MAKCJI 13, 1912. 12 THE WASHINGTON TIMES, WEDNESDAY, Congressman Gallagher Prepared to Proceed With Baseball Trust Fight GALLAGHER TWO NATIONALS With Probing of Trusts the Latest of Fads, Now Comes the Turn of the Baseball Dads READY TO FORCE HIS FIGHT PLAYERS VISITORS ffigs yy ) THIS YOtlHG BUSH &&H ' J&L ( && y FR X"N XT rs J ( A"t!P AT THE 0 N BASEBALL TRUST Congressman Expects an Ainsmith and Mattis Go t0 V WA YK-i- 7? Early Hearing Before (?c-- rLSgJTniitf&An Virginia Institution for WW! ) JM Yr Ti Mi XE YWMkC VWMncrvK - Rules Committee. Examination. V hpyl (CS rilil iiT ffl Unffllfi A 1 Xff filllffilllll (A - jmKhrfllJRv I 1 r: SHEER EXPECTED TO cfcSMiilX. v mi CONTROVERSY TAKEN BE OUT BY SATURDAY UP BY H. McKINNON t up-to-p- atb vZ " congressmanthe Outlaw Chief Thinks Investigation Game With University Team slavery z? m OALre"RImmrTAJSMmmmmF J .kMkSvHlk P Postponed Until Next Will Cause Trouble To Na- yk&y iK&t has started tional Wednesday. lovHmammSiKm l SOMETH.MG Commission. i fZ j JWi II Hon. Thomas Gallughor, Representa- By "SENATOR." tive of tho liberty-lovin- g voters of the CHAIILOTTESVILI..K, Vn., March 13. (vVvSyl A Tmlbiamk ifl! V I batter j Kighth Coiigicsslonal district In Chi- Ralph Mattis, Richmond sttipllng, ?Kn ! cago, defender of the poor shackled tho up , - oung tf)mJm .$Himm WSJ . ball players and opponent of the oe to-p- nnd Eddie Ainsmith, the ciack 0r V backstop, University Hos- Vww of the' diamond, keenly resents th visited the WJrlil lnplnuatlon pital toda. Muttis went to hne an "'J ( V that the Introduction of his Ilk iSL JflL r expert opinion passed upon tho condi- J WIIINvrBM m JB7 resolution for an Investigation of tho AflMtfiP baseball monopoly tion of tho intlamed glands of his neck, was inspired by an endeavor to obtain national publlcltv. and Ainsmith went to htie a wound in ' his head examined. Ainsmith shoved mv " sbvv;ir" m J y&&. c ; jp v w k y Furthermore the Congicssman de- s $&jr clares that he has just tossed his fedoia way Ills head In the of a policeman's it in tho pit and that the presentation of club during; a nieleo In a basketball the measute was but the fust gun in same last vv Intel In Cambridge, Mass, thu battlo he intends to wage to smash yet Mat- the trust and see to it that tho majesty and tho wound 1ms not healed. of the Sherman law Is upheld. tis Is recovering fast and should be "This thing is nothing new to me, ' ablo to practice tomonow. said Mr Gallagher todas -- l hase had Al Sheer, the Youngstovvn Inflclder, Is the matter under consideration for ijulto a period and expect that before tho end Btlll on the sick list, but Trainer of the week I will obtain u healing tin sass he will hae him in shape before the rules committee. Chairman by tho end of tho week Sheei Is con-line- d Robert Henry Is now out of the cltv, to his room at Gilfflth Hall. but as soon as he returns 1 will appear to- before the committee and piesent evi- Though pale, wan sun appeared tatT 1 a . JIuLsSvrPgJd s -- Another, case of Kv dence which think will convince the day. Manager Griffith declined to take-an- ir? the latest Trust members that a thorough Investigation hlgh-prlie- ' Injuiing d - should be conducteo. chances of his -- 'SPRING RfMMING 'CZ ELIZA CROSSING Jo BE INVESTIGATE!? perfoimeis bv lining them up against afv)Sw" AT CHARLOTTESVILLE THE ICE. (stow music Profcssor) affllwlgyS Evidence Easy. the Urlverslty of Virginia team, und " - "There arc so many people interested the game will played on Wednesday i be r In the hundreds of leagues under the of next week. Yesterdays heavy down- ington club go to Annlston and plav a trust that it will not be pal tlcularlj pour completely soaked Lambeth Kleld, sei ics teven or eight exhibition game of difficult to obtain the evidence to sat-is- fj It Is quagmire today, though there The to.vn has alout I'.tiOO popu- and a the te. BOB the Department of Justice thai the may con- lation, and eveiy fan is anxious " THAYER'S sun and biceze benefit the the hlg league's The exhibition aatniM :i Sherman law Is being violated bv those ditions there late 1I1I3 afternoon theie alone would cut cleejilv Into BINGLES who are In the combine. AND "I have jet to meet a who sslll trip. BUNTS lawsor Schaefer Practices. of the The Itoeliesui Hid ', nshington lobs coi.ld ue the Sporting Gossip contend that the reset ve clause svhb i Herman Schaefer, prince of comedians baine park foi