SAINT AUGUSTINE CHURCH 10 CAMPFIELD AVENUE | HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT 06114 OFFICE HOURS | HORAS DE OFICINA: 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM Monday - Friday (lunes a viernes) TELEPHONE | TELÉFONO: (860) 522-7128 | FAX: (860) 246-1753 MASS SCHEDULE | HORARIO DE MISAS Daily|Diario: 7:30 AM Monday - Friday (English) | lunes - viernes (inglés) 6:30 PM Tuesdays (Spanish) | martes (español) Saturday|sábado: 4:00 PM Vigil (English) | Vigilia (inglés) Sunday|domingo: 9:00 AM (English|inglés), 10:30 AM (Spanish|español), & 12:30 PM (Spanish|español) 5:00 PM (English|inglés) SAINT ANNE-IMMACULATE CONCEPTION CHURCH IGLESIA SANTA ANA-INMACULADA CONCEPCIÓN Weekday| 7:00 PM Wednesday (Spanish)| miércoles (español) Día de Semana: 8:30 AM Thursday (English) | jueves (español) APTISM AUTISMO CLERGY | CLERO B | B Rev. Thomas J. Walsh, Pastor Please call Parish Office|Por favor llamar la Oficina ONFESSIONS ONFESIONES Rev. Nicola N.H. Tran, Chaplain, Hospitals C | C St. Augustine | San Agustín: Deacon Carmelo Hernandez, Permanent Deacon OFFICE STAFF | PERSONAL DE LA OFICINA Saturday 3:00 PM or by appointment| Mrs. Ernestina Loredo, Receptionist Sábado 3:00 PM o por cita ARRIAGE ATRIMONIO Mrs. Consuelo Gomez, Secretary/Bookkeeper M | M Please call the Parish Office 6 months in advance Mr. Spencer Malley, Director of Music RELIGIOUS EDUCATION | EDUCACIÓN RELIGIOSA Por favor de llamar la Oficina Parroquial 6 meses antes PRIESTHOOD | SACERDOCIO Mrs. Mayra Ayala, Coordinator : (860) 249-3430 Rev. Michael Casey, Vocation Director Mrs. Laurie DeLuca, RCIA Program Coordinator (860) 242-5573 | www.hartfordpriest.com Mrs. Griselle Hernandez, RICA Program Coordinator ST. BRIGID-ST. AUGUSTINE SCHOOL: Church email: [email protected] A PARTNERSHIP SCHOOL COLEGIO STA. BRÍGIDA-SAN AGUSTÍN: UN COLEGIO The Parish welcomes you and encourages your participation EN ASOCIACIÓN in its liturgy and social activities as a parishioner. All pa- 100 Mayflower Street | West Hartford, CT rishioners are asked to be registered with the parish by 06110 | 860-561-2130 completing a census form and to use the envelope collection Remember to visit St. Augustine Church Online: system or to give on-line. This is the only way to verify that www.staugustinehtfd.org one is an active parishioner for Catholic School tuition Follow us also on Facebook and Twitter Email: [email protected] assistance or for letters of recommendation. Email: [email protected] WELCOME | Visit Us Online: www.staugustinehtfd.org | BIENVENIDO SAINT AUGUSTINE CHURCH MAS INTENTIONS ST. ANNE-IMMACULATE CONCEPTION First Saturday, April 6 Wednesday, April 10 4:00 PM Cristina, Franceso, Donato & Ernesto 7:00 PM No Mass Ferrera req. Angela & Rafaelle Ferrera Thursday, April 11 6:00 PM Stations of the Cross {Bengali Community} 8:30 AM Immaculate Heart of Mary Sunday, April 7 7:45 AM Veronique Kantarama & Emmanuel OFFERTORY Ndayambaje req. family March 30-31 $5,080 9:00 AM Fausto William & Willy Henry Jara Online Giving 298 req. Lola Jara Total Collection $5,378 10:30 AM Health of Josefina Morales & Hilda Lopez CRS Collection 1,129 12:30 PM Juan DeJesus Tabarez req. wife & children ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5:00 PM Aurora Resto GROUP MEETINGS & ACTIVITIES SCHEDULES Monday, April 8 MONDAY, APRIL 8 - SUNDAY, APRIL 14 7:30 AM Charles & Marietta Fantone & family MONDAY, APRIL 8 6:30 PM Our Lady of Sorrows –Misión Cuaresmal • Lenten Retreat (Our Lady of Sorrows) 7 pm 7:00 PM Italian Mass TUESDAY, APRIL 9 Tuesday, April 9 • Food Pantry-St.Anne/Imm 11 am - 1 pm 7:30 AM Alessio (24th), Peter & Mario Buonocquisto • req. Carolina & family Lenten Retreat (St. Augustine) Church 7 pm • 6:30 PM St. Augustine– Misión Cuaresmal WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10 7:00 PM All Saints • St. Monica Group Hall 10 am - 12 pm Wednesday, April 10 • Food Pantry Hall 12 pm - 2 pm 7:30 AM Martin Nemec • N/A Classroom 7 pm - 8 pm 6:30 PM St. Justine - Misión Cuaresmal • Lenten Retreat (St. Justine) 7 pm Thursday, April 11 THURSDAY, APRIL 11 7:30 AM Michele DeSanti • MARG Meeting Hall 6:30 pm - 8 pm Friday, April 12 FRIDAY, APRIL 12 7:30 AM Noelle Matteo • Viacrucis/Stations of the Cross Church 7 pm 7:00 PM Stations of the Cross {English/Spanish] SATURDAY, APRIL 13 Saturday, April 13 • Religious Ed School 9 am - 11 am 4:00 PM Vincent Bonito • Mov. Cursillo Hall 7 pm - 9 pm __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6:00 PM Stations of the Cross {Bengali Community} Sunday, April 14 PALM SUNDAY BEATIFICATION OF BLESSED 9:00 AM Emanuel Migliore req. Anna Migliore CLELIA MERLONI 10:30 AM Bienvenido Paulino req. family You are cordially invited to a commemorative 12:30 PM Bernarda Rivera req. family liturgy celebrating the beatification of Blessed 5:00 PM Georgiana Morrow req. granddaughter Clelia Merloni at the Cathedral of St. Joseph, 140 ******* Farmington Ave. Hartford, CT 06105, this Sunday, April SANCTUARY LAMP 7 at 2;00 p.m. Celebrant: His excellency, the Most Reverend Leonard P. Blair. Reception to follow, lower The Sanctuary Lamp is lit this week for the glory of Church. