Schmidt No SNI Tomorrow! Reviewed Big Red In Richmond The V.M.L Cadet One of Americans Last Independent College Newspapers VOLUME LXXV Virginia Military Institute, Lexington, Virginia, October 26, 1984 NUMBER9 'Friendly Criticism" by; Kurt Iversen supply-side economic policy, he reflected that "what you have is What you need now is friend- the largest Keynsian-based ly criticism " This was economic debt in history." Cfiancelior Schmidt's focus of attention Wednesday m his All this criticism on the Cameron fJall address for the former Chancellor's part was to H H .Johnson l>eclurevSeries awaken us to our present situa- tion. America's lack of an effec- Commenting on the United tive president and world leader States role as a world leader. is especially frightful because Schmidt emphasized the we seem to be ignorant of this responsibility America has in fact and are regressing into the world theatre He then ourselves, almost to the point of specified that we. at present, i.solationism. lack a "Grand Strategy" of defense Something he brought Schmidt then led the audience out first in his press conference through their own country's that afternoon before the state's past from the post-war pres- television, radio and journalist idency of Truman to what he press in Marshall Library. This called the "Nixon-Ford era." gap not only affects ourselves, Four goals for this lacking Former Chancellor Helmut Schmidt addresses Reporters in Moody Hall but neglects our major allies of world leader, which Schmidt which the Federal Republic of continually referred, were Germany is one. Mr. Schmidt of simple apathy to the need of presented by Schmidt to his its Western allies. said West Germany today is near-to-capacity audience. 1. trapped "in the middle" of Former Cadet Charged "What is the West's Grand With rank comes responsibili- everything. Both between the Strategy," 2. "Are we (the ty. This is what Schmidt seem- by: Tim Perez U.S. and the U.S.S.R. diplo- West] to get into a trade war Captain Fred M. Spence (rf the ed to say to us, who are the top A former VMI cadet is cur- matically, and physically be- between ourselves." This refer- Rockbridge County Sheriff's power in the world and as such rently awaiting trial "for the tween the free allies of Western red to the actions of the U.S. to Department and law enforce- cannot ignor this. alleged arson that took place on Europe and the Soviet sateUites Japanese and Western Euro- ment officials from Tennessee May 5 of this year. Matthew B. of Eastern Europe. Schmidt ex- pean industrial competition. 3. on September 28. 1984 at 11:50 On a lighter note was His Ex- Walrod, of Brentwood Ten- tended on this insight to the "What is the situation with p.m. in Nashville, Tennessee." cellency's comment at Wednes- nessee, will appear in General Western Germany attitude for 5 China and the Western Allies. The incident allegedly took day afternoon's press con- District Criminal Court on minutes. And the fourth point was simply place around 2:00 a.m. on May ference. Mr. Schmidt was con- November 9, 1984 and will be "where is the world-wide 5, 1984 in Scott Shipp Hall. The fronted with the question of who represented by Attorney Eric "One of your (recent] leaders leadership needed from the fire department was not he preferred in this fall's elec- Sisler. was concerned with the Human U.S.?" notified as the fire was ex- tion, Mondale or Reagan. Walrod's arrest concluded an tinguished by cadets who were Rights of the Soviet Union... Schmidt leaned t>ack in his where they have not...ex- "We are in the Second Cold investigation conducted by VMI "late studying" in the building. War," Schmidt emphasized. He chair and gave a long thought- Post Police Chief C. L Burch, The damages were estimated to perienced it for 400 years." This ful pause before responding. was a direct criticism of former then slated that he was "not with assistant from Rockbridge be close to $6,000. prophesizing." The former "Gerry Ford" he responded County Sheriff's Department. Walrod, who attended VMI President Jimmy Carter's chuckling. Human Rights policy which he Chancellor did not want to infer The warrant, which read: "...on from August, 1979 until his stressed for the USSR. This led that a nuclear holocaust will be The H. B. Johnson lecture or about May 5,1984, the accus- dismissal on April 18. 