National Horticulture Board Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare Government of India, Plot NO.85, Sector 18, Institutional Area, Gurugram . 122 015 (Haryana) Ph. 0124-2342992, Fax: 2342991, 2341225 WI';~Jite: www.nhb.gov.in NHB/CC/28thPPAC/2020-21/ J--' , I March 16, 2021 Office MelDo•.andulD Subject: Proceedings of the 28th D1.eeting of the Pre. Project Appraisal COD1.D1.itteeto consider the proposals under various scheD1.es of the Board held on 12.03.2021 at NRB, RO, Gua-ugraD1. (Raryana) - Regarding. I am directed to enclose herewith a copy of the Proceedings of the 28th Meeting of the Pre-Project Appraisal Committee held on 12.03.2021 at NHB, Head Quarters, Gurugram (Haryana) during financial year 2020-21 under the Chairmanship of Dr. R. Bhati, Joint Director, NHB. This issues with the approval of Competent Authority. ~I02>\~~ (O.K. Pal) Deputy Director Distribution: 1) All Area Officers /Joint Directors, NHB, Gurugram. 2) Accounts Officer, NHB, Gurugram. Copy for information to : 1) PS to MD, NHB, Gurugram National Horticulture Board Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare Government of India, Plot No.85, Sector 18, Institutional Area, Gurugram-122 015 (Haryana) Ph. 0124-2342992, Fax: 2342991,2341225 Website: www.nhb.gov.in Subject March 16, 2021 Minutes of the 28'h Pre-Project Appraisal Committee (PPAC) meeting to consider the proposals under various schemes of the Board during financial year 2020-21. Date & Time 12.03.2021 at 11.00 am Venue NHB, Gurugram The Meeting was chaired by Dr. R. Bhati, Joint Director, NHB. The following members attended the meeting. S. Composition Name of Officer/Representative with Designation attended the meeting No I. Sr. Most Joint Dr. R. Bhati, Joint Director, NHB. Director, NHB- Chairman 2. Area Officers of I. Shri Pushpendra Arya, Area Officer, South Zone, NHB NHB - Member 2. Shri R.S. Meena, Area Officer ,North Zone, NHB 3. Shri Dhal Singh, Area Officer, West Zone, NHB. 4. Shri Bani Sinl!h, Area Officer, North-East Zone, NHB IN ATTENDANCE I. Sh. U.S.Bhardwaj, Deputy Director, NHB 2. Sh. D.K. Pal, Deputy Director, NHB 3. Sh. H.C.Rohilla, Account Officer, NHB 4. Sh. Ashok Kumar, Sr. Horticulture Officer, NHB 5. Sh. Sunil Kumar Rewar, Sr. Horticulture Officer, NHB 6. Sh. Alok Kumar, Sr. Horticulture Officer, NHB Proceedings of the PPAC meeting held on 26.02.2021 were circulated on 10.03.2021. There being no observation from any of the members, the Committee confirmed the minutes; It was reiterated that IPA guideline must be followed meticulously and Examination of proposals must be done with due diligence and concerned dealing officers will be accountable for any failure on their part as laid down in Internal Note dated 14.03.2019 under instruction from MD. The summary of projects discussed in the meeting is as under:- S.No. Particulars No. of projects I No. of cases considered 112 2 Approved 63 3 Clarification sought (Deferred) 41 4 Rejected/C Iosed/W ithdrawn 08 . 