Published OnlineFirst May 4, 2016; DOI: 10.1158/2159-8290.CD-15-0921 RESEARCH ARTICLE LncRNA GClnc1 Promotes Gastric Carcinogenesis and May Act as a Modular Scaffold of WDR5 and KAT2A Complexes to Specify the Histone Modifi cation Pattern Tian-Tian Sun 1 , Jie He 2 , Qian Liang 1 , Lin-Lin Ren 1 , Ting-Ting Yan 1 , Ta-Chung Yu 1 , Jia-Yin Tang 1 , Yu-Jie Bao 1 , Ye H u 1 , Yanwei Lin 1 , 3 , Danfeng Sun 1 , 3 , Ying-Xuan Chen 1 , Jie Hong 1 , Haoyan Chen 1 , Weiping Zou 3 , and Jing-Yuan Fang 1 Downloaded from cancerdiscovery.aacrjournals.org on September 27, 2021. © 2016 American Association for Cancer Research. Published OnlineFirst May 4, 2016; DOI: 10.1158/2159-8290.CD-15-0921 ABSTRACT Long noncoding RNAs (lncRNA) play a role in carcinogenesis. However, the func- tion of lncRNAs in human gastric cancer remains largely unknown. In this study, we identifi ed a novel lncRNA, GClnc1, which was upregulated and associated with tumorigenesis, tumor size, metastasis, and poor prognosis in gastric cancer. GClnc1 affected gastric cancer cell proliferation, invasiveness, and metastasis in multiple gastric cancer models. Mechanistically, GClnc1 bound WDR5 (a key component of histone methyltransferase complex) and KAT2A histone acetyltransferase, acted as a modular scaffold of WDR5 and KAT2A complexes, coordinated their localization, specifi ed the histone modifi cation pattern on the target genes, including SOD2 , and consequently altered gastric cancer cell biology. Thus, GClnc1 is mechanistically, functionally, and clinically oncogenic in gastric cancer. Targeting GClnc1 and its pathway may be meaningful for treating patients with gastric cancer. SIGNIFICANCE: This report documents a novel lncRNA, GClnc1, which may act as a scaffold to recruit the WDR5 and KAT2A complex and modify the transcription of target genes. This study reveals that GClnc1 is an oncogenic lncRNA in human gastric cancer. Cancer Discov; 6(7); 784–801. ©2016 AACR. INTRODUCTION H19, and GAPLINC may play a role in carcinogenesis ( 8–12 ). The role of lncRNAs and the underlying mechanisms in gas- Gastric cancer is the fourth most diagnosed type of cancer tric cancer has been reported before ( 11–16 ). However, more and the third most common cause of cancer-related death specifi c mechanisms of lncRNAs in gastric cancer initiation worldwide ( 1, 2 ). Patients with advanced gastric cancer have and development need to be further teased out. a poor prognosis ( 3, 4 ). Pathologic classifi cation is used to In the current study, we examined genome-wide lncRNA assess prognosis and inform the treatment of gastric cancer. expression profi les in gastric tumors and paired adjacent Massive efforts have been made to develop the noninvasive normal tissue, from which we identifi ed and characterized a biomarkers to detect early cancer and/or refl ect an indi- novel lncRNA (BC041951) that was associated with progno- vidual’s cancer risk, which is essential to reducing gastric sis in patients with gastric cancer, and therefore designated it cancer mortality ( 5 ). However, there has been little success in as gastric cancer–associated lncRNA 1 (GClnc1). The biologi- improving the disease-free survival rate of patients. Because cal roles of GClnc1 in gastric carcinogenesis were genetically the pathologic mechanisms of gastric cancer progression are assessed in several in vitro and in vivo models. Mechanisti- not fully understood, more research is needed to discover and cally, mass spectrometry combined with integrative analysis develop effective biomarkers and targets for gastric cancer revealed that GClnc1 not only modifi ed genomic binding of diagnosis and treatment. WDR5 and KAT2A, but also specifi ed the pattern of histone Long noncoding RNAs (lncRNA) are a class of noncoding modifi cations on target genes. Furthermore, GClnc1 upregu- transcripts greater than 200 nucleotides in length. Recent stud- lated the transcription of superoxide dismutase 2 mitochon- ies have revealed that lncRNAs may affect cancer progression drial ( SOD2 ), one of the target genes of the WDR5/KAT2A ( 6, 7). For example, the lncRNAs HOTAIR, MEG3, MALAT1, complex, by acting as a scaffold to recruit the WDR5 and KAT2A complex to the SOD2 promoter and increasing H3K4 1 State Key Laboratory for Oncogenes and Related Genes, Key Laboratory trimethylation and H3K9 acetylation levels in the SOD2 pro- of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Ministry of Health, Division of Gas- moter region. Thus, our study has identifi ed a novel lncRNA, troenterology and Hepatology, Ren Ji Hospital, School of Medicine, Shang- GClnc1, with a biological, mechanistic, and clinical impact hai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai Cancer Institute, Shanghai Institute on human gastric cancer. of Digestive Disease, Shanghai, China . 