Read the HtrtW The Weather: f0r Local Today douay with mlMtr tem- peratures. Tomorrow, rain aa* Summit /«r U T<m»- continued mild, Outlook lor week- end la generally fair tod nni Summit ftomt la Two Section* Telenhcm* Entered a* tocond CUII Matter it the PotUMei tMBttft at Summit M. 4. Umkr tk» Act of Marek I ill* $4 A YEAR Education Groups More Than 54,000 City Bans Ail-Night Parking; plan Public Forum Already Given for On School Aid Sets Time Limits for Car Lots for'im *>n one of the Red Cross Drive Although the Red Craw Fund .: ra confronting W«w An ordinance revising certain traffic regulations was Drive does not start: officially un- -. 'its State school aid introduced and panned on first reading by Common Coun- til March 1, contributions are al- :„ ,l nt Summit High cil Tuesday night. , ready coming In at a fatt f*te ac« M.iuh Zi at 8 p.m., it One of the changes makes Springfield avenue from cording to Arthur T, Dailey, fund ,,-efi this week. Ttie drive treasurer. He repotta that Broad street to Morris avenue a one-way east-bound street hfing apoajored »by tiie over $4,000 dollans have been re- only. This particular section was i.ttec on Education, ceived as advance gift*. Mr. Dailey, the scene of a truck-car crash, si btre' Association and who 1» also a member of the board several week* ago which resulted PTA p.'f. donfa Association. of directors of the Summit chap- Mayor in in the death of a man. ?;, Beat, memi>er of ter of Red Croes, is president of At the three municipal park- x lloard of Education the Summit Federal Savings and ing lota, next to the YMCA, be- ,-hairman of the Go*- Loan Association. In the kot Assembly Race, hind the stores on Mapie street, on State thirty years that Mr. Dalley has and at Deforest avenue near Sta- "s-w lived in Summit he has been ac- Rigby to Run Again ple street, no vehicles will be per--. Others -will be tive In Eed Cross and has been mijtted to park between the hour* active on the disaster committee. The Union County political pot of 2 and 5 a.m. DENIES EUMOK-Congrfessnwn was kept boiling with the addition CUjftefd,JL fee.'of., fojjwp^ a R. H. Turgeon, who pfesently At the YMCA lot -no cata msf of two more ingredients in the park longer than twenty houm candidate for the GOP nomination form of TOtent ^sindidatas for state ..L..; lime to acquainting points out that although hb aerv- f tor- Cawaaar—has... -^mphatkata 1 and county oiike!" Ma'yor"Chjiyler denied current rumors that he Tce;''fi'"one'"thiit~1a; "8Bt~itri>-"ln--~tlw *ple "street lot, cars will be re- hope J^hat ij^ ^wUl never be uacd, .-W...,i?ms.e,o>L.Plunfjeld on_T\\e9~ stricted to other day revealed that he will be a can- rd.Ce.. before the March 12 dead-' it \& ready '"tit]- wiy-" iooaienfttf- tween 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. line and lws given assurance to In ihe- lak year." thi* group ;>,'.',• Jij.vy School Aid vyas active at the July 4 celebraj- mbly and former Freeholder this paper that he Is "in the race -ate commercial., veblcka .o.a;my „ . • r:i.- conducted a com- tion, in Civjil Air Patrol maneuvera L*e" S. Brpy"61 Sprlngfleia;" a "sea-" (;r.-i to stay.'' In an editorial this week, soned political figure, declared th«t thoroughfare which haa been des- pj* <y ("I probUTTijj of ~fi» and at ihe Boy -Scout hobby show. 1 ( (.? Tiie Summit HeraldI pledgeai Ita he will return to politics and «e«k ignated as a "parkway" with the u- ''.-lii- school education The disaster committee maintains support to Mr. Cajse in his cam- to regein a seat vn the Board "of exception of making deliveries or ,r ' i .•• S'.ato. Tlib* Com- an inventory of emergency items paign. : • Chosen Freeholdew. collections. ^ commercial vehicle" :.-..«•: ."•-' ^i-ljm:tt« d ilf* rtport j otich as helmets, cota, blankets, is defined «e a, vehicle with a Mayor Crane, who is 38 h&s been \,:\ <•• . rro; and thc L/>gt»Ia-! \ and mobile communication units. TWO-TIMS WD»ygRi' gapf^jRabgrt. Rettij. son: winning exhibit la a scale model of split-level and truck-type body exceeding one and •„• '•; f,-;.i'n Thf rrport.ini This group also dewtes consider- & three-term mayor o^Plainfield. one-half tons. of Mr. and Mrs, Hugo VjRe^i^ Countryside, proud-1 ranch-type homes designed and constructed by the Mr. Rigby, who was defeated by .>.vr,-.rv rt."!Jui!'.