r-- wv " srt 5TV ,jrp-'ffwar.. WVJJU 9tKAKCtXL Probably Showers To- night and Sunday. Final Edition WxtWmhinn fme Xw Xerk Market Cteafas PrUm NUMBER 7425, Yesterday's Circulation, 76,208 WASHINGTON, SATURDAY EVENING, APRIL 20, 1912 Sixteen Pages. PRICE ONE OENT. TITANIC WARNED TO L00K.0UT FOR ICEBERGS ON SUNDAY NIGHT, SAYS WIRELESS OPERATOR J. BRUCE ISMAY TESTIFYING BEFORE SENATOR WILLIAM ALDEN SMITH'S INVESTIGATING COMMITTEE IN NEW YORK CITY. NEBRASKA D TITANIC WARNED B OF ICEBERGS BY ROOSEVELT T Colonel Captures Twenty-fou- r Wireless Operator Bride Delegates in Two Tells Senators Message Western States. ' : Was Sent to Bridge. iftiiBL IHIwWliil i 'THMttr tin WILSON LEADING DELAY IN SENDING IN BRYAN'S HOME NEWS OF DISASTER Fight for Bourne's Seat in Sen- Details of Sinking Flashed to Bal- ate Is Still Unde- tic at 10:30 Monday, Testifies cided. Carpathia Operator. By JUDSON C. WELLIVER. NEW YORK. April 20. That news, .. Nebraska, with sixteen, and Ore of the Titanic disaster was sent from the Carpathia 10:30 Mon- gon, with eight delegates to the Re- iMllBffi'lTO at o'clock publican national convention, are day morning to tho Bteamcr Baltic today added to the column with the of the White Star lino and that none Roosevelt instructions. of these details reached the shore Oregon named La Follette as Its until Monday evening was dne of the eecond choice, Taft running a poor - ' V: startling points revealed In the tes- third. Figures are not yet given, llHKJ. timony to the Senate invesUgating the advices from the Coast being TAFT TO DROP BIG NATION MAY RAISE committee today. meager. Advices through the press It was also developed that the Ti- associations, the Oregon members of tanic had been warned to look out Congress and the political comrult- - for icebergs Sunday evening. Harold "tees are, however, agreed on the es- BOMBS UNDER FOES, GREAT MEMORIAL Bride, assistant wireless operator on sential facts. the Ill-fat- ed ship, testified that be The belief Is that Taft ran consid- sent a copy of the message of .warn- erably better than in North Dakota FRIENDS HERE SAY TO DISASTER'S HERO ing to tho bridge. - where the total progressive vote KEAJx-ial- lr jf A frank admission that tho steam- Rooseveii' andXa Follette together ship Callfornlan had tried to report was just about forty times the Taft In Speeches Next Week Presi- Whole Country Likely to Be Asked to Con- icebergs to him was mado by the vote. In Oregon, it is thought, Taft Massachusetts operator. He said he had been too only one. Is beaten about five to dent Will Spring Surprise, tribute to Fund for Monument for Major busy at the tlmo to take the report-H-e In the Democratic fight, Wilson Is was making out reports and reported leading, and the Jersey-man- 's It Is Declared. Butt, Who Gave Life for Others. heard "M. W. L.," which was the followers are confident of car- Callfornlan, call him, Baying he had rying the delegation. an ice report engagements had any An agitation has been started at the capacity to do things and to meet dif- Canceling all the he .ranks who have influence at all presept In a ; House among friends of ficulties which themselves Message Contest Important made for this mornlne, President ,Taft in the State vlll be present at the White the situation, with the means he had at of Warning. Nebraska's contest: was recrnrded aa went to 'vork today on what la prom- - pons wnen the primaries are held on Major Archlbuld Butt for the erection hand, without sitting down to wait for "I was busy and I did not answer ' monument In this city in- more important than that of Oregon In Ued will be the greatest political speech April 30. There will bo no scarcity of a memorial somebody elso to furnish additional at tho time. Half an hour later I heard 11 linlTnrtiTiBSBaBS military aide, H. TAFT." both parties, and of the present campaign. f ionoy with iwhlch .tlo the for tho President's late struments. WILLIAM the same operator transmitting an ico the Roosevelt victor gavo up life for others on tho has caused much rejoicing: at Roosevelt rnmrrpsfimpn and Senators wno troubled seas, and every leader will who his Liked By Roosevelt. report to the Baltic, and I copied it. headquarters, brought the usual crowd of handshakers be on the Job personally. Titanic Secretary of tho Navy also dis- I thought it was same message because the Taft end La The Taft leaders say, In this connec- to make the project a The the that Flollette people are charged with having and others who had matters of stato to tion, ASSESSOR It Is planned closed a memorandum expressing the I refused previously, but as It was not ar- that Illinois would