HABITER2030, THE ONLY FRENCH TEAM SHORTLISTED FOR THE SOLAR DECATHLON EUROPE 2019! _ PRESS RELEASE DOCUMENT 1 SEE YOU IN HUNGARY IN JULY 2019 _ On 15th December 2017, the Solar Decathlon Europe 2019 selection committee (SDE2019) announces the selection of the HABITER2030 team to participate in the next European edition, scheduled for July 2019, in Szentendre (Budapest), Hungary. The members of the expert jury selected HABITER2030 “unanimously and awarded it a very high overall mark”. Introduced in the United States in the 2000s, the Solar Decathlon is an international university competition where leading schools from all over the world meet around a challenge: that of designing and building a real size, ener- gy efficient, technically advanced, attractive and eco-res- ponsible house using the sun as its only energy source. The novelty feature of the 2019 edition: rehabilitation. → IN THE CONTEXT OF NORTHERN FRANCE, WIDE-SCALE REHABILITATION AND THERMAL IMPROVEMENT, BY 2030, OF THE INDUSTRIAL ERA WORKERS’ HOUSES (1850-1950) IS AN UNAVOIDABLE CHALLENGE FOR FUTURE GENERATIONS. The HABITER2030 team accepts the challenge! The count- down has begun: 10 days of assembly preceded by 15 months of preparation, followed 2 months of exhibition of the project in Szentendre, Hungary. ▪ → Learn more about Solar Decathlon Europe: www.solardecathlon.eu 2 3 WHO ARE WE? _ → THIS PROJECT REGROUPS 14 SCHOOLS IN NORTHERN FRANCE (200 STUDENTS, TEACHERS, TRAINERS AND PROFESSIONALS) WHO, IN 2016, JOINED FORCES UNDER ONE SAME TEAM- HABITER2030- NAMED AFTER THE ASSOCIATION THAT SUPPORTS IT. IT BRINGS TOGETHER A RANGE OF HIGHER EDUCATION PARTIES IN NORTHERN FRANCE, INDUSTRIALS, INSTITUTIONS (MINISTRY OF CULTURE, NORTHERN FRANCE REGION, CITY OF LILLE). To bring our submission to the SDE2019, the École Natio- nale Supérieure d’Architecture et de Paysage de Lille (ENSAPL) and the Compagnons du Devoir have pooled their educational programmes, strengths and know-how, around design and hou- sing issues. Together, each school and university puts forward its skills (design, engineering, arts and crafts, applied sciences, economics, to name a few) for the success of the project. ▪ 4 5 SOLAR ENERGY OUR AMBITION _ Since the first oil crisis 45 years ago, technical and technological progress has not allowed a real renovation process to begin. Arrangements for insulation, heating or ventilation rarely include renewable energies, such as the solar. Despite major investments, the overall perfor- mance of previous upgrades remains unsatisfactory. → THE HABITER2030 TEAM ACCEPTS The houses built in the north of France, in the industrial era, have many similarities with those of North-West Eu- THE CHALLENGE OF 100% SOLAR ENERGY rope: terraced brick houses are basic starter units and are typical of an era (with its economic model, its avai- WITH RADICAL PROPOSALS, JOINING lable technique and technology, its robust and sometimes decorative materials) and of a climate (temperate ocean becoming warmer in summer). These houses present forms FINANCE, ECONOMY, THE SOCIAL, of structural unity - two houses often share the same wall, the same foundation - and of thermal unity - if one stops THE TECHNICAL, TECHNOLOGY AND SO ON, heating a house, their neighbour suffers. Today, the conclu- sion is obvious: these houses, thermally very inefficient, WHICH WILL REMAIN VALID IN REALISTIC do not correspond to the contemporary living require- ments. To radically reduce CO2 emissions and fight fuel ENERGY PROSPECTS. poverty, rehabilitation is essential. ▪ 6 7 A PARTICULAR CONTEXT: NORTHERN FRANCE _ In 2012 and 2013, the Hauts-de-France (northern France) Regional Council, in collaboration with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, drew up a Master Plan ins- pired by its project for the Third Industrial Revolution. This plan outlines an ecological and social transition based on renewable energies and digital technologies. Since then, numerous concrete initiatives have shown that the region is committed to a more creative, efficient, responsible and solidarity-based economy (MOLOC for low-carbon urban morphologies, programme for the city of Lille, Lille World Design Capital in 2020). The project led by the HABITER2030 team is based on this context and this urgency. We have the particularity of associating a functional proto- type to be built in 10 days in Szentendre (Budapest) in July 2019, with improvement tests on real houses made avai- lable by public owners. By extending the problems linked to individual buildings, the HABITER2030 team considers urban scales, citizen participation and the transformation of lifestyles induced by a solar energy-run house. This com- petition will serve as a lever for the construction of a “demo house” which, once the competition is over, will return to the northern