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ God and for: Parishioner of St. Augustine Church ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER PRAYER LINE / LINEA Let God show you how much of an impact DE ORACIÓN forgiveness can be in your marriage by attending a All Parishioners are invited to call the Prayer Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend. The Line, where a group of parishioners will pray next Weekends are April 26-28, 2019 in Manchester, CT for your personal and confidential intention for and July 12-14, 2019 in Manchester, CT. For more 15 days. You can contact Gisela Lugo, our Coordinator, at information, call Pat & Mary Jo McLaughlin at 860-315- (860) 804.6100 with your intention. 2127 or visit them at www.mectw.org FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT APRIL 7, 2019 NOTE FROM FR. WALSH... NOTA DEL PDRE. WALSH… Starting next Sunday (Palm Sunday) St. Augustine Comenzando el próximo domingo (Domingo de Parishioners have permission to use the Webster Theater Ramos) los feligreses de San Agustín tienen permiso de usar el parking lot on Sundays (only) from 8:00a.m. to 2:00p.m. estacionamiento del teatro Webster, (únicamente) los domingos Please consider parking there to help ease the congestion at de 8:00 am a 2:00 pm. Por favor consideren estacionar allá the Church on Sunday mornings. para aliviar la congestión en la iglesia los domingos en la All high school students are invited to participate in mañana. the 5p.m. Mass on April 7th and to a pizza supper immediately Todos los estudiantes de la escuela superior están after. Then we will go to see the movie “Unplanned” in invitados a participar en la Misa de las 5 pm este domingo, 7 Plainville. de abril y a cenar con pizza enseguida después de la Misa. Viene il Padre Vito dell’ordine dei Missionari della Despues iremos a ver la película “Unplanned” en Plainville. Divina Redenzione (del Padre Arturo D’Onofrio) l’8 d’Aprile MISIÓN CUARESMAL (il lunedí) per le confessioni dalle 6 fino alle 7 e per celebrare “LA CREACIÓN, EXPECTANTE ESTÁ la santa messa in Italiano alle 7. Tutti sono benvenuti. AGUARDANDO LA MANIFESTACIÓN DE LOS HIJOS DE DIOS” HOLY WEEK - SEMANA SANTA PREDICADOR: EL PADRE DIEGO A. JIMENEZ APRIL 13TH – APRIL 20TH Las parroquias San Agustín, Nuestra Sra. de los Dolores y San Justino se unen para la Saturday, April 13 Misión Cuaresmal. Las fechas son las siguientes: 4:00 PM Vigil Mass of Palm Sunday Palm Sunday, April 14 Lunes, 8 de abril: Nuestra Sra. de los Dolores 9:00 AM Mass (English) La Redención de la Creación 10:30 AM Mass (Spanish) 79 New Park Avenue, Hartford. 12:30 PM Mass (Spanish) Martes, 9 de abril: San Agustín 5:00 PM Mass (English) La Fuerza Destructiva del Pecado Holy Thursday, April18 10 Campfield, Avenue, Hartford 7:30 PM Mass of the Lord’s Supper (Bilingual) Miércoles, 10 de abril: San Justino 9:00 PM Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament La Fuerza Regeneradora del Arrepentimiento y del Perdón Good Friday, April 19 230 Blue Hills Avenue, Hartford 10:00 AM Living Stations/Viacrucis Los Horarios son los mismos en cada parroquia: 12:30 PM Liturgia de la Pasion del Señor (español) 6:30 P.M. Rosario 3:00 PM Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion (English) 7:00 P.M. Santa Misa y Predicación 6:30 PM Novena a la Divina Misericordia (español) 7:00 PM Tenebrae Service (Bilingual) ORDEN SEGLAR SIERVOS DE MARIA Holy Saturday, April 20 ¡VEN Y CONOCCE! 9:00 AM Novena a la Divina Misericordia (español) Todos están invitados a una convivencia y 9:30 AM Las Siete Palabras de la Virgen Maria (esp.) orientación de la Orden Seglar Siervos de María, el 8:00 PM Easter Vigil Mass ( Multilingual) sáBado, 27 de abril a las 10 a.m. en el salón comunitario de la Parroquia San Agustín. Easter Sunday, April 21 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9:00 AM Mass (English) MULTICULTURAL DINNER 10:30 AM Mass (Spanish) The students of Religious Education are selling tickets 12:30 PM Mass (Spanish) beginning this weekend after all Masses for a Multicultural No 5:00 PM Mass ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Dinner in the Hall Church on May 18 at 5 p.m. Ticket Price: CHURCH CLEANUP $15. Also there will be baskets raffle included with purchase Next Saturday, April 13 at 8:00 a.m. we will of ticket. We will appreciate your support. CENA MULTICULTURAL be cleaning our church, we need volunteers. Please if you are available join us and bring a Los estudiantes de Educación Religiosa comienzan a vender broom, rags, bucket, etc...cleaning supplies. We will greatly boletos este fin de semana después de la Misas para una appreciate your cooperation.
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