...........................................................................mil........ I C»T Llb™rr¥ I11 AROOSTOOK ■ TIMES SHIRE TOWN OF April 13, 1860 to J AROOSTOOK COUNTY \ December 27, 1916 £ z PiHIIIIIIIIIIIIUMIIIHIIIIHIlllllMliHIIIIIIIHIIIIIItlllMlilllllllllIlHIJHlIllllllltllllttt. ■ TIM ES VOLUME LXIII HOULTOX, MAINE, WEDNKS NESDA Y. FEBRUARY 28, Rt2 NUMBER NINE MAINE POTATO GROWERS EXCHANGE WINS 50,000 ACRE FIGHT FARMERS BANK ' NOW HEADED FOR 65,000 MARK DR. DILLING DIES H0ULT0N HAS ELECTS PRESIDENT AT EASTON HOME TWENTY-FIVE YEARS At the regular meeting of the Hoard Fertilizer Companies Offer Assistance— Seed Selling Tie* death of Dr. Joim T. Dilling FIRST CARNIVAL of Directors of the Farmers National Cor.- occurred Saturday at his home in AGO INFEBRUARY Easton of pneumonia. Ho was dis- Hank hold at the banking rooms on nections Established in South diargi d from Houlton jail about three Saturday, Llewelyn II. Rowers \\ a - wi-dvs ago, alter serving a sentence of Houlton Times Changed from Winter Sports Event is elected president, succeeding tim Lit ■ two months, whieh with iSlumi hue was Frederick A. Rowers. Growers Before Legislative ELKS NOW LEAD imposed upon him at the November Hands of Founder to Popular Feature of the L. II. Rowers, the newly 'deet n term of court, alter an indictment for president, is a son of the lormer presi­ Commitli IN BOWLING CONTEST causing tin- death of a woman by Younger Men Holiday Program dent, the1 late1 Frederic k A. Rowers, illegal surgery. Windup of and is one of Houlton's prominent Caribou. Maine, February 2t>. 192’. First Half See Dux in The Houlton TIMES of twenty-live Houlton's first attempt in holding a It is said that his confinement af­ young business men and lias tor the (Special correspondence) The ]<>taio Second Place carnival of winter sports was crown­ fected his health. He was taken ill >ears ago in February lias the follow­ past ten years been in business in this growers of Aroostook have won tin* >■ ing Editorial regarding the transfer of ed with success. The affair was ar­ ( By Kellev) about a week ago. I)r. Dilling was town, first at the Northern Sales tight for the organization and the the Aroostook Times, now the Houl­ ranged by members of the Uhester horn in Houlton, Oct. 29, ISM), and Agency, after which this concern was stabilization of their industry. Two Tlm Dux-Elks contest, rolled last had lived in Easton since lie was 12 ton TIMES, from tin* management of L. Briggs Post American Legion, and Friday night on tin* Elks alleys known as F. A. Cates and Co. and m thousand one hundred and fifty grow­ was the man who started the paper to scholars and teachers from both Houl- years old. He had long been in gen­ May, 1919, it was changed to the Elpo ers now comprise the Maim* Potato a very listless and uninterestiiif one new owners. ton High School and Ricker Classical eral practice, was known for his kind­ Co., doing a wholesale Candy business Growers Exchange, controlling fifty from the point of view of tlm curly Institute co-operated to make the ness and ready response to calls from Valedictory and they also deal in Coal and Wood. thousand of the choices and best po­ Ruled Dux. I We believe we are di­ event such as would interest the sport tin- needy at till times whether paid or With this number closes our con­ Mr. Powers therefore has had a tato acreage in Aroostook Gounty, the vulging no state secret when we men­ loving public. not. General sympathy was expressed nection with the Aroostook Times, good deal of business experience in heaviest producing section of the tion, in passing, that the curl is fast The sports were held on the Wat­ in his misfortune after a life of much the first newspaper published ia addition to his natural business abili­ United States, and now forming tin* disappearing from tin* caudal append­ son field rink and nearly 1500 people usefulness, and which no doubt short­ Houlton. ty and under his direction the progress largest potato selling organization of age of the erstwhile quackers.i were on hand to witness the splendid ened his days. When the Times was started ia of the Farmers Hank will continue in the country. The Maine Potato Grow­ Taking the first four strings and program. The weather conditions Funeral services were* held Tuesday 18(50 there was not a railroad, the ascendancy. ers Exchange, after four months of the total pintail by S(J pins, the Elk were perfect for a day out of doors, at in.30 in the* Free Baptist church. telegraph or telephone line in op* the most strenuous campaigning in bucks are now two points to the merry the sun was bright, air crisp and brac­ eration