University of New Orleans ScholarWorks@UNO Wavelength Midlo Center for New Orleans Studies 9-1987 Wavelength (September 1987) Connie Atkinson University of New Orleans Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.uno.edu/wavelength Recommended Citation Wavelength (September 1987) 83 https://scholarworks.uno.edu/wavelength/69 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Midlo Center for New Orleans Studies at ScholarWorks@UNO. It has been accepted for inclusion in Wavelength by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@UNO. For more information, please contact [email protected]. \1'5 NAlCHLY RoLl OVA. \/lC AWO f~·ArqK DAVIS! NAT'L-'(! •• • J-··~ ~!;~ .:.::•\ . •••. ...... ·:·..... ! ~ . .. .. ., .. .. .. .. ... -.. • ..• • .•.. •..•• .... ,. • • • • • • • . .... •• .. • . • .. •. • •. 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AMBITIOH AHO R£\IENGE, IN THE AFTERNOON RAYMILLAND THE NATION WAS EMBROILED IN CML WAR, AND THAT MEANT CHOOSING SIDES ...WHETHER YOU WANTED 10 OR NOT: BATON ROUGE: • Veterans at David in Metairie 885-4200 • 8345 Aorida Blvd. at Airline Hwy. 926-6214 "I'm 11 0t sure. but I'm a/molt positil'e. that all music came from .\'ell' Orlea11I." - Ernie K-Doe. 1979 Features Vic 'n' Notly ..... ......... 17 Snooks Eaglin ......... ....23 Bruce Daigrepont . ........24 Austin, Texos ............ ..26 Departments September News . 4 Film . ... .. .......... ... 6 Chomp Report . 8 Caribbean . ................ 1 0 A Copello .... .. ........ .. 12 U.S. Indies .... .. .... .... 1 4 Rare Record .. ............. 1 5 Reviews ... ... ... .... .. .. 15 August Listings .. ... .. ... ..31 Clossifieds . ... ............37 lost Page . .... ...... ...38 Cover .......ioa by llunny Malllwws Publi,her. Nauman S Sn>ll. Editor . Cunntc lianah .\tktn,un Aswciate Editor. Gene Scar.muuu. Busi· ' nh' l\1ana~:er . l..tura Grunldd Ad•erti,ing. Dtana Nada,. Charlc' W. lhmartl Art . Mary D'""· Con­ tributors. Stew Armhru,tcr. Bot> Catahont. Rtck Cole· man John [)c,pla,. Tum Dolan. Cam! Gntady. Kathy Haar Pat Jull>. Jan.c' I icn. llunny Manhc"''· Rtck Oil\ ter. Ja"'" l'a11CN>n. I Iammond Swu. Almu't Shm. Bry<tn Way"'" Typography. Dcvlin.Wengcr Awx:i- II 'm dt'llgth "publi,hcd munthl> m Ne" Orlean' Tele­ phone· (50-1) X95-~]-12 Matl 'uho.cnptinn,. adtln"' change' h> Wmdc·11gth. P 0 Bu~ 15667. Nc" Orlean,. LA 70175. Sul>,cnpllon rate $12 per year ($20 rnrctgn ,ur(acel FiN da" 'ub,cnptll>n' S2X per year (don.c,ttc and Canada). AO atrmail r.te at S-Ill per year hl\er\Ca\) Th.: cmirc content' ot ~Vtu·(·/,·na:th arc cupynghtctl •' I'll!? Wm·c•lc-11gth . Bad. "'ue' arc avatlahlc hy wn11ng to Back l"ue,. P 0 Bm 15667. Ne" Orlean,. LA 70175 Bccau\C of a • lin11tetl 'upply. had "'uc' arc avatlablc lur $-1 each. Plca\C otllmv a lc" \\eck' for pn>cc,\lng and dcll\el) ul order-. New Suh,cnhcr-: Plca'c allow up h> "' "'cck' fur receipt n t lir't i"uc due In uur ''1lall. non­ mmputerizcd .\Uh\Cripllon dcpanmenl. h>retgn cu,tmncr- may pay hy I M 0 ur chcd dr." n ht4 una U S bank Bccau\C of cxnrhttant h<tnk prt>cc'"ng ch;.trge,. we cannot accept check' tn Canadmn doll ar- nr ,,lhcr lurc1gn cunene)'. ur c.·hcc~' drJown un a foreign l>ank. Suh-.cnhcr- mu't no11fy u' tmn>edtately ulan} <hangc ot addrc'' If notlllcat•un j, ill n'H rcc.·civcd. maga1inc' \Cnl hl Mofot1e! mcnm:ct "ddrc'\C' will nut he replaced U.S. cu,tomcr­ includc 11p ct>dc. September 19th M·obile Greater Gulf State Fairgrounds FEATURING: • SPYRO GYRA • RAMSEY LEWIS • • AIRMEN OF NOTE • PFISTER SISTERS • DIRTY ~ DOZEN BRASS BAND. DIAL DIRECT Tickets thru Ticketmasters or phone 205/432-9796. 504•895•2342 Only $12 per year -MICHEWB. ~- SIPI'IMIIIR ••.., ....... 3 • .Conference On How To Research Black . Music To Be Held Here Historical researth can be an ex­ citing business.It's a slow and often laborious process, but anyone who Schedule of Papers has spent time studying source The fo llowing is the schedule of material knows the thrill of discov­ papers to be delivered at the ery as a picture starts to form amid National Conference On Black a plethora of documents. Sometimes Music Research and subsequently in Black Music Research the picture is rather blurry, and not published Beausoleil's Michael Doucet. exactly what you expected, and this Journal. is where the real problem begins Thursday, October IS because it's the interpretation of the 1-5 p.m., Registration, Exhibits, &eausoleil: blurrs which separate the historian Demonstrations Music In Flux from the writer of mere "potted" 5-7 p.m., Reception histories. The National Conference Friday, October 16 The first question to raise about On Black Music Research, which 9 a.m., Session I. Researching Beausoleil's Bayou Boogie