Entrainment of the circadian rhythm of food demand by infradian cycles of light-dark alternation in Hoplosternum littorale (Teleostei) Thierry Boujard, Y. Moreau, P. Luquet To cite this version: Thierry Boujard, Y. Moreau, P. Luquet. Entrainment of the circadian rhythm of food demand by infradian cycles of light-dark alternation in Hoplosternum littorale (Teleostei). Aquatic Living Re- sources, EDP Sciences, 1991, 4, pp.221-225. hal-02714622 HAL Id: hal-02714622 https://hal.inrae.fr/hal-02714622 Submitted on 1 Jun 2020 HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est archive for the deposit and dissemination of sci- destinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documents entific research documents, whether they are pub- scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, lished or not. The documents may come from émanant des établissements d’enseignement et de teaching and research institutions in France or recherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoires abroad, or from public or private research centers. publics ou privés. Aquaf. Liring Rrsour., 1991, 4, 221-225 Entrainment of the circadian rhythm of food demand by infradian cycles of light-dark alternation in Hoplosternum littorale (Teleostei) Thierry Roujard ('), Yanri Morcau arid Pierre Luyuct I,VRA, Hydrubiulugie, HI' 70y, 97.787 X"OUIOII Cedex, 1;rance. Rrceikrd April r y, I!)~)I; acccptcd July r, 1991. "' Prcscnt addrcss: I,VRL4 Hydrubioloçie, RP3, 64310 Aicain, fiarup. Boujard T., Y. Morcau, P. Luquct. Aquat. Liring Re.~our.,1991, 4, 221-225. Abstract Hoplosterum littorale (Hancock, 1828) shows a markcd circadian rhythm of food demand. Feeding activity is mainly nocturnal, with two pcaks, and is synchronized with the diel light cycle. We tested the cffect of infradian (period >28 h) lightldark cycles on this rhythm in fish wilh dcmand-fccdcrs: fish subjected to a 13.5 L122.5 D lightldark cycle for 8 days and a 25.5L/10.5D cycle for a further 8 days showed a strictly nocturnal fccding activity, a response that only passively reflected the cyclic altcrnation of light and dark. Keywords : Siluriform, diel cycle, fccding rhythms. Synchronisation du rythme circudien d'auto-distribution d'aliments par des cycles infrudiens d'kcluirugr chez Hoplostcrnum littorale (Teleostei). Résumé Hoplosternurn littorulc (Hancock, 1828) préscntc un rythme circadien marqué d'auto-distribution de nourriture. Ce rythme, à acrophase nocturne, se caractérise par deux pics, il est synchronisé par l'alternance jourInuit de la lumière. Nous avons mis à l'épreuve Ic caractère circadien (24&4h) de ce rythme à l'aide de distributeurs d'aliments «A la demande)). Les poissons soumis à un éclairage simulant la photopériode naturelle (13.5 5110.5 N) ont un rythme circadien d'auto-distribution d'ali- ments. Lorsqu'ils sont sujets à un cycle d'éclairage infradien (période >28 h) à longue scotophase (13.5 5122.5 N) durant Sjours, puis à longue photophasc (25.5 J/10.5N) durant 8 autres jours, ils ont un cycle d'auto-distribution d'aliments qui est entraîné sans délai par les changements successifs de cycles d'éclairage, et se nourrissent exclusivement durant les scotophases. Mots-clés : Siluriforme, rythmes circadicns, cyclcs nycthéméraux, alimentation. INTRODUCTION alternation of day and night, or dawn, or dusk) or temperature (Randolph and Clemens, 1976). It may A circadian rhythm (24f 4 hrs.) is characterized by be endogenous, i. e., persisting with its own period in its amplitude, mean value (or Mesor) and acrophase constant environmental conditions, or exogenous if it (Gwinner, 1986; Halberg et al., 1977; Koukkari etul., only passively reflects the cyclic fluctuations of the 1987). It is generally synchronized by photoperiod (or environment. Circadian rhythms have been demon- Aquat. Living Resour. 91/04 221 05 $ 2.5010 IFREMER-Gauthier-Villars T. Roujard et al. strated in a varicty of eukaryotes, with most applica- thereafter changcd to a 36hrs. light cycle with a tions in thc field of chronopharmacology. Spieler longcr scotophase for a period of 8 days from the 30th (1977), and later Parker (1984), suggested that such of January 1990 (13.5 L122.5 D), and subscquently to rhythms could be uscd to improve production cffici- a cycle of 36 hrs. with a longer photophase for another ency in aquaculture. period of 8 days, from the 7th of Fcbruary 1990 The feeding pcriods of fish living in natural (25.5 Ll10.5 D). environmcnts follow a marked dicl cycle (Elliott, Each tank was fittcd with a metal rod which closcd 1973; Müller, 1978; Jacob and Nair, 1983; Sagar and a 12V circuit whcn a fish moved the rod. A 220V Glova, 1988; Walsh et al., 1988). In artificial rcaring feedcr dclivcred 1 g of food via a rclay. This devicc conditions, and with the exception of Rozin and was coupled to a computcr, which recorded the hour, Mayer (1961) who found no circadian rhythm in date and tank numbcr of each demand for food. In the fccding activity of Curu.s.