not have gono OTS to tho hetoic offlcer. double-teame- d in both theso States In discuss wero Informed, after their as it did, and Pennsylvania might havo national tribute highest respect of Former President official I did not copy it In the book, office, that Mr. returned a different showing and to have Congress pass an appro- the effort to keep Roosevelt out at any rival at the Executive far had purpose. Roosevelt for tho military aide. Mr. although a copy was sent to the bridge. was at work In ills study and tho President's campaign managers priation of $200,000 for the Roosevelt said in a that Captain Captain cost. Taft been vigilantly alert to the situation. Hays Hammond, who is a per- letter Whether Smith received It or fight great would fcee no ono. John Butt was possessed of unusual ability not, o'f Nebraska's Senatorial is of In addition to all this Mr. Taft will OUT FAULTS IN TAX friend of President Tnft, Is one I do not know. It told three Senator Brown Is fight- An exception was made in the case cf Inspire the voters of the State of Mas- sonal and was "exceptionally tactful and dip- great bergs In a interest. Norris those Who has enlisted himself In the certain latltudo and ing for a renomlnatlon and Congress- Secretaiy of State Knox because of sachusetts by the force of his person- of lomatic." longitude, which I do not now re- Msxico situation, ality and such arguments aa may bo movement. ef- man George W. Norrls is opposing him. the utcencv of th3 able to bring subscrip- "He Is an exceptionally able and member." the .Magdalen.i bay pioblem. but to bear in his speeches at "I meant to start a private should "My frlcndB wire me that it's awfully and Springfield, Worcester, and Boston. Ho purpose," he said at ficient officer and If over asraln It The delay of more than twelve hours for the t of the day the wii igo to tnese on SYSTEM OF DISIT T tion fund for the command troops I should close; that's all I know about it." said Ff'dent cities Thursday. House today, "but I think it befall me to In getting news of the Titanic disaster wns busy iircpuuiiK mo uumu ... .. Mr. Taft haB been Influenced to take the White desire klm to servo under me," con- Senator Brown this morning. "It will up tho personal plan of campaign, bo much more appropriate and ashore, and the cruel reassuring mes- Nor- in will "blow roimer rren it would cluded Mr. Roosevelt. sages take till Monday to know whether tho political map." Is declared by his friends, who say fitting If Congress took tho Initiative. that came through the White rls or I gets the nomination. dent Roosevelt off unless he does "go Teddy" Expressions of the greatest praise of offices all day Monday were tho The material .Mr. Taft is to explode la that after Tho memorial would then take on the Star "On the Presidential result there all is lost. Major the unfortunate military aide's high subjects about which Thomas Cottam, not of the usual class of political I Richards Tells Committee of a national tribute. seems to no uncertainty. My advices He is expected to take off his gloves naturo character, bravery and efficiency con be gropogamla. it Is explained, bOt some- ana name Air. Roosevelt personally, a Butt's conduct was that of a hero and the wireless operator of the Carpathia, are that Roosevelt has got away with grave thing recognition. tinued to bo heard on all sides at the was questioned. thing which will really cause a he has heretofore refrained from Complaints Are deserves official State, War and It, with some suggestion that he has doing. His speech which he Is pre- Department today gavo out White House and at tho Cottam said ho himself flashed the brandal. Is The War Navy Building today. , polled more votes than both the other spokesmen say the paring today will. It expected, bo by Mr. Taft while ho details to the liner Baltic at 10:30 Mon- Mr. Taffs that the most Important he has made thus Just. a letter written Captain McCoy, U. S. A., today made candidates." President would have taken quicker far. was a member of the Philippine Com- public a telegram received from Mr. day morning. Tho Carpathia was then The Senatorial contest in Oregon Is action In tho matter but for tho fact mission in 1901. recommending Major Roosevelt which read in part: out of touch with land stations. None reported very close between Bourne and that tho sinking of tho Titanic dis- A subcommittee of the House District Butt for appointment as a captain and "Am deeply shocked and grieved about of these details, no word that a thou- Selling, a Selling de- poor Archie." Ben Portland merchant.
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