Minnesota State University Moorhead Red The Western Mistic Student Newspapers 3-3-1948 The Western Mistic, March 3, 1948 Moorhead State Teachers College Follow this and additional works at: https://red.mnstate.edu/western-mistic Recommended Citation Moorhead State Teachers College, "The Western Mistic, March 3, 1948" (1948). The Western Mistic. 449. https://red.mnstate.edu/western-mistic/449 This News Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Newspapers at Red. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Western Mistic by an authorized administrator of Red. For more information, please contact [email protected]. EXTRA EDITION Western MiSTiC Western Minnesota State Teachers College No. 10 Vol. 77 Moorhead, Minnesota Wednesday March 3,1948 Alpha Phi Sponsors High School Imogen© Johnson, Isabel Johnson, and Tessie Haukebo, the Gal Friends from WDAY, who will sing at the Alpha Phi Gamma press convention banquet at the Student Center tonight Press Convention Here Today Holman, Johnson Are Owls Ask Student Help Art Club Holds Featured Speakers Editors and staff members of area In Aiding Foreign College Beach Party in high school publications and their advisers were guests of the local his reply by revealing that 'aek ef By ROW ABB B1NFOBD Alpha Mu chapter of Alpha Phi % coal for heating purposes prolonged Gym Friday Eve Gamma, national honorary journal­ the Christmas vacation period at the The Owl fraternity, which has un The all-college "Beach Party" istic fraternity, at a press convention German college. dertaken the adoption of a German dance sponsored by the Art club will held at MSTC, today, March 3. teachers college in the American oc­ be held in the big gym at 8:30 Fri Copybooks Needed Primary purpose of the convention cupation zone of Germany, as their day evening, March 5. is to acquaint high school publication Prof. Trost indicated in his letter group project for the year, turned to The program will feature a review staffs and their advisers with the that his students need "copybooks" the Student Commission and the of beach wear from the "gay nine­ journalistic procedure at MSTC. writing materials, and soap, and for whole college this week for help on ties" to the present time, with a At 2:00 p.m. the groups registered needy students, food and clothing al the project which has grown too chorus line interpreting songs of in the MiSTiC office, where individual so. large for the fraternity to handle the sea. consultation problems continued until The adopted colege, located at Jug- alone. 2:30, when a symposium in MacLean enheim in the province of Hesse, is Beach scenes will decorate the 105-6, header by Clarence Glasrud, In a letter to Dr. Joseph Kise, training 275 students for teaching po­ walls of the gym, and recorded dance director of publications, made a criti­ Direktor Professor Trost of the Pad- sitions. This school was visited by music will be played. cal analysis of high school papers. agogisches Institut Darmstadt ex­ seven U.S. social studies teachers Students are asked to wear light At 3:30, following this symposium, pressed his students' appreciation of last year, and was recommended for summer clothing to this informal the group met in Ingleside to hear the action taken by the MS group help because of its work in the dem­ dance. RAYMOND RODMAN Roy Johnson, veteran feature writer ocratization of German education. The following committees are work­ in helping their German fellow-stu­ and theatre editor of the Fargo ing on the project: tickets—Mearel dents. He apologized for the delay in A 40-pound package of aid mater­ Campus Organizations FORUM, discussed "Sources of High Nesteby, Greenbush, chairman; Le- ial was sent to the German college School News." land Fett, Judson, N. Dak.; Leon­ by the Owl committee short'y before Later the high school journalists ard Olson, Warroad; and Nathaniel Bolster Smoking Fund Christmas. visited the print shop to observe McConachie, Dragon Terrace; re­ The smoking project fund has re­ Plans at the present time call for the actual linotyping, composing, and l&eOn freshments—Anna Hoihjelle, Madi­ the Owls to continue spearheading ceived contributions from three cam printing of a special edition of the son, chairman; Hazel Gebo, Moor­ the drive at MS with the Commission pus organizations, John W. MacDon- MiSTiC. head; Marlis Malde, Park River, N. and other groups assisting them. eat (facte Dak.; and Juanita Kahle, Detroit ald, Aitkin, committee spokesman, Drummond Asks Aid Lakes. announced this week. Bill Drummoud, newly elected edu­ Entertainment — Audrey Cornell, Alpha Epsilon donated $15, the cation commissioner, asks that organ­ Rustad, chairman; Virginia Pearson, Veterans chorus $20, and faculty izations wishing to take part in the Moorhead; and Dick Gompf, Far Every term Mr. Bridges asks his members in the science department. project contact him as soon as pos­ go; painting—Ray Berg, Thief Riv sociology classes, "What makes a $7. sible and indicate what phase of the er Falls, chairman; Judy