28th PPAC Meeting held on 12.03.2021 Page 1 The case-wise decision of the PPAC is as under:- Approved Projects PPAC discussed the following project proposals in the light of contents of agenda notes and scheme guidelines. PPAC noted that applicants have submitted all the documents as per the provisions under NHB Scheme guidelines and found in order. PPAC recommended/approved these projects for issuance of IPA for the activity/area and conditions, if any, indicated against each project:- Sr. Name of the project and project Volume & Sr. No. code Crop/Activity and Condition, if any No. of Agenda Area/Capacity Notes Sh. Siddayya S/o Revannasiiidayy South Zone ultivation of Capsic ') Applicants of seria Swami. Survey No. 42. Villag (Sr. No. 01) nder Shade net house i uruganura, Taluka Yadrami, Dist. No. 1& 2 hav . 12000SQM. individual share i ulbarga-58531 0, (Kamataka) 29AKA0026989) different khat number In sam survey number . .i) The propose cost of shade ne house may b considered base on DPR dul si ed b a lican!. 2 h. Shivasharanayya S/o South Zone Cultivation of Capsicu evannasiddayya Swami, Survey No. (Sr, No. 02) nder Shade net house' 2, Village Muruganura, Tal 12000 Sqm. adrami, Dis!. Gulbarga-5853I 0, (Kamataka), (29AKA0026990) 3 Sh. Mahebubsaheb S/o Manjalesab South Zone ultivation of Capsicu he' proposed cost 0 Siledar, Survey No. 69/A3, Village (Sr. No. 03) nder Shade net house i hade net house rna uruganura, Taluka Yadrami, Dist. 12000 Sqm. Gulbarga-5853I 0, (Kamataka) e considered base 29AKA0026991) n DPR duly signe yapplicant 4 Sh. N. Shivakumar, Villag South Zone ultivation of Capsicu udugurki, Survey No. 76/2, 76/3 (Sr. No. 04) nder Poly house in' illage Mudugurki, Hobli Vijayapura, 10000 Sqm. aluka Devanahalli, Dis!. Bangalor ural-(Karnataka), (29 AKA0026994) 5 Sh. V. Ramaiah S/o Late Uggrappa, South Zone Cultivation of Gerbe Survey No. 5/4, Villag (Sr. No. 05) nder Poly house i empavaderahalli, Kasaba Hobli, 10000 Sqm Sidihoskote, Taluka Anekal, Bangalor District-( Karnataka), (29AKA0027012) 28'h PPAC Meeting held on 12.03.2021 6 Sh. Basavaraj Sio Yamanappa Yalagi South Zone Cultivation of Capsicurr Survey No. 580/4, Village Kannolli, (Sf. No. 06) under Shade net house i ~q. Sindagi, Dist. Bijapura, Kamataka 4000 Sqm. 86115, (29AKA0027014) . 7 Sh. Nithin Sio Sharanabasapp' South Zone ~ultivation of Grapes ir Arakeri, Survey No. 365, Villag, (Sr. No. 07) 20.00 acre Nagathana, Taluka Bijapura, Dist. Bijapura, Kamataka • 586104 29AKA0027015) 8 Sh. Subash chandra Sio Salabann, South Zone Cultivation of Capsicurr Nandashetty, Survey No. 199/4, (Sr. No. 08) Under Shade net house i~ !village Ganihara, Taluk Sindagi, Dis!: 8000 Sqm. lBijapura, Kamataka (29AKA00270 16) 9 Sh. Babu Reddy B.P. Sio Late H. South Zone ~ultivation of Gerber. illareddy, Survey No. 5111 (Sr. No. 09) /under Poly house ir /Maramgere village, Anugondanahalli 10000 Sqm. Hobli, Hoskote Taluk, Bangalore Rural District, (Kamataka) 29AKA0027017) 10 Sh. Vijaykumar Sio Honnapp, South Zone Cultivation of Capsicurr )oddmani, Survey No. 105/311 (Sr. No. 10) /under Shade net house if "ilIage Bhoragi, Taluka Sindagi, Dist. 8000 Sqm. ~ijapuia, Kamataka - 586128 29AKA00270 19) . II Sh. Jagadevappa Sio Prachandappa South Zone. Cultivation of Capsicun Chavadihala, Survey No. 44/6, (Sf. No. II) . LIIIderShade net house i Village: Hanchinala, Taluka lndi, Dis!: 000 Sqm. Bijapura, Kamataka-586217, 29AKA0027020) 12 Sh. Shivayya Sio Sangayya Matha South Zone Cultivation of Capsicurr Survey No. 32/4, Village: (Sf. No. 12) under Shade net house il ~ntharagangi, Tal: Sindagi, Dis!: 000 Sqm. Bijapura, Karnataka - 586128 (29AKA0027023) 13 Sh. Gopal Sio Sri. Ganeshwar Rao, South