NOTES ON THE FAUNA OF THE CHIPOLA FORMATION-XXXII A NEW SPECIES OF THE GENUS CYM ATIUM (MOLLUSCA: GASTROPODA) GARY W. SCHMELZ NAPLES. FLORIDA While collecting fossil mollusks along and narrow spiral cords. Aperture elongate­ Tenmile and Farley Creeks in Calhoun ova!; with numerous plicae extending across the County, Florida, this investigator disco­ parietal wall. The outer lip of the aperture is vered a number of specimens of a new crenate and has a set of three short teeth near species of Cymatium. This species a nd the anal area followed by six pairs of short teeth. many other unusual forms w e re concen­ evenly spaced along the remainder of the open­ ing. The siphomil canal is long and slender with trated in a highly fossiliferous la ye r of red­ the anterior half bent dorsally. dish brown earth that directly overlies a llolotype: USNM 445741; height :30 mm, diam more compact deposit of gray siliceous eter 16.5 mm. sediment. A total of four nearly complete Type locality: TU 951, south hank ofTenmilc specimens of the Cymatium we re obtained Creek, about 1 1/2 miles west of Chipola River from the south side of Tenmile Creek at (SE 1/4 Sec. 12, TIN, RIOWl, Calhoun County, Tulane collection site 951 (TU 951). Two Florida. additional specimens were collected on the Paratype. USNM 445742; height 39 mm, diam etcr 20 mm, locality TU 5'16, Tenmile Creek, north side of T enmile Creek at the power Calhoun County, Florida. line near TU 1098. One of these specimens is complete and the second consists of a Discussion. A review of the literature re· large fragment of the body whorl. Another veals that this is the first species of large fragment of the body whorl of this Cymatiurn to be recognized from early species was collected from the south side Miocene deposits; however, Maury (1925) of Farley Creek at TU 819. T h is fragment described a species of Cymatiwm from the measures 40 mm from the end of the early Miocene Pirabas Formation in Brazil siphonal canal to the should er of the body as Murex williarnsi. The species described whorl and is larger than any of the other here differs from Maury's specimen in that specimens. An additional example of this it has a more angulate body shape and the species was a lso collected by Emily Vokes, penultimatc whorl has fewer axial ridges on Tenmile Creek at TU 546. (seven to eleven vs. sixteen). In Maury's specimen all of the tcleoconch whorls arc sculptured with spiral cords of unequal CYMAT fUM (GUTTURNIU:vl i RTTTERT Schmelz, n. sp . thickness but in Cymatimn ritteri there are Text figs. 1, 2 three to four narrow cords anterior to the suture follo¥.·ed by alternating cords of un­ Diugnosis: Shell is triungula r sh aped. A small equal thickness. Maury (1925) also noted portion of lh e protoconch, remaining in the that the growth lines on her specimen are holotype, is smooth and glossy, and becomes ab­ most apparent in the intervals between the ruptly sculptured with weak, raised cords and cords but in the new species the growth axial ridges about halfway through its develop­ lines are Vf'l'Y faint in the interval between ment. The surface of' the b:ist fo u r and one-half' the cords ~nd most prominent on the teleoconch whorls is covered with gradually cords. more pronounced raised cords and axial ridges. Representatives of the genus Cynwtium On the telcoconch w horls all of the spiral cords have been reported from a number of dif. cross over the axial ridges. Fine vertical growth lines also cross ove r the cords a nd intervening fercnt Cenozoic deposits. Cymatium spaces, giving the shell a faint cross-hatched ap· ogygimn Woodring (1959, p. 204, pl. 27, pearance. The growth lines are most prominent figs. 4,6) was described from the south on the spiral coz·ds. On the penultimate whorl coast of Pato Horqucto Island in the there are seven to e leven prominent axial Panama Canal Zone in beds of c<1.rly ridges; anterior to the suture there arc three Oligocene age and is the oldest species of narrow spiral cords followed by two to three al­ this genus found in the Caribbean region. ternating pairs of wide and narrow ones. On the A related species, Cymatium amnicretum body whorl there are two prominent