MaMoni Health Systems Strengthening Activity (USAID Cooperative Agreement AID-388-LA-13-00004) Annual Report October 01, 2016– September 30, 2017 At the end of Year 4, we wanted to follow-up on some of the early cases of birth asphyxia that were managed in the field. In March 2012, in Faridpur district, Sakhina, a Community Skilled Birth Attendant, helped revive Rikta Begum’s baby, Tayeeba. Five years later, our Field Officer, Sarwar Hossain Topu, visited Tayyeba and captured her story. Photo A (on the left) taken in 2012, shows Tayeeba laying in her mother’s lap, as Sakhina sits beside them, while photo B (on the right), taken in 2017, shows a five-year old Tayeeba standing next to her parents. Submitted November 07, 2017 Cover Photo Story A Most Beautiful Cry: How Tayeeba Survived Her Day of Birth Tayeeba, the second child of Rikta Begum and Md. Tara Mia, is now five years old. They live in a remote village of Ganibyaparir dangi of Sadarpur Upazila, Faridpur district. Tayeeba is not going to school yet but she has grown like a normal child of her age. There was a chance that this asphyxiated baby’s cognitive development could have been compromised; nevertheless, she has memorized the Bangla alphabets, numbers, and rhymes, and plays with her friends. It is now incredible to imagine what this child went through in the first few hours of her life. It was March 9, 2012. Tayeeba was not crying and had difficulty breathing after birth. She could not move. Fortunately, Sakhina Begum, a Community Skilled Birth Attendant (CSBA) who had just completed her Helping Babies Breathe (HBB) training, was around. Following the training, Sakhina also received HBB kits to provide delivery-related assistance at home. When Rikta experienced labor pains, her husband, Tara Mia, quickly called Sakhina Begum to their home. Sakhina Begum first tried to clean the meconium from the mouth and nose of the newborn using a Penguin Sucker. She then attempted to stimulate the baby by rubbing the baby’s back, near its spinal cord. However, the baby did not cry, so she started artificial ventilation using a bag and mask. She managed to get through 40 rounds of artificial breathing per minute, when all of a sudden, the baby moved and cried. “If I hadn’t received HBB training, I couldn’t imagine how I would have helped the baby survive such a serious condition at home,” Sakhina said with pride and joy. Tayeeba’s mother, Rikta Begum is grateful to Sakhina. “Had Khala (Sakhina Begum) not been around, my child would not have survived”, Rikta said. For her third pregnancy, Rikta has already ensured that Sakhina will be beside her when she delivers. Sakhina Begum has worked as a Health Assistant (HA) in her area since 2007. She received CSBA training for six months. In February 2012, she received HBB training that was organized by the Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses unit supported by the MaMoni HSS Project and funded by USAID. She was promoted to the role of an Assistant Health Inspector (AHI) in the same year for her good performance Cover photo credits: Photo A – Unknown; Photo B – Mr. Sarwar Hossain, BSMMU This document is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the support of the Office of Population, Health, Nutrition and Education, United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Bangladesh (USAID/Bangladesh), under the terms of Associate Cooperative Agreement No. AID-388- LA-13-00004 through Maternal and Child Health Integrated Program (MCHIP). The contents of this document are the responsibility of the MCHIP Project and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States government. TABLE OF CONTENTS MaMoni Health Systems Strengthening Activity ..................................................................... 1 Key accomplishments this year ..................................................................................................... 7 Way forward ..................................................................................................................................... 11 IR 1. Improve service readiness through critical gap management ................................. 13 IR 2: Strengthen health systems at the district level and below ........................................ 44 IR 3. Promote an enabling environment to strengthen district level health systems .. 68 Appendix 1: Scope and Geographical coverage of the Mamoni HSS program ............... 80 Appendix 2: Data Sources ............................................................................................................. 81 Appendix 3: Program Performance Indicators ....................................................................... 82 Appendix 4: Additional Indicators (Added in 2016) ............................................................... 