training unelei the best By enables a team to shift a playei fiom and first baseman of 1911, had his conditions possible " Grantlcind Rice. one place to anothci, at any salais It stellar 7 - e;.m7cl left last nlg'it on the o'clock desires and pi actually owns him until first Indoor woik this morning at Kaver- fi.efn .Sriiiislnii. .Inrlr last he Is useless in baseball. Is not a vio- ,,, fir "Every w either gsmnaslum He baa been us-U,- with .he Natl ma's, has alieidv ,ir Knock Is a Boost." lation of the Constitution. The pla.se r signed to tho fit at team and will prac lived ut Annlston with 11 dozen bats Requiem of the Lines. has either to follow ordeis or he Is de- I ' lie hoped to level prived on tice In right field. Schaefer left Hot wrote Ganzel that ("It is unllkflv that Hughcv Jennings svl'l be able to coach as formerlv this season II" Is unable to lift of his right of livelihood th nil the fences In the lute rnatlonal g "Dutch" Hchnefer is svelcome. diamond. Springs, Ark., Sunday afternoon and got .1 accompaniment and dancing grass-pullin- act will like- League this r. and has begun bis l.ls battel ed wrist to his mouth as whistling the and "Of course, the National Commission here at 10 13 last night, running on poor piaotlce early. The Hochestoi club ts ly be prevented bv his injured leg" Detroit Times) The placing of Foster on thiid base has done much good for baseball and s ivs has helped up to Its present plane, ' Itatns that mluul connections all tonioir root- - at Chailottesvlllc jestciday would In- the counlii. The Welnerwurst perform- Little Possibility of Game. Thero'n n hunli nlietse the linltlpflrlilt 11 1"M nhose the 'I be gnuip mn grots In xplentlor ssliorc the rnsliiR but It Is the abuses we aie after and er is In good condition fiom his tiaining eTie roitr. dicate that Gilfflth Is likely o shovw I nm satisfied vse can ptove oin ca-- e ' to-d- a Krceni M01-ga- n at Vapor alley and li ready to play There Is vers little possibility of Viiel teniiiilt lenp In seiliinir nt the OliiR of the h 00 rot Haj Morgan imek to the minors. concluded tho legislator who has sud- boding ullcnce on the one-tim- e slildy ircne! the , now. s game with Virginia being plaved. trlrkl 'I'l'p soe-n- l ntnelHlu Ilia; uplift the rrelitiK roeef Is too goeul a ball plajer to be lv denly crashed Into the spoitlng pages as- ecliuoM fcinellv unci timet of ft log fret In every Schaefer and Foster hao been Tho heaviest lain of the whole train- The liiixehlt lite When Route liold nn el lmrel) toller Mklcln In blithely on disposed of, for after section of the countrs. signed to the squad and Managei - Mm further flist ing trip tumbled down sesteielay with- ItraoundH ncrorni the pnstnre- stltli old nenoroiiM brntl I lie lteioft reasoning he should once more be worth McKinnon Has Say. Gilfflth lias. about decided to play tho It Riithpr to the ssA llnc-u- p Sat-urd- sslint noise vslirn I f one, nt sslll he folowlng against Virginia aj out cessation, thoroughly soaking the lint of nsall tlce Hut Uhiiss brothrrn. nionru a trial. For a youngster Morgan shows In his contentions, Congressman Gal- . Cashli.n, Becker, Allen, and Held and making It a swamp. Tho rat nnelrnt rent I plenty of promise. a strong supporter In Hugh the-- litllilillllg mill lagher has Akors, pitchers, Williams and Ainsmith, Vnlli.n ilu .ttm ilrlipn Into the esmna- - Where the i;nhM ccuse freim litilililiiiir nnd the sshlstlc Should IN) nlm ocllHr freim the whistle McKinnon, who Is heading the invasion catchers first base, running- - r.,mn ......n,,.l .......IllJlln t Vl.l hlllll I lie nl rent. l.,nn, C3IU1IIoe.i.. Ullt-i- ; IIIUI.i.nrnI ...j uv. l nt rent f Granvlllo Hunt Is happy. by the lccently organized ham. second base. McHrlde, shoi tstop, of It Two sessions of haul work wero of Washington I'oster, third base, .Mocllei, Held, v per- League, which is outsido left done, overs, bod getting up a good Those in chage of the vvor.d's base- United States Milan, center Held, Scliaefei. I'ght field. spiration. Tialner Miqiie Mai tin com- the realm of organized baseball thohp rub-dow- n K-y- holding opponents ball series might from Hesldes named the following pleted the workout with a The absence of Hugliey Jenninfis Hughey Russ Ford finished seventh his take a lesson "If there is no trust, whs don't wo Players belong to the llrst Joe w ho It.
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