, 381, 391, 402, 413, 422, 430, 439]. [156, 382]. 27th [120, 423]. 28th [74, 327]. Address [89, 393, 432, 395, 37, 91, 434, 127, 29th [284, 284]. 162, 338, 336, 296, 164, 130, 206, 246, 165, 129, 248, 198]. Adelphi [423, 327, 382, 284]. 30th [27]. 31st 1 2 Administration [384]. Advantages [378]. [203, 280]. Cattle [347]. Cause [191]. Affected [131, 177]. Affecting [274]. after Causes [188]. Cavalry [17]. Celebration [122, 149]. Age [92, 262]. Agricultural [212]. Census [47, 40, 94, 118, 132, 117, 168, 209, 234, 264, [11, 82, 71, 167, 233, 279, 397, 427, 426, 38]. 346, 136, 306, 137, 277]. Agriculture Centenary [417]. Century [389, 18]. Aid [405]. Aims [355]. Air [177]. [185, 162, 261, 389, 218]. Certain [4]. Alcohol [114]. Alexander [78]. Alleged Chadwick [427]. Chancellor [336]. [415]. also [74]. America [38, 246]. Change [169]. Changes [396, 176, 4]. American [367]. Among [329]. Chapels [82]. Chart [23]. Charter [304]. Amputations [122]. Analysis [53]. Children [16]. China [95, 343, 215]. Anniversary Churches [82]. Circulation [269]. City [28, 27, 74, 120, 156, 196, 237, 285, 328]. [82]. Class [355, 320]. Classes Annual [43, 154, 236, 427, 327, 321, 131, [185, 399, 162, 261]. Co [297, 355]. 130, 284, 383, 424, 423, 382]. Antiseptic Co-operative [297]. Co-Operators [355]. [122]. Application [434, 66]. Applied Coal [81, 420, 231, 404, 406]. College [170, 151]. April [298]. Arbere [219]. [27, 74, 120, 156, 196]. Colonial [274]. Arrangement [305]. Arrangements [177]. Colonies [46, 254, 206]. Commerce [341]. Ascertaining [169, 250]. Association Commercial [5, 20, 68, 55, 105, 138, 178, [131, 130, 165, 395, 91, 434, 338, 296, 164, 217, 263, 311, 358, 356]. Commission [148]. 129, 248, 198]. August [279, 91, 129, 198]. Committee [11, 67, 397]. Commodities Australasian [46, 141, 254]. Austria [233]. [312, 191, 287, 361, 408]. Common [127]. Average [159]. Awards [400]. Companies [437, 273]. Comparative [208]. Compared [124, 179, 396, 270]. Bad [117]. Banking [357]. Bankruptcy Comparison [175, 189]. Condition [80]. Banks [210]. Barbary [385]. Basel [322, 373, 277]. Conditions [295, 2]. [372]. Basel-Stadt [372]. Bath [395]. be Confederated [190]. Conference [405]. before [149, 273]. Being [211, 226]. Congregations [82]. Congress [162, 336, 199, 39, 206, 246]. Belgium [233]. [310, 344, 435, 131, 130]. Connection [188]. Bengal [167]. Berlin [399]. Best [81]. Considered [188]. Consumed [420]. Between [189]. Big [368]. Bills [47]. Consumption [19, 329]. Continuation Birmingham [296]. Births [250]. Board [273, 174]. Contribution [219]. Corn [41]. [42, 322]. Body [92]. Borough [92]. Cornelius [252]. Corners [31]. Cornish Bounties [360]. Brigade [385]. Cost [295]. Cotton [175]. Council [6, 56, 106, 142, 182, 220, 266, 314, 359, 410]. [27, 74, 120, 156, 196, 236, 423, 327, 382, 284]. Britain [297, 231, 175]. British Countries [395, 91, 434, 338, 296, 164, 129, 248, 198, [124, 269, 324, 409, 179, 295, 75, 270]. Court 398, 18, 206, 198]. Bunker [420]. [65]. Crisis [234]. Crops [41]. Customs Burlington [236]. [249]. C.B [89, 37]. C.B. [206, 246]. Caird [89]. Dairy [347]. Dangers [231]. Death Calculating [289]. Called [289]. Canada [104, 409, 147, 188]. Death-Rate [147, 188]. [279, 190]. Canadian [356]. Canal [330]. Deaths [250, 75]. Decade [102]. Decay Cantons [372]. Casualties [140]. December [27, 336, 74, 120, 156, 196, [22, 69, 116, 152, 192, 232, 290]. Catalogue 236, 260, 337, 423, 327, 382, 284]. Decline 3 [118, 313, 147, 188]. Defects [354]. [387]. Exchange [352, 180, 386, 199]. Delivered Exchequer [336]. Expenditure [114, 405]. [89, 432, 37, 127, 162, 336, 206, 246, 393]. Experiences [177]. Export [113]. Exports Demography [151, 310, 344]. Department [398, 425]. Express [159, 189]. [130, 165]. Depopulation [415]. Depression [117]. Different [295]. F Directors [437]. Discoveries [400]. [395, 91, 434, 338, 296, 164, 129, 248, 198, 375]. Discovery [66]. Distress [47]. F.R.S. [89, 393, 432, 37]. Faculties [181]. Distribution [362, 157, 306, 174, 405, 54]. Failures [97]. Fall [191]. Family [181]. far Districts [415, 277]. Division [322]. [177]. Farming [347]. Farr [150]. Fate Divisions [137]. Divorced [202]. Dock [202]. Fifteen [273]. Fifth [424, 423, 248]. [299]. does [95]. Dr. Fiftieth [196]. Fifty [237, 236, 285, 328, [150, 251, 393, 432, 375]. Drainage [177]. 