www.ukrweekly.com И1Ж ЇЛ- Published by the Ukrainian National Association inc.. a fraternal non-profit association! - Л- 01 2 Д) - О -t о вОТ) Ozn О я JO - M 14 о О ЇЛО rainian Weekly ІЛ (Л - " ; - vol. LI No. 40 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY. OCTOBER 2.1983 25 cents Famine was "genocide," Priest distributing famine leaflets scuffles with Soviet "press' Dr. Conquest tells w ^aaiavswj D.C. press conference ?sss WASHINGTON There is no doubi that the Ukrainian famine of 1932-3? was a deliberate genocide, Dr. Robert Conquest of the Hoover lnsti– lution on Wat. Revolution and Peace at Stanford University, told the media at a press conference held on Tuesday. September 27. tff"kick off the Great Famine Memorial Week here in the nation's capital. Dr. Conquest, author of the soon-to- be-published book on the Great Famine which is jointly funded by the Harvard Ukrainian Research4 institute and the Ukrainian National Association, was the principal speaker at the press conference organized by the Media 7MILLION UKRAIWANS WERE STARVED Relations Section of the National Committee to Commemorate Genocide victims in Ukraine. Other speakers at the press confe– rence. which was held at the National Press Club, were Lev Kopelev. a former АЙЕ РЙАЩ AND FASriNG THAT ТНБ MCHT ІСУЕР. HAPPEN AGAl Soviet dissident who was a witness to the events of the 1930s in Ukraine, and і . George Zarycky historian Dr. Martha Bohachevsky– The Rev. Petro Galadza (at right), who had a brief run-in with Soviet newsmen, listens as the Rev. John Shep reads from the Chomiak, who replied to questions Bible on the steps of the Capitol. The Rev. Taras Lonchyna is at left. concerning the role and fate of Ukrai– by George Zarycky which have been closed in response to capital, including metro stations, go– nian women during the famine period. the downing of the Korean jetliner by vernment buildings and at the National in his statement. Dr. Conquest said WASHINGTON - A young ukrai– the Soviets last month. The offices are Press. Club one hour before a press that as many as 14 million deaths nian Catholic priest became involved in half a block from the Soviet Embassy. conference on the famine held Tuesday. resulted from Stalin's dekulakization a brief scuffle with two Soviet newsmen The Rev. Galadza said he had been in According to the priest, he had been campaign of the early 1930s, while 7 who were videotaping him as he handed Washington since Monday along with distributing leaflets for some 30 minutes million of these can be attributed out leaflets about the Great Famine in two other priests, the Rev. John Shep,a when a champagne-colored station directly to the Great Famine. He added Ukraine in front of the Aeroflot offices Lutheran pastor from Madison, Wise. wagon with two men inside pulled up to that among Ae 7 million were 2 to 3 here on Wednesday afternoon, Septcm– and the Rev. Taras Lonchyna, a local the curb. The driver of the car emerged million children. ber28. Ukrainian Catholic pastor, as part of a with a video camera and began filming. Responding" later to a follon-up The Rev. Petro Galadza, 28. of five-day fast and prayer vigil for the 7 "He was standing about 25 feet from question about the fate of children Chicago, said that the incident occurred million victims of the artificial famine in me, so 1 asked him who he was working during the famine, the Stanford scholar about 12:30 p.m. while he was distri– Ukraine in 1932-33. He said that he and for," said the Rev. Galadza, who is from said that children were deposited in buting materials on the corner of L and the others had been handing out leaf- Ss. volodymyr and Olha parish in special camps and there they were 16th streets near the airline offices. lets at several locations in the nation's (Continued on page 15) thrown an occasional loaf of bread. Many, however, died off because there simply was not enough food for sur– Judge says Soviet evidence "unreliable"; clears NJ. man vival, he said. NEWARK, N.J. - A federal district by the U.S. Justice Department's Office charges against him were fabricated as Calling the Great Famine "the for– court judge here said on Wednesday, of Special investigations' was "inade– part of continuing Soviet attempts to gotten holocaust," Dr. Conquest noted September 28, that the U.S. govern– quate" to denaturalize Mr. Kungys. discredit emigres from areas now under that it is absolutely comparable to the ment and the Soviet Union "collabo– in his 104-page written opinion, Soviet domination. treatment of the Jews by the Nazis. rated" in efforts.to prosecute a Lithua– which was quoted extensively in the Mr. Kungys entered the United Ukraine's experience of half a century nian emigre accused of participation in Star-Ledger news story filed by Robert Strtes in 1948 and became a naturalized ago is important today, he said, because Nazi war crimes, and ruled that there Rudolph, Judge Debevoise said that