
Di st r i ct Di sast er Management Pl an, Bur dwan Di st r i ct 2013-14 MEETI NG OF DDMA & DDMC AT ANGI KAR HAL L , BURDWAN ON 2 6.. 5 2014 1 Di st r i ct Di sast er Management Pl an, Bur dwan Di st r i ct 2013-14 FOREWORD We can not escape from the fury of natural disasters and man made disaster as we can not prevent these. Burning example is ‘Aila. There are plentiful occurrences of disasters through out the year. Disaster is negatively corelated with development activities as it slows down the process of development. The Burdwan district having an area 7024 Sq. K.M. and a population of 77,23,663 as per Census 20011, is one of the largest districts in the state. The district is surrounded in North by Ajoy river, South/South-West by Damador, North-West by Barakar and East by Bagarathi. It extends from 22056` to 23053` North latitude and from 86048` to 88025` East longitude. The calamities in the district vary from eastern to western part. While eastern part faces flood / water logging every year, the western part faces industrial hazards including subsidence etc. There is a long stretch of NH - 2 and rail network traversing through this district. Hence, there always remains possibility of occurrence of road / rail accidents, resulting in human suffering. There has been a progressive change in the approach, methods and execution of relief operations during before and after natural calamities. Of late, there is a shift in paradigm in the management of flood and disaster form the earlier concept of contingent plan to comprehensive Disaster Risk Management Programme. It is more or less holistic in nature and involves all concerned departments, people’s representatives and NGOs. The Government of India in Ministry of Home Affairs has entered into an agreement with United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) with a view to manage relief operations during natural calamities/disaster with the active participants of the State Government. The thrust of this new approach is on preparedness, response and mitigation in the occurrence of natural calamities/disaster and less time gap between disaster and response. Another component of this programme is capacity building of officials of Governmental and Non-Governmental Organizations in the implementation of programme. For this the Burdwan District successfully implemented DRMP from 2004-2009. In order to reduce the impact of disasters in a convergent and coordinated manner Disaster Risk Management Programme has been implemented in the district. Disaster Management plans have been prepared from district level to gram sansad levels. Task forces have been formed at gram sansad levels to combat with the disasters and they are being trained by Civil Defense authorities. There have been a series of capacity building exercises, orientation and training at various levels so that the general people can combat and reduce the impact of disaster primarily. Govt. of India with support from U.N.D.P is now implementing the GOI-UNDP Disaster Risk Reduction Programme (DRR) from 2009 to March, 2013 in order to mitigate the risk factors of the disasters. 2 Di st r i ct Di sast er Management Pl an, Bur dwan Di st r i ct 2013-14 It is also stressed that developmental works of different departments and Panchayat Raj Institutions should converge to fulfill some of the objectives of Disaster Risk Management Programme. Keeping the aforesaid issues in mind and for implementation of Disaster Management Act 2005, there was a felt need to have a well documented District Disaster Management multi hazards and Response Plan for our district. Relevant details in connection with disaster management exercises have been incorporated in this booklet. The Disaster Management Plan will be the basis to establish policies and procedures for assuring maximum and efficient utilisation of all resources of the District with a view to minimize the loss of property, life and injury to the population. I would like to convey my sincere thanks to Sri Utpal Biswas, W.B.C.S. (Exe.), Additional District Magistrate (Disaster