VQL.. 7 N0. 6 RAFFIC IN CONNECTICUT !: . 11 AUTOMATIC TRAFFIC COUNTER Ust.Dl¢"ttnuo,1kt !Hf: \iOl,.tJhttO" fit.LFt1; ◊'i tt'l-ttWAY~ x' TO 11c1A, C lJ,' Lh CO N, T,A._ •, Tl: P o• IHH". PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY AND FOR THE CONNECTICUT STATE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT 2 CUTS A~O.) FILLS COVER PICTURE SlJPREJIE COURT SUSTAINS LOWER COURT DECISION The cover picture shows one o! two IN ARBORIO SUIT highway department window displays which were on view at the Business and Technical Litigation between John Arbor!o, Inc., Branch, Hartford public Library, April 26, and the state Highway commissioner has been to May 14~ settled by an oplnlon from the March term or The feature attraction 1n the display the State supreme court or Errors. Chief shown on the cover was the automatic tra!f1c Justice William M. Maltbie presented the counter. The hose by which the counter 1s opinion in which the other judges concurred activated was led from the machine to the that there was no error 1n the Judgment sidewalk outside of the window so that entered by superior court Judge Kenneth observers could stev on 1t and watch the wynn e 1 n r av o r o f the s t a t e H 1 g h wa Y C om - counter OJ;)erate. missioner. A poster on the left 1n the wlndcw The action concerned cla!ms by the con­ offers a graphic l)resentatlon of 1940-44 tractor that he had been compelled to do traffic deaths on connecticut•s two-lane work outside the scope or his contract and r o a d s a s c o mI> a r e d w 1 th i t s d u a 1 - 1 a n e e x -­ that he had been forced to use materials not t> res sways. called for by the contract. The work was The appeal or the two display windows grading and drainage on a section of the may be judged from the number or map re­ Wilbur cross Parkway. quests generated. An 1nconsl)1cnous card 1n The corporation sought to recover addi­ one window invited persons wanting new tional compensation for work on a connecting tourist maps to leave their names 1n the road between the parkway and another highway library. A total or 577 did so-~ an avar­ claiming the work was not within the scope age of 34 a daYo These represented 59 of its contract. It also claimed extra com­ communltles 1n Connecticut and the states of pensation for using ~selected' rock in New York, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania and making fill at another point on the Job. Florida. The opinion cites the interlocking qualities of the contract, the plans and specifications governing a Job and further PHOTOGRAPHIC CREDIT points out that requirements appearing in plans, speciflcatlons or special provisions All photographs 1n this issue are the are equally binding. work or "Bill" Crosson or Highway control. It goes on to discuss speclflcallY the question of whether a temporary approach was a part of the contract. The court pointed SONE OF ENGINEERING FORCES out that a label on the plan clearly indi­ LEAVE STATE BUILDING cated the work as part or the contract al­ though the work extended beyond the station After 17 years in the State Office that was listed on the contract title page Building, the Highway Design and Bridge as end or the project. Design sections have been removed to a re­ The opinion summarized the matter 1n cently completed building at 170 Douglas th! s language: street. rn add! tlon, the Hartford Boundary "In determining the scope or the work survey office and the office or the soils contracted to be done, it is necessary, Engineer, formerly in the State Office therefore, to examine not only the contract Building~ are also now at Douglas Street. but the specifications and plans made a part Movement or these units was preceded by o t 1 t. " about two weeks by the Hartford Residency At another point the opinion stated previously housed at 436 Capitol Avenue. that •the contract clearly Included within !ts scope other incidental work immediately space made available by the removal of connected with that construction, though not the units on the fifth floor or the State between the designated station. 