is one of meets at the New Orleans Sheraton Black Religious Music In New purity vs. wider appeal - just how Hotel October 15-17, probably Orleans easily can the group's earnest won't of itself make hi storians of 10:30 a.m., Session 2. Research­ Cajun/zydeco sound exist alongside any of us, but it will offer valuable ing Jazz in New Orleans its newfound rock element? knowledge of some of the nuts and 2 p.m., Session 3. Researching Leader Michael Doucet was ex­ bolts of research into Afro­ New Orleans-Chicago Con­ pecting that one. American music. nections " I consider myself a traditionalist This will be the second con­ 3:30p.m., Session 4. Researching who experiments," Doucet said. " I ference organized by the Center For Late-Nineteemh-Cemury Black will never, ever, come close to sell­ Black Music Research of Columbia Concert Music In New Orleans ing out. There's too much schlock College, Chrcago. (They held their Saturday, October 17 in our culture right now. Fifteen first one two years ago in Washing­ 9 a.m., Session 5. Researching years ago, when I was very ada­ ton, D.C.) This year's meeting will Creole and Cajun Musics mant about preserving the acoustic describe methods and tools of re­ 10:30 a.m., Session 6. Research­ sound, all you heard was electric searching black music in the New ing Zydeco MtHic sounds. Now you hear mediocre Orleans area including black 2 p.m., Session 7. Researching acoustic sounds that are supposed to religious music, jazz (both in New New Orleans Rhwhm and Blues be traditional.'' Orleans and during the Chicago 3 p.m., Session 8. Using the Actually Beausoleil's use of migratory period), zydeco, Creole CBMR Database and the CBMR electric guitars and keyboards has a and Cajun music, rhythm and blues Bulletin Board for Researching precedent. Doucet was in Coteau, and late Nineteenth Century black Black Music which during the period 1975-'77 concert music. The final presenta­ Further information about the was termed "the Cajun Grateful tion will be a particularly intriguing conference can be obtained from Dead." Doucet said it was really prospect for researchers; a new Dr. Barron at Tulane Un­ more of a melting pot of Louisiana computerized data bank of black iversity's Music Department, or styles. and the same goes for Bayou music which draws material from by writing to Gail Scholler at Boog1e. six Chicago-area institutions, and Columbra College, Chicago, "On some songs on the record, which one day is likely to become a· 600 South Michigan Ave., Chi­ we don't veer - we play acoustic national repository. cago, IL 60605. 312/663-1600. instruments," he said. "But on Of added musical interest, and other songs, rt's from that Coteau running concurrently with this con­ era. It has a drffercnt drumbeat. I ference, will be meetings of the think it showcases more the music College Music Society and the Discovered AI Last of Louisiana and the different styles American Musicological Society. Local songwriter Margaret Harsh­ that have been nurtured here - Numerous concerts are scheduled, man, 80 years young, and her son, swamp-pop, older traditional songs, plus discussions on Louisiana's John Frentz, president of the traditional songs with a twist, and musical culture. Louisiana Songwriters' Association new songs written by Sonny Land­ A lot of this may seem academic (Margaret is past vice-president), reth and me." to the casual music listener. arc the authors of "Mardi Gras," a While Beausoleil simply reached However, if Afro-American music song chosen by the U.S. Navy Steel into an early form of itself for some is ever to be fully recognized as the Band for therr upcoming album. of its electric sounds, Doucet was great and pervasive force that it is, Now retired and living in the quick to remind us of how the mus­ detailed documentation needs to be Wynhoven Apartments in New ic has come to employ what has be­ done. Biography, history and critic­ Orleans, Margaret was thrilled "to come the "accepted" Cajun-music al analysis are needed on the level be discovered at last·' through one instrumentation. so long enjoyed by European mus­ of her more than 2,000 songs she "The music has always grown. ic. The National Conference On has been writing since age 16. Son You got to understand, when the Black Music Research promises John serves as the administrative Cajuns first played the accordion, it help to those of us who aspire to assistant to the pastor of the St. was a big shock. This music did not record this black contribution. It Louis Cathedral. "Mardi Gras" iriclude the accordion until around will advise us on the use of the was written in 1956 and has been 1900.
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