• »t-«- t^t*, A little paper $2.50 a Year with all the Alioe Arm and news and a big Anyox. $2.75 to circulation all other points. Published in the interests of Alice Arm and Anyox, B. C. VOL. 7, NO. 25 ALICE ARM, B. C, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1927 5 cents each. Logging Camp of F. L. Coastwise Steamship & Estate of Late J. 0. Tre­ —« Stewart Short Line May Housley Finally thewey Divided Among Barge Co. Buy More Be Extended to Peace Children and Relatives Barges River Another day or two will witness Net estate amounting to $587, Capt. James Griffiths of Seattle, It is expeoted in many quarters the dosing of the logging oamp of 239 was left by J. O. Trethewey head of the Coastwise Steamship that should the C. P. R, decide to F. L. Housley who has logged the the well known lumberman and & Barge Co., announces that he build a railway from the Peace has purchased the steamers El Kitsault Flats for the past 18 mining owner. The late Mr. Trer River Country to the coast that months. For the past few weeks thevvey was owner of several Abeta, El Cedro and El Ciouta they will make Stewart the ter­ only a small crew has been em­ mining properties at Alice Arm, from the Los Angeles Lumber Pro­ minus. During the past few- ployed taking up railway track, also oond noted logging operations 3(Ca$ (he coming duct Co. and will place them in the weeks several things have pointed ore carrying service between and gathering equipment together, here for several years. The estate Year he the most to the possibility of such an event. most of whioh has been shipped to will be divided among children and Stewart and Anyox and Tacoma. Following is an article published Anyox. relatives. Happy and prosperous The three vessels, whioh for some in the Portland Canal News deal­ years were engaged in carrying Since Mr. Housley oommenoed To a son, Joseph Edgar Tre­ In your life, and ing with the matter: lumber and logs between Massett logging he has put approximately thewey of Abbotsford, he bequeath­ ' Railway construction has been May it be the stepping Inlet and Seattle and other Amer­ 12 million feet in the water. Of ed $60,000 and one-sixth of the re­ the chief topic of conversation iu ican ports, are now being drydock this amount 85 per cent was spruce siduary estate. One-sixth shares Stone to increased Stewart during the week. Last ed in Los Angeles before being Sunday the Portland Canal News 10 per cent hemlock, and the re­ of the residue were eaoh left to his Prosperity in the turned over to the Coastwise Com­ maining 5 per cent oottonwood. other children, May Simmonds, received by wireless, aud bulletined, pany to enter service on the Brit­ The spruce and hemlock was sold 1260 Bid well street, Margaret Gray Years to come is our confirmation of the sale of the Can­ ish Columbia coast. to the Powell Biver Paper Co. and of Abbotsford, Myrtle Bird, 4750 Wish to you. adian Northeastern Railway, better the cottonwood to the Laminated Hudson avenue, Cora Trethewey of Capt. Griffiths also announces known as the Portland Canal Materials Co. of New Westminster. Newton Lower Falls, Mass, and the sale by the Coastwise Steam­ Short Line, to English capitalists, and the faot that finances were av­ Fourteen thousand feet of new William Trethewey, 1758 Kings ship & Barge Co. of the steamer ailable for a rehabiliation of the railway traok was laid during the way, New Westminster. Griffco, long in service on this old road to its terminus at Americ­ past 18 months, and a bridge 70 A brother, James, Trethewey, 530 coast, to the Inter-Island Steam an creek. feet in length was also built across Ash street. New Westminster, re­ Officers of Catala Not To Navigation Co. of Honolulu. The the North-East Fork of the Kit­ ceives a $10,000 legacy, and two Blame For Recent Wreck Griffco will leave Puget Sound al­ 'Later iu the week word came of sault River. From 35 to 40 men sisters, Elizabeth Dolby of Chilli­ most immediately for Honolulu to activities by the C. P. R. in the Captain E. A. Dickson and Chief were employed, with a monthly waok and Emma Brett of Chilli­ enter the Hawaiian inter-island Peace River section which it is ex­ Officer Ernest Sheppard have been payroll of $5,800. waok receive the same. service. pected will eventually result in exonerated from all blame in con­ All the railway track has been An annuity of $2400 for life was direct connection between the nection with the grounding of the We are again on the threshold of taken up except 2,400 