1 Office Building is being used to reduce The other part of the appeal concerned crowding of other sections of the highway the method or filling a swampy area across department. which the parkway passed. The contractor claimed that the state required the use or 1 selected 1 rock tor fill. This the state The overall speed limit on Connecticut denied, pointing out that the contractor was state highways was raised on May 15 from 40 reqtiirect to use rock from rock cuts on the to 45 miles per hour. The only exceptions job as !111 for the swampy area. The court are on the Wilbur cross parkway from Hamden found. that no special requirements were im­ and Meriden where the 11m1t 1s now 55 miles posed in the use or this rock rrom the ex­ per hour and on the Wilbur cross Highway cavation, but that the state had declined from conn. 74 to the Massachusetts state permission to use gravel and sand rrom a llne where the limit has been raised tc 60. plot of ground outside the right or way. CUTS AND FILLS 3 JILLIAN G. GROVE CONNISSIONER BILL PRESENTS 25-YEAR AWARDS FOR AASBO William o. Grove, former highway de­ partment Engineer of Bridges and Structures died 1n Grand R aplds., Michigan, May 27., after an illness or several months. Hospit­ alized in Hartford in October 1947, he sub­ seQuently moved to the home or a daughter in Grand Rapids. continued 111 health compelled his resignation rrom the department In December or the same year. "Bill" was born November 28, 1882, ln Ph1ladelphla, pa. He attended grade and high schools 1n Philadel­ phia and the University or pennsylvanla from which ht graduated in 1909 with a B,A. in Civil Engineering. He launched his career 1n bridge engin­ eering while attending college, working as an apprentice to the assistant engineer 1n the American Bridge company•s orrlce In Pencoyd, Pa, From 1928 to 1934 he was 1n charge or field and office work on bridges Another ten members or the department ror Robinson and Steinman 1n. New york. have been awarded the 25-year service certi­ Bill worked ror the highway department ricate and button of the American Associa­ in 1934 and 1935 on a part time basis during tion of State Highway Officials. - Commiss­ which tlme he was a consultant on the design ioner Hill acted in behalf of the associa­ of the Middletown-Portland Bridge. After tion in the presentations and at the same this he worked as Principal Engineer tor the time conveyed his congratulations and the u. S• Army at camp Roosevelt, Florida and appreciation or the state. He praised the later as bridge designer ror the united unswerving loyalty, often at a sacrifice, Engineering and construction co. in Mexico City. that has marked the services or the members or the group. The eleventh award was be­ In May 1937 he returned to the highway stowed posthumously. department's bridge design section as an Associate Highway Engineer on full tlme In the above photograph or the ceremon­ basis. During the succeeding years B111 was ies Commissioner Hill is shown with the responsibly Involved in the design of the recipients whose years of service are Indi­ Housatonic River Bridge, the Groton-New Lon­ cated below with tfie1r names. Le!t to right don Bridge and others or lesser slze. the group consists of Arthur H• Langley, 29: In February 1941, upon solicitation Walter Schuler, 27; Franklyn Disbrow, 27; by the war Department, he left to become an Walter M. Jones, 34; Edwards. Lawler., 34; engineering consultant ror the u.ss Army. commissioner Hlll; peter ThomJ;)son, 32; He r~turned to the department in May 1945. Charles 1. Nord, 25; Richard parker, 29. In November 1945 he was appointed vro­ Merwin A. Tyack wlth 25 years or service was visionally to the post or Engineer or absent at the time or the presentation. The Bridges and Structures to replace Leslie award for the late Fred H. Johnson ror 33 o. sumner who had been appointed director years or service was transmitted to his of Engineering and construction. Following ram! ly. Merit system examlnatlons Bill received Walter Jones -points out that the senior permanent appointment to the position. until 1n highway department service ls Edward his illness 1n October 1947 he was vitally Lawler., since Jones had three years of hls interested ln the design or the west Rock tenure 1n another department, Tunnel on the Wilbur cross parkway, New Haven. He was a member or the American society of Civil Engineers and a member or other englneerlng organizations. Blll is survived by two daughters and WARREN N. CREANER, JR. tour grandchildren. Burial services were held at Metcalf' s Chapel., Grand Rapids, The sympathy of the department ls Michigan on Saturday, MaY 29. extended to Warren M. creamer., director or rt ls difficult to express in suit­ Engineering, whose son, warren, Jr., passed able terms the arrectlon with which Bill away in April. Young creamer, a veteran was held by his assoclaies. perhaps, 1r or world war Two, had been 111 for many one followed a procedure common to him, one months. would get out a slide rule, take the square Besides h1s parents he leaves a sister root or all the nice things that have ever and his maternal grandfather.
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