1983, for into Schmidt's examples of how the result of such a cold war. group should be commended for ed violated Section 18.2-79 Code reasons satisfactory to the the U.S. has failed in accepting, Rather, that the only way a cold picking former Chancellor of Virginia—(attempted to) Superintendent, was released and taking its role as a world war can be broken is with effec- Helmut Schmidt, our country's maliciously burn a building after posting $10,000 bail The leader in the West. Not limiting tive leadership which has been friendly critic. erected for public use, to-wit trial is tentatively set for 11:30 criticism to the last democratic provided for by U.S. presidents Scott Shipp Hall, Virginia a.m. on the 9th of November. party president, he bit into past. He seem^ concerned that Military Institute, Lexington, The VMI Cadet will run a President Reagan also, com- this void of leadership was not Va. when a person was complete story about the in- menting on Reagan's 1980 elec- being fulfilled because of an at- (Schmidt Photos by Kurt therein." was "executed by the vestigation and the trial as soon tion promise of a Keynsian titude which exists in America Vogan,VMl Cadet) arresting officers, Chief Burch, as the case is concluded. Pag« Tha VMI Cadet, Octobtr 26,1984 Letters To The Editor Dear Editor, I'm not talking about the the fans, but gets litUe more The past few years at VMI system itself. Theoretically, the than a haasle from the ad- have not been among the better system works, but it can't if the ministi'ation. Virginia Militia ones in its history as far as win- people running it aren't willing Hey I, how about a little en- ning is concern^. We've l)een to, not only "play the game", couragement from time to losing in football, losing in but play it with a sense of decen- time? How about a real "good During the past two years of my cadetship at the In- basketball, losing in soccer, los- cy. Here are some examples of deal" here and there to boost stitute, it has come to my attention that the overall ing at advanced camp, etc. This the things I'm talking about morale? Something has to be appearance of the Virginia Militia does not always is ridiculous when we consider that build up and work to done by someone to boost the reflect the professional and military image desired by the caliber of person we have at destroy a cadet's motivational morale of the Corps. VMI overall. We're not incentives: (1) "Shake down in- The Administration is com- the ideals of VMI. slouches, or at least we weren't spections"; (2) Severe reduc- plaining about poor perfor- Whether you realize it or not, ladies and gentlemen, before we came here. If, in fact, tions in privileges such as days mance on the physical fitness you are under the scrutiny of the cadets and the pubUc we have become unmotivated and weekends for cadets that test in summer camp, and and uncaring, it is not solely our missed part of their furlough blaming it on the physical train- every day. Your appearance has a subtle effect on ing program here at VMI. how they view the Institute, and how they perceive fault. The administration is because of things such as greatly at fault also. The entire Cadre, basketball, football, However, simple as it may your ability to educate the cadets. It is very attitude of the administration is etc.; (3) That permit to escort seem, many cadets aren't scor- discouraging to see members of the uniformed facul- what contributes most to the your girlfriend in her own ing poorly because they're out ty displaying sloppy salutes, wearing improper in- plague of apathy that sickens homecoming parade that got of shape. They're scoring poor- signia, wearing brass that is tarnished and scratched the majority of the Corps. The slammed; (4) The sudden in- ly because the atmosphere beyond repair. (I won't even talk about the shoes!) blame cannot rest on the ac- crease in penalties for having around here breeds such tions of a single official, nor can civilian clothes in your room; apathy. We start off "beating This communicates a lack of respect toward the it rest on a single action of the (5) Constant harassment of our heads against the wall" to uniform, and what it stands for; and possibly it con- entire administration. It must cadets with family to get back make something of ourselves veys an apathetic attitude towards the cadets, and rest on the little, individually in- into the stadium at the Parents' and the Institute, but the in- significant things that con- Weekend ball game; (6) The itiative is squelched rather than your interest in them. cultivated. Think about it for a minute. You are given the rank tinually pile up and eat away at Cadet that got boned 30 miles a cadets' sense of pride in being away at Mary Baldwin College To anyone who wants to know of an officer.
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