France to serve as a mobile demonstrator of thermal solutions and as a tool for testing them. ▪ 8 9 OUR BELIEF _ Alternative paths are to be explored and the preliminary hypothesis of the HABITER2030 team is that its innova- tive character will be found more in the convergence, even the alliance of existing solutions (financial, technical, technological, human), which today are worked out in dis- sociated ways, than in the invention of a new constructive process or a “miracle” technical system. To help us measure the relevance of the envisioned conver- gences, we have identified some targets to be reached: → FRUGALITY (OR SOBRIETY), VALUED THROUGH THE ANALYSIS OF THE LIFE CYCLE OF COMPONENTS AND BUILDING MATERIALS. → A MULTIFUNCTIONAL DESIGN, IN THE BROAD SENSE WHERE EACH DEVICE DESIGNED HAS SEVERAL FUNCTIONS. → A STUDY OF THE IMPACT OF TIME ON HOUSING: HOW THE HOUSE CAN ADAPT TO THE PASSING OF TIME, BE IT THE TIME OF THE DAY, THE YEAR, BUT ALSO LIFE? → THE SYSTEMIC INTEGRATION OF HUMAN BEINGS, FROM MANUFACTURERS TO INHABITANTS. → ISOLATION AS A THICKNESS TO INHABIT. → THE MUTUALISATION OF ENERGY PRODUCTION AND USAGE (EXTENDED REFLEXION FROM THE HOUSE TO A GROUP OF HOUSES: STRIPS, PARCELS, STREETS), WHICH IS A RESERVOIR OF INNOVATION AND PERFORMANCE. 10 11 A CONSORTIUM OF SCHOOLS _ → ÉCOLE NATIONALE SUPÉRIEURE D’ARTS ET MÉTIERS (ENSAM) Établissement public à caractère scientifique, culturel et professionnel (EPSCP). Depuis sa création en 1780, Arts et Métiers s’attache à répondre aux défis industriels et aux enjeux sociétaux, en constante évolution. Sa première mission : former des ingénieurs spécialistes des technologies durables, des → ÉCOLE NATIONALE SUPÉRIEURE ingénieurs capables de concevoir des produits et systèmes respectueux de D’ARCHITECTURE ET DE PAYSAGE DE LILLE l’environnement, mais aussi de contrôler une organisation industrielle en maî- trisant les risques et les coûts. L’école prend pleinement part aux réseaux ENSAPL is one of the few schools, in France, to train both architects and visant le rayonnement de la formation et de la recherche : Elle est membre landscape architects. The school project aims to define and connect these fondateur du PRES (Pôle de recherche et d’enseignement supérieur) ParisTech two disciplines. We will propose three axes that explain and fuel our sub- et de la communauté HESAM Université. mission to the Solar Decathlon: conscious of the diversification of trades ▪ www.artsetmetiers.fr and of the transformation of design tools (digitalisation), the school must ad- just its pedagogy and innovate while ensuring the holistic character of degrees. The school also defends the idea that research and its introduction at mas- → HAUTES ETUDES D’INGÉNIEUR (HEI) ters’ level are essential for the future of the professions of architect and HEI est une Grand Ecole d’ingénieur généraliste. HEI est un établissement landscape designer. At the heart of a cross-border city, ENSAPL forms part supérieur associatif de loi 1901 (sans but lucratif) habilité CTI. Elle assure of a territory which is involved in post-industrial conversion. The Third In- des missions de formation, de recherche et d’accompagnement au déve- dustrial Revolution (TRI) is an essential feature of this regional dynamic. loppement économique. L’école est membre d’Yncréa Hauts-de-France qui The SDE19 commitment lies at the crossroads of pedagogical innovation regroupe les écoles HEI, ISA et ISEN Lille, dont la vocation est de former en and research/action processes. innovant constamment. Elle accueille 2400 élèves et apprentis ingénieurs. ▪ www.lille.archi.fr HEI proposée 14 domaines de spécialisation dont Smart Cities, Bâtiment Aménagement et Architecture, Bâtiment et Travaux Publique, Entreprenariat. → ASSOCIATION OUVRIÈRE DES COMPAGNONS ▪ www.hei.frMANQUE TRADUCTION DU DEVOIR ET DU TOUR DE FRANCE → INSTITUT MINES TELECOM LILLE DOUAI (IMT LD) The Compagnons du Devoir is a non-profit organisation (by the French law of 1901), declared to be of public utility and general interest. Its purpose is to train young Né de la fusion de Mines Douai et de Télécom Lille, IMT Lille Douai est une people to acquire the skills and know-how of craftsmen. They aim at the develop- nouvelle école dont la vocation est de former des ingénieurs en sciences et ment of every single individual enrolled, and at one’s fulfilment “in and through technologies dans quatre domaines (Numérique, Processus pour l’industrie et one’s profession”, in a spirit of openness and sharing. The Villeneuve d’Ascq les Services, Energie et Environnement, Matériaux et Structures). La seconde (near Lille) site welcomes 120 itinerant Compagnons in their Tour de France vocation d’IMT Lille Douai de développer des activités de recherches avec des journey and
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