Management), Burdwan, Sri Kumud Ranjan Saha, District Disaster Management Officer, Burdwan and all members of staff of Disaster Management Section of this Collectorate, who made tireless effort in preparing this booklet. My sincere appreciations to them. (Dr. Saumitra Mohan) Date: Burdwan 28th May, 2014 District Magistrate & Chairperson District Disaster Management Authority Burdwan, West Bengal 3 Di st r i ct Di sast er Management Pl an, Bur dwan Di st r i ct 2013-14 INDEX DI STRI CT DI SASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN,BURDWAN 2012-2013 Page Page NO NO FOREWORD 2 219. Powerstationand 48 electricinstallatio n Minut es of Meeti ng 6 220. Tr anspor t & 50 communicat i on net work CHAPTER I CHAPTER -III 11. Whyisit 10 31. Resour ce I nvent or y/ 51 Capaci t y Anal ysi s 12. Objectives 10 32. DI STRI CT Emer g e n c y 58 Cont i ngency Pl an 13. Di s t r i c t OVERVI EW 10 3 .3 StorageFacility 59 14. AREA & ADMI NI STRATI VE 16 34. PDS 62 DI VI SI ON BURDWAN DI STRI CT 15. Whof or mul at es and car r i es 18 35. PHC/ PHC Ne w 78 out t he pl an 16. Dist r i ct di sast er 18 36. PoliceStation 80 management Aut hor i t y & c o mmi t e e 17. Demographi c det ai l s 21 37. SubPostOffice 81 18. Househol d det ai l s 21 38. Fi r e St at i on 82 19. Popul at i on 22 39. Cycl one/ Fl ood Shel t er 83 110. Type of wor ker s 22 310. Ear t h Mov i ng & Road 99 Cl eani ng Equi pment s 111. Literacyrate 23 311. TRADERS 100 112. LI VESTOCK & POULTRY 23 312. Tr anspor t 106 POPULATI ON 114. LI VESTOCK & POULTRY 23 313. Alternative Energy 110 PRODUCTS Sour ce CHAPTER - II 314. Pri vat e Prof essi onal 112 TOPOGRAPHI CAL DETAI LS 24 315. L i s t Of NGOs 123 21. Climateandrainfall 24 316. Vol unt eer Pr of i l e 123 22. RAI N RECORDI NG STATI ON 25 CHAPTER I V 23. Month WISE hi ghest and 26 41. 124 l owest aver age Hi s t o r y Of Di s a s t e r t emperat ur e 24. Geographi cal Ar ea 27 42. Seasonal Hazar d 125 25. Land hol di ng pat t er n 27 CHAPTER V 26. Crop Pat t er n 28 51. Risk Assessment 126 27. Livelihooddetails 29 CHAPTER VI 28. Dr i n k i n g wa t e r s o u r c e 29 61. Infrastructure 128 Vul ner abi l i t y agai nst Ha z a r d 29. Ri v e r Cr e e k s 29 62. I dent i f i cat i on of WEAK 131 AND VUL NARABL E Embankment 210. Li st of embankments 32 Al t er nat i ve Rout e 131 63. STRUCTURE 211. Ri ver car r yi ng capaci t y 33 CHAPTER VI I 212. Avai l abi l i t y of 33 71. Sect or wise 132 irrigationfacility Vul ner abi l i t y Reduct i on Measur e 213. Minor i r r i gat i on Pr oj ect s 34 CHAPTER VI I I 34 8 MainstreamingDisaster 134 214. IrrigationF acility & Ri s k Re d u c t i o n i n t o Sour ce Devel opment al Process 215. Infrastructure 34 CHAPTER I X 216. I NDUTRI ES 35 91. Cr i s e s Re s p o n s e 143 St r uc t ur e of t he SUB DI VI SI ON 217. Fi nanci al I nst i t ut i on 42 St andar d oper at i ng 144 pr ocedur e f or Dt c r o o m 218. Communicat i on Faci l i t i es 47 ActivitiesOFSUB 144 DI VI SI ON c ont r ol r oom I NDEX PAGE – 1 OF2 4 Di st r i ct Di sast er Management Pl an, Bur dwan Di st r i ct 2013-14 Page Page NO NO Check Li st f or Di sast er 146 I MPORTANT TELEPHONE NO 183 Management I nf or mati on MUNI CI PALI TY LEVEL Cent r e (Cont r ol Room) Check Li st f or VARI OUS 157 Ar mybase panagar h 182 DEPARTMENT CheckList Dos’ & Dont’ 164 T EL EPHONE NO DDMOS, 184 SDDMOS, BDMOS DEVELOPMENT I NI TI ATI VES 167 TELEPHONE NO RESCUE TEAM 186 SWS/ LI NKAGES UNDER NDMA DATABASE OF v ol unt eer s 171 TELEPHONE NO & E –MAILID 185 BLOCK LEVEL CI VI L DEFENCE DETAI L S 174 I MPORTANT TELEPHONE NO 186 ARMY BASE PANAGARH Li st of hel i pads 176 TELEPHONE NO GRAM 186 PANCHYET LEVEL Staff positiondistrict 177 I MPORTANT TELEPHONE NO 193 ASANSOL MUNI CI PAL CORPN. I MPORTANT TELEPHONE NO 177 BURDWAN DI STRI CT RI CE 193 STATE LEVEL MI LL ASSOCI ATI ON I MPORTANT TELEPHONE NO 177 I NDUSTRI AL GAS DEAL ER 193 DI STRI CT LEVEL ASSOCI ATI ON I MPORTANT TELEPHONE NO 180 WB... MR DI S. ASSOCI ATI ON 194 ci vi l def ence I MPORTANT TELEPHONE NO 181 WB..
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