383, 424, 423, 327, 395, 91, 434, 338, 121, Drug [95]. Duration [147]. During 382, 341, 296, 164, 284, 129, 248, 198]. [14, 6, 21, 56, 78, 106, 182, 266, 314, 359, 410, Fifty-Eighth [395]. Fifty-Fifth 341, 142, 220, 101, 273, 97]. Duties [424, 423, 248]. Fifty-First [237, 236, 91]. [324, 409]. Fifty-Fourth [383, 382, 198]. Fifty-Ninth [434]. Fifty-Second [285, 284, 129]. Earnings [208]. Earth [45]. East [373]. Fifty-Seventh [338]. Fifty-Sixth [296]. Economic [239, 395, 91, 434, 338, 101, 417, Fifty-Third [328, 327, 164]. Financial 129, 198, 296, 164, 248]. Economical [5, 20, 27, 68, 55, 74, 105, 120, 138, 156, 178, [12, 24, 33, 48, 60, 85, 98, 292, 300, 317, 325, 196, 217, 236, 263, 311, 358, 423, 327, 382, 333, 349, 369, 380, 390, 401, 412, 421, 429, 284]. Fire 438, 39]. Economy [151, 436, 434, 130, 165]. [6, 56, 106, 142, 182, 220, 266, 314, 359, 410]. Education [149, 148, 16, 148]. Edwin [427]. Fires Effect [147, 191, 2, 406]. Effects [324, 360]. [6, 56, 106, 142, 182, 220, 266, 314, 359, 410]. Efficiency [208]. Egypt [197]. Eight [19]. First [237, 236, 91]. Fluctuating [2]. Eighteen [92]. Eighth [120, 395]. Electing Fluctuations [175]. Food [157]. Foreign [64]. Electoral [176]. Element [407]. [95, 84, 242, 340, 274, 206]. Formation Elementary [149]. Emigration [9, 59, 109, [101]. Forthcoming [212]. Forty 153, 193, 223, 276, 323, 377, 419, 218]. [28, 74, 120, 156, 27]. Forty-Eighth [120]. Empire [379, 198]. Ended Forty-Ninth [156]. Forty-Seventh [74]. [27, 74, 120, 156, 196, 236, 423, 327, 382, 284]. Forty-Sixth [28, 27]. Fourth Ending [383, 382, 198]. France [27, 74, 120, 156, 196, 236, 423, 327, 382, 284]. [140, 253, 233, 139, 207, 240, 417, 428, 270]. England [154, 194, 71, 70, 306, 338, 149, 29, French [124, 313]. Friendly [216]. Front 262, 415, 2, 305, 65, 30]. English [303]. Further [261]. [7, 58, 108, 144, 184, 222, 268, 315, 366, 411, 76, 384, 354, 159, 147, 188, 4, 189]. G [336]. Gaol [92]. Gardens [236]. Entrance [27, 74, 120, 156, 196]. Epidemic General [131]. Equivalents [199]. Errata [353, 352]. [20, 151, 383, 424, 423, 376, 382, 198, 256]. Esq [89, 37]. Esq. [127]. Essay [239]. German Established [124]. Estates [65]. Europe [8, 57, 107, 143, 183, 221, 267, 365, 418]. [234, 246]. European [179]. Examinations Germany [255, 362, 378, 277]. Gold [169]. 4 Government [133, 405]. Gradients [159]. [233, 101, 291]. IV [130, 165]. Great [297, 231, 175]. Growth [92]. Guy [251]. J [336]. James [89, 37]. January [273]. Japan [332]. Jevons [123]. John [39, 177]. Hackney [373]. Half [185, 162, 261]. Joint [437, 273]. Jubilee [212, 243]. June Hamlets [322]. Harvest [19]. [27, 196, 236, 284, 74, 120, 156, 196, 236, 423, Harvest-Years [19]. Harvests [117]. 327, 382, 284]. Jurisdiction [29, 65]. Health [177]. Height [92]. Held [27, 74, 120, 196, 236, 423, 327, 395, 434, 338, K.C.M.G [206, 246]. King 131, 382, 296, 164, 130, 165, 129, 248, 156, 91, [27, 74, 120, 156, 196]. Kingdom 284, 198]. Her [432, 393]. Hill [76]. History [101, 71, 242, 388, 275, 425, 137, 231, 329, [5, 20, 68, 55, 105, 138, 178, 217, 241, 263, 174, 273, 298, 97, 75]. 311, 358, 65]. Holdings [306]. Home [208, 19]. Hon [336]. Honorary [393, 432]. Labour [208]. Labours [39]. Land Horses [17]. Hospitals [122, 177]. House [171, 54]. Large [122]. Last [27, 74, 120, 156, 196]. Howard [39, 177]. [185, 162, 261, 101, 341, 233]. Laws Huddersfield [165]. Human [92]. [229, 416]. Legislation [239]. Levied [372]. Hundred [121]. Hygiene [310, 344]. Liability [273]. Libraries [84]. Library [14, 26, 35, 50, 13, 25, 34, 49, 62, 73, 87, 99, 61, II [78]. Illegitimacy [70]. Illustrated 86, 111, 119, 125, 134, 110, 145, 155, 160, 172, [92, 246]. Illustrating [398]. Illustration 186, 195, 204, 213, 227, 235, 244, 257, 271, [66]. Immigration [9, 59, 109, 153, 193, 223, 283, 293, 301, 280, 282, 318, 326, 334, 350, 276, 323, 377, 419, 200]. Imperial [309]. 370, 381, 391, 402, 413, 422, 430, 439, 203]. Import [324, 113]. Importance [76]. Licenses [405]. Life [10, 170, 147, 339, 259]. Imports [425, 19, 175].

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