2 Department of Gastroenterology and Guangzhou Key Laboratory of Digestive Disease, Guangzhou Digestive Disease Center, Guangzhou First People’s Hospital, Guangzhou Medical RESULTS University, Guangzhou, China. 3 Department of Surgery, University of Michigan School of Medicine, Ann Arbor, Michigan. LncRNA Candidate BC041951 Is Clinically Note: Supplementary data for this article are available at Cancer Discovery Relevant in Gastric Cancer Online (http://cancerdiscovery.aacrjournals.org/). The Arraystar Human LncRNA Microarray V2.0 (8×60K; T.-T. Sun and J. He contributed equally to this article. Arraystar) was used to profi le lncRNA expression in 10 paired Corresponding Authors: Weiping Zou, Department of Surgery, University gastric cancer tissues and paired adjacent normal tissues. In of Michigan School of Medicine, Ann Arbor, MI 48109. Phone: 734-763- total, 33,045 lncRNAs and 30,215 coding transcripts were col- 6402; E-mail: [email protected] ; Jing-Yuan Fang, Division of Gastroen- lected from the most authoritative databases, such as RefSeq, terology and Hepatology, Renji Hospital, Shanghai Jiao-Tong University School of Medicine, 145 Middle Shandong Road, Shanghai 200001, China. Phone: the UCSC Known Genes dataset (Known Genes 4), Ensembl 86-21-53882450; E-mail: [email protected] ; Jie Hong, jiehong97 37.59, H-invDB 7.0, and RNAdb 2.0, as described in the man- @shsmu.edu.cn ; and Haoyan Chen, [email protected] ufacturer’s instructions, and the raw data can be accessed via doi: 10.1158/2159-8290.CD-15-0921 GSE50710 ( 12 ). In order to study these microarray data and © 2016 American Association for Cancer Research. rediscover potential biomarkers not yet mined completely, JULY 2016CANCER DISCOVERY | 785 Downloaded from cancerdiscovery.aacrjournals.org on September 27, 2021. © 2016 American Association for Cancer Research. Published OnlineFirst May 4, 2016; DOI: 10.1158/2159-8290.CD-15-0921 RESEARCH ARTICLE Sun et al. more stringent fi ltering criteria (raw signal intensity > 1,500, Supplementary Fig. S1J). The data indicate that the combina- fold change > 2, P < 0.01, Supplementary Fig. S1A) were used tion of BC041951 and AJCC stage is more precise in predict- in our investigation. We found that eight candidate lncRNAs ing clinical outcome than AJCC stage alone. Therefore, we were signifi cantly increased in gastric cancer tissues compared focused our research on BC041951, and henceforth named with adjacent normal tissues (Supplementary Table S1). To this lncRNA candidate gastric cancer–associated lncRNA1 validate microarray data, we analyzed the expression of the (GClnc1). eight candidate lncRNAs in 165 cases of fresh gastric cancer We next evaluated and compared GClnc1 expression with and adjacent tissues (cohort 1; Supplementary Table S2). different clinicopathologic features in cohort 1. We found Real-time PCR revealed that four of the eight lncRNAs were that GClnc1 expression positively correlated with pathologic signifi cantly increased and two of the eight lncRNAs were sig- differentiation, vascular invasion, tumor size, and AJCC stage nifi cantly decreased in cancer versus adjacent tissues of cohort (Fig. 1D ). Univariate and multivariate regression analyses 1 (Supplementary Fig. S1B). These data indicate that a set of of cohort 1 demonstrated that GClnc1 expression was an lncRNAs is aberrantly expressed in gastric cancer tissues. independent predictor of gastric cancer aggressiveness with We next analyzed the correlation between the four signifi cant HRs for predicting clinical outcome. Its predictive lncRNA candidates and the clinical outcome in cohort 1. The value was comparable to that of the AJCC stage (Supplemen- Kaplan–Meier analyses showed that the lncRNA candidates tary Fig. S1K and S1L; Fig. 1E ). AK094163, ENST00000430239, and NR_024373 have no To further validate the pathologic and clinical signifi cance predictive value for the clinical outcome of patients with gas- of GClnc1 expression in gastric cancer, we detected and tric cancer, whereas high expression of the lncRNA candidate compared GClnc1 expression by in situ hybridization (ISH) BC041951 was signifi cantly associated with a poor prog- in an additional 105 paraffi n-embedded gastric cancer and nosis in these patients ( Fig. 1A ; Supplementary Fig. S1C). adjacent tissues (cohort 2; Supplementary Table S3). GClnc1 Furthermore, real-time PCR showed that only BC041951 expression was higher in gastric cancer tissues than in adja- expression gradually increased from normal gastric tissue to cent tissues ( Fig. 1F ). Consistent with the results in cohort 1, intestinal metaplasia (IM), to dysplasia (DYS), and to gastric high levels of GClnc1 expression were signifi cantly associated cancer ( Fig. 1B ; Supplementary Fig. S1D). The expression of
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