the American citizen in 1954. He said he "it was in that crucible that Andropov was no credible evidence to support the charges against Mr. Kungys were based was active in the Lithuanian resistance and other Soviet leaders were molded." charges against him. on "unreliable" testimony from witness– movement which fought the German "There is always a tendency to forget The Star-Ledger, New Jersey's largest es who had been "prepared" by the occupying forces. the nature of the Soviet regime," he newspaper, reported that the ruling KGB. He ruled that the procedures used Judge Debevoise charged U.S. said, adding that "the Soviet attitude effectively clears Juozas Kungys, 67, a in the case, including the methods used authorities with failing to take adequate toward human life is not what we in the retired dental technician from Clifton, to gather evidence and testimony, raise steps to ensure that the evidence West expect." N.J., of charges that he helped German "serious doubts" about the credibility of obtained from the USSR was not Mr. Kopelev told the news confe– forces slaughter Jewish-residents of the information, and added that impor– coerced or tainted by Soviet officials. rence that he was a member of the Kedainiai. Lithuania. tant documents had r""en withheld by He wrote: "Knowing the nature ol the Komsomol, the Communist Youth U.S. District Court Judge Dickinson the Soviets. Soviet legal system, the (U.S.) (Continued on page 4) Debevoise said the evidence presented Mr. Kungys maintained that the (Continued on page 15) THE GREAT FAM1NE: on October 2 'let us remember and make others aware: r 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY. OCTOBER 2.1983 No. 40 Dissident sketch Secret Soviet documents reveal plans Anatoliy Zinchenko to intensify Russification in Ukraine NEW YORK Secret Soviet docu– dence courses in.pedagogical institutes BORN: 1925. and universities. OCCUPATlON: Engineer ments recently published in under- LATEST ARREST: August 22. ground Ukrainian samvydav indicate The purpose ol the measures, accord– 1980. that Moscow has decided to intensify its ing to the collegium, is to "ensure that CHARGE: Circulating human-rights Russification policies in Ukraine, parti– the fluent use of the Russian language documents and letters demanding cularly in education, reported the on a lqvel with the^ native language permission to emigrate (Article 62 of Prolog Research Corporation here. becomes a norm for young people graduating from secondary educational the Ukrainian Criminal Code). The documents include minutes from SENTENCE: Six years in a strici– institutions and the civic duty of every a June 29 meeting of the Collegium of young person." regimen labor camp and five years' Education of the Ukrainian SSR which internal exile. detailed measures to improve Russian- But the political intent is clearly PREviOUS TERMS; None. language studies in Ukraine in accor– spelled out in the first of the additional EX1LE ADDRESS: dancc with a May 26 resolution of the measures put forth by the collegium, 618801 Central Committee of the Communist which says that "the fluent use of Permskaya oblast Party of the Soviet Union and the Russian on a level with the native Cbusovskoy raion Council of Ministers of the USSR. The language constitutes an objective st. Polovinka resolution called for the upgrading of necessity and requirement for every uchr. vS-389 37 Russian-language instruction in all citizen, promotes the further consolida– union republics. iion of friendship and brotherhood among the peoples of the USSR and the A glimpse of Soviet reality A correspondent resolution was adopted on June 10 by the Central development and strengthening of the Committee of the Communist Party of material and spiritual potential of the Poet My kola Kholodny recants — againth e Ukrainian SSR and the Council of Soviet people." Ministers. The statement appears to underscore According to the documents, the Moscow's determination to continue to by Dr. Roman Solchanyk D. Ovcharenko. assuring him that "the lormer Kholodny is no more" and Collegium of the Ministry of Education define its nationalities policies in terms of the Ukrainian SSR– outlined seven A recent issue of visti z Ukrainy, a expressing his readiness "to rebut of the eventual melding of the vast major Steps toward implementing the weekly published for Ukrainians abroad, bourgeois nationalist propaganda" for multinational population of the Soviet national decree, and approved 31 ad– contains a letter to the editors from the misrepresenting his poetry. He is said to Union into one "Soviet people," and to ditional measures "to improve the study poet Mykola Kholodny that is. in effect, have sent a similar letter in December of raise the Russian language to the status of the Russian language in the republic's his second public recantation of activi– that year to Oleksandr S.
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