— — : him and combining his talents with the story that blazed a new dramatic path added to his tame and his fort- une. Always he has sought and found In Cbc Cbeatrcs sensational stories for his talents. "And the Law Says" is so intense a Classified on the Advertising^ story that it seems to live master pro "THE GREAT SECRET" "The Great Secret," the screen and the tremendous power of Cabann. SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE AT THE I I IV THEATRE. duction of William Christy it cannot be gainsaid. LOST AND FOUND REAL ESTATE FOR automobiles; made famous th Richard Bennett . Tomorrow the feature offering will and of "Damagei the screen appearance play photodrama be "The Prince of Graustarlc," C. H. THORN, HANS NIELSEN ATTENTION AUT(] In addition to the story fa and Hall CO., Goods." That he made Wash- LOST—Between Johnstone St. PERTII N.J. 196 Prices ne' er wg of the much admired Francis X. , prince being played by Bryant All 103 GORDON ST.. AMDOY, Smith St., mous is proper to state, since befor Ave., $254 wrapped In newspaper. "eith N. J. for three monti Beverly Bayne In the burn. the woman, lie- Araboy, Bushman and Goods" was written b; ; possessions of an old MAS A IIA I.F Mil.MON UOLLAIW rice. Another" of the well heralded "Damaged ward. Return t News office. 8AI.B red Lee Punctur early chapters Richard Bennett was ap WOHTH OK I'ltorUHTIKS FOll WANTED. Residence In thie city In S "The Great Secret," today at the City Brleux, LEXORE ULRICH IS W TUiS FOHOS, JIKTUCBKN for Income prop- sizes. Will eell i_ the leading dramatic critic , LUST—Saturday, $4.00 in bills by poor CITV, exchange Brooklyn theatre there will also be the master- proved by TODAY'S DITMAS STAR office boy. Return News. Ml WOODIIIUDOE. erty. Lots of other makel of the United States as the most pop LOTS Perth Am· same. Hudson Tire ful actor Richard Bennett in the pow- SMALL CHANGE PURSE between Mad- BUILDING adjoining ular as well as the most valuable CAI.l, AND SKK IIIM BF.FOItE only $40 each. St.. Newark. "And the Uw Oriental lson Ave. on Smith. Ke- boy City Line—price erful photodraana, Many types and kinds of and High, Itlll.Mi liLSEW IIIillB· the center o' leading men 011 the American stage re BUILDING LOTS right In iO.NT UK IIKIUND THE' are the native ward! tin 11 388 East Ave. Bays." to mak dancing performed by Woodbrldge near the corner of Main IUY YOUR AUTO PARTS Therefore he needed nothing I CARSON AVE. Four room house; Fred dc Gresac wrote the story of dancing women in Lenoro Ulrich's POUND St., Berry St., Woodbrldge and Rail- WE OFFER at 60 to 70 water and lot 160; Prlce peT new COLLIE DOG, female. Must be^ealled toilet; 26 A es. each and ! Morosco-Paramount photoplay, $1,400. way Price only $80 list the following parts and for before Wednesday night. Write 10 cent cash down, bal- RADIATORS—Overland, "The Road to Love." CATALPA AVE.—One family house, lot upwards. per Maxwell,7^ to Jack Miller. Tottenville. ance In F.. Matherson, Lion, The scenes of the Fantasia, which 25 X 150. House newly painted and monthly payments. Studebaker, on St. In- COUNTRY RESIDENCE. 9 rooms and Mitchell, Everet. Queen, Cadiir so and critical a part WEDDING RING Market decoriited. Price play important $3,250. steam all Etc. quire Anderson. 283 Prospect St. CONVEKY room house, bath, heat, Improvements, Buick, of this lovo story, are truly Oriental. PLACE—Seven 2 acres of iand, number of fruit and MAGNETOS—Four and six cylinder, water and lot 25 100; price But more beautiful than any of toilet; shade trees, on road between Fords high or low tension, Boech, Simm», Ulrich In mortgage $1,600. ar.d of 100 Remy§ the native beauties, Lenoro ^SEVILLE„,J?j000; house, 12 Metuchen, with frontage Eisemann, Dixie, Hplitdorf, ST.—Two-family feet on line. Price $5,600. Etc. the gauze and spangles of the cele- rooms, all lot 60 x 125 trolley Michigan, National, reenhut; HELP WANTED—FEMALE Improvements; RESIDENCE on Groom St., 6 rooms < :ahbuRETERS—Rayfteld, Stromberff, brated and much sought Hafsa, running to Sutton St. Price through and bath, gas and electrlo light; Schebler, Meyers, Kings* the dance of the $4,000 to buyer. 