Chilton, De house a home!" If he read the ads work they can handle. troit Lakes; Betty Papermaster, Far "Contracts for remodeling the stu­ ir. the busses, he'd know it was el­ go; Bud Coleman, Dragon Terrace Offers of assistance have come from dent center have been let, so that ectricity. Mary Lou Johnson, Detroit Lakes the elementary and high school de­ Margaret Christiansen, Aitkin; Del work may begin shortly," MacDon- Dr. Waite says the idea that con partments of the campus laboratory (Continued to Page Four) ald stated. tinued study can result in insanity school where needed materials and JORNSON GLASBVD is pure nonsense—but I don't want funds have already been collected. A 5:30 banquet will elimax the con to take a chan-e anyway. The Owls will continue to package At First Symposium vention, with Raymond G. Holmaa and ship all materials collected. Help publisher of the Moorhxad Dan/ is needed in defraying shipping ex­ Ton too have a chance department (Continued to Page Four) penses, and in collecting food, cloth­ Glasrud Discusses Streamlining (from the NEA Journal) Miss Bar­ ing, and school materials. paper," Mr. Glasrud said, "stream­ bara Jo Walker, who neither drinks Headlines and make up problems line it in many respects; sans serif nor smokes, is attending Memphis Members of the Owl committee in were the topic of discussion at sym­ Flash . type, cuts in the outside columns, and State Teachers college and is going charge of the drive include Bob Wen- posium conducted by Clarence Glas­ Doug Larson, Gary Griffeth, True two or three column headlines at the to be a teacher. SHE was Miss Amer- ino, Fergus Falls, chairman; Thomas rud, head of MSTC public relations man Tryhus, Roger Bresnahan an McDougall, Baudette; Jim Rude, bottom of the page." ica of 1947. at 1:30 today. Donald Grommesh, of the Casselto Dragon Terrace; Here Robinson, Mr. Glasrud criticized sample news­ Mr. Glasrud also reminded the del­ Squirrel's Chatter, arrived at tt A eouple of typewriters made Staples; Donald Nelson, Detroit; papers from several schools attend­ egates that the main story should Alphi Phi press convention late t< available to students would be a real be in column five on the front page day. Mrs. Margaret Woell, advise Lakes; and Dr. Joseph Kise and ing the conference. service and would stop the practice of "If you desire to streamline your and column one on all other pages. was unable to attend. usurping time on department ma- Clarence Glasrud, faculty members. chines. Alpha Phi Gamma Convention Hope you enjoyed the 7 p.m. choir broadcast last week! A telephone line was out, so about 7:7 5 they in­ formed the performers that they Eighteen Schools Here For Press Meet could stop what had been a nice re­ 1 LakeT , . Park—Mrs.t» _u E.u Brady, facul­ CrookstonfVnnkstrm CatholieOa.tholic HiffhHigh — Sist hearsal. Delegates attending the 1948 Al Thomas, adviser; Dian Ellingsc Moorhead—Mrs. K. Larson, advi­ ty adviser; Shirley Johnson, editor. pha Phi Gamma press convention and Delores Fries, Elizabeth Langenbei They say that nonsense material is ser; Patricia Olness, editor; Kenny Lake Park — Vivian Handegard, the schools which they represent are Paul Mc.Nanee, Richard Stainbrook. the most difficult to learn. Try this Pitehford, feature editor; Eugene St. Rachel Jordahl, Doris Anderson, and as follows: Detroit Lakes—Mrs. W. J. Forsel list: neo-classicism, Chippendale, en­ Hawley—Avis Rugsven, faculty ad­ John, feature editor; Don Olmstead, Edward Struble. MS Campus High—Viola Petrie, adviser; Beverly Nyberg, Mona Ml closures, heroic couplet, humanities. viser ; Russel Tall, editor; Barbara sports writer; Jack Rendahl, business adviser; Donna Mickelson, Jeanett-e son, Shirley Tovson, Jack Modieset MacDonald, assistant editor; Lor­ manager. Elbow Lake—Berna Roholt, faculty Ogren, Mickey Schumm, and Richard and Marvin Johnson. raine Arneson, feature writer; Mari­ Wadena—Donna Babcock and V It costs the freshmen in Mrs. Jack­ lyn Beerg, sports writer; Dale Fol- adviser; Dennis Berg, editor; Ruth Spencer. Halstad—Phyllis Awes, adviser; ginia Peirse. son's 8 a.m. English class fifteen ger, advertising manager. Cravens, assistant editor; Renee Ruth GUbertson, Norma Hellerud, Barnesville—Shirley Quam and cents a week to go to class. They Perham—Kenneth J. Pushor, fac­ Johnson, business manager; Dale must pay a nickel for each time Thunselle, associate editor. Charles Malme, and Jerome Steener- enora Krebs. ulty adviser; Betty Mae Bachleitner, Frazee—Joan Brenk, Lois Dagg< they are late to class. Paul Bjelland editor; Mary Clare Hasller, assistant Fergus Falls—Geraldlne LaRocque, son. Fargo—John Howard, adviser; Er- Letha Hockett, Patricia Daggett. wonders if he can get reduced rates editor; Lu Bell Garber, feature edi­ faculty adviser; Clinton Schroeder, vin Letopskv, Bob Persellin, Bob Thief River Falls—Gordon O tor; Pauline Pulford, news editor; editor; Vince Araskog, sports editor; by paying a month in advance.
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