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Collection: Blackwell, Morton: Files Folder Title: The Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights – Meeting with President 05/13/1983 – Father Virgil Blum (1 of 4) Box: 34 To see more digitized collections visit: https://reaganlibrary.gov/archives/digital-library To see all Ronald Reagan Presidential Library inventories visit: https://reaganlibrary.gov/document-collection Contact a reference archivist at: [email protected] Citation Guidelines: https://reaganlibrary.gov/citing National Archives Catalogue: https://catalog.archives.gov/ WITHDRAWAL SHEET Ronald Reagan Library Collection Name BLACKWELL, MORTON: FILES Withdrawer KDB 61712010 File Folder THE CATHOLIC LEAGUE FOR RELIGIOUS AND CIVIL FOIA RIGHTS - MEETING WITH PRESIDENT 05/13/1983 - F09-0043/0 I FATHER VIRGIL BLUM (I) Box Number 9084 STRAUSS, C 8 DOC Doc Type Document Description No of Doc Date Restrictions NO Pages NOTES RE PERSONAL INFORMATION ON ND B6 ATTENDEES Freedom of Information Act - [5 U.S.C. 552(b)] 8-1 National security classified information [(b)(1) of the FOIA] 8-2 Release would disclose internal personnel rules and practices of an agency [(b)(2) of the FOIA] 8-3 Release would violate a Federal statute [(b)(3) of the FOIA] 8-4 Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential or financial information [(b)(4) of the FOIA] 8-6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy [(b)(6) of the FOIA] 8-7 Release would disclose information compiled for law enforcement purposes [(b)(7) of the FOIA] 8-8 Release would disclose information concerning the regulation of financial institutions [(b)(B) of the FOIA] 8-9 Release would disclose geological or geophysical information concerning wells [(b)(9) of the FOIA] C. Closed in accordance with restrictions contained in donor's deed of gift. 4 • \ ,.. ~~M-~tl /~=~~6 d2-0r::J1.- . ------------- -------~- THE WHITE HOUSE May 10, 1983 MEETING WITH FATHER VIRGIL BLUM, S.J. DATE: May 13, 1983 LOCATION: Oval Office TIME: 2 P .M. FROM: Faith Ryan Whittlesey I. PURPOSE Presentation of the John Paul II Religious Freedom Award to you and a discussion of the pro-life and tuition tax credits efforts of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights. II. BACKGROUND The Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights is a "grassroots", volunteer, private initiative group with no connection to the "official" Church establishment. The League has 26,000 contributing members and is governed by a largely lay board. Primarily a civil rights group, like the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai Brith, it stands up for the rights of the co-religionists and against bigotry directed at non-Catholics. Its study of 54 inner city private elementary schools, predominately black and Hispanic, found them providing quality education. Many organizations have used this study in support of tuition tax credits and educational vouchers. The League is celebrating their 10th Anniversary in New York on May 21. This is the first John Paul II Religious Freedom Award. You are receiving the award in recognition of your active defense of the rights of the unborn child and your strong advocacy for parents' rights for religious freedom in their childrens' education. Others receiving the Award are: Cardinal Cooke of New York Congressman Henry Hyde Mother Angelica (head of a T.V. satellite from Birmingham) Judge Donald Halstead ( a Michigan judge who refused to order a minor girl to have an abortion) Pastor Richard John Neuhaus ( a Lutheran Minister) - 2 - III. PARTICIPANTS Father Virgil Blum, S.J., President and Founder of the League Anthony Czajkowski (pronounced Tchaikovsky) Washington Chapter President Ann Brosnan, National Secretary of the League Father Peter Stravinskas, East Coast Regional Director of the League IV. PRESS PLAN White House Photographer V. SEQUENCE OF EVENTS 2 P.M. You greet your guests and accept the Award. 2:03 Discussion 2:10 Your guests depart SUGGESTED TALKING POINTS FOR MEETING WITH FATHER VIRGIL BLUM I want to thank you for presenting me with the John Paul II Religious Freedom Award. As one of the first recipients of this award it means a great deal to me and I am very honored to accept it. Congratulations on your Tenth Anniversary. The Catholic League has repeatedly demonstrated thoughtful leadership and worked strenuously to strengthen the role of the family in our society and to insure the rights of those with strong spiritual commitment. I am very interested in the study The League has conducted on the 54 inner city private elementary schools. As you know, we are working hard for the passage