92 APPENDIX 5: List of Union Facilities Upgraded .................................................................... 94 Appendix 6: News clips published by MaMoni HSS ............................................................... 98 Appendix 7: Forums where MaMoni HSS lessons were disseminated ............................ 102 Appendix 8: list of process documentation activities .......................................................... 104 MaMoni Health Systems Strengthening Activity: FY’ 17 Annual Report 3 ABBREVIATIONS AAP American Academy of Pediatrics ACS Antenatal Corticosteroid ADCC Assistant Director Clinical Contraceptive AHI Assistant Health Inspector AMTSL Active Management of Third Stage of Labor ANC Antenatal Care APK Android package kit BCC Behavior Change Communication BEmONC Basic Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care Bh Bhola BR Birth Registration BSMMU Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University CAG Community Action Group CBT Competency Based Training CC Community Clinic CCSDP Clinical Contraceptive Service Delivery Program CDCS Country Development Cooperation Strategy CEmONC Comprehensive Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care CHW Community Health Worker CHX Chlorhexidine CIPRB Center for Injury Prevention and Research Bangladesh cMPM Community Micro Planning Meeting CNCP Comprehensive Newborn Care Package CS Civil Surgeon CSBA Community Skilled Birth Attendant CV Community Volunteer DDFP Deputy Director Family Planning DGFP Directorate General of Family Planning DGHS Directorate General of Health Services DH District Hospital DHIS2 District Health Information System-2 DN Death Notification DO Development Objective DQA Data Quality Assessment ENC Essential Newborn Care EOC Emergency Obstetric Care EPCMD Ending Preventable Child and Maternal Deaths EPI Expanded Program on Immunization EoP End of Project ESD Essential Service Delivery eLMIS Electronic Logistics Management Information System eMIS Electronic Management Information System ETAT Emergency Triage Assessment and Treatment FDR Facility Death Review FP Family Planning FP-FSD Family Planning Field Service Delivery FPCS-QIT Family Planning Critical Supervision – Quality Improvement Team FPI Family Planning Inspector FSO Field Service Officer FWA Family Welfare Assistant FWV Female Welfare Visitor GIS Geographic Information System GoB Government of Bangladesh HA Health Assistant HBB Helping Babies Breathe HEF Health Economics and Financing HEU Health Economics Unit Hg Habiganj HI High Intensity HIS Health Information System HPNSP Health, Population and Nutrition Sector Program 4 MaMoni Health Systems Strengthening Activity: FY’17 Annual Report HPNSDP Health, Population, and Nutrition Sector Development Program HR Human Resource HNN Healthy Newborn Network HRD Human Resources and Development HRIS Human Resource Information System HRM Human Resource Management HRMU Human Resource Management Unit HS Health Systems HSCS Health Systems Capacity Strengthening HSS Health Systems Strengthening icddr,b International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh ICT Information and Communication Technology IDD Iodine Deficiency Disorder IEC Information, Education and Communication IFA Iron Folic Acid IMCI Integrated Management of Childhood Illness Inj. Injection IP Infection Prevention IPHN Institute of Public Health Nutrition IPC Inter Personal Communication IR Intermediate Result IUCD Intra Uterine Contraceptive Device IUD Intra Uterine Death Jk Jhalokathi Jhpiego Johns Hopkins Program for International Education in Gynecology and Obstetrics JSV Joint Supervisory Visit KMC Kangaroo Mother Care KOICA Korea International Cooperation Agency LAPM Long-acting and Permanent Method LARC Long-acting Reversible Contraceptive LG Local Government LMIS Logistics Management Information System LOC Letter of Collaboration Lp Lakshmipur LRP Labor Room Protocol MCRAH Maternal Child Reproductive and Adolescent Health MCHIP Maternal and Child Health Integrated Program MCWC Maternal and Child Welfare Center MEC Medical Eligibility Criteria MFSTC Mohammadpur Fertility Services and Training Centre MgSO4 Magnesium Sulfate MIS Management Information System MIS-FP Management Information System Family Planning MNCH/FP/N Maternal, Newborn and Child Health, Family Planning, and Nutrition MNC&AH Maternal, Neonatal, Child and Adolescent Health MNH Maternal and Newborn Health MO Medical Officer MOCH Medical Officer Child Health MOCS Medical Officer Civil Surgeon MOHFW Ministry of Health and Family Welfare MOLGRD&C Ministry of Local Government Rural Development & Cooperatives MO-MCH-FP Medical Officer-Maternal and Child Health & Family Planning MPDSR Maternal and Perinatal Death Surveillance and Response NGO Non-government
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