6 per cent. Newcomb, 'THE BIG STORE.' stages premiere ALTERATION il AND, only quick $2,500. ton, Etc. a experienced mortgage. I»» STRUT evening, a performance that has need The 137 St. RESIDENCE on Lewis St, rooms, :oils SIXTH AVE.. τ apply Berlin, Smith TWO house on Gordon St.; all influence on Hafsa's ad- FAMILY brick very potent EXPERIENCED modern to building, part Improvements, WINDSHIELDS operators, pressers; improvements; $5,500 ['1RES TURKS venturous career. It is a career, by also while learning, on down. $4,000. anil learners; paid quick buyer. $1,500 PROPERTY on New Brunswick Ave., : iTEEIUNG GEARS the way, that is taken from life and shirt waists. Koch Waist Co., 380 FIRST ST. — Two family nine room x house for two families, also fronting LAMPS—Front· side and tall· Green makes a and highly ro- New Brunswick Ave. house, lot 25 Usual Complimentary &H- Trading fascinating part Improvements, on Washington St; $2,550. PRESTO-LITE TANKS that tlio attrac- 150. Price first mortgage Tomorrow mantic photoplay is GIRLS as operators on men's shirts; $3,250; FARM containing about 1 acre of • EAR CONSTRUCTIONS Free tion at the Ditmas theatre work. Good- $1.600. seven fine shade riiANSMlSSION S Stamps today. good pay, steady Apply house; ground, room house, Parlor. Fifth Floor. man MARKET ST.—Nine room price Distribution in Premium The reality of Morosco-Paramount Cohen Co.. 225 Sheridan St on and f-ult trees, located on Florida WHEELS as are reason- $2,800 to quick buyer; $1,600 left As many sets of the "8. ft ." Green Stamp· never more suc- Grovw Road. Price only $2,500. >ILERS photoplays has been HOUSEKEEPER wanted; no laundry; ' will be but one set mortgage. near Fords, PIRE RIMS ably required for books unfilled given, only maintained than 1n the story good wages. 74 Washington St. all FARM containing 7 acies, cessfully Apply MAPLE ST.—Six room house, hath, with 7 : SPRINGS of any date good in one book. Only 100 complimentary Btamps of the "The Road to about 200 fruit trees, house Algerian desert, LAUNDRESS—Apply at City Hospital. improvements; price $4,800. Only 500. ['RUCK in one but you may start as many books as rooms, $4 cnAINS *ood any book, Love," with Lenoro Ulrich as tlio while $<S00 cash needed. most RADIATOR FANS LEARNERS WANTED; paid modern INSURANCE In all Its branches; you please. star. S. Levinston, 808 State St. GORDON ST.—House, G rooms, liberal policies, at lowest rates. learning. corner lot 29 100. A real treat is In storo for the improvements, RESIDENCE on Water St,, overlooking I .ICENSU LAMP and TIRE BRACKETS STRONG GIRL wanted for general 1 Price $5.500. Raritan brick 11 I'RIICK IMIIMKH patrons of the Ditmas today and to- housework; $6 week and board. 280 Bay; building; FREE OR GREEN STAMPS WITH PURCHASES GORDON ST., between Kearny Ave. and and shower bath. Gas, ill ASH TUIIIN», ETC., ETC. &K morrow as a return engagement of liobart St. mod- rooms, bath hSSêiyiCOLD Brighton—10 room house, all electrlo steam heat; a large KLEIN'S AUTO WRECKING SHOP, that sensational dramatic succcss, only lights, SALESLADY WANTED; experienced ern improvements; price $6,700; lot, space for driveway. Sacrifice 186 Fayette St. Tel. 136. The Greatest Values of the Entire Winter Season "The Cheat," is to bo played and all only. Wedeen's Dept. Store. $2.000 down. prier; easy terms. Automobiles. Parts and Supplies TWO on Sherman St.; tlioso who desire to see what is con- WANTED—A girl to work a couple of BUILDING LOTS HANS NIELSEN CO., Bought, Sold and will sell for worth much Exchanged^ in This Clearance Sale of ceded to be the greatest five part film hours every morning. Apply 291 $50o each; 196 Smith St Perth Amboy. AUTOMOBILES more. drama should take advantage of this High St. STEAM VULCANIZING Ford· — LET GEORGE DO IT. exceptional opportunity. The famous WANTED Thoroughly experienced FIVH house at Fords; price ROOM 300DYEAR TIRE SERVICE STATION international star, Fannio Ward, sup- saleswoman and alteration hands. suit $1,800. Term» to buyer. FREE AIR ported the well known and popu- Apply at the Outlet. 141 Smith St. SIX water; lot 25 x WANTED by ROOM house; city OPEN 7 A. M. to H P. M. lar Japanese actor. Sessuc Hayakawa WANTED—A woman to take washing 110; price only $1,200) to quick buyer; and SMITH ASP HIGH STB. KNITTED and a cast will home; small family. Inquire 373 a big bargain. ALL· KINDS of trading stamps splendid appear Lasky land lying or ?OR SALE—One Packard touring cai> In the various roles. Miss Ward and Mechanic St. SIX ACRES of good farm coupons bought, sold, exchanged along the trolley line between Fords redeemed. Stamps given one for one Cadillac touring car. Apply J. H. Mr. have never YOUNG GIRL wanted to help with Hayakawa appeared and Metuchen. This is a very de- each label S. & H. and others. 888 Gregory, 47 Brighton Ave., Pert!» housework. Mrs. S. Mandel, 371 New to better advantage than in tills tense sirable tract for developing. Price State St Dave, the Coupon King. Am boy. street drama from tho pen of Hector Turn- $6,000; only $1,000 cash needed.
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