of tuition tax credit legislation. Let me also reaffirm my total commitment to support all the pro-life measures before the Congress. We must continue to keep national attention on the need for a solution to the tragedy of abortion on demand. Thank you for all your efforts and your continued support. WITHDRAWAL SHEET Ronald Reagan Library Collection Name Withdrawer BLACKWELL, MORTON: FILES KDB 6/7/2010 File Folder FOIA THE CATHOLIC LEAGUE FOR RELIGIOUS AND CIVIL F09-0043/01 RIGHTS - MEETING WITH PRESIDENT 05/13/1983 - FATHER STRAUSS, C VIRGIL BLUM (1) Box Number 9084 8 DOC Document Type No of Doc Date Restric- NO Document Description pages tions 1 NOTES 1 ND B6 RE PERSONAL INFORMATION ON ATTENDEES Freedom of Information Act - [5 U.S.C. 552(b)] B-1 National security classified information [(b)(1) of the FOIA] B-2 Release would disclose internal personnel rules and practices of an agency [(b)(2) of the FOIA] B-3 Release would violate a Federal statute [(b)(3) of the FOIA] B-4 Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential or financial information [(b)(4) of the FOIA] B-6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy [(b)(6) of the FOIA] B-7 Release would disclose information compiled for law enforcement purposes [(b)(7) of the FOIA] B-8 Release would disclose information concerning the regulation of financial institutions [(b)(8) of the FOIA] B-9 Release would disclose geological or geophysical information concerning wells [(b)(9) of the FOIA] C. Closed in accordance with restrictions contained in donor's deed of gift. \ \ \ THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON June 8, 1983 TO.: _ JAYN STANKOWSKI FROM: MAISELLE SHORTLEY Will you please send me one copy of photo# 13 MY 83 14581 09A and two copies of #13 MY83 14582 14? Please send them to me in room 191. Thank you for your help. 110?$1 - 094 ~ Fat!~ . /'~~ A,I~~ I t./-6-f,;;. -11- If- ~ -I- I ~,&If,~•..; . ' 0 .,, - --- ' ,, ' ...... ' \'~ ... ' •,'',, . - .. ,,. ... ·.. 't ', , - .,. .. ·. ·• , .......~-- • CATHOLIC LEAGUE for Religious ant Civil Rights "1(J0WE.ST WELLS STREEl · MILWAUKff. WISCOr>.!3IN 53233 .<1 1 .: 2P8 0170 .,36141 )FFICERS -~£SI OF NT ••werene ..-up11 C Blurr.. S.J. March 23, .1983 ·,,:.tr-~5 :' • E mf'r11ut, Po1ihca1 ,c. 1e-nct Maraut"lt< Uni..,e,,s1ty : HAIAt,U,H ,~.,,. Hltchcocl IICI PRE.SI0OIT ! ,nlN Comar (. \,'",i Hono~able Ronald Reagan . aec. ut•¥fl (J11ec10· Ov1~1•'•-' C•1r.011r C.onterPnct \> · President of the United States I ·RE.A SU AFR I ._! The White House lohr. H•nsen ~ ~•' t-c.10• c,t F',,,a,,c (: \ l •. 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue ..4arQuf"!1e Ur,11,.t-• s ,1,. \ >fCliffTARY ,) .'. Washington, D.C. 111 1&1 Ann 18rosnan 'I r,1~rr.a1oona• Econom,s: ~­ Nc,-..t,inplon O C Dear President Reaqan: lSSISTANT SECR£1ARY Neher S Sh1mp1 "~~1S-lan: Fro,e~so1 Ac~ount,n ~ a"a i ,nctrict M1111Qut"Hf' Vn1vers1 t; The Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights is now BOARD OF DIRECTORS ten years old. We will celebrate our Tenth Anniversary James. G Ahl•r with a Solemn Pontifical Mass at St. Patrick's Cathedral .._~~0<.. •.a tt Protes~o, o! Soc•olog~ :-..oht-pt- ot s, lt-iorr.a~ in New York City on May 21, with Bishop Joseph Able Francis John E. Coon•, E•G the principal celebrant and Bishop John McNicholas as the S:::-,o•t-~!:.o• ot La"" Un1... e~SII) of ::.a1i tcrn 1a 8 1 S,p•,..elt') homilist. F,a,., J Dolan~ E1q AltOrl\t'!' al Lew VviH,nmg1on 0 .C Mc Canhy DIM•'"• M .O.. J .O. Following the mass, we shall have a reception and dinner ~ ,c,1(-!:,,!-01 0 1 la"" , M ~n,pt,1~ SUtf- l! .. ~ro 1f''5-~o• 0 1 Suq)t') Urn.,.tHSi1y o' at the ~aldorf-Astoria Hotel, with the eminent Catholic 1t-,,hes~t>-t: lr.4eoica I CentE-• layman and coach Don Shula as the principal speaker. O•'• r,ancl, f.<M<,1 7t,,- Csrticii,r 5r,;no~rd li'ost Re.-e,end Jos1p~ Abel fr1nc1., S \/.0 ... ,.,.n.~r., E, i$hO:· C1 NelA: art,,,, N .J We think the Tenth Anniversary Celebration of the Catholic John f Henr.1,_, League is an appropriate time to acl:nov:ledge the work of E >t-i. uiH"i 5fc.:etar,- lrl'a~u,er C»lito• ni.a L•bo• F eje:atior fellow citizens who have contributed greatly to the · 0.ttnh, J Horan. l•q preservation of our Judea-Christian Heritage. On this Ji.110,nt-t at La:" Ct,1c&"L llf Ch.a11m1,r ,1.rn,.,~c an$ United to, L~f E:- occasion we shall, therefore, present to selected individuals s,.,. ..onlu 11011,.lne) ltS.M "The John Paul II Religious Freedorr: Award.'' r ut>li-: .-..tta,rs. A S!.•~IBl"l'. £ouc:: ■ l1or Mic h,~al'l Ca1hoi,c Conleref'\cl'. .,.,. C 8ra1llord lune, Jt f:>11t!\10f"'nt leapuf o t Cattiol1c Womer.
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