~iu.suurutu.s, most other order to rcstrict unintentional triggering of the feeder authors report strong circadian patterns of feeding in by thc fish, the rod was located 2cm below the water fish (Hoar, 1942; Adron etul., 1973; Hirata, 1973; surface, i.e., far from the usual zone of activity of Landless, 1976; Grove et al., 1978; Eriksson and Van this bottom dweller fish. Furthermorc, thc thank Veen, 1980; Boujard etul., 1990). Lightldark alterna- design was such that unconsumed food pellets were tion is generally thought to bc the main synchronizcr constantly drained from the thanks with the water (Gibson and Keenleysidc, 1966; Chaston, 1968; Man- ovcrflow. WC therefore know that the consumption teifel etal.. 1978; Müller, 1978; Molina Borja etul., of food could take place only within a few minutes 1990), and in CU~USS~U.~au ru tu.^, feeding rhythm is after demand-feeding. Operators entered thc cxpcr- free-running for at least 5 days (Spiclcr and Clough- imental room only cvcry 3-4 days and hcncc the fish crty, 1989). Meal times also affcct growth rates (Otta- werc disturbcd very little during the cxpcriment. way, 1978; Greenland and Gill, 1979; Nocskc et ul., 1981; Sundararaj ctul., 1982; Noeskc and Spieler, 1984; Nocske-Hallin etul., 1985), and can act as a synchronizer for several bchavioural parametcrs RESULTS (Weber and Spieler, 1987; Spieler and Cloughcrty, 1989) and for a large number of circulating hormones (Leatherland et ul., 1974; Spieler, 1977; Spieler et al., The timing of food dcmand during the threc consc- 1977; Eales et al., 1981; Spiclcr and Noeske, 1981, cutive periods with different light cycles, from the 1984; Perez etal., 1988). 22nd January to the end of the experimcnt, is shown in .figure 1. Regardless of the lighting cycle, self-feed- On the basis of thcsc observations, and with thc ing always took place throughout the phase of dark- aim of improving thc production of Hoplo.sternum ness and was infrequcnt during the light phases. littorale, a siluriform fish of economic intcrcst for French Guiana (Boujard etul., 1988), the circadian Figure2 shows the distribution of food dcmand rhythm of food intake in this species was described during the scotophases for each of thc three condi- using demand-feedcrs chccked every 3 hours (Roujard tions. When the lighting cyclc simulated the natural et al., 1990): food demand, synchronized by day-night photoperiod, food dcmand followed the same timing shifts, was characterized by a nocturnal acrophase. as that obscrved by Boujard etul., (1990), i.e., a Using the same device as in thc previous experiment, significantly bimodal feeding activity (p<O.OS; sign- but with automatic recording of the self-distributed test) with a "dusk" peak and a second phase of self- food, we tested the effect of infradian (period feeding during thc sccond part of the scotophase. >28 hrs.) lightldark cycles on this rhythm. When the fish wcrc subjected to a 36hrs. cyclc of lighting with a longer scotophase, self-fccding rcmai- ned constant throughout the nocturnal pcriod. During 36 hrs. cycles of lighting with longcr photophases, the MATERIAI, AND METHODS "dusk" peak of feeding activity was again marked. The amount of sclf-distributed food per hour varied Four groups of 10 IIoplosternum littorule that had during thc scotophases of each situation. It was very been hatched in the laboratory and reared in ponds high when the phase of light was prolonged and (mean weight 49 g) in Frcnch Guiana at the Socou- low with a longer phase of darkness. However, these mou Farm (5"N,52"30fW)were distributed into 200-1 differences werc not significant (p< 0.05; sign-tcst) tanks, on the 18th of January 1990. The tanks were because thc bctween-group variability was vcry high. continuously supplied with recyclcd water (temperat- Neverthcless, it can be interprctcd as the expression ure 28f 2"C, oxygen at saturation) and held in a of a compensation maintaining the 24 h-consumption light-tight room with artificial lighting provided by (ranging between 3.4 and 4.0% of live weight) at a four 50 watt ncon tubcs controlled by an clcctric constant level (tahlc 1). Similarly, the dusk peak of timer. For a period of 12 days, the fish werc subjectcd self-feeding obscrvcd after the long photophases to a 24hrs. light cycle that simulatcd the natural might be thc consequence of the long fasting observed photopcriod (13.5 L110.5 D). The light cycle was during thc light periods. Aquat. Living Resour. Feeding rhythm in Hoplosternum littorale 30101 31/01 O1 /O2 OU02 03/02 04/02 05/02 ma rml no data --- *- Li 4 - - mie; 07/02 08/02- 09/02 -10102 11/02 12/02 13/02 14/02 1 Ft IT u 10 ' -LL -m,m I 4 - no data - - O 05 115 2 25 3 35 4 45 5 55 6 55 7 75 8 Time (days) Figure 1.
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