corrugated MacNeil, 1984, was reported from deposits axial varices, which are separated by two to of a similar age by MacNeil and Dockery three axial ridges. Anterior to the body whorl suture are three to four narrow spiral cords. (1984, p. 116, pl. 18, figs. 4, 51. The latter These arc followed by alternating pairs of wide species is probably also related to Guttur- 137 138 Tulane Studies in Geology and Paleontology Vol. 22 ntmn gracile gurabonicum Maury (1917, p. 1098. Chipola Fm., Tenmile Creek, south bank 107, pl. 17, fig. 10) from the late Miocene just east of power line crnssing (SE 1/4 Gurabo Formation of the Dominican Re­ Sec. 12, TIN, RIOWI, Calhoun Co., public. Florida. In Florida, Mansfield (1930, p. 94, pl. 12, fig. JO ) described a single immature speci­ LITERATURE CITED men as Cym.atium floridanum. from the GABE, W. M., 1881, Descriptions of new species early Pliocene deposits of the Jackson of fossils from the Pliocene clay beds be­ Bluff area. A number of specimens of this tween Limon and Moen, Costa Rica, to­ species have since been obtained by col­ gether with notes on previously known lectors from the APAC pit in Sarasota (per­ species from there and elsewhere in the Caribbean: Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, sonal observation). Jow·., (Se.-. 2), v. 8, p. 349-380, pis. 45-47. There have been numerous reports of HO ERLE, S. E., 1970, Mollusca of the "Glades" Cym.atium in the Pleistocene of the Carib­ unit of southern Florida; Part II: List of mol­ bean area. Cymatium pileare (Linne, 1758) luscan species from the Belle Glade Rock was collected from Pleistocene sediments Pit, Palm Beach County, Florida: Tulane of Costa Rica by Gabb (1881) and by Weis­ Stud. Geol. Paleont., v. 8, no. 2, p. 56-68. bord (1962) from Barbados and the MACNEIL, F. S., and D. T. DOCKERY, lll, Panama Canal Zone. Weisbord (1962) also 1984, Lower Oligocene Gastropoda, identified the subspecies, Cymatium Scaphopoda, Cephalopoda of the Vicksburg Group in Mississippi: Miss. Dept. Nat. Res., pileare martinianum (d'Orbigny, 1846) Bw-. Geol.. Bull. 124, 415 p., 72 pis., 16 lexl­ from northern Venezuela as well as figs. Cymatium parthenopeum (Von Salis, 1793). MANSF1ELD, W. C., 1930, Miocene gastropods This latter species has also been reported and scaphopods of the Choctawhatchee For­ from the upper Miocene of Calolira in mation of Florida: Florida Geo!. Surv., Bull. Europe by Watson (1886). Weisbord was 3, 185 p., 21 pis. the first to identify Cymatium krebsii MAURY, C. J., 1917 , Santo Domingo type sec­ Morch, 1877, from Pleistocene deposits in tions and fossils, Pt. l; Mollusca: Bulls. northern Venezuela. Hoerle (1970) re­ Amer. Paleontology, v. 5, no. 29, p. 165-415, pis. 27-65, map. ported Cymatium cingulatu1n (Lamarck, MAURY, C. J., 1925, Fosseis Terciarios do 1822) from the Bermont beds at the Belle Brasil: Serv. Geol. Min. Brasil., Mon. 4, 665 Glade Rock Pit. p., 24 pis. WATSON, R. B., 1886, Report on the LOCALITY DATA Scaphopoda and Gastropoda collected by 546. Chipo!a Fm., Tenmile Creek, about l 3/4 H.M.S. Challenger. Zoology. v. 15, p. 1-756, miles west of Chipola River (NE 114 Sec. pis. 1-50. 12, TIN, RIOWJ , Calhoun Co., Florida ( WEJSBORD, N. E., 1962, Late Ceno:wic gas­ USGS 2212, "one mile west of Bailey's tropods from northern Venezuela: Bulls. Ferry"). Amer. Paleontology, v. 42, no. 193, 672 p., 48 819. Chipola Fm .. Farley Creek, 0.2 mile west pi s. of bridge of Florida Highway 275 (SW 1/4 WOODRING, W. P., 1959, Geology and paleon­ Sec. 21, TIN, R9W), Calhoun Co., tology of the Canal Zone and adjoining parts Florida. of Panama; Description of Tertiary mollusks 951. Chipola Fm., Tenmile Creek, about 1 114 (Gastropods: Vermetidae to Thaididae); U.S. miles west of Chipola Rive1· (SE 1/4 Sec. Geol. Survey, Prof. Paper 306-B, p. 147-239, 12, TlN, RlOW), Calhoun Co., Florida. pis. 24-38. December 28, 1989 No. 4 Fauna of Chipola Formation -XXXII 139 l a -'!l.i 2 a 1 b 2 b Text fi g. 1, U SNM 445741 (holotype); height 30 mm, diameter 16.5 mm; locality TU 951. Text-fig. 2, USNM 445742 (paratype); height 39 mm, diameter 20 mm; locality TU 546. (Both XI 1/2) .
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