feet on the left by the testator to his divorced great farming area and the sea-port S. S. Catala, at a court of inquiry another year. Another year has tide flats. This is built on a trestle, wife, Rita Belle Trethewey, of Ab of Stewart. held in Vancouver. passed away, and it has not dealt the timbers of whioh are in good botsford, and an annuity of $600 "Dispatohes from Winnipeg, Ed­ Chief Officer Sheppard was in unkindly with the Anyox and Alioe condition, aud will be lifted in the to her son, Joseph Massen Treth­ monton and Vancouver all concede charge at the time the ship struck Arm distriot. Everyone has made spring when the snow is off the ewey, until he is 21 years of age. that Stewart will be the western the rocks. He stated that a mirage a living, many have increased their ground. The principal asset comprises outlet for the Peace River country, existed at the time the ship struck, savings; some have gained further The closing of the camp marks 585,000 shares in Abbotsford Lum­ and this consumation may be eff­ which deceived the officers as to experience, and uot many have lost the end of logging iu the Alice ber, Mining & Development Co. ected much sooner than even the the ship's position. As the acci­ ground. Abject poverty, as it is Arm district, except on a small Ltd., valued at $468,000. There most optimistic have hoped for. dent happened at the height of the known in the big cities is a stranger scale. The whole of the Kitsault is also a balance owing by Joseph tide it was also presumed that to us, and we have a lot to be "According to last Sunday's mes Flats has now been logged. Some Edgar Trethewey on the purohase Sparrowhawk buoy had drifted a thankful for. > sage, reconditioning of the road good stands of timber, however of shares in the company for $113, short distance. The big Anyox plant of the will start at the beginning of the remain, but not enough in one 086 of $84,400. The many friends of these popular Granby Co. has operated uninter- New Year, when 15 miles of line place to pay a profit at present The exeoutors are Joseph Edgar officers in the north will be pleased uptedly throughout the past year, from Stewart to Red Cliff will be prices. Trethewey, William Gray, who is to learn that they are held blameless. producinga yellow stream of wealth put in shape. It will be ready for the deceased's son-in-law, and R. that creates many happy homes in operation by August, 1928. Alice Arm Logs Being Ship­ W. Harris, K. C. Cold Weather Prevailing this district, and adds considerably "This section of the road will ped South to the prosperity of the whole serve a number of mines which are To date, this winter has been the No Anyox News This Week province. being developed in the district. It The log- carrying barge, Biscayne coldest on record, and a record will also be utilized as a logging arrived at Alice Arm early on Tues­ Owing to the indisposition of our snowfall has also been experienced. Alice Arm has passed a success­ railway in connection with a saw­ day morning. She was towed north Anyox correspondent, Mr. M. J. The coldest weather of the season ful year and while no big develop­ mill to be ereoted in the vicinity of by the powerful tug Pacific Monarch. Sheen, with an attack of grippe, occurred this week, when the ther ments have taken place, steady The Biscayne has been loading logs no Anyox news arrived at the mometer registered three below progress has been made, from Stewart. throughout the week from F. L, Herald office this week. This, we zero. From present indications it which everyone will benefit in the "An extension of six miles up Housley's camp. The logs are very much regret, especially as is very probable that the weather years to come. Bear River will be undertaken and destined for Powell River and will several important news items were will continue to get colder. It is true that the price of all finished by August. 1929. This be the last logs to leave the Kitsault awaiting publication. Our readers metals were at a low ebb during will serve the George Copper, Ar­ the biggest part of the year, but Flats this winter. can rest assured that everything genta, Rufus and Red Top mines. New Year Party Tonight at all signs point to a steady increase possible was done to prooure the "The present project is fully fi­ Alice Arm Hotel in price during the coining year. The coming year will be a pros­ news, but the late announcement nanced for 1928-29.
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