in tin* county. Our mail MRS. MAGGIE ELLA ANDERSON the history of co-operativ'- organiza­ and tile contest just half over. ing, just the sort of a day to enjoy life MRS. MERCY DOLLARD IRVINE connection was by a semi-weekly tions, is a reality. Tin* Dux morphine addicts did re­ in its fullness. Maggie Ella Anderson, wife of Alex­ stage service with Bangor and cover consciousness in the last string The Houlton friends of Mrs. Mercy All of the various events excepting ander N. Anderson, died Sunday at the In spite of terrific opposition, due to Houlton was then just beginning sufficient to pile up the biggest total Dollard Irvine, wife of Samuel Irvine, the Ski Kjoring were pulled off on the Gardiner General hospital. Slit1 was the fact that Aroostook County is to feel the benefit of the New of the evening and snatch one point deceased, will be saddened to hear of Watson field, this particular exciting born in New Brunswick, daughter of honeycombed with dealers, brokers, Brunswick and Canada railway for t lie weeping spoon-bills. her death which occurred Tuesday ai event was held in Market Sq. and Mr. and Mrs. George E. Lint, October buyers, ear-lot speculators, commission which was in process of construc­ Tlm Elk .strategists violated tradi­ the home of her (laughter. Mrs. Della Main street and an enormous crowd 16. 1872, and lived in Houlton for a men. consignees, distributors, pedh-rs tion and had been extended as far tion by picking a comparatively newly Anderson of Portland. lined both sides of the street, all anxi­ time. increased distribution costs to the con­ as Canterbury. This at once gave- married man for tlm lead off position, Mrs. Irvine was horn in Calais ous for the novelty event. Besides her husband and father and sumer without increasing tin- value an impetus to the material growth musical Mr. Will Jenkins. His score eighty-six years ago and lived there At 6 o'clock a bounteous supper was mother she leaves two brothers, Josiah of the dollnr to the producer, the de­ and prosperity of our town. was like ordinary married life, full of the early part of her life, later com­ served by the Legion Auxiliary in the Lint of Upper Majorville, N. B.. and termined and aroused growers t.f We regret that impaired health ups and downs, but with more Tips" ing here to live with her son Ularene-* Frederick Lint of Mapleton. Me., and Aroostook, Penobscot ami Piscataquis vestry of the Unitarian church which lor five or six years. It was during requires that we should retire from a son, Eddie K. Tapley of Hallowell. counties, under the leadership of the than ''downs,'' which is a unique ex- was liberally patronized by the towns­ these few years that she made a the responsibility and duties which The remains wen* brought, to Houl­ general executive organization com­ permnee in connubial felicity. His people. countless number of friends in this we have long performed in the mittee. have followed their standard tir.-t and last attempts were mar fiz­ To complete the day’s enjoyment a ton and funeral services held this conduct of the newspaper and we zles, hut his three middle s'rings wa re town wlio knew her for the kindly and masquerade dance was held in Society 'Wednesday afternoon from the home ben ivr, eoopera live market imr. now transfer tie* business to other h o: my-mooners. loving woman that she was. She has hall in the evening which was also of Ernest Andcvsons, Rev. F. Clarke The hist 1 hree days have s . n a r*-a 1 liands. The “shooting star" of the entire since resided with her daughter Delia. well patronized. Fine music by the Hartley ofticiati 'g. landslide in contracts, each di.-trict There are many subscribers wlm dozen spavined geldings up to* Be­ She haves to mourn her passing Temple Theatre Orchestra, colorful Mrs. Andersor was hi p ars of age. working hard to win first honors fey have taken tin* paper from the foul line on this disastrous Friday’s two sons and three daughters. Tyler1 and attractive costumes, good order, her name before her marriage to Mir the greatest percentage of a ie a - r beginning to the present time. eve. was a Swa-de by tin- name of Me- and Ginn-nee Irvine of Houlton. Mrs. all went to make this a brilliant climax Anderson being Mrs. Tapley. A few signed up. At the rate at which con­ This loyal support of old sub­ Graw. With a spare about every third Delia Anderson of Eortland, Mrs. Ella! to a day of rare enjoyment. years after her marriage' in Hou'ton tracts ai'e now coming in it is impos­ scribers is very assuring and has box, this unassuming youth einisi d Anderson of Waterville and .Mrs.
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