-nufd that $60,-1 Case Gets Big able effort to assisting local Civil ly displays his prizc-srlnnJug esilsbit catere-i in thjjyoun^ man, whose hope is to becotne aft architect Parkways Designated (.'X*3 l> c-idvd to the present] Defense authorities, Mr. Turgeon Benninger {orcea in the 1951 prim- seventh annual Scout Hobby Sh^t held last Saturday J More than 2,000 persons viewed the more than 35 The "parkways" are liated as ;TI;HTI •'. staif Aid and that this ] acrves also o» Civil Defense wel ary, is also a former Union County " • at Central Presbyterian Churell parish hou.se. Ret^g adult and youth hobby and craft exhibits. (Photo follows: Any portion of Springfield pijrftai K financed by a state- Ovation at faro director of the city. sheriff. | also won the grand award in m&t year's show. The; by Wolin). ' avenue between Hobart avenue % i.- XA\ program. Public schools j , , . T 1 ' __ _ ._ ' i ; Rigby> entry into the Primary i Thi» local group is analogous to and Broad street and any street •• :.•• "• '•" I" ! 't*.'ntly financed | the Red Cross international disas- election ia interpreted by political :• ':<.'-! r ;<! -'vu'e taxe.i Thc Lincoln Dinner entering or Intersecting Spring-" ter service which U presently aid- observers as a challenge to the field a%'enue between Hobart ave- i ~ Ti .*. oil'j r< I'onim* ndotscn^ in Congressmen Clifford I ing in the emergencies in*BelgIum, Income of Summit! County Ratables rule of the Benninger faction of the nue and Broad street; Briant park- , -, ,;i 1 AJUVCJ to broaden tremendous-popularity- with voters Holland, and England. The $25,- county GOP. It is reported that way between Orchard street and 1 was tested once again and found ( ., ^.\ f-f.-v jinU relir'Vt local 943 allocation from the total lo- Rigby U hoping to capltaliie on Springfield avenue; and Canoe not wanting at the annual Lin- cal goal of $42,934 goes to such $31 Million, the split caused by tho party dif- Brook parkway from Bedford road coln Day dinner of county GOP Families Pi§ of $4,245 1: .• ,.•>;.-!• J dv.t Hwt the UMUO ' ferences over the gubcratorial can- to Morris snd Essex turnpike. faithful held last Thursday at the j didacies of Oorijtre&wnan Case i -,., • i-T'.io'.irnial on<- and J Tiie median Income for i*:H i:: isvi.hi.iis covered during the Tulip street from Springfield Final Tally Shows and Paul L. Trooat. : • i :•«'. ^-ip; opi'^ivl by «.-v. land unrelated individuals in H»y- •-. n<u.-. Thc local figure is one avenue to Mountain airenae, ex- -i .*"">'. xsir orsnnriationi* BUCII Mr. Cans, whin uallrd upon to j YWCA Schedules imtt was K24& according to »'. the h]£!i«-.t in the stat^. Final figures on Union County Fears Bo&ilsm j ccpt at Prospect street and Ash- *••- N \ J>,t iy State Taxpay- Intio.lucr Gov. J. C.-ilrb Bojjg.s of j j released this week by thr H >••. tvi r, most of the city's fam- tax ratables were released this "I am disturbed by the Spectre 1 land road, has been defined as A ..>• ,V v ->:i. ft w *I*o cn- Delaware, the giu-M of honor, ^yail \ ICcnjus Bureau. The figrsre a Ifc.il of 1,050 or 19.7 per week by the Board of Taxation of bo&sism on our horiBon," aald "through street." •>•*.<: In i tjutilly important given n tiimultuoui, ovation • by I Annual Dinner ' result of a check of B.335 I h.'.no incomes of $10,000 or <md show that thc total jump for Mr. Rigby. "Many of my., f rlenda, the county is more than $31,000,000 Parking has been banned on one nearly rt!l of the 907 prornt. For \ •-••r v.hi!i- 11.8 per cent, or 630 interested too in the continued wel- iii.iro than fvf> minute* the crowd | and that Summit showed the fourth side of several streets. For in- » report incomes of less fare of our county, are gripped by stance, parking is prohibited at Meeting, Feb. highest increase of all 21 county : KsdrriS* *•> ti-ie.irJfir*-bA»d ir>- I and i-heem! the thin £1.900.. - this same fcftr, Miss ^Hvgaret Willlat municipalities all. times on the ea.it side of Ash- . krzK. a t .I'LtrtSng the < tAccording to Siilcs Mar.a^e- "The Republican party has been wood avenue from Broad street York School of m?r.t magu'.ite the 1951-per family *'The total net valuation of real good to me end X do not w«nt to to Morris avenue. On the we«* % •] incons^ After- taxt^-.^fqr TSuirtmit* oVer,'* biding # la limited to apoftkat! ftt tlie 34 w$» $?,<5J. on# of the highest in j Party strength UiTb^fotintj-'fl hls- dinner meeting of the YWCA on ttifllttg the will of ! tory.
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