S2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 24, 2020 well as the efficacy—how well does it The reason we are here tonight is Those 1,700 restaurants and bars, in work?—over the course of several that we are both upset that people are this bill, if we pass it, can go to a cred- weeks. still talking about adding to the bill 48 it union or a bank. You can borrow We have some other amazing, mir- hours after having been on the 5-yard money to pay your employees up to acle drugs. They are called monoclonal line. We may be on the 1-yard line, but, $8,000. You can borrow money to pay antibodies. That is the technical term apparently, there are 20 people on de- the rent, pay yourself as the owner, for them. When you take that drug, it fense when we need to get the ball in and we will forgive it and make it a provides protection against the the end zone. grant for 6 or 8 weeks. That will change coronavirus so that you don’t even get I am just begging of my colleagues everybody’s life all over South Caro- the COVID–19 disease. who have worked very hard—and I am lina. Here is the challenge, Senator GRA- not being critical as much as I am It is time to change people’s lives. It HAM. We have to be operating on par- being insistent—because enough is is time to stop negotiating. It is time allel paths right now to make sure we enough. You have done a good job for to vote. have those drugs available to the the Democratic causes. We have done a f American people in a widespread fash- good job for the Republican causes. The ion before the next flu season hits this cause is the country. RECESS fall. We are seeing reports right now If you are out of work, we are going Mr. GRAHAM. Mr. President, I ask from Singapore and Hong Kong, and to keep you on the payroll so you don’t unanimous consent that the Senate there are some reinfections going on. have to go on unemployment if your stand in recess until 9:30 p.m. That should put us on notice. employer decides to go that route. If There being no objection, the Senate, Assuming our containment strategy you are on unemployment, we are at 8:32 p.m., recessed until 9:30 p.m. and works and that we bend this curve, as going to give you $600 more so you can reassembled when called to order by we have talked about, so that we look actually survive better than you would the Presiding Officer (Ms. MCSALLY). more like South Korea than Italy—we have without this bill. If you are a The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- pray for that and hope for that and are nurse or a doctor and you are running ator from Louisiana. working to that end—the challenge out of supplies, this bill has a tremen- Mr. CASSIDY. Madam President, I will be our not having enough immu- dous supply chain in it. spoke to you earlier when you were nity in our society coming up this fall. So our message is simple: No more presiding. That will leave us vulnerable to a sec- negotiations. It is over. Let’s vote. I am about to take the Presiding Of- ond wave of this virus. Mr. DAINES. Senator GRAHAM, thank ficer’s place, as she took my place ear- The solution—the way we win this you, and we will conclude here. lier, and we will swap once more. Yet, war—is to start manufacturing some of This is a moment in our history as a before I sit down, I want to repeat the these drugs earlier, in parallel with the nation. Truly, we have got to come to- message I gave earlier. testing that is going on, so that, by the gether. The American people are ask- As we wait for a decision to be made time the fall hits, we will have it avail- ing us to come together. between the Democratic minority lead- able for the American people. That is Senator GRAHAM, I thought for cer- er, the Speaker of the House, and the in this bill. tain we would have a vote today, and administration, we had a deal that Listen, every hour that goes by in here we are, approaching 8:30 p.m., and they had agreed to that was bipartisan, which we don’t pass this bill is an hour no sign of a vote. We are going to lose on which Senators from both parties that is lost in this fight. We see what is another day while the unemployment had come together, had reviewed, and going on. If you look at the World claims are rising and people are get- had an awareness of. No Senator Health Organization’s numbers—we are ting sicker. There is help on the way thought it was a corporate bailout. If calculating them on a daily basis and with this historic package. It is time to one did, one didn’t say so at the time. sometimes on an hourly basis—every forget who is a Republican and who is Every Senator felt like this was the hour matters right now, and every day a Democrat. The question is—these are way to emerge. This could have been matters. We have now lost 2 days this 100 Americans serving the U.S. Senate. passed into law on Sunday, but we are week. It has been incredible. It is time to rise above the current fra- nowhere close, apparently. Lindsey, it is Wednesday tomorrow. cas and vote. Tonight, I was asked on a TV show: It is time to vote. This Chamber is Mr. GRAHAM. One last thing. Who is What about the single mother in Baton empty. Senator GRAHAM, let’s get this the gentleman who is thinking about Rouge? What would I tell her? Chamber full of Senators, and let’s laying people off from Montana, that Do you know what I would say to have an up-or-down vote. Let’s get it business? that single mother? I would tell her I done. Mr. DAINES. Steve Luebeck. care about single moms. I would say Mr. GRAHAM. We will end where we Mr. GRAHAM. Mr. Luebeck, I have that we had a deal, but then the Speak- began. The reason I am here with Sen- never met you. Maybe one day I will. I er of the House and the Democratic mi- ator DAINES is that I have been getting enjoy my visits to Montana. Give us 24 nority leader decided to leverage the phone calls over the last several hours more hours. I am hoping and praying misery of the American people, the from people who want to add more that we can write the bill. End the ne- businesses that are shutting down as money. It is not that it is a bad idea as gotiations right now, write the bill, we speak, and the people who are being much as it is we need to get this bill and vote on this thing, House and Sen- laid off every day, to their political ad- done. It will not be the last time we get ate, and put it on the President’s desk vantage. I am so sorry to say that, but to address this problem. It rattles me in the next 24 hours. Sir, if we can’t, we that is a fact. to no end to know that people are still have let you down and everybody else Then, afterward, they had to come up asking for billions of dollars at 8:30 at in the country like you. with a big, sort of, ‘‘Oh, my gosh. We night or 8 o’clock at night. That tells To my Governor in South Carolina, can’t support it because of this or me that we haven’t sent the right sig- you had to institute some very strong that.’’ It wasn’t what they were saying nal, which is that this is a good bill. It containment policies so we don’t be- when they agreed to it. They had to is time to write it, and it is time to come New York. People in my State— come up with a reason to justify men- vote on it. It is time to end the nego- there are 1,700 restaurants in Myrtle dacity. They are leveraging the misery tiations. Beach, restaurants and bars. We are of the American people to their polit- Mr. President, you have done a very going into Easter in a few weeks, and ical advantage. A deal could have been good job today. That news conference that is when the season begins. signed on Sunday—a bipartisan deal with you and Dr. Fauci was the most Our Canadian friends would be com- that 100 Senators had some input into encouraging I have seen. We are going ing down any day now. They want to go and that the Speaker of the House had to listen to good science, and we are swimming in March. We are glad to input into. going to turn on the economy in a have them. We don’t like swimming in Someone pointed out the irony to smart way with conditions being faced. March because it is too cold for us, but me—and I have to wrap up shortly—so You have encouraged Congress.
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