Zone ~ultivation of Gerben Survey No. 711 & 717, (Sf. No. 13) under Poly house ir Lingadeeranahalli Village, Kaiwar, 10000 Sqm. Hobli, Chintamani Taluk, Chikkaballapur District-624614, (Kamataka), (29AKA0027024) 28th PPAC Meeting held on 12.03.2021 Page 3 J4 Smt. Jayamma W/o H.V South Zone lCultivation of CapsiculT Shivanandappa, Survey no. 12, Villag (Sr. No. 14) lunder Poly house ir Malavalli, Taluka Hosanagara, Dist. ~OOOSqm. Shivamoga, (Karnataka) 29AKA0026890) 15. Sh. Vislavath Vittal South Zone Cultivation of Gerbera ir ~urvey No. 254 or 2540, Village- (Sr. No.!6) . 000 Sqmt under pol) ~lIipur, Mandal- Shivampet, Dist- ouse Medak, Telangana (37TTGOOO0293) 16. Smt. Annamareddy Sury Kumari . South Zone Open field cultivation 0 Survey no. 37, Village- Chinn~ (Sr. No.17) Mango in 10.00 acre /chelemeda, Mandal- Munipalli, Disti nd Sweet Orange in Sangareddy, Telangana I 16..00acres (37TTGOOO0302) 17. Sh. Soma Buchi Reddy . South Zone /Cultivation of Gerbera ir Survey no. 37614, Village- Chanvelly, (Sr. No.18) 2688 Sqmt under pol, . t~~~;~~~~~v7e~~G~~~~3~:)ngareddY, house . 18 M/s Seven Hills Cold Storage South Zone Construction of new cole Survey No. 924/40, 93111/1, 932/1 (Sr. No.19) storage (type-!) in 7362 "illage & Mandai - Armoor, Dist /MT (2 chambers) '.'izamabad, Telangana (37TTGOCSOOO054) 19. Mrs. Guda Renuka & Guda Gopal South Zone Open field cultivation 0 Reddy, Survey no. 387/B, 3IS/A, (Sr. No.20) Mango in 24.32 acres 16/A, 31618/2, Village Padamatikeshavapur, MandaI Bachannapet, Dist- Jangaon, ~elangana, (37TTGOOO0286) 20. IM/s Raithanna Cold Storage, Survey South Zone construction of ne" ~o. 364-2A-A, 364-2-A, Village (Sr. No. 22) old storage type-! witt Varagani, Taluka Pedanandipadu, add on components witt. District Guntur-522235 (Andhr KOapacity10000 MT (~ Pradesh), 128AAPOCSOOO065). !chambers) 21 Mr. Bhirnrao Shrirang Kale, (West Division) Cultivation of Grapes in Survey/Gat No. 574, Village - Volume-! 06.00 acres in open Pisewadi, Taluka - Malshiras, District (Sr. No. 01) field. Solapur (MH), (27BMHB04865I ) 22 Mrs. Shobha Balasaheb Dhage, (West Division) Cultivation of Capsicum Survey/Gat No. 82/3/2, Village - Volume-! in 4,000 sq. mtr. under Warwandi, Taluka - Rahuri, District _ (Sr. No. 02) Poly House. Ahmednagar (MH) 27BMHB048646) 28th PPACMeeting held on 12.03.2021 . Page 4 \il~~~"\b\t\ , 23 Mr. Vaibhav Hanmant Landage & (West Division) Cultivation of Grapes in Change Other 01, Survey/Gat No. 801, Village 0 Volume-! 06.00 acres in open constitution Bastwade, Taluka - Tasgaon, District from (Sr. No. 03) field. !ndividual to Group Sangli (MH)(27BMHB048650) of Farmers/Joint Farmers m NHB software by computer division. 24. Mrs. Samindra Sharad Kokane, (West Division) Cultivation of Capsicum Survey/Gat No. 235/1, Village - , Volume-l in 4,000 sq. mtr. under Kumbhargaon, Taluka - Karmala, (Sr. No. 04) Poly House. District - Solapur (MH) 1'27BMHB048505) 25 Mr. Nana Ramachandra Katare, (West Division) Cultivation of Gerbera , , Survey/Gat No. 109/1, Village - Volume-! in 3,500 sq. mtr. under, Ghanand, Taluka ...:Atpadi, District _ (Sr. No. 05) Poly House. Sangli (MH).(27BMHB048575) , 26. Mrs. Shalanbai Shrishail Honmore, (West Division) Cultivation of Gerbera Survey/Gat No. 82, Village - Borgi Volume-l in 3,000 sq.
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